• Em Adespoton
    1154 months ago

    Wait… GOP is declaring victory on Tuesday, while also being the impetus behind assuring that the full results won’t be available until later in the week… at the earliest?

    • @Okokimup
      714 months ago

      It’s a feature, not a bug.

      • @RedditWanderer
        224 months ago

        Same as “stop the count” which is essentially forcing mail-in votes (mostly dems) to be registered after the election closes, and whining that votes are still being registered after it closes.

        • @A_Random_Idiot
          4 months ago

          1)Early voting typically heavily favors democrats.

          2)Pass laws that make it so you cant count early/mail in ballots before election day.

          3)Point at the big dump of democratic votes on election day from the mail in/early ballots finally being counted

          4)scream “FRAUD” at the scenario you created to try and create the appearance of impropriety, for the explicit purpose of allowing you to cry fraud.

          Republican voting strategy for the past 3 elections.

      • @Tylerdurdon
        134 months ago

        This is more of a “you never go full retard” moment

      • Wren
        24 months ago

        Nailed it.

      • @LovableSidekick
        4 months ago

        Remember what happened to election denial in 2020. It failed. Multiple things will ensure it fails again:

        • Overwhelming votes for Harris, Trump’s numbers nowhere close.
        • Investigations confirming as before that no fraud occurred.
        • MAGA election lawsuits failing as before - last time they went 0 for 43.
        • More prominent Republicans joining their colleagues to denounce Trump.

        MAGA was wrong then and they’re wrong now. When the dust settles they’ll fail again.

    • @CoggyMcFee
      244 months ago

      Yes, they want weeks of no official result being declared, during which they say Trump definitely won, so that when the final result comes in, if it’s Harris, they can say Democrats are trying to overturn the election

    • @CharlesDarwin
      44 months ago

      No one ever accused the magabrainz of being logical.

  • @[email protected]
    514 months ago

    That’s why we ALL need to vote. No excuses, just do your minimum civic duty and vote, if only to cover the margin of shenanigans that the GOP is counting on to cause trouble.

  • @[email protected]
    464 months ago

    dude he’s been declaring victory for 4 fucking years. none of what he’s going to do will be new

  • Granbo's Holy Hotrod
    424 months ago

    There will also be lawsuits. Wanna bet how long before someone gets hurt after Harris wins?

    • EleventhHour
      284 months ago

      He’s already suing in Pennsylvania

      • @4lan
        44 months ago

        The richest man in the world is first in line for the guillotines.

        • @HeyThisIsntTheYMCA
          14 months ago

          Pretty sure the first will be a thief and scoundrel, (not an aristocrat) just like the last time.

  • @someguy3
    314 months ago

    For a while now, the story on the right has been that Trump is cruising to victory and that he’s way ahead. They say that the Harris campaign has collapsed and the only way they can win the election is by stealing it. Now, that’s just as untrue as it was four years ago but that hasn’t stopped Trump from telling the same lies on the campaign trail this year.

    • @MutilationWave
      124 months ago

      Because he’s very old, unhealthy, and tired.

      • @CharlesDarwin
        104 months ago

        Why not both? He’s probably surrounded by scum and villainy just like before - Stone and Bannon and other disgusting garbage people - that tell him they’ll be ensuring a “win” even if he doesn’t actually win.

  • @CharlesDarwin
    4 months ago

    Anyone see “A Storm Foretold”? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt22306998/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1

    I don’t know that Kamala will win or not, but when Biden actually did win in 2020, it was plain as day that the fascists were going to try something to steal it away…this time around, I think Biden’s admin should plan a few “Presidential acts” against some very key players that are still running around free.

  • @LovableSidekick
    4 months ago

    I just learned last night that there’s a pattern called the “red mirage”, apparently well known but new to me, that happens reliably on US national election nights. Smaller counties with fewer people finish their vote counts sooner than larger counties, so they report earlier. Since more Republicans live in low-population areas and more Democrats live in denser urban areas, this means a wave of republican votes comes in early, creating what’s called the “red mirage”, followed by a wave of democratic votes. This makes Republican candidates look like they’re ahead.

    Trump counted on this in 2020 and probably in 2016. When he announces an early victory while the “red mirage” is still happening (assuming it even does this time) many of his followers will call it a night. When they hear Harris has won it will reinforce Trump’s lie, because in their minds they already “saw” him win.

  • @Sanctus
    204 months ago

    That article repeated itself like every other paragraph. But I really can’t believe we are here again. This is absolutely shameful.

    • @lemonmelon
      54 months ago

      It’s called modern journalism, sweaty. Gotta get that word count.

      • reddwarf
        84 months ago

        Sweat shaming, never did I think this would transpire here…

        • @lemonmelon
          84 months ago

          Sweat shaming, never did I think this would perspire here…


          • reddwarf
            44 months ago

            Question: I thought to ‘transpire’ could mean ‘shedding moisture’ and/or ‘things that happened or are revealed’

            English is not my first language though so there’s that

            • @lemonmelon
              4 months ago

              Serious mode for a moment: transpire typically means “to happen” or “to occur”. The “to shed moisture or vapor” definition is now usually limited to discussions about plants (moisture) or the soul when speaking of death in a figurative manner.

              Perspire means “to shed matter” but is most commonly used in reference to sweating. The reason that the term referring to “matter” as opposed to the one referring to moisture is preferred is likely due to the salt content in sweat.

              Both words share the Latin base for “to breathe”, spirare, which is also where we get expire, aspire, conspire, and even spirit.

              Back to the joke: you were correct with the way you used transpire in your reply. I “miscorrected” it to make a pun that tied it back to sweat.

              • @[email protected]
                34 months ago

                Both words share the Latin base for “to breathe”, spirare, which is also where we get expire, aspire, conspire, and even spirit

                And, presumably, ‘respire’/‘respiration’?

                • @lemonmelon
                  34 months ago

                  Yup! Spirare is the Latin root of a lot of words, most likely due to how pneuma was believed to be the human soul. Breath and soul were one and the same, so it shows up in a lot of places.

              • reddwarf
                24 months ago

                Thanks for the extensive, informative and complete reply! Very helpful in trying to understand the nuances of the English language.

            • @sensiblepuffin
              34 months ago

              I’ve never heard of transpire being used for the first definition. Perspiration is the act of sweating, and it comes from Latin I think? High school was so long ago.

              • reddwarf
                24 months ago

                Thanks! I think @lemonmelon explained it well. Seems I was skirting the definition by a whisker and got away with it but still failed as a joke or pun should be understandable without having to pull out a Latin dictionary 😀

  • @NocturnalMorning
    164 months ago

    I’m shocked, just shocked i tell you. It’s not like they’ve been saying this is what they’re going to do for literally months.

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