As more and more details are being revealed about Rep. Lauren Boebert’s wild night out in Denver last weekend — having been kicked out of “Beetlejuice” the musical for vaping and just generally being a public nuisance with her male companion — a full picture is coming together of what the other theater patrons around her that night had to endure.

Newly released footage of the night in question appears to show Boebert’s exposed breasts being fondled by her date for an extended period of time while she, in turn, dawdles around in his lap with her hand. As many have pointed out on social media, having seen this footage, children were seated all around the couple that night, within viewing range of what they were up to.

“Laurent Boebert was jerking her date off in public while he gropes her in a theater where children were present and yet she continues to attack LGBTQ people as ‘threats to children,’” writes journalist and clinical instructor Alejandra Caraballo on X, sharing the footage of Boebert in the act.

  • TinyPizza
    4261 year ago

    What is this country coming to when you can’t even go to a production of “Beetlejuice” and jerk your date off a bit while you get your hooters groped? Everyday our traditional American values of vaping indoors and being loud and unpleasant to those around us are being stripped away by cultural Marxists and the nanny state. How are our children going to meet their future husbands as minors at bowling alleys, when said husbands can’t even publicly expose their genitalia without fear of the woke mob?

    America isn’t even half of what it used to be anymore! It’s barely even Amer! That isn’t even enough to guess the full word without the i, and soon enough we’ll lose the r, and then none of us will ever get our tits wrenched in public again!

    • @Riccosuave
      911 year ago

      All jokes aside, you’re quite a good writer 👏

    • @postmateDumbass
      531 year ago

      This is all Consitutionally protected behavior.

      The 1st Amendment riight of Freedom to Press the Button om the vape.

      The 2nd amendment right to bare titties and arms.

      The 4th amendment right gauranteeing freedom to sieze the cock.

      And thos people that reported the vape should be arrested if they said “Fire” in a theater when mentioning the smoke.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Can you imagine the outrage if a Democrat did something like this? It would be front page news across the country, but this kind of vile behavior in front of children is just another day in GQPLand.

        • @[email protected]
          621 year ago



          But we can’t stop holding our guys to a certain standard just because their guys have no standards.

          That said Franken deserved better, and it’s pointless to claim the higher ground here because they’ve made it clear that they don’t have a bottom. They can always go lower. They have no shame. Like… pathologically. They are incapable of experiencing shame as a normal person understands it.

          • @Cryophilia
            291 year ago

            Whatever the fuck standard Al Franken was held to, we shouldn’t be holding anyone to that absurdity

            • @somethingsnappy
              81 year ago

              I too miss the smartest politician I’ve ever heard, but none of us can speak to the situation.

              • @stevehobbes
                161 year ago

                I mean, pretending to touch someone’s boobs for a funny photo without actually making physical contact, while you’re on a USO tour as a comedian seems like we kinda can speak to the situation.

            • @CharlesDarwin
              51 year ago

              Agreed. The Grooming Old Perverts elected donnie, who, again, was caught, on tape, bragging about sexually assaulting women. I get we have to have a higher standard than the party of weirdos and fascists, but I still don’t understand how Franken “had” to step down.

        • @CharlesDarwin
          61 year ago

          A-fucking-men to that. It still irritates me that Democrats are made to adhere to a standard that Republicans openly laugh at. Franken is a near-perfect example of that.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      51 year ago

      Yeah, but she’s a white cishet Republican gawdly woman. Know your place!

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Can you imagine the outrage if a Democrat did something like this?

      Now that Hunter’s up on charges I’d love it if Biden went to twitter and posted some crazy rant about witch hunts complete with EMPHASIZED POINTS in ALL CAPS and then ended the tweet with something like “lol jk can you imagine if I were as unhinged as the orange spray tan?”

    • @ZeroMmX
      1 year ago

      Already happened:

      *Edit: I guess I pissed off a bunch of people here without context, I was simply pointing out the absurdity of this story being pushed by the media and the GOP. I honestly could give two shits about what the Mayor did. I live in his city!

      I wanted to show how far these right wing fucks have to reach to get any sort of credibility with their constituents.

