House Republicans moved to reduce Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s salary to $1, as lawmakers debate spending bills ahead of the government funding deadline next week.

The salary cut for Buttigieg was put forth by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) and adopted by voice vote as an amendment to the 2024 Transpiration and Housing and Urban Development spending bill.

“Pete Buttigieg doesn’t do his job. It’s all about fake photo ops and taxpayer-funded private jet trip to accept LGBTQ awards for him,” Green posted on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. “I’m happy my amendment passed, but he doesn’t deserve a single penny.”

The underlying bill needs to be approved by the full House and is unlikely to be approved by the Senate.

    • The Real King Gordon
      1359 months ago

      The gop has no plan or intent to govern. At all. How can you run a government if your entire platform is that all government is bad?

        • @CharlesDarwin
          109 months ago

          That’s part of it. At least that is what the elitists that hold all the cards (fiscally) want, but there is a huge streak of racism and qtarded nonsense driving a lot of the base.

        • @grue
          89 months ago

          I wish that were it, but I think it’s pretty clear that they want to be way more theocratic and totalitarian than that.

          • @[email protected]
            9 months ago

            Yeah, votes to deny health procedures and ban books, aren’t very small government of them.

      • @NABDad
        299 months ago

        Republicans: “Government doesn’t work. Elect us and we’ll prove it.”

      • @elbucho
        249 months ago

        Remember when Donald Trump appointed the guy who said he wanted to abolish the Department of Energy to be the head of the Department of Energy? Good times.

        • @[email protected]
          79 months ago

          When asked to name the departments he wanted to shut down, he listed them off but couldn’t even remember the name of the DOE that he later got put in charge of.

          • @elbucho
            29 months ago

            Haha yeah. That certainly was a highlight of 2016. Even better was that one of the three was the department of education…

      • @ghostdoggtv
        109 months ago

        Their plan is to destroy the United States of America as safely as they can.

        • @[email protected]
          29 months ago

          They’ve confined themselves, and far too many of their voters, that they’re saving it. Especially by forcing women to live like it’s the 1700s and let the billionaires be kings.

      • @grue
        89 months ago

        How can you run a government if your entire platform is that all government is bad?


    • @littlewonder
      289 months ago

      Hey now. Neurodiverse children generally still have love and kind moments. Pretty sure they could govern on better values than this.

      MTG and the rest of the idiot-caucus are straight up garbage trolls.

      • @ki77erb
        139 months ago

        Someone who sits around all day doing fuck all except coming up with bullshit bills that are 100% guaranteed to never amount to anything.

        They could have just elected a potato and got the same result.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      199 months ago

      I keep wondering how long it will be before they have “representatives” that will literally fling poo. They already had their base smearing feces during their insurrection.

      Seems it is only a matter of time.

    • @[email protected]
      109 months ago

      Turns out it’s an even better investment than politicans with morals. Say whatever you want but make sure you take the donor phone call before you vote.

  • FuglyDuck
    1709 months ago

    Did Greene seriously call someone out for not doing their job?

    Something something projection, something, confession.

    • @logicbomb
      439 months ago

      The people who are in committees with Greene have noted in the past that she basically doesn’t attend them, unless the media is there, when she shows up just long enough to be disruptive and make the news. At which point, she leaves and they can get back to work.

      The “every accusation is a confession” quote you’re referencing has never been more accurate. I don’t think Greene has the mental creativity to imagine that there are any people who are doing worse things than her.

    • LazaroFilm
      249 months ago

      Their plan is to cry wolf first.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      69 months ago

      It’s like when their rocket surgeons (like baby hands) actually call Democrats “fascists”. Often in the same breath that they are demonizing “antifa”, i.e., anti-fascists.

      • @Railing5132
        29 months ago

        No, we’re “Anteefa”, and we hold our meetings in the libraries on Wednesdays. We have cookies and juice.

    • @TBi
      239 months ago

      I think it’s more of “that’s what i do so everyone else must do the same”.

      They do it and believe everyone else does too.

    • @IamtheMorgz
      149 months ago

      Whoa, don’t call her a cunt. She doesn’t have the depth or the warmth.

    • kingthrillgore
      129 months ago

      I’d call her a caveman but that’s an insult to actual cave people, neanderthals, cro-magnon, caves, and men

  • katy ✨
    899 months ago

    worth noting that they did this but the still don’t have a budget even though the government will shut down in about two weeks if they don’t pass one, right before the holidays

      • @grue
        209 months ago

        Excuse me, but my 3-year-old is way more mature and better behaved than those fuckwads in Dalton.

  • @[email protected]
    619 months ago

    (Cutting a public servant’s salary just encourages them to get money from elsewhere, or encourages a government run by the generationally wealthy)

    • @logicbomb
      249 months ago

      Hopefully, the American people will stop letting her be in congress, and she can be forgotten to the point that the Magic: The Gathering folks can have their letters back.

