• @[email protected]
    44 hours ago

    Used to think that cis people normally think that they are girls or dislike their genitals, and that it was a phase I would grow out of. I didn’t, it just got worse and it was from browsing r/egg_irl and r/traa that made me realize that I was wrong and in-denial.

  • @11111one11111
    13 hours ago

    That Tom Brady was a product of a winning system and would be average at best if he played with another organization. What made me realize I was wrong? Fuckin ring number 7 and our (the Bills) absolute owning of New England ever since he left.

  • spicy pancake
    34 hours ago

    I thought that the human body was incapable of making glucose. Learned about gluconeogenesis during a university nutrition course

  • KingJalopy
    96 hours ago

    Thinking the words, “just calm down” in the heat of an argument with my wife will actually work if I just try it enough times. Mathematically it should but it seems math doesn’t care about that.

  • @[email protected]
    7 hours ago

    Being Mormon.

    They always told us that people who gave us anti-mormon literature just made stuff up and it was Satan’s way of tempting us. They said to never take any anti-mormon literature and if someone did give it to you then to throw it away without reading.

    But at the same time they taught us that the Mormon church was the true church. And they also taught us truth was absolute. Well, i figured if truth is absolute, and if the church was THE true church then it would be able to withstand any criticism. So i read anti mormon literature, like the CES letter. From there i did my own research about various things and found that the Mormon church made up a lot of stuff and did lots of gaslighting.

    There was some specific issues that i also had been struggling with, like their treatment of women, gays, and black men/women. That also helped push me to want to make sure if the Mormon church was really true. And it wasn’t. Now i can love my friends unconditionally.

  • ComradeSharkfucker
    10 hours ago

    I thought I’d live a comfortable stable life pursuing the sciences for the sake of knowledge. I learned in the past year or two through studying political economy and climate science that this is pretty unlikely. These days idk what to do. I want to do something more useful, I want to help people but it all feels quite hopeless. It often feels like revolution is the only option but I fear it may even be too late for that. We are already past the point where hundreds of millions will die and be displaced. We are already past the point of inevitable severe famine and societal collapse in many places. We aren’t even accomplishing damage control and it feels like most people don’t even dare acknowledge it.

    • @[email protected]
      37 hours ago

      If it makes it any easier, those hundreds of millions of people are going to die anyway, the only tragedy about it is that it’s from something we could technically prevent or mitigate, but most things are like that… Traffic, smoking, guns, unhealthy diet… The climate changing isnt really going to affect the earth, our short sightedness and ignorance will just make lots of areas we can comfortable live in now much less comfortable or unlivable entirely. It’s going to suck, but do what you can with what you have and just the fact that you know enough to care means you have something to offer.

      • ComradeSharkfucker
        6 hours ago

        You are vastly underestimating what will happen if we allow things to continue as they are. We are already at the point of severe famine and 100’s of millions dying and global emissions have continued to increase at essentially the same rate as before every year. Every day that we do nothing the list of dead grows longer. If I were to do nothing but watch then I would consider myself complicit. I think the worst part is that we all know exactly who is responsible but still somehow do nothing about it. I’m genuinely honestly shocked that we don’t see them all as the mass murderers they are. This cannot be a sane world.

        Despite this, I do appreciate the condolences.

  • @lohky
    3211 hours ago

    That my dad cared about or respected me. After a family dinner, my wife asked me if he always talked about me like that and it just kind of clicked. Things like telling my kid, “If you play too many video games, they’ll melt your brain like your dad” or “why would anyone pay you that much” when I told them that I broke a six figure salary. She made me realize that this wasn’t normal and I didn’t have to sit there and listen to it just because of who he is.

    I haven’t spoken to him or really any of my side of the family in almost two years now. Good riddance.

  • @hushable
    2311 hours ago

    As a non American who has never been to the US, but grew up well within its sphere of cultural influence.

    I thought that about half of the population was black, maybe 40% minimum. I was surprised to learn that it was just above 10% in reality.

