Your way of doing things is now how things must be done. Extra points for petty and minor stuff.

  • @rational_lib
    125 minutes ago

    Everyone drives a car with one fucking seat.

  • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️
    276 hours ago

    All you authors, columnists, and other motherfuckers not using the Oxford comma are now in big trouble.

    • @[email protected]
      4 hours ago

      This could’ve been a delightful meta joke, and I was disappointed to see that it wasn’t.

  • @chronotron
    106 hours ago

    there is no more light mode for anything at all

  • @whotookkarl
    55 hours ago

    Turn on your turn indicator, take a few seconds to check that the lane is clear, then proceed

    Turn it off and on again before asking someone for help

    Look up the word in the dictionary instead of just assuming you know what it means from context and usage

    • @[email protected]
      13 hours ago

      Dictionaries don’t say what’s right; they just say what’s popular.

      Example: say “process” out loud. Now say “protest”. If the first part doesn’t sound the same but each sounds normal, you’ve discovered something that is wrong but popular.

  • @davidgro
    268 hours ago

    I’ll go for a serious answer.

    When driving, particularly on freeways and highways, everyone must now leave a lot of space between them and the car ahead proportional to how fast they are going - even in heavy traffic. And they must allow a car that is signalling properly to merge into their lane. (But not like a bunch of cars at a time of course)

    Everyone must also start to decelerate as soon as they see brake lights ahead or notice slowing, but they have more space (starting further back in the road), so won’t have to decelerate as strongly as the car ahead is and will reach a higher minimum speed or be stopped for less time when the car ahead starts accelerating again.

    I believe this would mostly end stop-and-go traffic and smooth out all slow traffic (increasing fuel economy and reducing stress) by reducing/eliminating traffic waves. Probably even increase average speeds (but I’m less sure about that)

    • @gothic_lemons
      46 hours ago

      100000% this. I legit think we should run ad campaigns to educate drivers. It’s less stressful, easier on your brakes and your gas tank. If enough ppl did it I legit think it would have a decent little impact for the environment. Going from 0 to 30 to 40 mph, then quickly going back down to 0 has got to burn so much gas than just coasting between 10 and 20 the whole time

    • @[email protected]
      18 hours ago

      I don’t have a license so I may not know wtf I’m talking about but I’m pretty sure where I live cars already have to keep a certain distance proportional to their speed. If they don’t and they crash into the car in front of them because the driver had to brake suddenly, the driver in the back is liable. We still get congestion and all that nonsense.

  • Fargeol
    77 hours ago

    Tabs are better than spaces

    • socsa
      33 hours ago

      As long as a tab is just 4 spaces

    • I Cast Fist
      15 hours ago
      • presses tab to add space between words
      • changes field


  • @[email protected]
    11 hours ago
    1. We eating chips and popcorn with chopsticks now.

    You’re welcome for cleaner fingers and everything you touch with them.

    1. Beer ain’t getting served without some sorta pickle.

    2. Pets will be told about foods, walks, and treats in a foreign language as to prevent them getting excited about things they love during normal conversations

    3. More ducks than chickens. Duck eggs are better, duck meat is better, duck fat is better than schmaltz

    4. It’s now so wildly normal for men to wear crop tops

    You’re fucking welcome

    1. You’re getting paid for your commute time now. Your employer is covering tolls, transit passes etc.
    • @[email protected]
      99 hours ago
      1. You’re getting paid for your commute time now. Your employer is covering tolls, transit passes etc.

      I wonder how fast they would start allowing work from home again.

      • @untorquer
        5 hours ago

        Not that fast really. It’s pretty common in europe if you can ride a train and work en route. I’ve even seen people compensated for driving time & gas.

    • @[email protected]
      1411 hours ago

      Pets will be told about foods, walks, and treats in a foreign language as to prevent them getting excited about things they love during normal conversations

      And this was how TheAlbatross’s Labrador became fluent in Croatian.

    • @shyguyblue
      9 hours ago
      1. I love garlic stuffed olives, but have to eat them with chopsticks to slow myself down.

      2. My dogs love Pupperonis (one letter away from pepperoni), but I call them puppereenies so they don’t go ape shit when discussing toppings…

      Edit: Swipe typing is getting worse every day, fixed auto assumptions…

      • Hossenfeffer
        28 hours ago

        And you’ve taught your dog to eat Pupperonis with chopsticks?

    • HEXN3T
      17 hours ago

      You fool! I eat chips by pushing the bottom of the bag, then grabbing one with my mouth. No utensils required.

      • @[email protected]
        410 hours ago

        Oh You’re so right. I had a salad with sliced chicken breast for lunch today that I ate with chopsticks. Soo much easier

  • Rhynoplaz
    179 hours ago

    Everyone must now put off literally EVERYTHING until the very last minute.

    • @flubba86
      68 hours ago

      Okay. I’ll implement this change on Friday at 4.30pm.

      • Rhynoplaz
        8 hours ago

        Were you not listening?

        Implement it at 4:59.

        • @[email protected]
          48 hours ago

          The last minute to implement a change is on Thursday. No changes on Friday, for the same reason there are no changes on Saturday.

          So it should be on Thursday at 4:59.

          • Rhynoplaz
            47 hours ago

            Good point. Better just deal with it next week.

