Two hours before Donald Trump was set to take the stage at Madison Square Garden in New York City, right-wing comedian Tony Hinchcliffe warmed up the crowd with a shockingly racist performance.

“Where are my proud Latinos at tonight?” Hinchcliffe asked the packed arena, eliciting scattered loud cheers. “You guys see what I mean? [The border’s] wide open. There’s so many of them.”

“These Latinos, they love making babies, too,” he added. “There’s no pulling out. They don’t do that. They come inside just like they did to our country.”

The crowd groaned and cheered as Hinchcliffe continued, saying, “Republicans are the party with a good sense of humor.”

  • @Ensign_Crab
    133 hours ago

    Dude knows his audience. Of horrible bigots.

  • @ThatOneKrazyKaptain
    32 hours ago

    Trump is at 46.7% baseline on 538. His TOTAL in 2020 was 46.8 and 46.1 in 2016. At the current rate it’ll be 46.8-47 by election day. The polls have been extremely good at predicting this baseline, it’s the undecided remainder they suck at guessing(Harris is at 48.1 right now) so Trump is pretty much guaranteed to get more of the Popular Vote then in 2016 or 2020.

  • @kryptonianCodeMonkey
    4 hours ago

    This guy: “[You] Latinos are invading our country and breeding us white people out of the majority… hahaha, no, no. I kid, I kid! But no really, in all seriousness, you do do that, and it’s a big fucking problem. We need a president who will put a stop to it and kick you all out like the vermin you are. Now laugh you fucking cockroaches. It’s funny because it’s true. We Republicans are truly the masters of comedy. Hurdurdurr.”

    Jesus Christ these mother fuckers are twisted. To his credit, I guess, he told this joke to a crowd full of Latinos rather than when only the white folks are around like they usually do. But, less to his credit, he also thought it was ok to say at all, ESPECIALLY TO A CROWD FULL OF LATINOS. The joke depended on their being a lot of Latinos in the crowd and he actually thought, “oh they’ll love this one”. What a completely deluded moron.

    Dude turn off the blaze radio, turn off the fox news, go outside, leave the gated neighborhood, and meet some new people. People as different from you as you can manage in your area. Try your hardest to realize that they are also people with their own thoughts, values, and dreams as deep and rich and varied as anyone you have ever met. Truly appreciate that and then come back and fucking apologize to these people for othering them, stereotyping them, and expecting them to laugh at their own mockery. This shit is exhausting.

  • @StopTouchingYourPhone
    546 hours ago

    jfc… racist humour is always so stupid and lazy.

    Hinchcliffe also referred to Puerto Rico as a “floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean” and made a remark about Black people who “carved watermelons” instead of pumpkins for Halloween.

    A politician having trash like this warm the crowd for them should be shocking.

    • FenrirIII
      85 hours ago

      It should be. I’m just surprised he didn’t drop the n-word

  • @SarcasticMan
    165 hours ago

    How did he get a job opening for Trump? I thought they hated the gays.

    • @patacon_pisao
      65 hours ago

      They do it so that they can prove that they “welcome everyone”

    • @Nuke_the_whales
      14 hours ago

      He’s one of the guys who regularly blows Rogan, so of course he’s a piece of shit, racist trumper. By the way dude, you don’t get say people have no humor. It’s the people you were making jokes about that get to say if those jokes were racist or not, and we say they were.

  • @[email protected]
    7 hours ago

    This is the other thing that’s fueling MAGA conservatives. Birth rates. It’s a topic that keeps coming up in organic conversation.

    The talk there isn’t so much about lower birth rates and such. It’s emphasizing how much brown and black people are still having “tons of babies” which everyone else (read: white people) are not.

    This should scare you and not so much for the embedded racist sludge that goes with it, but how it speaks to driving motivation. And what MAGA may choose to do about white people not having babies, and how supportive their supporters will be of that choice.

    This comedian speaking about that topic under the guise of comedy is simply there to stir that pot. It’s still a political speech of sorts.

    • Granbo's Holy Hotrod
      267 hours ago

      I read that the drop in birth rates is almost 100% attributable to solving teen pregnancy.

      • AFK BRB Chocolate
        2 hours ago

        Pretty sure the drop in pregnancies under 19 was 50% of the overall drop, not 100%. That’s still huge, but it’s not the whole story.

      • @[email protected]
        3 hours ago

        The more women have equal rights the lower the birthrate

        The more accessible contraception is the lower the birthrate

        The more educated people are the lower the birthrate

        The more accessible abortion is the lower the birthrate

        See a pattern here between that and conservative policies? People, no matter where they are on the political spectrum, who talk about the need to increase birthrate need to realize that these things are what they’re wishing to see being gone. No matter how easy you make it to have babies, people don’t want enough of them if they have access to education and preventive measures, social democracies with very wide safety nets and social programs and long parental leaves don’t have a birthrate any higher than the one in the USA (in fact, in some cases it’s some of the lowest in the whole world!).