      • @Viking_Hippie
        109 months ago

        I prefer calling her Perjury Greene for that reason and because I watched her commit blatant perjury during the hearing to determine whether she was fit to run for re-election. In a court setting. Under oath. While it was streaming live for the entire world to see. No consequences whatsoever 🤬

      • brothershamus
        79 months ago

        Not American people. republiQans in north Georgia. Yes, they’re American people, but the’re also dumb enough to have voted for her twice now. So. Y’know, it’s not great.

        • @logicbomb
          39 months ago

          Technically, the rest of the Americans could also remove her from congress, by electing congresspeople who would remove her. But that’s even less likely than Greene being removed by direct voting.

    • nicetriangle
      179 months ago

      It would have to exist in the first place to allow or disallow anything

    • @[email protected]
      129 months ago

      “i always thought there couldn’t possibly be a God, with all the evil in the world. But perhaps… all this evil exists because there is a God. Perhaps, yes, perhaps this God just isn’t a particularly nice guy. It’s possible that God isn’t a DJ, but an arsehole.”

      “You know the saying that God created Man in His image? Well, look around. If you assume that God is an arsehole, it suddenly makes a lot of sense.”

      Freely translated from The Kangaroo Chronicles by Marc-Uwe Kling

    • TigrisMorte
      -269 months ago

      God doesn’t interfere. IE not a prayer based vending machine. God gave us a “how not to make Hell on Earth” manual and we added all kinds of “empower me at the expense of others” to it.
      As regards Empty G’s behavior, “I learned it from you!”, where “you” is the collective Human species.

      • @Mo9000
        369 months ago

        *God doesn’t exist

        Fixed that for you

          • @Viking_Hippie
            289 months ago

            Can’t prove a negative. The burden of proof is on you to prove your absurd claim that your invisible sky daddy is real.

            • TigrisMorte
              09 months ago

              No, the burden of proof is upon the person making the unprovable claim. I claimed nothing.

              Just because a claim fits your bias makes it no less an unsupported belief than anyone else’s unsupported belief.

              • @Viking_Hippie
                09 months ago

                Again, you can’t prove a negative whether it’s true or not. The positive claim, which is unproven and therefore to be deemed false, is the existence of your magical master being.

                Try brushing up on the nature of proof and the scientific method before you embarrass yourself further.

                • TigrisMorte
                  09 months ago

                  Then it is a belief. And you can prove negatives, just not grandiose ones. I can prove there is no salt in a solution. But until I prove it, that is a belief and not a given. The fact that the scale is the entirety of Reality makes no difference in the applicable Scientific proof required from the claimant. Negativity or affirmity is irrelevant. A claim which can’t be proven is a belief and nothing more.

                  Try brushing up on the argument you are attempting to make. Your desperation to argue against a claim you assume I believe has you floundering. There was no positive claim. The negative claim made was made in an attempt to reinforce their weak faith by forcing it upon others. Just because your equally weak faith can’t survive others not agreeing makes the negative claim no less a belief. It remains nothing more than your belief no matter how hard you stamp your feet and demand others must prove you wrong or accept your unsupported claim. Simply not how it works.

            • brothershamus
              -139 months ago

              Yeah that can’t happen - BUT: it’s been theorized that humans are born with the ability to language. Like, talking good be wired up in there to start. Which. I dunno, seems like something.

              • @STUPIDVIPGUY
                99 months ago

                Seems like evidence of fucking evolution, yeah. Turns out language is favorable for survival and cooperation.

                • TigrisMorte
                  -29 months ago

                  And Evolution is a process which started why? Where’d all the energy come from? Seems your belief system is no less full of holes than anyone else’s.

              • @Mo9000
                19 months ago

                I seriously question whether you even have “the ability to language”, as you so eloquently put it, this far into your life let alone be born with it.

        • Zorque
          -339 months ago

          Don’t cut yourself on that edge, me boy.

          • @mondo_brondo
            219 months ago

            It’s edgy to disbelieve in something that has no factual basis?

            • @EmpathicVagrant
              129 months ago

              They probably think its equally edgy to say Santa, Buddha, Karma, Yahweh, Flying Spaghetti Monster, etc don’t exist. None have been proven not to exist, so by their logic they all simply MUST.

              • @Viking_Hippie
                89 months ago

                Flying Spaghetti Monster DOES exist! It’s proven by the inverse relationship between the number of pirates in the world, especially ones of the Caribbean that aren’t Johnny Depp, and global warming.

              • norbert
                -129 months ago

                Reaching pretty hard on that “logic” there.

                Needing to mention that Santa/FSM/etc doesn’t exist every time it comes up is the height of edgy. Everyone knows, nobody cares cause it’s rarely relevant.

                • @STUPIDVIPGUY
                  79 months ago

                  So them being fake is a given, yet your god is somehow different?

          • @STUPIDVIPGUY
            9 months ago

            Literally nothing edgy about stating that magical sky daddy is a story made up by ancient bandits.

            • norbert
              -49 months ago

              tips fedora

              Agreed sir you are a gentleman and a scholar!

