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Me IRL after overdosing
How can I hide these images?
They’re kind of annoying.
You can hide them with the logout button.
Nah, you have to delete System32
Most people here are Linux users so Deleting that only Breaks Wine but doesn’t do anything for non Windows applications (like Firefox which is what they’re viewing it on).
The point was that logging out is just as ineffectual as deleting System32, especially when your device doesn’t have any such thing
Why even bother answering if you don’t have anything useful to say?
The poorly cropped phone screenshot makes it
Extremely relatable. I actually thought this was one of my masto posts at first.
im sure this won’t end up with manmade horrors beyond my comprehension
Can we take it… recreationaly?
No wonder toddlers are so indestructible. They’re like 90% Teeth.
Don’t Google vagina dentata
Oh, hell. Just those two words together made me flinch.
That movie was hilarious.
But then you miss out on catchy tunes like this
have you heard about teratomas? I think that’s exactly what you’re thinking of, except it’s natural
I mean those are weird enough but I’m sure someone’s gonna chug a bottle of whatever this stuff is made of and end up looking like a biblically accurate tooth fairy
Yay reddit humor.
im just doing my part to keep others from relapsing to the bad place
Cool now please help me regrow my gums so my teeth don’t fall out.
First help me regrow my jaw so my gums don’t fall out.
gum disease is no joke. It’ll take your gums and jawbone. Wish someone would help us out.
First help me regrow my head so myyahsbdbdjduxhd
Teeth have always kind of struck me as something we could eventually not just replace or regrow and make as good as new, but actually replace with something better.
Teeth are, by their nature, subject to a lot of wear and tear, corrosive environments, have a lot of nooks and crannies that need to be cleaned regularly, etc.
How fucking cool would it be to have some sort of cyborg teeth made of some material that won’t wear down, is more corrosion resistant, stronger than your natural teeth, etc? You could use your teeth as a bottle opener with impunity, or do everything else your parents always warned you not to do with your teeth.
I’m certainly no doctor or material scientist to suggest what the ideal tooth replacement material would be, but imagine having some kind of titanium alloy super teeth that would never wear down, corrode, or get cavities no matter what kind of neglect or abuse you subject them to, and are purposely engineered for easier flossing, may e even more efficient biting and chewing. Sure, the Jaws look isn’t everyone’s aesthetic, but some of us might consider it a worthwhile trade-off.
In the meantime though, this is damn cool if it pans out.
The problem there is that the teeth are supported by the jaw bones.
We’ve had dental implants for the past 2 decades that are pretty indestructible as you describe. The only problem is the jaw bones you drill into aren’t that robust. Especially when you start putting multiple holes in it to hold the teeth. So the jaw bone part of the implant tends to fail after about a decade or two, even when the tooth part of it is still plenty robust.
Which frankly is the same problem faced by all proposed cybernetic implants/augmentations. The cybernetic part can be as indestructible as you want, but the organics its attached to are comparatively fragile.
I guess we’ll just have to replace all the organic parts
Do you crave the strength and certainty of steel?
I’d settle for billet aluminum.
What’s the quote from? 40k?
Specifically the 40k game “Mechanicus”
Why waste time with crude matter when we could just be pure energy?
I, for one, intend on becoming a Cyberghost, should I die resentful enough to cause a curse of undeath.
but then you just get bludgeoned with a dildo by someone possessed by the ghost of Keanu Reeves
Honestly? Not the worst way to go out.
But it has to be Keanu
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Yeah and those implants are no joke in strength
Trigger Warning: true story of workplace injury involving a coworker and his teeth.
It's light on injury descriptions at least
One of my coworkers a few months ago had a 200lbs roll of aluminum fall on his head. His implant collided with 3 teeth above it and blew those up.
He’s mostly recovered at this point from the whole ordeal (concussion, smashed fingers, etc.) he’s just waiting on the bone grafts to heal up for the replacement teeth that are going in.
And yes he got lucky that the roll mostly glanced off of him towards the front. Had he gotten hit straight on top of the head (or it glanced towards the back) he likely would have broken his neck or died.
Jesus H. Christ.
I’m glad your colleague got away with fairly minor injuries.
I bet the OSHA department is having a hell of a time now.
