Supreme Court Justice John Roberts has been left “shaken” by the unexpected public reaction to his ruling in the Donald Trumppresidential immunity case, a columnist wrote Friday.

Slate’s judicial writer Dahlia Lithwick wrote that Roberts was left shocked that Americans didn’t buy his attempt to persuade them that his ruling was not about Trump, but instead focused on the office of the presidency. The court ruled that a president was largely immune from criminal prosecution for official actions.

Lithwick referenced a report by CNN’s Joan Biskupic. He “was shaken by the adverse public reaction to his decision affording [Donald] Trump substantial immunity from criminal prosecution," she wrote.

"His protestations that the case concerned the presidency, not Trump, held little currency.”

  • @leadore
    123 hours ago

    Maybe this columnist thinks he’s “shaken”, but I doubt it. The reason he acted in a more moderate way before was that the Christian Nationalist justices didn’t have a strong majority and the ability to impose their agenda with impunity. The minute they had a 6-3 majority, he knew they could do whatever they wanted, and they have.

    The only thing we can do about it now is elect as many Dems as possible to the House and Senate and pressure them to impose term limits and expand the Court, things that should have been done a long time ago.

    And please, regardless of whether you think your vote for POTUS will count, vote anyway and fill out your full ballot because you have much more influence on your State legislature and local offices, which is where so many things that affect your life are decided.

    • @mojofrododojo
      17 minutes ago

      Maybe this columnist thinks he’s “shaken”, but I doubt it.

      cover for the next batch of heinous shit they’re gonna pull

  • Optional
    63 hours ago

    What this says to me is that he and other members of his majority live in a kind of bubble.

    What this says to me is a veteran reporter covering the SCROTUS is just now realizing this.

  • @Wrench
    446 hours ago

    Shaken?! SHAKEN?

    Like like the women of America were shaken when their rights to bodily autonomy were taken from them?

    Or like when the American people were shaken when they discovered that our nation’s checks and balanced were completely corrupted? That they will do nothing to stop a dictatorship and the end of democracy?

    Or shaken by the knowledge that the highest court in the country is colluding with the lower courts to bring specific cases through the appeals systems so they can make predetermined rulings, effectively writing their own laws and subverting the basic foundation of law in our country?

    Shaken. Yeah, go fuck yourself Roberts.

  • themeatbridge
    64 hours ago

    Won’t somebody think of the oligarchy!

  • @EvilBit
    377 hours ago

    I don’t want him feeling “shaken”. I want him to know, deep down, undeniably to the very core of his soul, that he is a blight on humanity. He is devoid of honor and value by any moral measure. His existence on earth and in this society has done vastly more harm than good and humanity would have been better off if he had never been born. I want him to wake up every day and feel that more deeply and truly than he can feel his own breathing.

    Then the rest of the list, too: Trump, Mitch McConnell, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity. Alito, Kavanaugh, Thomas, Barrett. Gym Jordan, Mike Johnson. Steve Miller, the list goes on and on. Selfish monsters that I only wish knew how little they deserve the lives they live.

  • @[email protected]
    13 hours ago

    Lithwick pointed to legal reporter Linda Greenhouse, who asked on Slate’s podcast how Roberts could "have been so clueless about where this opinion was going to leave a court that has already been really battered in public opinion ever since the run-up to Dobbs?… What this says to me is that he and other members of his majority live in a kind of bubble.”

    He may have been able to persuade himself that he was doing something positive. Alito and Thomas don’t live in a bubble. They are very consciously forcing their dogma on the rest of us with no sense of guilt or shame.

  • @[email protected]
    779 hours ago

    He doesn’t fear enough.

    Assuming I believe anything he says in the first place. We are so divided that he won’t see consequences.

    • @[email protected]
      429 hours ago

      Tbh I’m low-key waiting for someone to try taking a shot at one or more members of the Tribunal of Six. They’re so obviously standing in the way of progress in so many ways. They’re only appointed for life, after all. Someone’s going to take advantage of the darker side of that statement at some point. Roberts and his ilk should be scared.

      • @IMongoose
        268 hours ago

        Ya, idk why people are surprised about the consequences of one party trying its damnedest to make the last box of liberty the only protected box. Like, what did they expect?

      • @[email protected]
        106 hours ago

        It’s honestly wild that two people have tried to take a shot at Trump first. Trump’s just a useful idiot to these fuckers, the real assholes that are destroying our country are the ones on the Supreme Court.

  • Miles O'Brien
    389 hours ago

    I really want someone to press one of these people on camera.

