• be_excellent_to_each_other
      4110 months ago

      As long as they think fascism will only hurt the people they want hurt, they will go right along. By the time they realize their mistake it will be too late.

    • @pinkdrunkenelephants
      10 months ago

      We need guns to fucking deal with them AND the tyrannical government they’re imposing. 🤦

    • TechyDad
      1710 months ago

      Reminder that Trump said “I like taking the guns early … Take the guns first, go through due process second"

    • @YoBuckStopsHere
      1010 months ago

      They will be so upset when dictator Trump bans guns.

      • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
        1210 months ago

        As long as the guns are “pointed” at woke warriors, terrifying trannies, and murderous migrants there’s no need to take the guns.

      • @AbidanYre
        810 months ago

        They defend his comment about taking the guns first and due process second.

    • @CharlesDarwin
      810 months ago

      Insert an “always has been” meme here.

  • @Burn_The_Right
    10410 months ago

    Remember… Your conservative friends and family will politely wave as they watch you escorted away to be “re-educated”.

    Your conservative family, neighbors and co-workers do not value your life the way you value theirs. They are simply not capable of that. Empathy is not a conservative trait. It never has been.

    • @[email protected]
      -2710 months ago

      I have no fucking clue why you have so many upvotes. This is provably false.

      To the extent that a person’s conservative friend or family is a Trump supporter, then maybe you have a point. But Trump’s political support is as varied as Biden’s. That is, I don’t particularly like Biden, but I’ll vote for him again. Similarly, conservatives that reluctantly support Trump, of which there are many, shouldn’t be disparaged as lacking empathy in the same way gung-ho Trump supporters are.

      • KairuByte
        4310 months ago

        “I only reluctantly support the guy saying he will be a dictator, therefore don’t lump me in with the people who happily support him.” 🤦🏻‍♂️

        • @CharlesDarwin
          2210 months ago

          Many of them claim they “have” to vote for donnie because, yadda yadda, LeftTooExtreme, LeftTooWoke, because of their 401K, gas prices, greedflation being called “inflation” (and blamed on Biden, WTAF), or some combo of these. They just don’t care if fascism is a risk, because they think they won’t be at risk or may even benefit from the fascism.

          What else to call this but a lack of empathy…

          • @[email protected]
            810 months ago

            What else to call this but a lack of empathy…

            Lack of foresight? Ignorance? Delusion that they will definitely be in the “in-group?”

        • @[email protected]
          -1810 months ago


          Feel superior to Trump supporters. Know you’re right and they’re definitely wrong. Be morally superior to them because you have a connection to reality they definitely and obviously don’t have. Your logic over their intuition; your facts over their emotions, your reality over their delusion.

          When they vote for a fascist dictator that throws American democracy back to a state of nature because they feel marginalized and unheard and seek…well, they are…thanks to your bullshit stereotypes.

          Only the most morally degrading cowardice for liberals and conservatives alike.

          • @assassin_aragorn
            1710 months ago

            But you’re already doing this – you make it clear that the wrong thing to do is electing the fascist dictator, and the good thing to do is whatever you can to prevent that.

            Your argument is effectively what? Don’t think you’re better than the people doing the wrong thing, because then they’ll do the wrong thing?

            This isn’t 2016. Trump is a known quantity. His diehard supporters are a lost cause, and we should stop pretending otherwise. Frankly, those who say “you’re being mean to them so I’m voting for Trump” are a lost cause as well. Fascism cannot be beaten through lukewarm rejection.

          • chingadera
            1010 months ago

            They are not doing this because we are saying they’re are doing it, we are pointing it out because it is what they are doing. They are not victims, as much as they want to claim it. Some of these people are legit terrorists, threatening violence to progress a political agenda. They are cheering for a dictatorship. They are cheering to take away fundamental rights. They are cheering for suffering because they think it’s okay, it’s not happening to them. These people have protested alongside white supremacy groups. There is not a mistake about who these people are on the inside.

            Fuck these people, you are not going to find sympathy for them here.

          • KairuByte
            910 months ago

            I’m sorry, you’re claiming that evangelicals, the majority chunk of Trump supporters, are marginalized, unheard and unseen?

            Because we refuse to listen to their bullshit?

            When a school bully harasses other students, do you shush the victim and console the bully? “But the bully feels like we hate them” well gee, maybe they should stop being an asshole.

            • @[email protected]
              -110 months ago

              you’re claiming that evangelicals, the majority chunk of Trump supporters, are marginalized, unheard and unseen?

              No. I’m claiming that the majority of Trump’s support is as tentative my support for Biden, which seems him as the preferable alternative at most. Alienating people you have common ground with is evidently a losing strategy, and yet republican and democratic politicians and normal people alike seem hell bent on ensuring talking about stuff is always out of reach

              • KairuByte
                210 months ago

                Ah, so you’d be the type to say “the majority of Nazis were only going along with Hitler because he was preferred over his competition. You shouldn’t be alienating Nazis who have common ground with you.”