Honestly blew my mind that he walking the next time I saw him
Oh yeah our safety department threw a fit especially when they found out that he was not wearing a hardhat
But also…
Thr flesh is weak.
The last paragraph has a Mechanicus ring to it lmao
Man’s out here with the monocrystalline-corundum-coated titanium based tooth implants
The jaws look would be so cool but imagine if you accidentally bit your cheek while chewing gum or something.
“Hesh wants metal teeth!”- Hesh
Natural teeth attached to the jaw will always be better than any artificial alternative. Moreso now because they can be regrown.
I don’t really follow teeth stuff but don’t we already have teeth replacements today?
Finally I can get my vagina dentata.
Every little girl’s dream. Heck, every boy’s dream, for that matter.
Could I get some in my ass to make a Play-Doh factory?
You’re right. I will try to be more original.
We should pose as dealers and prank toothless drug abusers with tooth regrowth medicine
This is a good point. It says it will grow teeth, it doesn’t say where.
Im fine with that. Ill never need the poop knife again once my anal chompers come in.
Monkeys paw, you develop tastebuds there too.
DO NOT GOOGLE RECTAL TASTEBUDS - Or do. But be prepared to have your mind blown.
[Edit: seriously. Tastebuds are already there…]
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I actually wasn’t making a joke. The anus and testicles/scrotum both have tastebuds.
I guess if you like using poop for playdough… things would turn into a spaghetti press really quick…
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pls no
If we learn how to regrow teeth, I wonder if we’ll learn how to regrow bones after that.
Soon we’ll be farming volunteer humans for bone marrow stew. Sign up, have several bones removed—femur, tibia, you name it—and cracked open for that sweet juicy marrow. Then a steady supply of bone growing pills to start the process all over again.
This is basically the plot to The Marrow Thieves by Cherie Dimaline, minus the volunteering portion
Let’s be honest, once you get the taste for marrow stew the no volunteering part is merely an obstacle.
We’ll be 3D printing bones relatively soon I’m guessing.
Seeing as teething babies cry a lot, I wonder how painful this process will be.
I had some “teething” as my wisdom teeth came in. It’s painful, and causes a fever, but babies have no understanding of why they are in pain, and no way to deal with it. As an adult, it’s not fun, but it’s manageable and much less scary.
That’s because their teeth are busting through their fleshy gums. Presumably this would be growing out an existing hole.
Dare ya to search “baby teeth skull”.
Have you had your wisdom teeth grow? I figure this would be the same. With mine it wasn’t a particularly pleasant experience, but it wasn’t too bad either - and if it’s the same with that new treatment, I’d be willing to take the pain over the alternative of staying toothless when I grow old.
Are you supposed to be able to feel wisdom teeth growing? Cause when I got mine there wasn’t any pain
I guess that ideally you don’t feel anything at all, but I’ve heard from a few people that there was some itchiness and irritation, which mirrors my experience, so…
Fortunately didn’t get any of that. Just accidentally biting my inner cheeks with them as they grew.
Less painful than looking at yourself every day in the mirror and staring at your with missing teeth…
Crying isn’t always about pain. Babies can’t talk and don’t have the capacity to realize what’s going on. A lot of their crying can simply be chalked up to the frustration of not being able to communicate, not necessarily from pain.
Never flossing again.
Use a waterpik, much better than floss
Fuck that. I’m just getting new teeth.
I mean, you can do that already, if you have the money.
No it’s not, but it is better than nothing and still pretty good on its own merit.
Use both, tbh
Wonder if we could somehow plan for them to grow in straight?
Lisa needs braces
Lisa needs braces-
So long, dental plan!
That’s what I had planned the first time they grew in but it didn’t work
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And it will cost me a kidney !
Only if you’re American and can pay 15k, the rest of us will wait 5 years… Have our appointment cancelled wait 4 more and by the time we’re assessed they will tell us we waited to long and there is nothing they can do for us.
It took them 6 years to take my gallbladder out even with it causing horrid pain… I mean covid did happen in the middle but still diagnosed 2016 and surgery is 2021 is kind of fucked by any standards.
As far as I know, no national health systems cover cosmetic dental work.