  • @HootinNHollerin
    2 hours ago

    Rinsing after brushing teeth. The fluoride in the toothpaste should stay on your teeth for to be effective. So you should floss, then brush, and wait to rinse

    • @phoneymouse
      34 hours ago

      I floss, rinse, then brush. The fluoride content of toothpaste is much higher than rinse, so I’d rather end having that on my teeth than a weaker dose from the rinse.

    • @garbagebagel
      46 hours ago

      I learned last year that you’re supposed to floss BEFORE you brush. I have no idea why no one ever taught me that.

      • @phoneymouse
        4 hours ago

        Yeah you loosen up every thing and then brush it out. Actually, I floss, swish, then brush. I end with brush by because the fluoride concentration in toothpaste is much much higher than in most fluoride mouthwash. I’d rather leave that on my teeth after I’m done.

  • 2ugly2live
    10 hours ago

    Cocoa has an “a” at the end of it. I was in college and was like, “haha, they spelled it weird.” Nope, just a dumbass.

    A BLT is literally just bacon, lettuce, and tomato. I thought it was just the toppings on the base meat (like how a pepperoni pizza inculdes bread, sauce, etc.). I don’t like bacon or raw tomato, so I never had one.

    There is no bone in the penis. I swore there was one until I made it to 3D molding and, as we were going over different body parts and their movement, I asked my male friend “Hey, where’s the penis bone/muscle.” He looked at me like I had two heads. I assumed it could do tricks, like waving and stuff. 🤷🏿‍♀️

  • @[email protected]
    1311 hours ago

    I thought I was straight for about 17 years, thinking that also being attracted to men was just something everyone experienced.

  • @[email protected]
    1512 hours ago

    Shame about sex stuff, because of growing up in a Christian household. Took me until my 20s before I was comfortable with… everything.

    Now I have over a grand in Bad Dragon stuff and another grand in other fun things and I’m basically asexual so I rarely use anything. BUT WHEN I DO… we get WEIRD about it.

    • Wolfeh
      24 hours ago

      Nothing wrong with being weird! Sometimes we all have to take Chances.

  • @[email protected]
    6415 hours ago

    Raised conservative christian, took a disgustingly long time to lose some of my shittier takes

    • @[email protected]
      58 hours ago

      Don’t beat yourself up. Seriously.

      I was able to break free early partly due to how absurd the hypocrisy became. My mother was going to hell, not because she’s a cold narcissist, but a Jew and a ‘practitioner’ of new age bullshit. And my father saw nothing at all wrong with this type of belief.

      Not to mention he was pretty racist (though in a ‘subtle’ way), while helping raise my adopted Korean sister.

      I was lucky that he and my mother were such atrociously bad examples of how to deal with others, that I vowed to never be like them.

    • @nickiwest
      2413 hours ago

      I recently saw a shirt for sale online that says, “I’m sorry for everything I said when I was evangelical,” and that really just about sums it up.

    • @[email protected]
      2214 hours ago

      Fellow former conservative christian here, and I share that pain. I eventually came around thanks to a LOT of patience from friends who understood my background.

      I try to pay it forward by putting myself out there and extending a hand to anyone looking to understand and accept others. I have had decent success with anyone who asks in good faith.

    • @24_at_the_withers
      1114 hours ago

      Same. Lost a very good friend because I was too slow to change, lost my family because I did.

      • bean
        34 hours ago

        I’m sorry friend 🫂

  • Uriel238 [all pronouns]
    5 hours ago

    Until I was 24 or 25 I believed that women were disinterested in sex, and that sexual relationships were wholly transactional. I also thought I was hidiously undatable.

    Nope. Wrong on all counts.

    • @theherk
      15 hours ago

      I’m in my 40’s and I still vacillate on this. :)

  • magnetosphere
    1613 hours ago

    Until well into adulthood, I assumed that Katherine Hepburn and Audrey Hepburn were mother and daughter. A few years ago, I overheard some TV documentary saying that Katherine Hepburn never had any children. They’re not related in any way. I was shocked.

    • @hactar42
      212 hours ago

      Reminds me of when I was a kid watching Annie, I figured since it was set in the 1930s, it was filmed back then. I got really confused when I was a teenager and saw a rerun of the Carrol Burnett Show.