TNG s3e21 “Hollow Pursuits”
… I’ll be in my bunk
It baffles me the lack of privacy in the holodecks. At least on federation ships, I don’t remember the ones from Quark’s being accessed by anybody when in use with the same liberty as on the ships.
They enter on others personal fantasies while running (or load a personal program from another person, people sometimes load others person programs), imagine enter on on an R-rated Barclay program while it is in use or load Tuvok’s wife program to help him through Pom Farr.
Considering the lack of privacy and the massive energy expenditure of the holodeck, I feel like a crewmember would be better off heading to sickbay for a hypo full of 23rd century saltpeter. “Turn me off, doc.”
On Lower Decks one of the worst tasks you could be assigned to is cleaning out the jizz traps on the holodeck.
Freeman: “People use it for that?”
Ransom: “Yeah, it’s mostly that.”
Surely, they can just un-replicate it and replenish the replicator protein stocks.
Edit: Thinking about this problem some more, there’s probably a serious issue figuring out what fluids and tissues are safe to un-replicate.
Per the technical manual, the personnel transporters have quark-scale resolution, but the cargo transporters and replicators only have molecular-scale resolution. It would be a gross safety violation to put a living being through anything short of a personnel-rated transporter. Meanwhile any kind of bodily fluid that is emitted is going to have a bunch of still living cells, at least for a while. (I’m not even discussing the gametes here yet). So how do you get the computer to safely and reliably make the determination?
“I’m not trying to replicate babies anymore.” - The Improvised Star Trek
I mean, if the ship is truly self sufficient for long journeys, then this is exactly what they’ve already been doing.
I’m sure I recall them using the cargo transporter at least a few times, but it might be enterprise I’m thinking of? I wonder what resolution they had…
No, that does sound familiar from TNG. I’m sure I remember it too.
Porn. Lots… and lots… and LOTS of porn.
Now the real chestnut observation from days past.
All of that has to go somewhere. Ships recycle a LOT of stuff. Replicators effecitvly ensure that Stuff gets turned into Stuff you can use. However it’s easier to turn Stuff into Stuff when that Stuff already has the protines, fats, and such that the end product wants to use.
Ergo ipso…
When Troi was ordering that chocolate cake, she’s eating riker splooge.
Statistically, it’s mostly Barklay’s…
When Troi was ordering that chocolate cake, she’s eating riker splooge.
I’d think it would’ve been Worf splooge, considering Troi had a thing for dark chocolate.
OK you know what. I can’t complain, I walked right into that one.
Ewwwww what the hell am I reading lol :D
Meanwhile Geordi is taking notes.
I mean, I generally don’t want to know what anyone does alone on the hollow deck.
and I’m pretty sure that Barclay’s a freak, so… we’ll just leave that right there.
The setup is different for each person, but it all kinda ends the same. Any which way you go, the holodeck filter has to be cleaned out.
Haha, you had that Lower Decks reference picked out as you were posting this, didn’t you. 😁
It was in my mind already. Can’t seem to shake the thought.
I would only do medieval plays and Sherlock Holmes stories thank you very much… … … … … … … … …and probably some furry porn…
Jordi, is that you?
Always feels hilarious seeing this screencap from Survivor: Gabon pop in random places.
I saw this when it aired and I remember laughing my ass off, but now I can’t remember what actually happened.
It’s better as a gif. Been awhile since I’ve seen the gif.
wish gif lingered on final shot
I really enjoyed the Oroville’s multiple takes on the hollo-deck, it’s probably not healthy for you or your relations to get addicted to it