• @CharlesDarwin
    145 hours ago

    See, this right here is the MAIN AGENDA of the qon elitists.

    All the other identity politics bullshit is largely red meat for his dipshit base. Sure, there are true believers like Bannon and Miller that are for that, but this is the MAIN thing: sending more money to the already extremely and obscenely affluent, and fucking the 99%.

    • @[email protected]
      55 hours ago

      Well, that and crashing the economy to steal everything they don’t already own for a pittance.

  • @eran_morad
    217 hours ago

    dumbfucks voted for this. jesus fucking christ.

    • @[email protected]
      15 hours ago

      You guys gotta get out of this teamsport mindset.

      It’s not just them feeling the pinch. It’s real people that you probably care about. And we’re all in the shit together.

      • @CharlesDarwin
        45 hours ago

        Yes, but they keep voting for this shit because they want to harm “certain” Americans. And yes, we are all having to live through it.

        • @[email protected]
          45 hours ago

          And they do that because of decades of propaganda and being lied to by cunts.

          They’re as much victims of this shit as the people they’ve been told to hate.

          You and I have more in common with the most rabid chud on this continent than we do with oligarchs like Musk and Zucc or carpetbaggers like Trump.

          Be mad. Go through those stages. But when shit gets bad and they turn on him. Don’t go wagging a finger. Offer a hand instead.

          • @LemmyC
            34 hours ago

            I want to thank you for posting this. In dark times like these, it’s a much needed reminder to show compassion when the time comes. People will have a hard enough time once they realize they’ve been duped. No need to make it any more difficult.

    • @dustyb0tt0mz
      15 hours ago

      the only answer. don’t care about how we got here. no need to highlight their hypocrisy. we move forward from here. keep making the calls until it’s deafening.

  • @thatradomguy
    87 hours ago

    What I’m hearing is… the rich get richer. Hmmm…

    • @CharlesDarwin
      25 hours ago
      Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
      Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
      Everybody knows the war is over
      Everybody knows the good guys lost
      Everybody knows the fight was fixed
      The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
      That's how it goes
      Everybody knows


    • Lemminary
      69 hours ago

      Their level of cruelty is just expected now, huh. Sad times.

      • @dustyb0tt0mz
        25 hours ago

        of course it is, and yes it’s sad. now do something about it.

        • Lemminary
          15 hours ago

          I wish I could, honestly. Well-meaning Americans have my full support, though.

  • @DrFistington
    12 hours ago

    I dont think these people realize how close they are to being ripped apart in the street by an angry mob…and I kind of hope they don’t realize it until its too late.

    • @snekerpimp
      65 hours ago

      Are they though? Are they? Or is everyone too focused on not upsetting the status quo to even throw a pebble in protest?

      • @DrFistington
        25 hours ago

        Give it a few months. Also it will be a situation of critical mass. Seemingly nothing until it hits the tipping point, then suddenly massive

      • @Dozzi92
        188 hours ago

        For real. I talk with my friends about the tipping point, and this unfortunately ain’t it by a mile. MAGAts don’t make up the entirety of R voters, but not one MAGAt would give a shit if D voters started getting rounded up. It’s been an incredibly thorough brainwashing effort by whoever spearheaded the effort. R used to mean small government, states rights! Now it means fuck Joe Biden, fuck your feelings, fuck work culture. And it all feels like it happened so fast. Say what you want about Bush, but the sentiment among those who voted for him wasn’t this open hostility that we have today.

        • @dustyb0tt0mz
          25 hours ago

          if you know what’s coming, you make a preemptive strike.

    • @Donjuanme
      2211 hours ago

      The angry mob came when they didn’t win the election 4 years ago.

    • @[email protected]
      2611 hours ago

      Really? The people affected by this wanted this turd in the office or at least didn’t have a problem enough with him to go vote for someone else.

      • @[email protected]
        9 hours ago

        Because the people who need this money are leading rough, rough lives already and often don’t have the time or energy to properly learn politics. They’re the kind of people who can’t afford to miss work or looking after their family to vote.

        They’re victims of their circumstances and now they’re going to suffer more for it. They’re not the enemies here.

