• @kescusay
    1615 months ago

    She’s going to show up, he won’t, and it’ll be an opportunity to take tough questions without having to share time and a stage with a gasbag idiot.

    • @linearchaos
      605 months ago

      I’m actually kind of worried that this will happen. In that vacuum she’s going to use the time to bridge the gap between the left and the right. The last thing I really want from her is more talk about supporting fracking, more soft stance on Palestine, and more words about hardline on immigration. I get that she’s trying to draw more of the right in politically but I’m also worried that she is dangerously close to having the far left get disenfranchised.

      • @[email protected]
        535 months ago

        Serious question.

        What percentage of the population do you consider ‘Far Left?’

        So radicalized that they actually believe that there’s no difference between Harris and Trump?

        • @WoahWoah
          5 months ago

          It’s a diminishingly small number. For instance Gaza is a loud issue with strong divides. But polling shows it’s a very tiny fraction for whom it’s a deciding factor in their vote preference. It’s just that the tiny fraction of people is very loud, typically young, and on social media like Lemmy.

          For many of this tiny minority, it has become more a personality than a political or even ethical issue. They’re wildly overrepresented in, for instance, discourse on Lemmy; conversely, they represent a tiny, almost meaningless amount of voters who would not vote for Harris because of it, no matter how many all-caps posts they make about EVERYONE ELSE IS VOTING FOR GENOCIDE.

        • @[email protected]
          195 months ago

          A higher % of those over 65 support Israel than the % of those under 35 that support Palestine. Those over 65 vote, those under 35 don’t. That last fact is true no matter the country and no matter if there’s a party centered around what younger people want. It makes no political sense to go and cater to people who won’t vote anyway.

            • @[email protected]
              145 months ago

              And I get it, it sucks but getting elected depends on getting votes and if there’s a group that doesn’t vote no matter what then it’s no wonder the strategy doesn’t revolve around them.

        • Ben
          65 months ago

          I talked to a guy from Springfield - and he says personally he doesn’t think it will make any difference to him whichever one gets in, because right now it’s just talk.

          So his idea basically is that whoever he votes for, he’d gonna get screwed over again… this is the decline of democracy and the rise of the post-truth politicians… in many ways, watching Trump is like watching Putin’s mill putting out news - all fake and contradictory news helping to convince that all news and politicians are fake.

          • @[email protected]
            35 months ago

            Back in the day, I thought that the GOP was silly to start attacking Bill Clinton on Day 1. They screamed about Travel-gate and Vince Foster so much that by the time they had an actual impeachable offence everyone ignored it. If they’d held their fire they could have actually thrown him out. I’ve come to realize that the nonsense attacks were the point; they wanted to muddy the waters so much that no one would pay any attention to politics at all.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        I think the far left (if they’re going to vote) aren’t likely to be pushed away by more moderation from Harris. They’re already far more politically engaged than the vast majority of people. Meanwhile, there are a lot of apolitical people who dislike Trump, but just don’t want to vote and feel like they don’t know enough about Kamala to feel comfortable voting for her (my Catholic Republican mother, for example). I think that group probably has more people in it than the far left does, and more exposure to Kamala’s normalcy relative to Trump is a good thing for swaying them, given the shift in the polls following the last debate. I’ll always be disappointed when the Dems pivot right instead of left, but I think the logic is sound in this case.

        • @linearchaos
          45 months ago

          Each of these swings out into right field are wedges that the right uses to drive people toward independent votes.

        • @linearchaos
          25 months ago

          They will feel that the value of their vote isn’t worth the time to cast it. They will no longer be driven to vote and will stay at home. That this effect will negate, if not cripple, the numbers we’d have even with whatever moderate right can be convinced to vote.

          • LustyArgonian
            15 months ago

            That’s not what disenfranchised means. If someone has a choice to vote, including choosing to abstain, they are not disenfranchised.

            • @linearchaos
              15 months ago

              And yet you still get my point.

                • @linearchaos
                  05 months ago

                  Well apparently you have No problem arguing in bad faith. I’ll give you a little while to read this that I’m just going to block you

    • Funderpants
      205 months ago

      Nah he’ll be there, his ego won’t let him stay away. We’ll have to hear it sane washed as his “just stay tuned” showmanship master plan, but we’ll know it’s just ego.

