The McDonald’s restaurant where Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump briefly worked on Sunday failed its last health inspection, documents show.

The former president manned the fry station and served takeout to people in the drive-thru lane in Feasterville-Trevose in Bucks County, a key swing voter area in battleground Pennsylvania. The restaurant was closed to the public for Trump’s visit.

Trump, a big fan of McDonald’s food and a self-professed germophobe, wore an apron over his shirt and tie but did not wear gloves or a hairnet during his visit, stating that his hands were “nice and clean.” According to the Meidas Touch, he went straight to work without washing his hands.

Employees not washing their hands was one of the reasons that restaurant failed its most recent inspection.

  • @dhork
    1544 months ago

    And when the place gets investigated over this, the owner is going to complain that its due to his Trump support, when in reality he was just looking for a way to ignore regulations. Trump supporters always get upset when rules are applied equally to them.

    • themeatbridge
      894 months ago

      I looked at the reviews, and thought it was getting review bombed with stuff like “Miserable employee at the window” and “unclean and made me sick” but then I noticed those reviews wwre from months ago.

  • @foggy
    1334 months ago

    They just let a guy with a diaper and no hair net in their kitchen.

    Not surprised.

    • @rayyy
      444 months ago

      a guy with a diaper and no hair net in their kitchen

      A diaper full of shit, a bunch of long loose hair and unwashed hands. Didn’t follow directions. Got things wrong. Photo-op all the way.

  • @[email protected]
    1144 months ago

    “The restaurant was closed to the public for Trump’s visit.”

    He didn’t even get the full experience of taking actual customer orders and being told how dumb he is and the food thrown back at him because they claim to have asked for no ketchup and extra mayo and the burger had ketchup.

    • HubertManne
      494 months ago

      wait what?! So he is being lead through the fry making process for nothing. What is the point.

      • @Kbobabob
        154 months ago

        What is the point.

        To own the Libs obviously. Kamala Harris’ first job was McDonald’s so Trump had to do it, better.

        • @Dainterhawk999B
          114 months ago

          That too without any customers… Bcoz he feared he might be egged or hurled with orders for his illogical blatant of why Trump burgers are way better

      • @Valmond
        14 months ago

        Maybe try to make believe trump is just another ordinary guy after all.

    • @[email protected]
      214 months ago

      I worked fast food for 3 years. Literally had a guy throw a burger at me because it was missing cheese.

      • andrew_bidlaw
        114 months ago

        I have a second hand embarassment when I see anyone going off on people in service. I’m pretty sure Don is the guy who does exactly that though. And that’s one another example of him (and them) not wanting to be treated like they want to treat others.

      • @Dainterhawk999B
        64 months ago

        Why aren’t the customers are not considerate for the attendants for such teeny tiny mistakes?

        • @[email protected]
          84 months ago

          Hunger, fatigue, general negative state of mind maybe.

          This particular guy was a contract worker who came in for an early lunch, so I assume they’d been working for some hours before they came in.

          Generally the blue collar worker dudes and the after church crowd were the meanest with the least tolerance for mistakes.

        • @Coreidan
          24 months ago

          What more would you expect from the type of person ordering this shitty food?

          • @Dainterhawk999B
            24 months ago

            In case the quality of the food measures a person’s decency, then it might be a point to be noted.Still basic humanity needs to be there.

            The irony is that the same person who throws the food will keep on murmuring angrily if his client or supervisor doesn’t rationalise with him for his minute mistakes

      • @linearchaos
        14 months ago

        If your manager doesn’t kick them out of the store, you have to make sure that burger comes out all kinds of wrong multiple times so they never come back.

  • @aseriesoftubes
    1044 months ago

    That franchisee is about to lose it all. McD Corporate isn’t going to like their brand being associated with politics in either direction. This type of stunt is likely prohibited by his franchise agreement. Of course the franchisee, being a Trumper, will whine about how he’s being persecuted for his beliefs.