      The Mayor can do whatever the fuck he wants at a private event. IT WAS A PRIVATE EVENT. Why the fuck is him spanking a drag queen a big deal?! The only people that gave a shit are the people I really don’t want to be around. And now I’m feeling pretty alienated because of my lack of clarity here. The amount of anger that has been displayed here is actually disheartening. What happened to asking a simple question to get some explanation or debate going? Why is every political post so violently responded to REGARDLESS of political leaning? THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT! They want us to rip each other apart. No questions asked. A political sports contest with no winner other than the venue owners.

      I guess I’m going stop posting for a while and just lurk. I can’t say shit without having a chance to explain. I automatically get labeled with extreme prejudice.

      My fault for saying anything. Sorry to those I triggered. Sorry for trying to get some semblance of an intellectual conversation/debate going.

      The hate is strong on both sides. I’m just trying to co-exist.

      Have a good one everyone. Hope your days go well.

      • @kescusay
        651 year ago

        Huh. I searched that article for anything resembling a Democrat getting into a public groping session with someone in the middle of a crowded theater, and couldn’t find it. Could you specify which paragraph I can find that in?

        • @chemical_cutthroat
          621 year ago

          Yeah, I read it all, and they even went out of their way to say that no children were present. I’m sure OP will respond, though. There’s no way they were just sending GOP talking points blasted on far right social media without verifying their validity, right?

          • @ZeroMmX
            11 year ago

            LOL. I didn’t post it for GOP support. I was simply posting it to show that the GOP is using this against democrats. I completely abhore the GOP.

            I’m amazed and surprised at how easy it was to completely piss off a bunch of people with an observation I made.

            I’m genuinely perplexed. I guess I have to lead my posts with ‘FUCK THE GOP’ before I press submit. Or at the very least add a few more sentences explaining.

        • @ZeroMmX
          21 year ago

          That’s the point. It’s what the GOP calls ammunition for their shitty campaign. Whatever this Mayor did at a private party is his business.

          • @kescusay
            21 year ago

            Hey, without the added context in your edit, it looked like your comment was trying to draw equivalency between Bobo and a drag performance. That’s why you got downvoted to hell, your comment really needed the explanation.

      • Cethin
        411 year ago

        Not even remotely the same, but whatever.

        • @ZeroMmX
          21 year ago

          It wasn’t the same. I was trying to point out that this is the stupidity of the GOP and their cohorts. They want you to believe that the Mayor was in the wrong here… Which honestly, who really gives a shit what he does at a private party?

          • Cethin
            21 year ago

            Just FYI the comment you replied to said “wait until a Democrat does something like this” and you said “It’s already happened” and linked your article. The context there is that a Democrat has done an equivalent thing, not that the right is making something unequal a bigger deal than it should be. Context is important. That’s why everyone believed you were saying “what about this…” rather than “they’re trying to hide behind this.”

      • Pandantic [they/them]
        201 year ago

        Yes, being spanked as part of an 18+ drag show performance is equal to doing actual sex acts in an all-ages theater performance when you think no one is watching.

        /s if needed.

        • @ZeroMmX
          01 year ago

          Brother…this would be the first time someone has called me a MAGA specialistt. I’m far from it. This is what MAGA wants you to be angry at. In reality, who gives a shit what this Mayor did? There are more pressing matters at hand.

          The GOP is shit. It has been shit. It will always be shit. But this is the bullshit they’re peddling to keep the those nazi fuckers angry, and the ultra conservatives frothing at the mouth with dollars bills toward their complete and utter bullshit oroganda machine.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, maybe it’s a duck. Not interested in any “both sides are the same” BS. You may not like both sides but saying they’re the same is laughable.

      • @dragonflyteaparty
        1 year ago

        So this was an all ages event with children present?

        Interesting party of the article. Maybe this isn’t the equivalency you want it to be. “While the account correctly pointed out that people 15 and older were allowed to attend, the organizer of the Drag Queen Bingo event, the Santa Clarita Valley Democrats, released a statement explaining that no one under the age of 18 was present.”