          • @[email protected]
            89 months ago

            Stating a fact is edgy? Lmao

            You don’t believe in 199 gods, I don’t believe in 200 gods

            If your sky daddy was the “right” one, why would he even allow all these other “false” religions to exist and cause death and chaos? Seems like a dumb ass to me if so

            • @[email protected]
              39 months ago

              He doesn’t, all those people that believe in false gods are just damned to hell for all eternity.

              • @Mo9000
                19 months ago

                Why is that the criteria for eternal damnation? Believe in the face of a total lack of evidence, that’s the question upon which burning for ALL ETERNITY hinges on? That “God” is an evil psychopath and deserves nothing from us.

                And if his power somehow comes from our belief, then all the better to rid ourselves of that belief. But if he’s omnipotent, why does he require our belief and servitude? Seems like absolute insanity to believe in that to me.

                And those people that believe in false gods are damned just because if where they’re born? What a sick fucking god you worship.

                • @[email protected]
                  9 months ago

                  We are on the same page here brother, fundies are fucking nuts. 👍

                  I was pointing out that all these religions are basically playing the lottery on whose strict beliefs turn out to actually save their soul. Not to mention they could all be wrong and there is no afterlife or at least no “final judgement”. Or that the one “true” religion could not even exist yet, or it could have died off a long while ago. It’s not worth playing.

      • @[email protected]
        189 months ago

        How do I tell the difference between a world with no God, and a world that has a God that uses its unbounded knowledge and power to hide its presence from us?

        • @jarfil
          49 months ago

          You don’t. That’s on purpose, to test your blind unwavering faith, and you won’t know your score until after you’re dead. Just follow without question whatever your spiritual leader says in order to maximize your chances… ain’t that convenient?

          • TigrisMorte
            -29 months ago

            Just like all the Atheists do. Convenient? Not really. Seems harder to believe anything unprovable than to believe things you can poke with a stick.

        • TigrisMorte
          29 months ago

          The more important question is, “Does it matter if there is or is not a God?”

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    Counter with an amendment that also reduces Greene and co’s salary to $1

    Or to make a stronger point, make it 50% of their current salary so their supporters know how much money they make

    • @dhork
      179 months ago

      Sadly, this isn’t possible, because Congressmen have their salaries guaranteed in the Constitution, and the people who oppose her positions have actually read it and take its limitations on their power seriously.

      • @logicbomb
        109 months ago

        It’s not sad in general. It’s a good thing to pay our Congresspersons, because the alternative is that only rich people can afford to be Congresspeople.

        • @frizop
          59 months ago

          Which is totally unlike what’s happening now, right?? Right?!

      • @[email protected]
        29 months ago

        But taxes aren’t constrained…so make an amendment to tax representatives from northern Georgia at 90% of their pay. Or something. You can’t target individual people, per the constitution, but that should be ‘general’ enough to get around it, aye?

        • @dhork
          9 months ago

          No, but the Constitution does specify that they must be paid. And the 27th amendment says their pay is fixed for the term, and any legislation to change their salary can’t go into effect until after the next Federal election.

          • Doc Avid Mornington
            19 months ago

            Ah yeah, I forgot about the 27th amendment, good point. So the worst they could theoretically do is cut her pay drastically, starting in 2025, assuming she still has her seat. But it’s all just posturing, nothing stops Congress from considering and voting on a bill that isn’t constitutional, and neither version of the bill will pass.

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      Bold of you to assume that MTG’s supporters understand percentages and multiplication.

  • @RedditReject
    439 months ago

    We should have a law that says the representatives don’t get paid if they shut the government down because they can’t pass a CR.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      That only hurts the less corrupt and newer Reps. It wouldn’t do anything to the long time incumbents who run all the committees because of bullshit seniority rules.

      Maybe just fire them all and trigger new elections. But thinking about that for a second, the long time incumbents would just win again because voters fucking suck balls.

      • @nixcamic
        89 months ago

        Maybe just fire them all and trigger new elections

        Literally what happens in most Westminster parliamentary systems if the budget doesn’t get passed. Canada’s government never shuts down but there was that one time we had elections like every 6 months.

  • Melllvar
    399 months ago

    There’s already a mechanism for the House of Representatives to hold cabinet secretaries to account.

    She’d have to read the US Constitution to know what I’m referring to, of course.

  • @CharlesDarwin
    299 months ago

    The howler monkeys in the GOP are as serious as ever.

  • @[email protected]
    289 months ago

    Well I’m glad she said the quiet part out loud so that the hard-of-hearing bigots could pick up on the dog whistle. Very inclusive of her.

  • Flying Squid
    229 months ago

    To what end? I’m pretty sure we need a fucking transport secretary what with interstate commerce not being restricted.

  • @paddirn
    139 months ago

    Surely if they care about spending so much, they’d be willing to cut their own salary and benefits, right? I mean, I’m sure whatever payoffs they’re getting more than outweight their salaries.

  • @[email protected]
    119 months ago

    It’s worse

    She celebrated this as her firing him (it’s not)

    And claimed this would stop him from paying for private flights/security (he doesn’t, the government does)