    • @MimicJar
      224 months ago

      You might be right, but McD Corporate also doesn’t want to be in the news for enforcing such a rule.

      This stunt will hit the late night talk shows this week and probably SNL next weekend, but then it will evaporate. No one really cares about this. Trump might pound his feet and throw a little tantrum to try and keep it relevant, but the election is nearly over.

      I’m confident McDonald’s lawyers are looking VERY closely at the restaurant just in case and determining a plan. But more than likely no one is going to remember this in 2 weeks and as long as that McDonald’s makes money corporate don’t care.

      • @[email protected]
        154 months ago

        But, they also don’t want this to happen ever again.

        What I suspect is that it nothing much will happen for months. There might be a sternly worded letter that they send to the franchisee that they really intend for the public: something about how McDonalds is not supporting either party, and franchisees are not permitted to use their locations for political events. Then, months later (especially if Harris wins), they’ll remove that franchise and ban the franchisee from owning a McDonalds again.

      • @CptEnder
        64 months ago

        Someone send some beers to the poor SNL writers working overtime rn lmao

        • @model_tar_gz
          74 months ago

          You mean working half-time? The material practically writes itself as soon as Donnie T. gets involved.

          • @linearchaos
            24 months ago

            I don’t know, it nearly put the onion under. Every single one of us has an idea of what was said during that caption at the top of this article. Unless they come up with something truly groundbreakingly funny it’s just going to be boring crap we already thought up.

    • @Coreidan
      84 months ago

      Oh please. As if McD leadership isn’t chock full of MAGA assholes. They love this shit.

      • LustyArgonian
        44 months ago

        Yeah don’t forget the hot coffee incident and that poor lady’s severe burns. McD’s is on the side of corporations.

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      “Either direction” is right, but probably especially the direction associated with crime and insurrection.

      Not to sound like a corp boot licker

  • @snekerpimp
    744 months ago

    Closed to the public? So who was he there “serving” for two hours? Did he have riot police clear the facility for this photo op, like he did outside the church with the upside-down bible?

    • @iopq
      454 months ago

      Actors, they had a rehearsal before they filmed it

        • @[email protected]
          14 months ago

          “Donald got my order of just one small fry wrong on purpose! He’s such a jokester! Man of the people and very stable genius! I didn’t even mind getting a coke with onion rings and yellow hair in it!”

  • @[email protected]
    634 months ago

    How does this motherfucker keep getting Ls??? In a sane world his campagn would have ended like 20 controversies ago

    • @9point6
      614 months ago

      Given everything we’re watching unfold, half of Americans are genuinely brainwashed fools.

      No rational person of sound mind can support Trump unless they are in the tiny handful of people that will personally benefit from a Trump presidency. 99% of people will suffer, people that have any semblance of agency don’t vote for that.

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        I’m really starting to believe that number is exceptionally lower and that the polls we are being shown are just straight up lies like the rest of the GOP.

        I’m sure that’s just my optimistic view tainting my thoughts but I just can’t except this is real. There just can’t be this many low intelligence people, right?

        • @[email protected]
          74 months ago

          Honestly the GOP dont even got to fake anything for the polls to be off. Between the fact that a lot of people just ignore them and Trump supporters are more likely to actually answer them that means the data is skewed in that direction, plus over compensation for Trump since he over performed in the exit polls and ya end up with kinda shitty data.

          My personal bet is that his base is actually even smaller than we expected at this point due to natual attrition, and the fact most people just dont care enough to yap to pollsters.

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      In a sane world “grab them by the pussy” would have been more than enough to kill his chances of ever getting elected for anything.

      • @Thebeardedsinglemalt
        44 months ago

        In a sane world his chances would have tanked the second he publicly, on stage made fun of a disabled journalist.

    • @IchNichtenLichten
      194 months ago

      Per his mentor, Roy Cohn, some rules:

      No 1: attack, attack, attack.

