• @PunnyName
    64 days ago

    I might actually do this for Moby Dick. Fuck Melville’s writing.

    • @BottleOfAlkahest
      64 days ago

      That book is my white whale. I’ve tried 4 or 5 times to read that thing and I’ve never made it to the part where they start hunting whales.

    • @_lilith
      34 days ago

      Try the audiobook, only way I got through it

      • @PunnyName
        24 days ago

        Some day, but yeah, prolly the only way I’m gonna do it.

    • Icalasari
      24 days ago

      I read it as a kid via Great Illustrated Classics, which are adaptations made to be easier to read to get children into classics

      e.g. “a damp, drizzly November in my soul” and “bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet.” gets paraphrased to, “whenever life got me down.”

      Might be a good way to finally read it?