      • phillaholic
        801 year ago

        And yet we know the answer. The Democrat resigns, the Republican moves the goalposts or ignores they ever were against it.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago
        • Total felony charges brought against Republican presidents - 91.
        • Total felony charges brought against Democratic presidents - 0.
        • 100% of presidents found to be rapists in a court of law are Republican.
        • 100% of presidents who “grab them by the pussy” are Republican.
        • Number of presidents who have been listed as “unindicted co-conspirators” - 2 - both Republican, of course.
        • 100% of congressional representatives who are on video having their bare breasts fondled while they jerk off their date are Republican.
        • “It’s all the same shit.” - @[email protected]
        • Total number of active brain cells of @[email protected] - 0.
          • @charles
            191 year ago

            Obvious troll is obvious

          • @[email protected]
            31 year ago

            It’s not exactly an extensive list. Just Google “Trump charges”, “Watergate” and watch the video above and you covered it all.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            …those statistics look concerning.


            The thing is, you didn’t leave any sources for me to verify with, so I’m going to assume most of what you said was pulled out of your ass.

            Why are you commenting in a politics forum instead of taking a remedial class on the Google?

            It’s all the same shit.

            The thing is, you didn’t leave any sources for me to verify with, so I’m going to assume that comment was just pulled out of your ass. Actually no assumption is necessary.

            Parler is thataways -------------------------------------->

      • @Furbag
        321 year ago

        We don’t have to imagine. Al Franken did some inappropriate stuff and when it came to light the Democrats forced him to resign.

        Oh, but tell me more about how both sides are the same…

  • @febra
    1881 year ago

    Don’t forget, people. It’s always projection with conservatives. Next time you hear one scream about pedos, might as well start looking at their hard drives :)

    • @kameecoding
      911 year ago

      do you guys not have an idiom for that?

      in Hungarian we have (literally translated) : How one lives, thus they judge.

      • @Pencilnoob
        511 year ago

        A classic that kind of means the same thing is “me thinks he doth protest too much” from Shakespeare to indicate someone who brings up a topic they are guilty of.

        • @NightAuthor
          141 year ago

          Oh, this reminds me of “whoever smelt it dealt it”

        • @Eldritch
          51 year ago

          Basically the term projection serves the same duties. They accused people of the things they do. Projecting their behaviors on to others.

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          “Methinks the lady doth protest too much”

          Context: The Queen in his play-within-a-play is going into this really overwrought excessive speech about how much she loves the husband she is about to kill.

          In this usage “protest” is not about publicly opposing something like the modern usage, it’s more like “profess”. A good modern equivalent might be “she’s laying it on a little thick”.

      • @Pretzilla
        1 year ago

        We have acronyms

        Gaslight Obstruct Project

      • @[email protected]
        251 year ago

        “Suspicion haunts the guilty mind.” in Ireland. Don’t know if it’s an Irish saying translated to English like many others.

      • Codex
        211 year ago

        Lefties sometimes say “every accusation is a confession.”

      • andrew_bidlaw
        211 year ago

        Them having an itch and that’s all what they preach in Russian as well.

      • @[email protected]
        171 year ago

        We have (very loosely translated) ‘the innkeeper trusts his patrons as much as he trusts/knows himself’ in Dutch. Or semantically more accurate would be ‘an untrustworthy innkeeper distrusts his patrons’.

      • @eran_morad
        121 year ago

        We just call them “republicans”.

      • @blurryeyes
        51 year ago

        In Mexico it’s exactly like that “Como vives, juzgas”

    • @CharlesDarwin
      41 year ago

      There are a few specific Republicans I can think of where I’d love to have their computers/phones looks into…and not just to find their involvement/support of the coup for donnie.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        They probably have illegal things on their computers/phones. Wouldn’t be surprised as no Republicans are calling out Boobert (yes, with a o) or voted for people with questionable history.

  • @Bassman1805
    1611 year ago

    At Beetlejuice the Musical

    Man, you know what really gets me going? A corny zombie hit man singing showtunes.

