• @[email protected]
    64 hours ago

    I remember in the very early 2000s online when people were talking about the superiority of the west and how the west had problems, but due to the west’s unique ability to debate and have introspection (no joke, some believed that no other culture does that) they solved those issues forever.

    And those were not just wrong. They were wrong in the most embarrassing ways imaginable, and also probably Trump voters now.

  • @[email protected]
    14 hours ago

    Ok, surely we have to be in a media bubble by this point right? I know Lemmy leans left, but still. Where are the articles quoting non-fabricated stuff Democrats have said that makes them look bad? It can’t be that I only see atricles quoting Republican politicians because only they say the dumbest, brain-worm hot takes out loud, right?

    • @Treczoks
      65 hours ago

      Or praising Hitler. I would not be overly surprized if he did.

      • Tiefling IRL
        44 hours ago

        That would probably make his ratings shoot up the way this country is going

    • @HeyThisIsntTheYMCA
      76 hours ago

      What’s your bet how long it takes? I’m thinking it takes about ten days.

      • @[email protected]
        45 hours ago

        Hmm. I’ll go ahead and give him two weeks.

        There’ll be a slip before then, but it will be deniable, like he muttered it to himself and people aren’t 100% sure.

  • 2ugly2live
    2914 hours ago

    The man who can’t even stand up straight and apparently smell like shit warmed over is going to tell immigrants they’re the ones with bad genes. Sure, Maggat.

  • @IchNichtenLichten
    10317 hours ago

    I’ll never understand this “behold the master race” type bullshit. Take Trump for example, he started off in life with every conceivable advantage and turned out to be phenomenally stupid, lazy, and amoral.

    Meanwhile there are people with darker skin who came to the US with nothing and have worked their asses off to get ahead. They pay their taxes, don’t commit crimes, and are a net positive to the US - all the while being demonized by Trump and his dumbfuck fanbase.

      • Cadeillac
        1915 hours ago

        He’s clearly superior due to being immune from hanging

    • @Wrench
      1115 hours ago

      Because we’re chimps. Tribalism is in our DNA. And unfortunately, education and socialization doesn’t simply solve the problem.

      There will always be a battle against those who feed the primitive ape brain for their own selfish purposes.

      That is human nature in a nutshell.

      • @foggy
        14 hours ago

        Grinding my teeth as I’m peddling uphill

        The fight against ape-hood is fate versus free will

        We think we’ve advanced but there’s nowhere to go

        Mammals stay captive to animal actions

        So slowly we climb up this DNA brick wall

        Addicted to emptiness, anger and pitfalls

        Desire for space, territory, or lust

        We’ll eventually turn this whole planet to dust

      • @[email protected]
        414 hours ago

        I feel like you’re downplaying the part about it being amplified for profit, and overemphasizing the part about it being genetic.

        “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

        That describes a large part of our entire society for the past 50 years. As we’ve noticed our pockets being picked, they’ve had to up the distractions.

        • @Wrench
          213 hours ago

          Did I?

          those who feed the primitive ape brain for their own selfish purposes.

          I wasn’t talking about your home grown racist. I was talking about the ones feeding that division for their own power and profit.

          My point is that our ape brains have an inclination towards Us vs Them. Education and socialization combats this base instinct, but there will always be people who aim to counteract those efforts so they can easily manipulate the chimp brains for their own gain.

          • @[email protected]
            112 hours ago

            The Amygdaloids, you mean: the 30% or so that seems to be a human constant of fearful, somewhat self-centred, and comfortably authoritarian. Combined with the sociopaths, you get fascist behaviour.

            Homo Narratus is particularly susceptible to stories that direct behaviour. Not just propaganda, but ideology. We need to justify our participation in our own oppression.

            It’s both genetics and a ploy.

    • @Fredselfish
      1316 hours ago

      To be fair Trump is orange maybe orange people are dumb and inferior, we don’t know haven’t met any orange people. But his kids are all just as dumb so it definitely in the genes with them. The rest of us are human and come in all shades and intelligences.

  • @[email protected]
    18 hours ago

    Can he just legally change his name to Hitler so we can get this over with? Yes we know you’re all ok with voting for literal Hitler, Magoos. Can you just take the stupid mask off? You hated masks when it was about public safety so why wear the mask to cover your Hitler now?

    • Diplomjodler
      2918 hours ago

      What mask? They’ve been fully mask off pretty much from day one.

    • @[email protected]
      1317 hours ago

      You’d think a name with that history would disuade voters but Id wager it wouldn’t. Mussolini’s still win seats in Italy and Marcos wins in the Philippines. My hope in the average persons ability to stand up to fascism has never been lower.

    • @Olgratin_Magmatoe
      414 hours ago

      Even if he did that, and people called him out for it, the response would be “Haha get triggered libtard”, “You commies can’t take a joke”, and so on. There is nothing he can do wrong in their eyes.

  • @Buffalox
    1013 hours ago

    I bet he means his wife and parents.
    Melania is fundamentally an illegal emigrant, as she was allowed on false pretense on an Einstein Visa.
    I wonder what corruption was behind that?

    The MAGA crowd has chosen what they despise as their leader. The parallels to Hitler are endless.

  • @[email protected]
    2617 hours ago

    Ironically, actual peer reviewed science has stated, in almost complete agreement across the world, that conservatives are literally mentally inferior to non-conservatives.

    Every accusation from liberals and their pals the right wingers is a confession. Weird how the rule holds true even now.

    • @[email protected]
      315 hours ago

      As a result of not being smart enough to properly interpret some scientific research, a dumb person thinks they are smart because of their political beliefs. lol It’s a great example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

  • nifty
    713 hours ago

    Anyone who thinks they’re the “good” immigrant who Trump wouldn’t think of like this, I have a bridge to sell you…

  • @Rapidcreek
    1317 hours ago

    What an old, pathetic racist he is…

  • @Sanctus
    1117 hours ago

    He’s said this before with the tainted blood statements. Its the same eugenics bullshit. Its why his constituents are here.