Former Republican congresswoman Liz Cheney slammed House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) — stating she has “no faith” Johnson will “fulfill his constitutional obligations” as they pertain to certifying the 2024 election.

In an interview on NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday, moderator Kristen Welker — who had just interviewed Johnson moments earlier — brought in Cheney and asked her to weigh in.

“You just heard how the House Speaker answered my questions about whether he would certify the election results,” Welker said. “Do you have faith that this election will be free and fair and that there will be a peaceful transfer of power?”

Cheney proceeded to voice a complete lack of confidence that Johnson would certify the election if former President Donald Trump lost.

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  • @[email protected]
    5423 hours ago

    Would not certifying the results mean that Joe Biden would remain as President? If they wanted to fuck around for too long, Biden could resign which would mean his Vice President would become President.

    • n1ckn4m3
      116 hours ago

      If the speaker refuses to certify the election and neither candidate gets the electoral votes to win, it moves to a contingent election where the House votes for the President and the Senate votes for the vice-president.

      Biden will not remain in power, the contingent election would be forced and the House would obviously vote for Trump. Then someone who lost the popular vote and lost the electoral college would miraculously have won the election.

      • @Maggoty
        23 hours ago

        And we either put several million people on the streets in DC or lose our democracy at that moment.

        That said there is something nobody is accounting for. If Trump loses the election the GOP could just abandon him at that point. Declare him the weird intern who only ever did coffee runs.

    • Kairos
      22 hours ago

      This is correct, and he would have another 6 years left maximum however long he’s alive actually.

      Term limits only apply to the elections in the US, not time spent in office. The maximum amount of time anyone can spend as president and still be elected is one day less than 6 years.

      • n1ckn4m3
        26 hours ago

        This is not true. If the speaker refuses to certify the election and neither candidate gets the electoral votes to win, it moves to a contingent election where the House votes for the President and the Senate votes for the vice-president.

        Biden will not remain in power, the contingent election would be forced and the House would obviously vote for Trump. Then someone who lost the popular vote and lost the electoral college would miraculously have won the election.

        • Kairos
          26 hours ago

          Are you sure about that? That happens if they refuse to certify?

            • Kairos
              13 hours ago

              IDK why it’s set to six years to be re-elected. It’s probably there for convenience? Of a sort.

              If an ex-vice-president served even one minute as acting president, then if the limit was two terms they wouldn’t be able to serve two terms.

  • @[email protected]
    1391 day ago

    Also important to know, if democrats take back the house, Johnson would no longer be speaker at the time the presidential election is certified. It’s the next congress, not the current one, that will certify the vote. New congress is seated on January 3rd 2025, and the presidential election certification is on January 6th 2025.

  • @CharlesDarwin
    551 day ago

    If that happens, the cons should remember that their court gave Biden the ability to do whatever he wants while still in office.

    • @BeMoreCareful
      923 hours ago

      I believe it is subject to to the court’s rule.

      • @Maggoty
        23 hours ago

        To which a President may say, “the court and what army?”

        • @davepleasebehave
          -1019 hours ago

          which will be the proof that Dems want to seize power.

          • @[email protected]
            1111 hours ago

            As far as I’m concerned, if they actually refuse to certify the election and try to tip the US into an authorization regime, the gloves come off. No more worrying about how things look, how the Republicans will feel, how they will respond when it’s their turn. They don’t get another fucking turn after that.

            • @chaogomu
              17 hours ago

              Yup, at that point, round up Musk and Thiel, Leonard Leo, the Repubs who refuse to certify, the Jackasses on the court, the rich assholes who have bribed the jackasses on the court, and anyone who has any power at all and on project 2025 or their schedule F list, and put them up against the wall.

              Biden should then pull the trigger on Trump and Vance (for that personal touch) and then take his place at the end of the line. Because once house has been cleaned, the cleaner is also reveled to be a monster needing to be put down.

              But yeah, I doubt Biden will have the balls to do any of that.

  • @SeattleRain
    -138 hours ago

    I hadn’t thought of that but yeah this is how Trump wins. This is going to be so hilarious. I’m sure Democrats will blame everyone but themselves for coddling the fascist GOP for generations.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      6 hours ago

      I’m sure Democrats will blame everyone but themselves

      It’s definitely going to be the fault of

      • Jill Stein, for winning a critical swing 0.4% of the vote

      • Muslim Voters, because they secretly approve of the genocides in the Middle East and hope Trump will do them even harder

      • Evil Foreign Governments, the root cause of everything bad on the internet. They want a Trump Presidency because he will cause US foreign policy to become weak, soy, and too friendly to foreigners

  • @[email protected]
    741 day ago

    Jesus fuck I so wish that the producers in the back room would just tell the anchors to rhetorically take the gloves off when Trump or Vance or some other fuckstick tries to outright lie and propagandize with racist and nationalist dog whistles on national fucking television. Or at the very least just cut their mic and tell the idiot fuck to leave immediately or be escorted out.