    • @WoahWoah
      5 months ago

      I actually think that would probably go poorly for Harris. The mistake-tolerance for Harris is tiny because left and left-leaning voters are often hyper-purity idealogues. Trump’s supporters are also working on a purity ideology, but they are extremely mistake-tolerant because their purity test is literally supporting Trump. He’s basically one, long series of mistakes and it barely moves his numbers.

      Harris does not have that luxury by any stretch of the imagination.

      • Ben
        15 months ago

        I’d agree with this - for Trump, it’s basically just a personality thing and his policies and what he says are less relevant (everyone knows he’s just a joker that talks crap… so you should ignore what he ACTUALLY says and trust that he will deliver… sth like that) whereas for Harris, people listen to what she doesn’t say and expect that she’s hiding the fact that she’ll install surgeries in schools to do stealthy operations so she can send Harry home as Harriette…

        I do feel more optimistic that the world can be saved from more Trump - but it’s not yet guaranteed.

        • @IzzyScissor
          25 months ago

          Ironic that Job is the one who goes “koka koka koka kaw” and isn’t pictured.

          Here we have: “Chaw che-chaw che-chaw” “Kookoo ka-CHA” and “A-coodle-doodle-doo”

  • @TheTimeKnife
    455 months ago

    Republicans want to shield their senior citizen from showing off his cognitive decline.

    • @ProfessorProteus
      145 months ago

      Hmm, reminds me of another republican tv-host-turned-president 🤔

    • @DontRedditMyLemmy
      25 months ago

      That’s why they need to make it personal: call him out as scared, he’ll take the bait sure as shit

  • @SulaymanF
    425 months ago

    Trump on Saturday argued it was “too late” to have another presidential debate because Americans have begun casting their ballots in the 2024 election.

    He has no clue when the election is and is looking for an excuse to say no. I’m sure a staffer told him this idea.

    • @DontRedditMyLemmy
      135 months ago

      I heard somewhere that we might expect Trump to flip on this when he realizes it leaves Vance as the last one in the debate spotlight.

    • @Furbag
      115 months ago

      But wait! I thought mail-in ballots were fraud? If only the in-person voting on Nov 5th counts according to Republicans, why is he concerned with people casting their ballots before that date? It’s not November yet, so plenty of time for another debate so Harris can humiliate Trump again.

      The duplicity of the Republican party never ceases to amaze me. I mean, I’m not surprised by their nonsense anymore really, I’m just amazed that there are so many people who have been spoon-fed election lies from Trump and they don’t even blink after an about-face like that.

  • @[email protected]
    395 months ago

    If he saying he’s not going to be there, you know he’s 100% going to be there. He’s many terrible things, but he’s consistent AF when it comes to doing the exact opposite of what comes out of his mouth.

    • @xenoclast
      45 months ago

      He’s a performer, not a politician. He will do anything for an audience. He’s worse than a drug addicted comedian doing anything for attention.

      Once you see him like that. Literally everything he does makes sense.

      He didn’t want to be president and still doesn’t. He just wants the most attention.

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    I’ll just repeat someone else’s idea I saw elsewhere on Lemmy. She and Walz should challenge Trump and Vance to a marksmanship contest down at the gun range. He’d never go for it, but the image is hilarious. Admittedly, it would lose Harris some support from her base, but it would lose Trump a lot more from his to see him being shown up in such a visible way on one of his base’s favorite topics. Harris has stated that she is a gun owner, and you know she’s the type to take safety and skill training before she ever bought one, while on the other hand, if pansy-ass Trump has ever handled a live firearm in his life I will eat my hat. Both VP candidates have military training, but I’d still expect a pretty big skill gap between a decorated career infantry NCO and a newspaper staffer in a uniform.

    • @IzzyScissor
      55 months ago

      It could just be an ad. Show her at the gun range, hitting the mark. Show him going “bing bing bing” since that’s the sound he thinks guns make.

