• @Nosavingthrow
    1005 months ago

    I don’t know about anyone else, but I started doing it because I want to destroy Western culture.

    • @pwalshj
      315 months ago

      Funnily enough, due to Western culture marriage has become a business so ‘partner’ is more accurate.

      • @[email protected]
        85 months ago

        Online dating is essentially a startup pitch. You spend weeks reviewing ‘applications,’ then finally meet for an in-person ‘investor meeting’ to discuss potential ‘synergies.’ If things go well, you can initiate a merger, but if the market shifts—aka they’re not into your favorite TV shows—you’ll quietly dissolve the partnership and move on to the next opportunity.

    • Flying Squid
      155 months ago

      Have you tried holding hands and kissing? I hear that causes hurricanes.

      • @pwalshj
        55 months ago

        That’s why you do that sort of stuff inland.

        • Flying Squid
          65 months ago

          Oh sure, good luck moving Fire Island inland.

    • @littlewonder
      5 months ago

      I started in order to advance the deep state woke agenda and get paid by Soros, personally.

    • @Tikiporch
      25 months ago

      What do you have against Westerns, pardner?

  • PhobosAnomaly
    555 months ago

    I do it for two reasons: partly because it’s fuck all business to anyone else (within reason) what the status of my relationship is.

    Mainly though, because it generally messes with folk because they don’t understand what it means, and feel compelled to ask silly questions about it.

    • @[email protected]
      125 months ago

      Mainly though, because it generally messes with folk because they don’t understand what it means, and feel compelled to ask silly questions about it.

      Yeah, this is my favourite part of it.

    • @b34k
      145 months ago

      Well, a married household is basically a commune.

    • @Chee_Koala
      45 months ago

      “Good morning, Comrade…” I’ll try this soon, thanks! 🙏

  • @Postmortal_Pop
    435 months ago

    Mine and I are getting married this week and we were both excited to see “spouse” as an option on the documents.

    We are now spouse and spouse.

  • Chaotic Entropy
    335 months ago

    I’m a millennial and I’ve always referred to my partner as such. Boyfriend and girlfriend always seemed so weirdly juvenile, and it’s interesting to leave things ambiguous for people who are immediately expecting to categorise you.

    • shastaxc
      25 months ago

      Same. It’s also just a better generic term. You can say “all my partners” instead of “my boyfriend, girlfriend, and wife”. So much easier and still accurate.

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    Nobody asked, but as a gay man I exclusively refer to my husband as “my husband.” I never liked the term “partner.” We didn’t start a business together, and we’re not cops. “Life partner” bothers me less, but it still seems stilted

    • @littlewonder
      245 months ago

      n+1 here, but I’m a bi woman married to a straight man and I’ve started using partner more recently because there’s a lot of baggage in the history of power dynamics associated with the titles of husband and wife.

      I also hope it makes people think for a minute if they need to ask me clarifying questions about my marriage status or sexuality/how the person I’m married to identifies.

      At the same time, I totally understand the impact of not using generic words when it comes to gay marriage, where there was such a long fight to be recognized as husband and husband. So cheers to you and your husband!

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        Thank you, you’ve summed up a good clash of feelings around these terms with great economy.

        When I (male) use the term wife to describe my relationship, I don’t want to contribute to this feeling that I’m pulling for the default in an exclusionary kind of way. Like contributing to this cultured of presumed heteronormativity.

        Better in my case to leave a little unsaid, so as to make room for other kinds of relationships.

    • @RBWells
      125 months ago

      I miss when my gay friends all called their partners “lovers”.

      As in literally if they were introducing their boyfriend, it was never “this is my boyfriend Chris” it was “this is Chris, my lover.”

      No idea if it was just a local thing but it was just so, well, lovely.

    • @[email protected]
      25 months ago

      My partner said the exact same thing. I’ve always preferred “partner” - it just sounds nicer, like more respectful, egalitarian. We’re mixed gender so it’s wife/husband, which just sounds so old-fashioned

    • @return2ozmaOP
      25 months ago

      Same. Gay and married to “my husband”. Before that he was my boyfriend, not my partner.

