Keanu Reeves says his heart wants to do “John Wick 5” but his bad knees night not allow him to do it.
They had a hell of a run, and while I’d like to see more, I’m really in it for the direction. If the director goes another route and starts a new franchise or keeps it going Ballerina and moved past Reeves, I’m ok with that. I think he’s a rare artist that gives action movies what they’ve lost, and I’m here for it.
I wanna see a Dog Wick spin-off. John is the one that stays at home and the dog goes out to protect him
John Wick x Airbud
Air Wick
Sounds refreshing
I mean, there’s no rule that says a dog can’t join the guild of assassins.
No doing your business in the Continental, though.
“According to all known laws of physics, there is no way a dog should be able to hold a gun.”
If you want to see more, just rewatch them. After the first one, they’re all pretty much the same movie anyways.
I bet you like Yu-Gi-Oh.
The trading card game?
The first movie was great and not too completely unbelievable. But every movie got a bit more outlandish. By the 4th, the bullet proof suits went full on fantasy land and Keanu got up like 7 different times from things that would have killed a person. 4 was a fun flick to watch, but it’s time to let him rest.
I think he’s a rare artist that gives action movies what they’ve lost, and I’m here for it.
1000%. Let the man cook.
I wouldn’t like to see more. I had stopped after two, but decided to watch them all recently. The first is amazing. Two is fine, but starts getting weird. For a franchise that succeeded because of its realistic portrayal of firearm usage, the magic really starts ramping up here. Three and four are strange considering where the series started. They’re alright action flicks I guess, but I didn’t really care for them. I don’t see any need for more.
The next movie he should die in the beginning and his dog goes on a rampage to avenge him.
WOW! Maybe if we arm them they will have a chance with the police. Time to start up a doggie shooting range.
The air bud of killing
FUCK YES It’s just Halle Berry driving a puppy rampage around.
It’s done. Let it be. We don’t need more. Make something new.
Edit: unless of course John Wick 5 will be John retired to Wyoming where he works his ranch, and trains working dogs on the side.
Agree. Let it be done.
The only way he should return is if it’s an “old man wick” Cameo. Just to fuck with the fans.
This is the John Wick I want to see. Have an assassin come to kill him, but he’s so starstruck by Wick that he has to take the opportunity to socialize with him. John makes meals for his soon-to-be killer, lets the assassin help him work the land and tend to his animals.
Days turn to weeks turn to months. We learn that John Wick only keeps a snake gun around, no other armory; no opportunities to find out “could Wick still have held his own in the end.”
The assassin helps fake John’s death, then moves on with a new appreciating for patience and noticing the little things. The assassin then realizes how awful the association is that they work for. They become heartbroken and disillusioned. They move on, leaving the story open on whether they’re gonna take down their own employers.
Then, if the audience and studio wants another action movie, they can decide from there, leaving Keanu out of it. At most, he can be a cameo for where assassins go to relax and learn from each other. Wick can be kept safe by the constant flow of assassins visiting and seeking expanded horizons.
See? That’s something people would watch. Hollywood, take note.
I would pay money to watch this.
This is a great idea, but I don’t want it to be a rehash of “you can’t escape your past”. No shots fired, no flashbacks, as little dialogue as possible.
How the heck does a snake use a gun though?
It’s a Colt Python.
Just like Barry used to have
“My Dinner with John”
Knowing modern Hollywood, it will be him training a protege who will then go on to star in a spin off series.
Man could pull a Steven Seagull and murder people from the comfort of an office chair.
Difference is Keanu would make it look badass.
Man could pull a Steven Seagull
Say it’s impossible to choke him out and then shit himself?
There wasn’t much left to tell after the first movie. It just turned ridiculous. I still watch the movies but they aren’t good. They just show choreageaphy and dancing and special effects.
I mostly like Keanu Reeves for being such a nice human being in real life.
And once you start counting bad guys who move to within 5 feet of John Wick before trying to use their guns, the films kinda become comedies. But it’s still a fun ride.
Yeah I noticed that too. Silly fights but good for entertainment I guess.
And then for some reason Halle Berry is there, overacting and tossing around men twice her weight. Hard to keep dispelling belief.
Yeah that’s one of my annoyances about modern movies - girls are just as strong as muscular guys twice their weight. Physics just cease to exist.
Smaller women can flip a big guy given they can get a good hold on em. I know because a 5’5 160 lbs women flipped my 6’1 280 ass. It was very funny. I wish someone recorded it
I kind of agree. I will still watch them all though because they’re fucking sick lol
Yeah I watched them all a second time not long ago. But I got bored and spent some time on my phone while watching. :)
I really liked the fantasy criminal underground they created for the movies. I hoped to see way more of it as an actual story, but no…it was only used in small doses to move the action forward.
The first movie introduced us to the whole idea and that was fun, but the rest IMO kinda gets to be a slog of violence after a while.
In case you missed it, they did do a TV show within the world that expanded on the origins of some of the characters in the movies. It was pretty good. Just as ridiculous but with different actors.
I too enjoyed the lore building in the movies and this was cool to see it from a different time period. B
I didn’t know that existed. Thank you!
E: dammit, $ to view it. Arrr!
Nice, hope you enjoy it. Sail safely my friend!
Honestly I’m hoping they don’t make more. I appreciate the ambiguous ending of the 4th movie letting audiences choose to believe what we were shown at face value or not. Having him come back would ruin that
Hint to Keanu: Voice work doesn’t require knees. There is talk of a Sonic 4…
John Wick 5 - John retired after the effects of John Wick 4 and presumed dead, is found, and when he’s confronted by an old enemy, they kill his dog.
Old Man Wick.
Liam Neeson: hold my beer
No, man. The High Table must be destroyed before he quits or does. This is a must. One more, Baby.
Man, the article should really say spoiler alert before jumping into the 2nd paragraph. There goes the final instalment for me…
Let’s be real, if you’ve already seen John Wick 3, I doubt you’re really sticking around for 4 because of the compelling story lol
True, but it’s the little cliffhangers we hang on to in life
You’d expect a wealth like Keanu’s to afford peptide and stem cell treatments that would fix him right up.
All the same, I would like to see more of Mr. Wick, but respect Keanu’s desires for comfort instead of tens of millions more dollars he doesn’t need.
Hopefully he can have new roles that are just as fun but don’t take such a toll on him.
Sometimes shit is just shot beyond repair.
Maybe a millionaire like him not receiving the fix for bad knees which would be great even if he chose not to do more John Wick for an improved quality of life shows that aspect of medicine is still not within reach for now.
Can you imagine, so this is me being sarcastic, that he has not done it yet due to the poor health care and even as a rich person he cannot afford it, like sitting in the doctor’s chair sweating after hearing what it costs, having the apiffany knowing already who the villains are that he is gonna have to shoot in his next movie.
I hear in JW5 it stars of with him working as a lumberjack.
Who cares about knees? Wick 2 was okay, Wick 3 was pretty mediocre, and Wick 4 was painfully bad. Let the series die already.
Get ready for The Adventures of Baby Yaga! Keanu returns in this kids CGI series with a young John Wick as he travels the world and makes friends. “Oh yeah! I’m thinking I’m back!”
So 90s, I love it… Like that Jackie Chan Adventures cartoon lol
“I am an FBI agent” was the pinnacle of this guy’s career.