      • @RunningInRVA
        65 months ago

        I don’t like this idea so much. Tensions are high after two attempted assassinations of Trump and I don’t think our VP seen firing guns is going to help to quell any additional violence this election cycle. Also I am disgusted by many GOP members who share photos or political ads of them decked out with guns in front of a Christmas tree or shooting at shit and then turning to the camera to make their pitch to the voters.

        • @IzzyScissor
          55 months ago

          That is a good point, and to be honest, I had completely forgotten about both assassination attempts. When I heard him bring it up during the debate that “he took a bullet to the head”, it just felt like every other crazy grandpa story. Especially since he also says stuff like “they’re eating the dogs and cats”.

          Since there haven’t been any policy changes and no one even seems to WANT policy changes, it’s yet another in the long list of “thoughts and prayers”.

          But agreed on the imagery of how political campaigns look with guns. It gets a bit too “Y’allquaeda”. I just want the campaigns to show him as the whiny baby he is.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      would loose Harris some support from her base

      I disagree with this.

      I think most left leaning people don’t want no guns. We just want responsible gun ownership and issuance, at the bare minimum.

      We recognize that guns, like hammers are tools. They have legitimate uses. The problem comes when people start seeing everything as a nail. Or they don’t properly secure them. Or they give them to people who lack the discipline to properly handle them.

      Or, when people think that having the discipline and cognitive functionality to properly handle a tool that is easily capable of accidental or intentional death… shouldn’t matter.

      I don’t own a gun. I don’t want a gun in my house or anywhere near me. I’ve had a history of depression and who knows when those thoughts will come back around. Or if my wife will have them. Or my kids. I don’t want an exit-button anywhere near me if that ever happens.

      But if you want one? Cool for you. Keep it locked up when you aren’t using it.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        Yeah, I don’t think it would lose her a lot, but some. Little enough that it would be a notable net gain in her favor. I was just acknowledging that it’s a non-zero amount. I’m voting for her, and it wouldn’t bother me any either, as you probably assumed from me suggesting it. I do have opinions on gun control (neither more nor less, just make it better tuned), but I barely consider it when voting because I have much stronger opinions on social safety nets, capital’s disproportionate influence, the health of the environment we live in, and so many other issues.

  • @InverseParallax
    255 months ago

    He’ll do it, but only at Fox, or better yet NewsMax.

    Maybe RT actually.

    • @[email protected]
      245 months ago

      CNN is right wing like FOX now btw

      They changed ownership in 2022 and their ideology and business model was to mimic the tenets of ”journalism” that FOX news uses. Here is a good article on the change and if you’re paying attention you’ll notice their Trump coverage is much friendlier than 4 years ago.

      Why billionaire John Malone’s shadow looms over CNN

      “I would like to see CNN evolve back to the kind of journalism that it started with, and actually have journalists, which would be unique and refreshing,” he said. Then he suggested a model: “Fox News, in my opinion, has followed an interesting trajectory of trying to have ‘news’ news, I mean some actual journalism, embedded in a program schedule of all opinions.”


    • teft
      215 months ago

      Live from Moscow.

    • @acosmichippo
      55 months ago

      truth social live stream brought to you by Liberty Financial.

    • Avid Amoeba
      25 months ago

      She should do it on Fox or Newsmax. Get some words into MAGA voters’ ears that they’re otherwise not allowed to hear.

  • @DontRedditMyLemmy
    165 months ago

    Do it Jeopardy style. Goad him in by saying we’re going to determine who the smartest candidate is once and for all. Invite Stein to keep it interesting.

  • @[email protected]
    145 months ago

    I think October 23rd would be an ideal date to organize anyone with a non-disclosure agreement with Trump to break that agreement en masse and share all the details of what he doesn’t want the public to know.

    It’s be great fodder for the news cycle leading up to Election Day and I doubt Trump has the resources to legally pursue so many people for NDA breaches at the same time.

  • @TokenBoomer
    105 months ago

    I thought Trump was still the president, why are they debating, he can’t serve a third term.

  • @CharlesDarwin
    95 months ago

    Is the butthurt diaper baby not eager for another spanking?

  • @reddig33
    45 months ago

    Once was enough. VP debate is coming soon, then it will be time for the election.

  • @Fedizen
    35 months ago

    trump failing to show up should be marked as fear