  • @captainlezbian
    1551 year ago

    Yeah but I’m sexually inappropriate for existing according to her

      • @captainlezbian
        131 year ago

        Yeah but that is their justification. She was having a whirlwind romance after a divorce, which is understandable. The in group can violate boundaries and so long as it’s insufficiently grievous to the level of in/out group division and context they get away with it. The out group is incomprehensible and must be thought of within their framework. Homosexuality is a sexual sin in their framework so gay love is grossly displaying unacceptable sexual behavior. Existing as a trans person is extra gay in their framework so it must be a fetish or something sexual and sinful. And with no in group protection…

  • FoundTheVegan
    1361 year ago

    Unreal. Absolutely fucking unreal. And these people have the gall to call reading fully clothed at a library a sexual act, but here the fuck they jerking off on public in front of kids.

    I know I’m not saying anything new or interesting, but as someone who has felt threatened by the conservative groomer language as of late, this really fucking gets to me.


    • @[email protected]
      731 year ago

      This quote by Sartre applies to Republicans

      Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

      In other words, they don’t care about reason or consistency. If you point out that what they said is contradictory they don’t care.

      You can’t argue with them. You can’t reason. They are consciously or otherwise operating from an emotional , literal nonsense, level of thought.

      They need to be removed from power and I don’t really care that much which box of liberty gets used to get the job done.

      • @jarfil
        81 year ago

        Sartre describing trolling.

        On the bright side, at least now we have a single word for it.

  • @[email protected]
    1361 year ago

    Why hasn’t she been arrested for public nudity, sex acts in public, and all the upgrades for committing these crimes in front of minor children?

  • @Ensign_Crab
    1261 year ago

    I’m old enough to remember this sort of thing having a deleterious effect on the career of Paul Reubens.

  • @fubo
    1241 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • @[email protected]
      1091 year ago

      As many have pointed out on social media, having seen this footage, children were seated all around the couple that night, within viewing range of what they were up to.

      You didn’t even have to click through to the article, it was right in OP’s summary. Come on.

    • @joel_feila
      141 year ago

      Either way we a registry for her

      • Ænima
        1 year ago

        Is it the same registry her ex husband it’s on, perhaps?

    • -☆-
      71 year ago

      As a fan of that musical, 10 is… Too low tbh

  • @Skaryon
    1131 year ago

    Exposing her boebs in public, giving her date a boener.

    Disgusting boehavior

    • @RizzRustbolt
      31 year ago

      Disgusting puns too. Never malign human sexuality or puns like that again.

      • @Skaryon
        81 year ago

        The only people who malign human sexuality are the ones who proclaim me and my partner are groomers by merely existing and then do shit like this in theaters.

    • @kbotc
      11 year ago

      deleted by creator

  • 🐱TheCat
    1131 year ago

    Just imagine the outrage and slandering of entire demographics that would be going on if there were a gay couple instead, or if this was something that happened at a drag show.

    Just something to think about when you see your ‘christian’ republican relatives play this down

    • @Saneless
      361 year ago

      If AOC did this they’d burn down the Capitol

      • @Archer
        101 year ago

        Oh I’m sure that’s coming in 2024 if no one does anything about it like last time

    • @tacosplease
      191 year ago

      Or if it has been exactly the same but with a democratic politician

    • @dhork
      1 year ago

      or if this was something that happened at a drag show.

      If God had a sense of humor, this would have all happened at a Mrs. Doubtfire show instead of Beetlejuice…

  • @[email protected]
    1001 year ago

    So…were there children in the audience? Sounds like she could be forced to register as a sex offender under some American laws.

  • @[email protected]
    981 year ago

    It’s a good thing she isn’t gay! Otherwise fondling someone’s genitals in public around kids would have been a bad thing instead of a good thing.

    • @Saneless
      271 year ago

      You don’t even have to fondle if you’re gay. Just being around kids is apparently bad

  • Ertebolle
    971 year ago

    I think at this point we can pretty much assume that anybody who makes public speeches about sexual perversion is, themself, a pervert.

  • FuglyDuck
    931 year ago

    So. Uhm.

    Groping and giving a handy in public seems to be illegal in Colorado. And probably sufficient to land her on the sexual offenders list.

    • @Ensign_Crab
      151 year ago

      Nothing is going to happen to her. She’s a Republican.

      • @[email protected]
        71 year ago

        She’s an official in a place of power, so she won’t be charged. And since she’s a republican, her constituents and colleagues well almost certainly defend this disgusting behavior.