Certainly both in the UK and in Portugal I always had to pay for it from my own pocket.
Mind you, neither of those countries has anywhere near US prices even for private healthcare.
And will probably give you cancer.
Tooth cancer?
The grift against the tooth fairy is about to reach fever pitch
That’s pretty awesome for some folks - my uncle had three sets of teeth, so the last set was extremely brittle. I’m curious if calcium supplements and this drug could provide an alternative to dentures.
Did you say your uncle had a third set of natural grown teeth? I always assumed everyone had two sets only.
No, some people have a complete third set. Some people only have a partial third set, or even have third teeth in just a few positions within the mouth. A dentist who told me about this said it’s a little rare, but not super rare.
Yes, they came in in his thirties, which was like 40-50 years ago. It hasn’t happened to anyone else in the family thankfully, though he himself never had kids.
I have a friend that recently showed me his third set of teeth coming in about a centimeter below where his regular teeth grew in.
If at all possible make sure your friend is talking to a dentist or orthodontist about that - they may need calcium supplements.
Are you, by any chance, related to sharkboy?
No, but I am related to Dolphin Boy. We fight for all Sea Labians!
I thought you said Sea Lesbians for a second…
Sea lesbians with multiple rows of teeth, remember
I could be crazy but I swear I’ve heard this a number of times before. It always seemed wonderful as my teeth tend to self-destruct. But nothing ever seems to come from it.
It would be nice if we just naturally grew a new set every 10 years or so but people with strong teeth would be quite annoyed at that especially if they had to do alignment.
Honestly I was hoping crispr would take off more than it actually did come because I’d love to splice myself with the jeans of a shark and just get better teeth every time I lose a tooth
I am scared if it ever takes off - it will only exist for the rich.
We will soon have a world of CRISPR enhanced humans, and well… me.
Wasn’t crispr designed to be open source to avoid this problem?
And they shall call you The Denim Reefer
That would be amazing… imagine face planting from a stupid stunt and being like no biggie they’ll grow back. Works for kids and we already know from admittedly gross tumors the human body can grow hair and teeth. Just have to get them in the right place.
Also agree with the other comment to your post… crispr will likely be for the rich. Hell, it probably already is. A cynical view but i don’t sit at that table so who knows.
I’ve worked in dental in the past (assistant) and my brother has been sending me these types of articles since I started back in 2004. I always say something like “wild” or “amazing” but really NOTHING ever comes of it so I stopped actually reading what he sends me. It’s just a waste of time.
I’ll believe it when I see it
Thank you for confirming I’m not crazy. At least in that aspect. And also, as someone who has spent an insane amount of hours in that chair thank you for being a DA and dealing with us.
My wifes nieces and nephew all had something (DNA? stem cells? Not sure, cant remember) taken by someone in the family who is working on this science to regrow teeth. He doesn’t seem to think its too far off last time i spoke to him.
I didn’t mean to imply it wasn’t possible. I have a relative that works for ITER. And similarly it’s possible but not in my lifetime i imagine.
It might seem silly to relate the 2 but it’s just a feeling… major applicable innovation seems lacking.
Also waiting on sodium-ion or glass batteries as well.
This is for congenital lack of teeth. not for people who have had their teeth removed.
That appears to be the current goal, but it still looks like the phase-1 will be on healthy adults which is pretty creepy to imagine!
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Not really. The research papers mention an interaction between an antibody and a gene that controls tooth growth in both humans and mice. If that gene is supressed, there is no tooth growth.
However, every tooth you can ever grow, or at least the embryonal tissue for it, is already present at birth. There is no way to get more, and activating this gene would not give you additional tissue to develop into new teeth.
So are they only looking at safety and toxicity in this trial, and not expecting to see additional tooth growth?
Not yet, but it could potentially lead to further innovations in that regard.
Okay. I had a broken tooth removed and replaced with a titanium implant. What would happen to me if I took this drug?
Your bio-engineered tooth and cybernetic tooth would have to battle to the death.
Marvel could probably squeeze 3 main line entries and 5 side line ones. Maybe even an origin story comic book.
Like pokemon vs digimon, just in your mouth?
Like, if I had another tooth fail, would I be eligible for this treatment?