• @Postmortal_Pop
    142 hours ago

    Mine and I are getting married this week and we were both excited to see “spouse” as an option on the documents.

    We are now spouse and spouse.

  • Hegar
    112 hours ago

    My parents have always referred to each other as their partner, so that’s what I’ve always done. It’s just normal.

    Since moving to the US people get so weird about it. I had a boss’s boss ask me why I call my wife my partner in a skip-level. I was so confused I just stared at her and said “What?” It was like being ask why I think oranges are citrus fruit.

  • @[email protected]
    82 hours ago

    My spouse and I just use SO (esso) for significant other. I like it more than partner as it is explicitly a romantic or at least very important relationship.

  • PhobosAnomaly
    323 hours ago

    I do it for two reasons: partly because it’s fuck all business to anyone else (within reason) what the status of my relationship is.

    Mainly though, because it generally messes with folk because they don’t understand what it means, and feel compelled to ask silly questions about it.

    • @[email protected]
      52 hours ago

      Mainly though, because it generally messes with folk because they don’t understand what it means, and feel compelled to ask silly questions about it.

      Yeah, this is my favourite part of it.

    • @Chee_Koala
      21 hour ago

      “Good morning, Comrade…” I’ll try this soon, thanks! 🙏

    • @b34k
      83 hours ago

      Well, a married household is basically a commune.

  • @Nosavingthrow
    544 hours ago

    I don’t know about anyone else, but I started doing it because I want to destroy Western culture.

    • @pwalshj
      183 hours ago

      Funnily enough, due to Western culture marriage has become a business so ‘partner’ is more accurate.

    • Flying Squid
      93 hours ago

      Have you tried holding hands and kissing? I hear that causes hurricanes.

      • @pwalshj
        43 hours ago

        That’s why you do that sort of stuff inland.

        • Flying Squid
          53 hours ago

          Oh sure, good luck moving Fire Island inland.

  • @[email protected]
    123 hours ago

    I’m an old guy. Since we (my "partner and I) are not married but have lived together for years (no common law here,) husband/wife doesn’t apply. I don’t know any other word to use other than partner, but it is still difficult for me to naturally say. Not sure why. Funnier (at our age) would be boyfriend and girlfriend. Uh … no.

    • @[email protected]
      42 hours ago

      A family friend in a similar spot just referred to each other as “life partners”. Any others it was just “partner” or “significant other”.

  • @madcaesar
    32 hours ago

    I call mine baybe

    “Baybe wake up! Some new pasta just dropped!”

  • YaksDC
    103 hours ago

    This is super common in most other English speaking countries and has been for years. Well before the culture wars.

  • @SassyRamen
    43 hours ago

    Wait until they find out I call my wife meine Ehefrau 😓

  • @[email protected]
    23 hours ago

    Seems weird you’d think the “end goal” of accepting people is so everyone can use boyfriend/girlfriend or whatever partner just seems so disconnected and formal

    • Kraiden
      32 hours ago

      My partner is not a girl, she’s a woman, and she more than a friend to me. She is my partner in life. So yes, it is more formal than “girlfriend.” That’s the point.

      And no, I won’t marry her. We’re not religious, and we don’t believe the government should have any input in our relationship. We’ll happily have a ceremony, but she will still be my partner at the end of it.

      • @[email protected]
        52 hours ago

        Sometimes having the government on your side is important. (E.g., entrance to hospital rooms in emergencies)

        Not trying to convince you, just something to consider depending on your jurisdiction

        • Kraiden
          247 minutes ago

          I do worry about that.

          It theoretically shouldn’t be a problem here. We’re listed as each others primary emergency contacts, and we’ve been together longer than 2 years, which over here grants you most of the same privileges as marriage anyway. So it hopefully won’t be an issue. I just hope we never have to test that.

          Actually, where I know it will matter is if one of us had to die unexpectedly, but that can be negated by just having a proper will drawn up… which, come to think of it, we should really do…

  • aviationeast
    23 hours ago

    Ah yes here is my womanfriend. She’s a friend first but sometimes she’s a woman… Wait.

  • @lath
    04 hours ago

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