  • @Maggoty
    8514 hours ago

    Socialism for the Rich. Rugged individualism for the Poor.

      • @Maggoty
        2610 hours ago

        I don’t understand why do people upvote this.

        Fuck so-called socialism, anarchism, communism and other far-left or extreme ideologies, and collectivism too (where everyone is poor).

        Individualism made living for the people better. Democracies were based on individualism (and liberalism), where they care about every person.

        What do you need is to not to build another system, but to make rule of law and regulations strong. In the EU, for example, and around the world, there is problem not in social democracy/liberal democracy, but with economic inequality.

        But you’re just want to trick Americans to another utopia, fairytales like “capitalism = evil”. It will eventually turn into chaos, tyranny, and then there will dictator after dictator. Again, there will be small group of rich people, who will be oppress everyone, deprive food from them, don’t care about basic needs of population. They will steal resources from the country, but regular people in the country will be poor.

        Look at Russia or China, where they also thought that all problems with

        If individualism is so great and socialism so horrible why do the rich get constant support from the government? Shouldn’t they be the best at being individuals? Why is it the poor are expected to make do with little to no help? But the rich walk into the upper reaches of government for simply graduating high school?

        You say if we get rid of our economic system it will cause a resurgence of a small ruling elite who will oppress everyone, deprive them of food. And they won’t care about the basic needs of the population. Did you not see Trump turn off Medicaid? Have you not checked the grocery prices lately?

        You also make the mistake of an either/or fallacy. It’s either unregulated capitalism, or centrally planned communism. But that’s just not how the world works. For example we can have a market economy with government administered health, education, telecoms, and mass transit. A guaranteed job program is not incompatible with private industry.

        Finally, you responded to a sarcastic remark about how our country treats the different classes with this utterly crap take that ironically demonstrates the exact problem. The second someone mentions the dreaded S word the woodworks bleed people running to shout about Totalitarian rule like we would be forced to give up Democracy. All to defend the system that supports people who were born with a silver spoon and oppresses those born into a family of debt.

        As a note - Something to think about, the Annual US GDP is 27 Trillion dollars. Evenly split among all adults that’s over 100,000 dollars. Hardly poverty…

        • @[email protected]
          7 hours ago

          You’re OK? Why do you answer on deleted comment? And I don’t see the point to downvoting already deleted comment too.

          • @Maggoty
            116 hours ago

            Because you don’t get off that easy.

    • @a9cx34udP4ZZ0
      15 hours ago

      While I agree the US does a fraction of what they could: Social Security







      Department of Education

      The list goes on and on. If you think there aren’t a LOT of social programs that they can cut, you are in for a very, very rough time.

      • @michaelmrose
        311 hours ago

        I sympathize with the commentor who you are responding to although I know my present crap life could always get worse and probably will. Just doesn’t feel like much to lose

      • Dogiedog64
        714 hours ago

        Buddy, I’m being sarcastic here. I KNOW they’re gonna destroy tons of public services like that. The cruelty is the point.

  • AItoothbrush
    4216 hours ago

    Hmm interesting how all the efficiency that they are introducing requires cutting benefits. Almost as if they were pleasing the 1% or something.

  • @[email protected]
    14719 hours ago

    Don’t forget the new tax plan also includes tax increases for us plebs too!

    Cut benefits, increase payments! Good job Magoos!

  • @[email protected]
    12919 hours ago

    cutting taxes for the wealthy could risk damaging the populist image that Trump has cultivated.

    It’s never seemed to damage his image with his supporters before. He could hold them down and shit into their mouths and they’d find a reason to think it was an ok thing to do

    • @dhork
      4518 hours ago

      Many of his supporters don’t consider themselves poor or middle-class, they consider themselves pre-millionaires.

      • Flying Squid
        2516 hours ago

        When I was a kid, I was told that “The American Dream” was a house and two cars. At some point along the way, that morphed into “anyone can be a millionaire.”

        • @the_kung_fu_emu
          2015 hours ago

          Probably about the time it started taking a million dollars to comfortably maintain a house and two cars…

        • @Bytemeister
          1415 hours ago

          Have it. Don’t want it. New American dream is to be able to fuck off in the woods for weeks at a time, and still have medical care.