                Not normally the type to pull out a nazi/hitler comparison, but seems to fit too well here.

  • HLMenckenFanOPM
    6810 months ago

    “Hero-worship is strongest where there is least regard for human freedom.” - Herbert Spencer

    • @stochasticity
      1910 months ago

      Okay, this quote may be fine, but let’s not pretend Herbert Spencer wasn’t an advocate of a lot of bad ideas.

  • @Ensign_Crab
    5310 months ago

    We should pick one candidate to all vote for in the Republican primaries.

    There’s no Democratic primaries this year and we’re stuck with Biden. We don’t have to be stuck with Trump as his opponent. If someone else wins the Republican primary, Trump will run as a third party candidate and split the fascist vote.

    And it doesn’t matter which one. Any non-Trump nominee will drag down Trump and vice versa. I’d suggest whoever comes in second in Iowa, just because they’re the most likely to have any momentum at all.

    • @Riccosuave
      4110 months ago

      I agree. I think every single non-Trumper in this country should vote for Chris Christie in the primary. He is the least dangerous candidate, it will piss off Trump the most if Christie is the nominee, and you can guarantee it will mean a third party run for Trump. Seems like a net win all around.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        Can you imagine the pucker and about-face the Republican party would have to do if CC were the nominee?

        Edit: I’ll do it. It’s legal in Michigan and I’m an independent anyway, allowed to vote in either primary I choose. Why shouldn’t I vote to nominate the Republican that I think would be the best to lead the country from those options?

        • @Riccosuave
          1210 months ago

          It would be truly glorious to watch all these ball-coddlers have to tuck tail and try to save their own asses from their knuckle-dragging constituents.

        • osarusan
          1210 months ago

          Why shouldn’t I vote to nominate the Republican that I think would be the best to lead the country from those options?

          I mean… you absolutely should! Not even just to “sabotage” Trump. That’s just a good idea in general.

      • FuglyDuck
        2110 months ago

        Honestly, it’s pretty fucked up that chris christie is the “sane” vote for “sane “ conservatives.

        Like he’s not exactly a paragon of integrity, or good governance.

        • @cmbabul
          710 months ago

          It’s for sure a low bar to clear

    • @YeahBuoy
      1110 months ago

      Some (many?) states have closed Republican primaries. In the states you can only participate if you are a registered republican.

      • @Buffaloaf
        810 months ago

        Which is exactly why I’m registered as Republican.

          • @Buffaloaf
            310 months ago

            Nope, at least not in my state. And registering as independent, like I would rather do, means not getting to vote in either primary.

      • Drusas
        410 months ago

        I appreciate that my state doesn’t have people register with a party at all. We are all technically independents and we can vote in whichever primary we choose (Washington).

    • @CharlesDarwin
      610 months ago

      Or one of the losers from the primary could run as an independent and peel off just enough fascist votes…if any of them had a speck of real patriotism, they would do it.

      Maybe Liz Cheney should run…

      • @Ensign_Crab
        610 months ago

        Maybe Liz Cheney should run…

        The only thing that may be standing between us and fascism may be the Cheney family political dynasty. What bleak times we inhabit.

        • @assassin_aragorn
          410 months ago

          I swear I will never again complain that things are too boring. If the world is boring from 2024 onwards I will consider that a significant blessing.

    • @[email protected]
      410 months ago

      Yes!!! Been saying this for a long time. In a two party system, the power of we the people is in deciding which primary to vote in. If we defeat Trump in the primaries we defeat him period.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      It’s funny that more people don’t realize that’s what they should do. If you’re going to be lead by a person from party X, Y or Z, you should go and choose who that person will be for all parties (if you can) so that you at least tried to get the person you prefer no matter who gets elected.

  • @TheJims
    4810 months ago

    Please Tread on Me

    -Alpha Male Conservatives

  • @cogman
    4310 months ago

    I really worry about 2024. Between trump announcing “yup, we are gonna have a beer hall putsch” and Biden saying “Yeah, I’m a zionist and we need to 100% support israel”… It feels real bad man.

    I’m going to vote for biden, make no mistake (because he’s still a better president than trump ever could be)… but dude seems to be doing everything possible to lose progressive votes. I’m really worried that trump ends up being president because of the disillusion from Biden’s centrism and Israel support.

    • Drusas
      3310 months ago

      It helps to remember that the US president will always support Israel. It doesn’t matter who is president. Unless we magically get someone like Bernie Sanders at some point, the US will always support Israel.

      • @assassin_aragorn
        1710 months ago

        I think even Bernie would, but with a lot more criticality. Calling for a ceasefire, attaching conditions to aid, drawing red lines for US support.