    “Donald Trump has promised at multiple rallies to end the democratic process by eliminating the need to vote, and this is extremely dangerous to our democracy, therefore it is an official act of the office e of the president to order a hit on DJT, Seal teams 3 and 5 are en-route now. Such an act is official, and necessary for the country to survive therefore Joe Biden is completely immune from any prosecution.”

    I just want to know for sure what the reaction would be. I’m sure pearl clutching indignation (because someone thought of their idea but flipped the victims around)

    • @[email protected]
      8 hours ago

      It’s really a situation that ought to resolve itself. If the justices vote anything as an official act is perfectly legal, then threaten those justices that voted that way with violence, assassination, nothing is off the table apparently as long as it’s an official act, and reverse that decision with the remaining justices, done and dusted.

      I really don’t see the problem here. It’s all been declared perfectly legal, nothing is off the table, it sends a strong message that this democracy will be maintained by whatever means necessary, and that as long as the president is Democrat at least, then any attempt at an all powerful king or Führer will automatically undo itself. An abrogation of power done through wielding that very power itself would be a beautiful thing to behold.

      In fact, the Supreme Court justices would make a better target than Trump himself even. Trump is a political rival and it could be argued that it’s Biden supporting the election of a candidate from his own party. Meanwhile targetting the Supreme Court justices would be defending basic democracy, fighting for the freedom from a despotic tyrant - the very supposed foundation of the country we’re talking about, changing the composition of the Supreme Court and weakening the powers of the presidency itself, which definitely sounds like official acts rather than those of a candidate or private individual.

    • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
      27 hours ago

      About the only silver lining to Trump’s inevitable re-attempt to steal the election is that he won’t be President during the election. If he wins he won’t make the same mistake of appointing people with even a shred of ethics. He’ll rig it to give himself a 3rd term or be kingmaker for the next gen of American dictators.

  • @[email protected]
    10 hours ago

    He should be. There is no way that the constitution had immunity in mind for the president. George Washington would be flipping some tables in the supreme court if he was alive.

    • Refurbished Refurbisher
      228 hours ago

      The fact that the Supreme Court gave themselves the ability to effectively unilaterally write federal laws with Marbury v Madison was already massively overstepping bounds and the concept of checks and balances.

      We need to overturn Marbury v Madison.

    • @kmartburrito
      119 hours ago

      They would all be challenged to gentlemen’s duels so quickly, for abdicating their honor.

    • @grue
      37 hours ago

      They would literally be shooting the tyrants.

  • @just_another_person
    9 hours ago

    Good. He deserves all of it for making such an obviously partisan and foolish ruling.

  • @[email protected]
    16412 hours ago

    He’s not serious. Roberts is an arch conservative and has been for a long time. This is posturing to try and paint himself as a moderate, like he has been doing since before he was appointed to the bench. Fuck him.

    • @Eatspancakes84
      14 hours ago

      How could he possibly have been surprised by the response? They are with 9 judges. Three vehemently disagreed with the ruling and even Barret partially disagreed. It’s not like he was looking for some compromise ruling that all judges signed onto. Pathetic reporting.

      • @[email protected]
        13 hours ago

        He wasn’t. He’s trying to maintain the image that he’s above the fray while being deep in it

    • @[email protected]
      7511 hours ago

      “You mean my radical and insane interpretations of the law are insane and radical?”.

      Yeah, he fucking knows and is a piece of shit like the rest of these disingenuous monsters

    • @rayyy
      59 hours ago

      The Extreme Court has made itself irrelevant, useless and obsolete.

      • @krashmo
        98 hours ago

        None of that is true in any way. They are a relevant, useful, very much still in use, tool for conservatives to undermine democracy. I don’t understand why you chose a single one of those descriptors.

  • @RememberTheApollo_
    229 hours ago



    He will forget about it quickly. Until it comes back to haunt him. Then he will engage in mental gymnastics to justify it.

  • @halcyoncmdr
    10512 hours ago

    Unexpected? How the fuck is backlash about a ruling saying the President is above the law unexpected?

    • @Myxomatosis
      5612 hours ago

      For real. He’s either being completely disingenuous or he’s really that much of an oblivious asshole.

      • @rockSlayer
        11 hours ago

        Unbelievably, he managed to underestimate the political awareness of the US public to his office. The bar was already on the floor.

    • @Omodi
      1610 hours ago

      He has gotten away with it for along time.

    • @Zombiepirate
      2611 hours ago

      Exactly. How can he claim to be shocked when the dissent told him why he’s a monster? Dude is a liar.