      No 2: admit nothing, deny everything.

      No 3: always claim victory, never admit defeat.

      Sadly, this tactic works.

    • @ours
      94 months ago

      It only makes sense if you’ve been brainwashed into believing the USA is at the edge of collapse. But not due to extreme capitalism profiting some very few, extremely wealthy individuals but because migrants and woke culture are somehow destroying the religious, conservative white majority.

      It’s horrible but I’ve got to admire the brilliance of the ultra-wealthy of pitting most of us against each other while they accumulate more wealth than ever before at our expense.

      So much information on everything available at our fingertips but I never imagined what social media would do to us. We are such easily manipulated monkey’s that with foresight it seems obvious they would exploit it for their own gain.

      • @[email protected]
        174 months ago

        It’s horrible but I’ve got to admire the brilliance of the ultra-wealthy of pitting most of us against each other while they accumulate more wealth than ever before at our expense.

        So easy though.

        • @ours
          44 months ago

          True, it’s a very old trick, but it has been turned up to 11 with social media and 24/7 TV “news.”

  • @[email protected]
    174 months ago

    Doesn’t matter. The fact that he was shown working at McDonald humanizes him…

    The mentality is. He is capable enough to flip a burger. He is capable enough to be a president in the mind of trumpets…

    I doubt anything good will come from any of this. We all need to join in together and vote against everything trumpers stand for.

    • @TriflingToad
      94 months ago

      The thing is, if all his roles were stripped away and he was a nobody he would probably get fired.

      • @[email protected]
        24 months ago

        Probably? I mean even if he was younger, could you imagine some overweight smelly incoherent guy shuffling around in a little McDonald’s kitchen?

        • @linearchaos
          24 months ago

          I mean, that kind of sounds like the kind of person I would have met at my first fast food job 30 years ago. He would have been a prime candidate to be a chicken cook.

  • @slickgoat
    164 months ago

    Guaranteed to fail the next health inspection too after Trump’s leaking diaper wreaks every floor surface.

  • @MrNesser
    154 months ago

    Twist health inspection was held the moment he stepped out of the kitchen

    • @Viking_Hippie
      44 months ago

      Nice of them to even wait that long tbf 🤷

  • sircac
    134 months ago

    Are these ridiculous attempts to humanise someone that lives in his own planet still working? They look quasi medieval to me…

  • Flying Squid
    114 months ago

    The important thing is that he definitely somehow proved that Kamala Harris never worked at McDonalds by doing this stupid stunt.

  • @Sterile_Technique
    94 months ago

    Well… add McDonalds to the growing list of companies that won’t be getting another cent from me.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      Probably not endorsed by the brand, but a move by the restaurant owner. McD is a franchise, which means McD is renting the brand to a company under some rules.

      • @Sterile_Technique
        14 months ago

        If you let your dog off the leash and it proceeds to maul someone, YOU are liable, not the dog.

        If McDonalds is willing to rent its brand to shit people, it’s a shit brand. I don’t care what the official corporate stance is if that stance isn’t represented by the actual restaurants.

        • @[email protected]
          24 months ago

          I am not pro corporate - quite the opposite, I’d like to see this backfire. But if the restaurant owner behaved well up until this point I can’t blame the corpo who he signed the agreement with.

          • @Sterile_Technique
            24 months ago

            True dat! Until then, I’d encourage everyone to vote with their wallets and abstain from purchasing so much as a french fry from McD’s. If they put out a meaningful response, adjust accordingly.

            Failing that, there are plenty of other options to source a salty heart attack.

  • @Snapz
    74 months ago

    Makes a lot of sense that this franchise owner is a piece of shit.

  • @[email protected]
    54 months ago

    Another unforced error. Campaign could have and should have checked everything that could distract from the candidate.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      Don’t assume his campaign is being run by the best people.

      All it takes to work for him is to be a sycophant.