      • @[email protected]
        55 months ago

        Yes, my boyfriend! It seems so odd when I see straight people use the term partner. Well, as far as I’m concerned, they can have it.

        • @[email protected]
          125 months ago

          As a man who has used the term partner in a heterosexual relationship, sometimes it is nice to have a term that implies a bigger commitment than “girlfriend” when you have no intention of marriage. That was definitely how I used it—to convey that this woman doesn’t have a ring, but I give her maximum authority when it comes to my affairs.

          • @[email protected]
            65 months ago

            Can’t relate. I grew up thinking marriage would always be illegal for me. When I had the opportunity, I took it.

            • @[email protected]
              105 months ago

              I’m glad you had that chance. Marriage is something I never particularly wanted, but I was brought around to the idea by a different lady. Now we are in counseling and things are on the rocks…I think I may still not believe in marriage, but I respect everyone’s right to choose for themselves.

              • @[email protected]
                25 months ago

                Hey man.

                I hope that whatever happens with you and your wife, that you’ll be happy and have a bright and good future.

                • @[email protected]
                  25 months ago

                  Thanks, I appreciate that. It’s a weird thing when two intelligent people with good intentions suddenly experience a breakdown in communication, but I’m hoping that is what the counseling can help with.

        • @[email protected]
          25 months ago

          My girlfriend isnt a girl anymore. She is a woman. So I think the term girlfriend is weird and childish

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      It’s cool to be proud you’re gay. Being proud your straight feels like all lives matter energy.

  • @njm1314
    315 months ago

    I mean I get it, there’s an age at which referring to someone as your boyfriend or girlfriend feels a little lame.

    • @[email protected]
      85 months ago

      Honestly I use partner or spouse mostly because I can’t remember if fiance or fiancee is correct and it won’t stick in my head properly. Calling her my girlfriend makes her feel “demoted” or something. (I’m sure that’s just her joking around. Partner doesn’t dictate what stage or if government paperwork has been filed.

      • @Uruanna
        55 months ago

        I can’t remember if fiance or fiancee is correct

        Fiancé is male, fiancée is female.

          • @Uruanna
            35 months ago

            Dedicated key on an azerty keyboard on tablet/laptop, or switching back to French setting on the phone. If weren’t French I woudn’t bother searching for it every time.

        • @Chip_Rat
          14 months ago

          They are pronounced the same though?? I hope??

  • Hegar
    225 months ago

    My parents have always referred to each other as their partner, so that’s what I’ve always done. It’s just normal.

    Since moving to the US people get so weird about it. I had a boss’s boss ask me why I call my wife my partner in a skip-level. I was so confused I just stared at her and said “What?” It was like being ask why I think oranges are citrus fruit.

  • @[email protected]
    175 months ago

    I’m an old guy. Since we (my "partner and I) are not married but have lived together for years (no common law here,) husband/wife doesn’t apply. I don’t know any other word to use other than partner, but it is still difficult for me to naturally say. Not sure why. Funnier (at our age) would be boyfriend and girlfriend. Uh … no.

    • @[email protected]
      95 months ago

      A family friend in a similar spot just referred to each other as “life partners”. Any others it was just “partner” or “significant other”.

  • @[email protected]
    145 months ago

    My spouse and I just use SO (esso) for significant other. I like it more than partner as it is explicitly a romantic or at least very important relationship.

  • YaksDC
    125 months ago

    This is super common in most other English speaking countries and has been for years. Well before the culture wars.

  • @[email protected]
    105 months ago

    I agree with this a lot. Boyfriend or girlfriend is the person you are romantically attached to. Partner is a MUCH stronger word, it implies teamwork and shared purpose; the understanding that you have each other’s backs.

    There are also plenty of people who are married for whom the word partner does not apply. It’s sad.

    I think a lot of people reject the title ‘partner’ because for a very long time before gay marriage was a thing, there was only ‘civil partnerships’ or ‘civil unions’ and thus ‘partner’ was the only accurate term, ‘wife’ or ‘husband’ couldn’t apply as they weren’t legally married. So they see ‘partner’ as a sort of ‘almost as good’ runner up.