        • @Maggoty
          314 hours ago

          That’s because in many places you need to be a millionaire to get that two story ranch style house and 2 cars made in the last 5 years.

      • @Kalon
        2419 hours ago

        To the rich. 🫤

  • @[email protected]OP
    14920 hours ago

    I knew this would happen and loads of people on lemmy accused me of “fearmongering” or “only caring about myself” when I said I’d vote Harris

    • Flying Squid
      3817 hours ago

      With me, at least, they have moved on to, “you care more about your gay daughter than Palestinians!” Which… yeah. That’s called parenting. Along with, “why are you worried about a queer genocide that hasn’t happened yet?!” Because I don’t want to chance it? People can be such assholes.

      • @[email protected]OP
        17 hours ago

        It’s like yeah.

        If both candidates mean gaza is fucked, but one of them means hundreds of thousands of extra unnecessary deaths to disabled people, homeless people, migrants, poor people, queer and trans people etc.

        Of fucking course I’ll pick the least bad option instead of being apathetic about it. Especially since I’m a disabled poor person who has had bouts of homelessness.

        • Flying Squid
          1717 hours ago

          These same people do not seem to understand that “least bad option” does not mean “good option.” Some of them are now justifying it by saying Harris supports genocide but all Trump supports is ethnic cleansing. Seriously.

          I have always taken the advice of W.C. Fields: “I never vote for, only against.” Because there has never been a politician in my adult life that I would have voted for in a general presidential election. Or even a senatorial election,

          • @[email protected]OP
            1417 hours ago

            Same. I’m an anarchist. I don’t believe in this distorted liberal democratic system that seems to benefit the elite no matter the outcome.

            But I sure as hell am going to exercise my right to vote. It being a shitty system where I have little power doesn’t mean I should throw away the power I do have!

    • @dhork
      10020 hours ago

      “Kamala Harris is not the perfect progressive candidate in every way. How can I possibly vote for her? I’ll sit this one out. That’ll show 'em!”

      • @[email protected]
        610 hours ago

        Trump won because the people that voted for him actually like him, they aren’t choosing the lesser of two evils or whatever nonsense. The democrats message of “at least we aren’t as bad” was awfully inspiring.

        Hey democrats, if you win what will you do with that power? Change nothing? Cool!

        Blame the democrats for getting tight lipped about literally anything anyone cared about.

        • @[email protected]
          58 hours ago

          You didn’t listen - they talked about corporations buying houses, the middle class disappearing, being unable to live on minimum wage, expanding medical for people that need it.

          The idea that a political party will change just because they lost because they weren’t exactly where you wanted is also ignorant. That’s never a guarantee. Otherwise we would currently be living in utopia. Maybe it will cycle back, by the time we’re all dead

          • @aesthelete
            -17 hours ago

            They honestly spent too much time talking about tax credits to start a business. Starting a business? Lady, I’m starting to look seriously at fleeing the country in hopes of finding one that hasn’t lost its collective mind.

      • @[email protected]
        7419 hours ago

        People need to accept that the electoral system in the US is just a trolley problem at the end of the day unfortunately.

        • @NocturnalMorning
          3719 hours ago

          Basically, and people let ‘the enemy of perfect get in the way of good enough’. Progress is incremental unfortunately. That’s just how it is. We can accept that, or we get this crap.

            • @[email protected]
              1518 hours ago

              This is exactly the fucking problem, if it’s not perfect enough then people allow it to get worse instead.

              • @skibidi
                15 hours ago

                The only way a political party changes is when they stop winning.

                If Democrats think they will win by being Republicans who hate the gays a little bit less, then that is what they’ll do. They were just shown that that isn’t a winning strategy, so we’ll see if the party changes tack or doubles down.

                “You monster, it is your fault you gave us Trump”

                I make my voting preferences known in every primary, state, and federal election. I actively volunteer for candidates I like. The party knows what will earn my vote, if they wanted it. If they make the strategic bet that getting my vote will cost them more from somewhere else, then that is on them.

