• Flying Squid
    86 hours ago

    Yay? This isn’t reviving nuclear power for the betterment of the nation. This is a bullshit reason to turn on a nuclear power plant- to let Microsoft make money with a service people don’t want.

    I’m not talking about danger or anything, this is just a stupid use of resources.

    • @blackbelt352
      166 hours ago

      I think op’s yaaaaayyy was sarcastic.

      But I’m with you, we should be reviving nuclear, maybe 3 mile Island would be a good starting point since I imagine there’s a lot of stuff already there. Although if it’s abandoned with no maintenance, there’s probably a lot that’s rusted out and needs to be replaced.

      • Flying Squid
        -16 hours ago

        My main issue with nuclear power is that it’s training one unsustainable method of electricity generation with another, except there’s even less fissile material on Earth than there is fossil fuels. I’m not really concerned with the safety issues, especially with more modern facilities. But I feel like relying on any non-renewable resource to generate electricity is a bad idea.

        • @blackbelt352
          105 hours ago

          Nuclear is so ridiculously energy dense that there’s no near future where we’re in danger of running out of it and nuclear hopefully soon won’t even need to rely on fissile materials, since we keep getting g closer and closer to getting fusion working.

          And solar and wind and hydroelectric and other renewable are also great but they’re variable. Sun only shines locally for so many hours per day, wind doesn’t always come from the same directions or speeds, hydro is quite climate dependent, relying enough water to refill reservoirs.

          I’m not saying we shouldn’t be also building up renewables but every powersource has its limitations and making a mix of all of these to cover each of the downsides is our best bet.

        • @reddig33
          14 hours ago

          Shhh. Don’t say anything critical about nuclear energy on Lemmy unless you want to be downvoted into oblivion.

    • @[email protected]
      85 hours ago

      I agree. I’m all for nuclear power, but not for corporations to use like this. Fuck Microsoft and their AI.