      • @[email protected]
        286 hours ago

        There’s also the well documented effect that more educated people just have less kids in general, and it seems to hold for every country.

      • @acosmichippo
        4 hours ago

        this video covers falling birthrates globally. the specific timestamp has a handy graph of birthrates per age group. linking the video because the original article has a paywall.

        so basically teen pregnancies are a major factor, but the 20-29 age groups are falling a ton as well.

      • wildncrazyguy138
        146 hours ago

        And that’s the problem right there. The fewer kids with mommy and daddy issues, the fewer kids these “elders” can “take under their wing.”

      • capital
        86 hours ago

        There’s a worldwide phenomenon of falling birth rates. I doubt it’s even mostly attributable to teen birth rates.

        • @acosmichippo
          4 hours ago

          there are lots of reasons that vary country to country but fewer teen pregnancies is a major contributor in the US. linking to this video because the original article has a paywall.

          so teen pregnancies are a major factor, but the 20-29 age groups are falling a ton as well.

    • @JeeBaiChow
      86 hours ago

      In my country, some segments have up to 9kids abd can’t afford them a proper upbringing nor education. Motivated by race and religion. Unsurprising.

  • @Myxomatosis
    928 hours ago

    Aren’t comedians supposed to be funny?

    • @[email protected]
      7 hours ago

      Have you ever watched Fox’s “late night” show? The guy just sits there, spews the dumbest most hateful things about anyone not in the Trump bubble, and never once smiles or even laughs. He looks like he hates everything about life the entire time.

      They don’t understand what being funny is. They think it’s all just insults.

      • @jaybone
        11 hour ago

        What is the Fox Late Night Show?

      • wildncrazyguy138
        347 hours ago

        Funny but not so funny story. I was at the Playhouse in Cleveland, Ohio about 15 years back and my stepdad really wanted to take us to Finnegan’s Wake. It was an improv show where the actors would take suggestions from the audience in what would happen next. A few of us were trying to to be playful with the context, but the vast majority of the meatheads in the audience just kept shouting out lewd suggestions like the reverend fucking the widow. Over and over and over again. The lead guy (reverend) got so tired of it that he said “is this all you want to see!” and humped the actress a few times then ended the show. Simultaneously the best and saddest anti joke I’ve ever experienced.

        Take it as you will, but these are the kind of people we are now hinging our democracy on.

    • @stoly
      66 hours ago

      Tell that to Chappelle.

  • Capt. Wolf
    8 hours ago

    Next they’ll start lining them up to shame them…

    🎶Are there any queers in the theatre tonight?

    Get 'em up against the wall

    Now there’s one in the spotlight, he don’t look right to me

    Get him up against the wall

    And that one looks Jewish and that one’s a coon

    Who let all this riff-raff into the room?

    There’s one smoking a joint and another with spots

    If I had my way I’d have all of ya shot!🎶

    • @LEDZeppelin
      146 hours ago

      The whole movie and album is becoming increasingly relevant

      • flicker
        74 hours ago

        I made an off-hand comment to someone recently about how they needed to remember that these fascists would make him the first against the wall, and he asked me what that meant… and I became so uncomfortable, realizing how sheltered he was.

        I don’t understand how we got here. I don’t understand how people are so… unaware of how easy it is, and how close they are to danger.

    • The Assman
      66 hours ago

      Would you like to see Britannia rule again?

      Would you like to send our colored cousins home again?

  • Granbo's Holy Hotrod
    95 hours ago

    Play to your crowd. It’s not shocking or unexpected for anyone unfortunate enough to know who this goon is. Part of that super unfunny punch down set that followed rogain from liberal California to…checks notes…the most liberal city in Texas, Austin.

  • @DarkCloud
    85 hours ago

    I wonder what his jokes would look like mixed in with news footage from the last ICE crackdowns, and the news stories of women undergoing hysterectomies whilst in custody.

  • @patacon_pisao
    55 hours ago

    He’s giving strong weird relative at a family dinner table vibes by saying offensive things and then trying to ease the situation by saying “it’s just a joke, relax, you can’t take a joke!?” There’s a big difference between being funny and being an attention seeker.

    • Stopthatgirl7OP
      44 hours ago

      You can’t even say he knows his audience because not that many people were actually laughing. Dude is so unfunny he couldn’t even get a Trump crowd up laugh at racist jokes.