  • HEXN3T
    7 hours ago

    Auto > Light/Dark mode

    Smoking joints is now illegal. Everyone must use a battery-free vaporiser.

    Car bad.

    YYYY/MM/DD or riot. 24H time or public execution.

    I use Arch btw

    Pirate everything.

    Pink lemonade is better than regular.

    Ramen is made with the flavour packet first, then boiling the noodles in the already-made broth.

    The confirm button on a controller goes on the right. Cancel is bottom. Nintendo layout supremacy, fuck you.

    You will pet every dog you see without hesitation, even if they growl at you. The tax must be paid.

    Trackpad > Mouse

    Caffeine is now illegal. Force yourself to stay awake and make it everyone else’s problem for enforcing stupid work hours.

    • @[email protected]
      14 hours ago

      I can get behind most of these, but:

      Trackpad > Mouse

      I think you have a typo, surely you meant “trackball > mouse”. Obviouly trackpads are abomnations that have no place in polite company, so you couldn’t have meant them.

      Caffeine is now illegal. Force yourself to stay awake and make it everyone else’s problem for enforcing stupid work hours.

      You know not what you say, there are strict rules about not letting me interact with other humans before caffeine. That Geneva Convention has things to say about it.

  • @andrewta
    99 hours ago

    TV series now have 25 episodes a season.

    Five season minimum.

    All TV series are released on physical disc after one year (the creator of the show can choose a smaller amount of time if they want, but never longer). After one year it MUST BE on disc.

    Blu-ray Disc at a minimum. Can choose 4k if the creator of the show wants. Can do both.

    Federal penalties if the show is cancelled early.


    All devices that require an always on connection, must have a patch to allow the device to work if the server is ever pulled offline.

    Subscription based services must provide an actual benefit. Not a “well the company wants more money so they’re just going to create a subscription service”… looking at the companies that make heated steering wheels in cars subscription based.

    • Hossenfeffer
      8 hours ago

      TV series now have 25 episodes a season.

      Fuck no. That’s how you get pointless fucking padding episodes halfway through the season where the plot and the characters just spin their wheels and nothing meaningful happens.

      But, obviously what I mean by that is that your way is the right way.

      • @andrewta
        27 hours ago

        No offense meant, but I’m actually confused by your response.

        Are you saying that my way is the right way or my way is not the right way?

        Just as an example, the TV series, Stargate SG one we had a fan favorite episode called window of opportunity. The creator of the TV series said in today’s society there’s zero chance we could ever have that episode and yet that is literally the fan favorite of the series. Window of opportunity was basically the Groundhog Day episode. Those are the Sorts of episodes that literally would not exist anymore. While you disagree and you think that we shouldn’t have those sorts of episodes and we shouldn’t “filler episodes “ I’m on the opposite side.

        Although I may have misunderstood your response and maybe you meant that my way is the right way again like I said I’m a little confused.

        • Hossenfeffer
          6 hours ago

          Different people like different things and that’s a good thing!

          I like short, tightly plotted series that have a story to tell, that tell the story, and then end. 6-8 episodes is about right. What really turned me off to longer series was a combination of 24 (there’s a fistful of episodes in the middle where Bauer’s wife or daughter - I forget which - gets kidnapped, escapes, has amnesia, gets kidnapped again, turns into a goose… I don’t remember all the pointless timewasting filler details, but none of it was relevant to the actual story) and Lost (it became increasingly obvious that they hadn’t actually written the whole story, didn’t know what the fuck was going on, same as the rest of us, and were just making shit up as they went along, and that shit wasn’t very good).

          The last line of my comment was me remembering the premise of this thread :)

    • @[email protected]
      38 hours ago

      niiice! here’s your petty upvote for 5 season minimum. well done!

      the others in the list are reasonable, or at least entertaining.

  • @[email protected]
    58 hours ago

    I’m right-handed when using one handed tools and “left-handed” when using two handed tools like axes and shovels. The hand closer to the tool bit (the left hand in my case) is only there to provide support and slide around as the other hand controls the orientation and motion of the tool.

    I declare my way is truly right-handed while these right-hand-in-front-of-the-left-handers are just ambidextrous pretenders

  • AmidFuror
    1310 hours ago

    Toilet paper only goes on horizontal rollers with the flap facing down in the front of the roll. No more feeling the back of the roll to find the loose end.

      • AmidFuror
        39 hours ago

        I have had cats for years and never had this issue outside early kittenhood. Interesting.

      • I had an actual fight with my wife once about this. We’ve always had cats, and it’s scientifically proven that, in households with cats, the only right way to mount toilet paper is with the loose end down back.

        I lost that fight because she played the “petty” card, but I at least got her to agree that - whichever way - we had to be consistent. Inconsistent mounting is worse than any other consideration.

        • @[email protected]
          10 hours ago

          If you flatten the roll before putting it on the roller the kink prevents kitter-spinnies. This lets you put it on the right way 😋

  • @MissJinx
    79 hours ago

    Stop using toilet paper to wipe your ass. Only water.

      • ivanafterall ☑️
        12 hours ago

        I think they mean to say stop using toilet paper, only use toilet water, which I believe is how they do un numero deux en Europe.

      • @andrewta
        39 hours ago

        Maybe it’s to remove the microplastics?