• @[email protected]
    53 hours ago

    “how are you doing?”

    “I’m alright”

    “Oh, just alright?”

    Social battery falls to zero

  • @teemrokit
    115 hours ago

    I’ve actually bought some of these for some autistic children I used to work with. It gave them agency, even if they weren’t able to communicate it verbally.

  • Flax
    77 hours ago

    If I see anyone wearing this I will make it a mission to get it down to zero. Then I’ll come up with efficient strategies to grind it down. I’ll try and beat my new best time. I see this as a challenge.

    But the best part is? Once it reaches zero, I leave them alone. Because I still respect them as a person

    • @[email protected]
      11 hour ago

      I really like brutalism, especially when contrasted with greenery. A set of brutalist apartment blocks, with ample space between each of them, which contains native flora would be rather beautiful. The space between the blocks could also be used as a communal barbeque place. Or a fitness trail.

    • @[email protected]
      53 hours ago

      What if they’re working, or have other obligations that require social battery charge? Your personal mission may have ruined their day.

    • @TriflingToad
      64 hours ago

      semi-related but my economics teacher on the first day said “you can’t offend me, I’ve been a national football/baseball/other sport coach for 20 years. I’ve been called every name in the book!”

      3rd week of school as he was talking about how socialism is the devil, showing videos of cubas abandoned builds and stuff, I said “I did the math and you make 0.0006771% of what Jeff bezos makes in a year.”

      He admitted defeat but still didn’t give me extra credit like he said he would as a joke :/

    • @mriormro
      54 hours ago

      Just wearing this isn’t an open invitation for people (read: you) to be pieces of shit and nothing anyone is wearing gives you the right to monopolize their time or energy.

      What the fuck is wrong with you?

    • @Mango
      156 hours ago

      Buddy, this is a good way to get some unlicensed dental work.

    • @multifariace
      24 hours ago

      If you were given me that attention, my gauge would go green.

    • @Sylvartas
      46 hours ago

      Joke’s on you, I would slide it down all the way to zero as soon as I leave home

  • @1995ToyotaCorolla
    189 hours ago

    I wouldn’t take it as a slight. If they’re like me, any social interaction, even a pleasant one drains my battery

  • @angrystego
    119 hours ago

    At first I read it as “Sorry to be a brother…” It’s hard to be a sibling sometimes.

  • @ZILtoid1991
    1611 hours ago

    I was thinking about gamifying spoon theory in a similar manner.

    It’s in Balatro style. Normally, you have a limited number of spoons each day, which you need to spend on doing things. If you overspend one day, it will raise your burnout levels and your meltdown chance, as well as having less spoons for the next few days. However you can gain various extra spoons and/or kitchen utensils, so you can have a better chance at surviving the day.

    • @[email protected]
      229 hours ago

      Isn’t spoon theory just a convoluted way of saying you have limited energy for daily life activities?

      • @[email protected]
        87 hours ago

        Yes but for some reason when you tell people you don’t have energy they don’t believe you. Because they think mental energy is an infinite resources you can just force out or something

        • @[email protected]
          13 hours ago

          I like to use D&D’s concept of spell slots. Some activities are cantrips, I can do them every day no problem. Other activities may need a leveled spell slot, and depending on what else I need to do I might not have a spell slot available, or may need to use a higher level spell slot for a low-level activity.

          Main difference is a long rest IRL doesn’t always give me all my spell slots back.

        • @nelly_man
          66 hours ago

          From the wiki, the idea comes from an essay that somebody has written about a conversation they had with a friend about the struggles of chronic illness. The conversation took place at a restaurant, and she grabbed the spoons for use in a metaphor because there were spoons nearby. She gave her friend a set of spoons, and every time her friend mentioned doing a task, she took a spoon away.

          It could have been anything, but spoons happened to be at hand and she wanted to make a physical representation of an abstract concept. The essay resonated with people, so spoons became entrenched. And now I hear people say that they’re all out of spoons to express the idea that they’ve done all that they can that day.

          • @zeppo
            35 hours ago

            Oh. I thought it was supposed to be about how hard it would be to do stuff while carrying around spoons in your hands all day.

        • @[email protected]
          8 hours ago

          I think it is a case of using a purposefully absurd metaphor because more straight forward ones are too obviously in conflict with basic immutable, toxic aspects of people’s belief systems (drilled and blasted through in their childhoods) that function to labotomize their empathy for the hardships of others.

          You know how like other cultures use fairy tales and myths to talk about taboos or impossible truths so does “western” culture use the absurd framework of spoons to talk about the “impossible” state of being incapable of what the ruling class demands of us daily.

    • @[email protected]
      39 hours ago

      spoon theory

      Thanks for introducing me to a new concept (or at least a term for it), always nice to learn something new.

    • @Evotech
      29 hours ago

      One spoon is enough for me thanks

  • @[email protected]
    511 hours ago

    Imagine a barista with a pin that says “Here are some of the soft skills that this job demands and which I lack.”

    • @pingveno
      11 hour ago

      Yeah, this really is one of those things where if you’re not okay with a little idle chatter, it’s probably not the right job. And I say that out of admiration for baristas and other service workers. I tried working a service sector job when I was young and I didn’t last long. I just wasn’t any good at it.

  • @pyre
    3418 hours ago

    isn’t that how batteries work though

  • Match!!
    3318 hours ago

    imagine flirting with someone and she slides her genderfluid pronoun pin from she/her to he/they

    • @[email protected]
      118 hours ago

      That would be awesome for a person with a compatible gender. Like, you are so interesting and attractive I’m willing to expand my horizons.

    • Of the Air (cele/celes)
      15 hours ago

      Is this supposed to be indicating a problem because like if you like a person why should it matter what gender they are?

    • @Cock_Inspecting_Asexual
      48 hours ago

      Thats gotta be the funniest fucking trans joke I have seen in A LONG TIME.

      IM NOT BEING SARCASTIC BTW, I MEAN THIS. God I wish I could give awards…

  • @[email protected]
    22 hours ago

    Imagine seeing one of these and believing you’re so special that you don’t drain other people’s social batteries. So you get offended when you learn that you do.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      -218 hours ago

      Not everyone feels drained by talking to people. I’d say most people don’t. Some people, a lot of people actually, get energized talking with people.

      • @myplacedk
        98 hours ago

        I believe scientific studies say it’s somewhere around half of each.

        The reason you don’t see that, is because it’s considered socially unacceptable to get socially drained, so we learn to hide it, usually from very young.

        • @GojuRyu
          36 hours ago

          Yeah I was very ready to disagree with it being most people as that is far from my experience. I also come from one of those northern european countries that others describe as cold and closed of because we have a much more introvert aligned culture. And the fact that I’m someone who gets drained probably also biases my sample to more like minded people.

        • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
          27 hours ago

          The point is that you don’t need to think you’re special, or have some unique arrogance to think that you don’t drain people’s batteries. Younger extroverts have no awareness that there are people who get drained through human interactions.

      • @[email protected]
        2517 hours ago

        Not everyone feels drained by talking to people

        And those people wouldn’t be wearing this pin.

        People that feel drained from socializing feel that way with everybody.

        • @[email protected]
          38 hours ago

          I get energized from conversation and would totally wear this pin

          I think it would be funny to slide it up throughout a social event

      • @[email protected]
        2117 hours ago

        I think you described quite accurately the difference between introverts and extroverts.

        Extroverts gain energy with social interaction whereas it costs energy for introverts to be in these social interactions.