• comador
    955 months ago

    So long as they can also set up a semen surveillance department to prosecute men for leaving their jizz between couch cushions and fleshlights.

    • @friend_of_satan
      25 months ago

      I was going to disagree with you about fleshlights, but then I realized that’s how fucking asinine this whole menstrual monitoring bullshit is and it was a good analogy.

      • @Breezy
        5 months ago

        Pretty sure JD would HATE this! Imagine if he has to report all his couch fucking for each of his sperm tax right offs.

  • @Myxomatosis
    725 months ago

    What a fucking psycho. Dude looks like he has a freezer full of chopped-up body parts at his house.

  • @[email protected]
    565 months ago

    Next they will be tracking every time a girl takes a shit or walks outside. These people are sickening.

    • TimeSquirrel
      505 months ago

      It’s a hop, skip, and a jump away from making them cover up head to toe in public and banning them from driving or being seen outside without a man.

      The extremist terrorists were with us in the house the entire time.

      • @foggy
        115 months ago

        Well our yeehawdist gravy seals share another thing with other religious extremists.

        Flags, trucks, needing to control women because they cannot otherwise get laid…

      • @CharlesDarwin
        5 months ago

        The DHS reported on the extreme right being the biggest domestic terrorist threat ages ago. The right freaked out, as expected, and it was quickly played down.

        But the DHS was right.

      • Optional
        35 months ago

        Time to Take Out the Trash

  • @LEDZeppelin
    515 months ago

    This needs to be a political ad in every swing state

      • @Invertedouroboros
        165 months ago

        Fuck it, I’d welcome an invasion at this point provided whatever country did it super pinky promised not to do half the shit Republicans do.

      • @[email protected]
        85 months ago

        I thought yall had plenty of those bootstraps you keep talking about. Couldn’t you help yourselves with those? /s

        • @Jimmyeatsausage
          105 months ago

          They stopped making those…it was cutting into shareholder profits.

        • skulblaka
          95 months ago

          Bootstraps ran out back in the 60’s, we’ve just been getting shoelaces

    • @CharlesDarwin
      165 months ago

      No, we are infected with lots and lots of xtian nationalist bullshit and an antiquated system that overly represents them. We need a system that allows us to ignore them since they are a minority - and let them bray as much as they like, but utterly powerless to tell anyone else how to live their lives.

    • @InverseParallax
      35 months ago

      It’s just the south, they’ve been trash forever, this isn’t anything new.

  • @chronicledmonocle
    405 months ago

    This article is clickbait garbage. What they said is SO MUCH WORSE, but calling it “Menstrual Surveillance” is fucking stupid. While menstruation and pregnancy are obviously related, they’re not the same thing.

    What they actually said is that they want to have states he able to monitor pregnancies so they can know if a woman becomes pregnant, but then suddenly isn’t anymore, so they can question them for an abortion, either illegally in state or out-of-state. Given they’re also pushing to monitor menstrual cycles alongside pregnancies, it’s full on police state shit that goes even further than what is described.

    Clear. Concise. Factual. That’s all you need. The right already gives you what you need to show how fucked up they are. You don’t have to clickbait. It’s dystopian enough on its own.

    • @InverseParallax
      5 months ago

      Having lived in the south, nothing about this is remotely surprising.

      100% guarantee most neighborhoods are starting networks that watch local girls to try to monitor if theyre gaining weight and then take a trip, not that they need to be recruited, they’re just idle pedophiles anyway.

      Now they have something to threaten girls with for their silence…

    • @[email protected]
      55 months ago

      Genuinely wondering: you say they are “pushing to monitor menstrual cycles alongside pregnancy.” How is that not menstrual surveillance? I haven’t dug into this myself but I’m confused by your comment and trying to understand better.

      • @chronicledmonocle
        25 months ago

        They’re pushing for that, but it isn’t what this person was taking about that they quoted. Nowhere in the article does any direct quote say that.

        We know that’s the path they’re going to take by their actions, but they’re extrapolating in an article quoting something else.

  • Riskable
    375 months ago

    Republicans are all about the nanny state. Tracking periods, banning books, deciding who gets to have what medications/medical treatments (instead of doctors), trying to control what websites publish, etc.

  • @Etterra
    295 months ago

    This is seriously fucking weird. “how often have you had blood exit your genitals this month, you filthy female” is not a question that anyone should be asking, especially the government. These freaks couldn’t even point out anatomical features on a picture of a reproductive system (male or female, but especially female). Like bitch, of you can correctly label and describe the function of all the parts of a woman’s sexual anatomy, them maybe you could have some input on the conversation, but even then you still shouldn’t be making other people’s decisions. Go fund some bridge repairs you vile little troglodites. JFC.

  • @[email protected]
    275 months ago

    Miller replied, “Well, he’s made it very clear that he’s not gonna go and weigh in and try to push various states in how they want to go and set up their particular rules and restrictions. That’s gonna be up to the states.”

    Just in case it wasn’t clear, they belive that any level of tyranny is fine as long as it’s state government doing it, not the federal government.

    • @InverseParallax
      145 months ago

      Only because they are less likely to control the federal government.

      In the past they demanded free states enforce the fugitive slave act, and sent people into free states to kidnap free men into slavery.

    • @shalafi
      105 months ago

      Started watching that with my wife last night. The rewatch angers the fuck out of me far more than it did in 2017.

    • @Linnce
      25 months ago

      I could not get past the first season, it was so sickening

  • @[email protected]
    225 months ago

    I cannot wait for Walz vs. Vance. Vance seems like what these people are, distilled. It’ll be poetic to watch him get torn apart by a teacher

    • @just_another_personOP
      215 months ago

      There’s a great reason they are keeping him from doing real public events, and have instead opted to do these tightly controlled bits. He can’t even do those and come off as relatable anyway, so the debate is going to be pretty wild.

  • @BenLeMan
    215 months ago

    Aren’t these weirdos just ASKING to be sent tons of used hygiene products for their perusal? I’m sure if enough ladies volunteered, that would soon quench their thirst for knowledge about your bodily functions.

    Or…they would totally get off on this. Yeah, it’s probably a fetish.

  • @[email protected]
    195 months ago

    the old “states’ rights to impose their own laws in other states.” because that worked out so well for them in the 1800s

  • @nemonic187
    185 months ago

    This chinless taint stain looks like a canned ham got dropped on the floor of a merkin factory.

  • @Zomg
    185 months ago

    Seems Taliban-ish to me, which is sadly ironic.

    • @InverseParallax
      5 months ago

      How is it ironic? The party was hijacked by the dixiecrats whose single issue was Jim Crow.

      They’re talibangelists, just with a slightly different prophet.

      Trump is their second coming of Jesus, because he tells them exactly what they want to hear, therefore he must be God.