                “That is so entitled, how could you”

                Have you ever considered that the reason both parties seem so out of touch with mainstream thought is because they have 10s of millions of people who will vote regardless of policy, thereby preventing the parties from understanding what is actually effective in getting them votes?

                Elections are an information gathering mechanism.

                • Flying Squid
                  716 hours ago

                  You seem to think there will be real elections again rather than the type they have in Russia now that Republicans control all three branches of government.

                  I’m not sure why. Do you think they will ever willingly give up power?

                • Flying Squid
                  316 hours ago

                  Your vote was meaningless? Even in local elections? You sat out the whole thing because of the top of the ticket?

        • @[email protected]
          19 hours ago

          Not quite.

          For starters it didn’t use to be a choice of “who would you rather see killed” - or in other words, nothing was forever lost if one side won instead of the other - and beyond that it has always been a cyclical choice, so it made sense for voters who felt insufficiently catered to, to punish a side on one cycle to try and get it to offer a better deal on the next cycle.

          Whether that remains the case - i.e. will Trump make himself dictator for life - is the big question.

          • @[email protected]
            29 hours ago

            That’s true but I didn’t mean it as a choice of who you’d rather see killed, just that the system is set up in such a way that as a rational voter you are forced into a situation where you must act to prevent the worst outcome rather than voting for your interests and what you believe in.

        • @[email protected]
          15 hours ago

          At this point the trolley problem is "would you like to vote for killing 1000 per year for the next four years or would you like to vote for killing 4000 people this year with the hope that maybe it’ll cause the whole trolley system to self destruct…? (The numbers are purely illustrative).

          Edit: apparently it’s not obvious that I think these are both horrible options, and I voted for the limping painfully along for an extended period.

          • @[email protected]
            3119 hours ago

            Making things worse based on the idiotic hope that it might somehow magically spark things to get better is the absolute dumbest fucking idea one can have.

          • @[email protected]
            1219 hours ago

            If by “trolley system to self-destruct” you mean violent revolution and a new system of government imperfect in a completely different way, yes. Good luck with the wait.

            • @[email protected]
              115 hours ago

              That’s exactly what I mean, and I agree that it sounds awful. It’s like people go into these conversations deciding which side the other person is on based on which they can argue the most with.

          • @TrickDacy
            618 hours ago

            At least you’re honest about this half-baked excuse for a plan

      • @[email protected]
        18 hours ago

        I voted for her because she was the lesser evil, but describing her as just “not the perfect progressive candidate in every way” is a gross misrepresentation. She was probably the most right leaning Democratic candidate to run in a general election and was openly adopting many of the Republican stances. There were basically two Republicans running.

        • Moineau
          1114 hours ago

          Single issue voters are the reason the USA is now a dictatorship building concentration camps. That’s not an opinion.

        • @dhork
          2318 hours ago

          Really? She was to the right of the Clintons? Obama? John Kerry, even? I think you have a selective memory.

        • @TrickDacy
          1618 hours ago

          There were basically two Republicans running.

          Fucking absurd. There is a reason you don’t name one specific

    • @[email protected]
      3720 hours ago

      That’s nuts. “Only voting for yourself” is usually a trump vote. Generally, a Left-wing voter asks “What’s best for everyone?” and a Right-wing voter asks “What’s best for me?”

      Of course, the Democrat party isn’t left-wing (more like middle-right) but still, it’s a far less selfish vote than trump.

      • @[email protected]
        1819 hours ago

        I don’t know about your life, but my life is made better by the acceptance and participation of all sorts of people. I’m selfishly voting for Democrats because I have 4 daughter and a gay son.

        My wife and I make enough money and I could be happy on less if it improved the environment around me by improving the lives of the people I share the world with. Those brown people would be a hell of a lot less scary to us white people if so many of them weren’t in desperate financial straits, and if we didn’t teach them to expect hatred and cruelty from us.

        I’m a selfish-as-fuck-left-wing-voter.

  • HotsauceHurricane
    2015 hours ago

    almost as if it were billionaires working for the benefit of other billionaires…

    • Lemminary
      129 hours ago

      Idk how it hasn’t occurred to these billionaires yet that some of those few benefits are what keeping people from going full Luigi. They keep fucking around.