So you don’t think these patents are going after any aspect of Palworld that players would recognize as a defining feature of a Pokémon game?

I mean, there’s like a mechanic where you throw the spheres, right? And this is a very obvious, in your face system [that’s very much like Pokémon]. But I think that it will be a lot more technical than this. Nintendo would have dug through every single action inside the game, they would have probably reverse engineered it, and just find ways to sue these guys.

You can bet your life that Nintendo hates this company, and they couldn’t find an angle with the character designs. This is why they are not mentioned in their press release. So they come with these technical peculiarities. So I personally believe, if you act like this, you can sue like 90 percent of the game developers in the world. I’m sure there’s like thousands of games that have a confirmation screen when you go from sleep mode to resuming the game right, but if you basically trigger the wrath of Nintendo, they will come after you.

  • @[email protected]
    173 hours ago

    This is not business. This is extortion. Palworld has opened a can of worms with a realization that gamers don’t need Pokemon anymore. There can be better alternatives.

  • @[email protected]
    144 hours ago

    Nintendo is one of the worst companies in the videogames world. They need to fail, and I really hope this next switch becomes something worse than WiiU and they disappear from the world.

    However, they won’t. Their fanatics won’t let them. So I can only hope they double down in their anti consumer behaviour to screw as many customers as they can. Because honestly? If after all these years you keep buying a Pokémon game, you deserve to be scammed and abused as a customer.

    • @[email protected]
      09 minutes ago

      My hot take is that even before they flushed their goodwill down the toilet, they were a mediocre company. “Here, buy our 500 dollar console with graphics worse than your phone so you can play the Mario game that we added a magic hat to.”

      Worst and most expensive products in the industry.

    • @[email protected]
      154 hours ago

      They need to fail, and I really hope this next switch becomes something worse than WiiU and they disappear from the world.

      However, they won’t. Their fanatics won’t let them.

      Nintendo is famously one of the most cash rich companies out there. A fiscal report from last year indicated they had USD$9 billion in liquid assets.

      Nintendo isn’t going anywhere anytime soon and it has very little to do with whether or not fanatics “let them”.

      • @[email protected]
        04 hours ago

        Well, I mean, if they are that rich, I’m partial to thinking that it’s their fanatics’ fault buying every shit they release. If a Pokémon game, being as bad as they are, keeps selling in the millions, nobody but their customers is to blame.

  • Jake Farm
    165 hours ago

    I have been boycotting nintendo for a while now. But it seems that for most people, they don’t care how horrid a company is so long as they get to consume.

  • Chozo
    14 hours ago

    I think this is a bad take, and the interviewer seems to contradict himself. He suggests that Nintendo goes after companies who copy them, but also mentions another company they’ve sued for patent infringement for a game that didn’t resemble any Nintendo property. So it seems like it has less to do with whether or not you “trigger the wrath of Nintendo”, and more whether you use their patents or not.

    It should be noted that this is all just conjecture from somebody not related to the case at all. Nothing in this interview reveals any details about the actual case in question.