        • @AngryCommieKender
          10 months ago

          I wouldn’t call that ironic, so much as a direct result of being descended from a Jewish family that lost people to The Holocaust. Pretty difficult for people to accuse him of being antisemitic, even with the “self hating Jew” stereotype. He’s literally the type of person who can say with authority, “you’re making your own people look bad, and we want nothing to do with this.”

          Edit: responded to the wrong comment, please ignore.

      • @fluxion
        1210 months ago

        Ironic that the guy who actually lost close family in the holocaust is the one who doesn’t have his head up his ass about the Israeli government

        • @AngryCommieKender
          310 months ago

          I wouldn’t call that ironic, so much as a direct result of being descended from a Jewish family that lost people to The Holocaust. Pretty difficult for people to accuse him of being antisemitic, even with the “self hating Jew” stereotype. He’s literally the type of person who can say with authority, “you’re making your own people look bad, and we want nothing to do with this.”

        • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
          210 months ago

          Not ironic at all, to anyone who actually paid attention to history. Genocide is genocide, regardless of the perpetrator. When Israel said “never again” what they apparently meant was “never again to us”.

      • @cogman
        610 months ago

        I hope the Palestinians survive long enough to see a US president that doesn’t unconditionally support their genociders.

        But, totally agree, Trump would either be identical or worse than Biden in terms of Israel. I just worry that “both sides are the same” in this regard is something that will disillusion voters.

  • @ohlaph
    4210 months ago

    This is how we get Nazi 2.0.

    • GONADS125
      910 months ago

      It’s so blatant it is totally wild…

    • @YoBuckStopsHere
      810 months ago

      This is the third time Conservatives have done this, it fails every time. Though they did get their own Confederacy once.

  • PugJesus
    3910 months ago

    No, but you see, they’re just “economically anxious”, not literal fascists. /s

  • @cabron_offsets
    2010 months ago

    The republican traitor filth must be held to account and brought under the heel of the law.

      • PugJesus
        10 months ago

        Believe they’re making a joke. It’s an annual tradition for Very Important Liberal Journalists to do that in the run-up to every election year, where they write a puff piece and wax poetic about how they had waffles with some rural Republicans and they’re Really Just Sensible People because They Were Nice To Me.

        Obviously, this misses the fact that being nice to someone personally means jack fucking shit about what policy or politics you support. Plenty of fascists are polite to you face-to-face - that doesn’t mean they’re anything resembling good citizens.

        As a progressive who grew up in a very conservative area, I know this way too well. Plenty of people who are sweet and kind and polite to you, but will casually drop the N-bomb in conversation and talk about how ‘those people’ need to be ‘kicked out’ or how they wish they were at the border, where they’d ‘shoot all the illegals coming over, not even kidding’.

        • Zellith
          10 months ago

          Gordon Ramsay was in some documentary in the deep south and thought the people were nice until they started dropping N bombs. (Iirc) Racist are weird.

        • @Bonesince1997
          510 months ago

          Ahhh. Read as a joke, I see what you’re saying. Right over my head! Thanks also for that lengthy explanation! You’re a peach

        • @assassin_aragorn
          210 months ago

          What’s hilarious is when you get journalists who insist they’re leftist and socialist, but then say shit like “those guys tried to kidnap Gov Whitmer just because they were economically anxious” and “did you learn how we could get along with Nazis when you were embedded within them?”. Some people are more than happy to ignore racism and sexism for a political alliance with the far right.

  • YeetPics
    810 months ago

    We need to make a list of these sycophants so when we are in the clean-up phase of this shit show we can guarantee these ideals won’t rise to the surface ever again. These sick fuckers are monsters, let them have the fate of monsters.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    410 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    A video has circulated online Saturday showing supporters of former President Donald Trump cheering the idea of him acting like a “dictator” on day one if he’s reelected next year.

    During the event, Hannity pressed Trump to pledge that he would never “abuse power as retribution against anybody,” as had been suggested in recent reports.

    The comment comes in the wake of reporting from various outlets, including The New York Times, claiming that the former president and his allies are planning broad applications of presidential power should Trump win the 2024 election, including mass deportations, stocking federal agencies with loyalists, and using force to quash protests against him.

    These reports, along with the town hall comments, have renewed concerns about Trump’s potentially authoritarian aspirations and the dangers of reelecting him.

    On Saturday, the PatriotTakes account on X, the platform previously known as Twitter, shared a clip from outside a Trump rally in New Hampshire, in which a host asks several gathered supporters, “How many people here support Day One Dictator?”

    Trump is currently the favorite to win the 2024 GOP presidential nomination by a significant margin.

    The original article contains 406 words, the summary contains 186 words. Saved 54%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!