    Only one side of the desk is conducting the interview in a civil fashion. The other refuses to. This is the paradox of tolerance in action, live, on television, streaming to the whole fucking country.

    • @Maggoty
      13 hours ago

      The anchors clearly wish so too. As evidenced by the network running the second debate agreeing to no muting of mics or fact checking. Only for the moderators to do both.

    • TTH4P
      2523 hours ago

      You gotta remember that the heads of these media conglomerates are rich people at the end of the day. A lot of their interests align with Trump. The irony is Trump screams and cries that the media is biased against him, the very media constantly and actively propping him up.

  • @jordanlundM
    791 day ago

    Speaker Johnson has no role in certifying the election, that’s the job of the President of the Senate, Kamala Harris.

    • @[email protected]
      1 day ago

      It takes 1/5 of the house and 1/5 of the Senate to object to election certification results. He’s the leader of the Republicans in the house and could lead them to these objections. You’re supposed to have evidence of some kind of wrongdoing but… Welp.

      Edit: Was informed by a comment above that if Dems take the house, he would no longer be speaker at the time of the certification. Certification is Jan 6, but the new Congress is installed on Jan 3. VOTE!

      • @[email protected]
        391 day ago

        Recent history in the US is certainly a lesson in what happens if “supposed to” is tested.

        • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
          49 hours ago

          General Mark Milley, then Chair of the Joint Chiefs, made clear in private and later in public, that Trump lost the election and would not remain in power. “We are the guys with the guns,” he is quoted as saying.

          No reason to think the new Chair, General Brown, won’t be as committed to his oath. Can’t happen without him.

      • SnausagesinaBlanket
        161 day ago

        We all know they are already weighing all their options to cheat.

    • themeatbridge
      191 day ago

      The House and the Senate hold a joint session. He’ll have some ceremonial participation, which he could use to stall and obstruct, but he can’t really stop the certification process.

  • @[email protected]
    -281 day ago

    Why are you platforming Liz fucking Cheney? I heard the grand wizard of the KKK is worried about a Trump presidency, why don’t we interview him? Maybe do a seance and see how Henry Kissinger feels.

    • JaggedRobotPubes
      2623 hours ago

      She’s on the right side of this issue, and has been publicly, at great personal cost. Let her help for Christ’s sake.

      • @[email protected]
        23 hours ago

        Associating with a torture advocate who claims Obama is a Kenyan Muslim is a bad look, even if they’re correct on this one issue.

        The people who like her, islamophobes who believe the CIA should be torturing muslims who have never been charged with a crime, are not going to vote for Kamala. Even if Kamala came out and said she and Liz Cheney were going to feed every Muslim to a wood chipper, those people will still vote for the party everyone knows hate Muslims more.

        The people who don’t like her, people who believe in basic human dignity, are more likely to stay home when they see the democrats trotting her out.

        There’s millions of other people who are right on this issue, most of them have not spent the last 20 years defending the Iraq war.

    • @chemical_cutthroat
      261 day ago

      And here we have a prime example of cutting off your nose to spite your face…

      • @[email protected]
        -151 day ago

        Do you think platforming Liz Cheney looks good to anyone who isn’t already “vote blue no matter who”?

        Trump managed to look dovish next to the butcher of Libya in 2016, despite his big criticism of her Libya policy being that we didn’t steal their oil. Using a torture advocate to represent your party does not help your cause.

        • Drusas
          191 day ago

          Yes. There do still exist Republican voters who imagine or want the Republican party to be what it was in the pre-Trump days. It is those people she is speaking to.

          • @[email protected]
            -131 day ago

            “For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin!”

            Yall learned nothing in 2016. Fascists will never vote for diet-fascism when the real thing is right there.

    • @[email protected]
      1023 hours ago

      Maybe do a seance and see how Henry Kissinger feels.

      Of all the shitty things happening recently it’s always nice to be reminded that Kissinger is finally dead. At least sometimes good things happen.

  • @TropicalDingdong
    -511 day ago

    Put the ghoul back in the closet. Harris, you’ve dropped 4 points since adopting the “lets campaign with the family who destroyed a generation” political dynasty.