Holy shit I know right where this photo was taken! Corvallis oregon, just about to enter town from I-5. Two massive left turn lanes that get filled up during football games. Even went to Google maps street view to verify
Neat, that confirms what I was going to write as a guess:
More like, “everyone in the left lane knows the right lane has to merge just downstream from the turn.”
That’s impressive
I saw the movie too and distinctly remember the logs rolling off the left side right where all those cars are to repeat that scene. I just stay far enough behind them to be able to break safely.
Watched it , and misunderstood the point.
It’s referring to the second one, specifically the first premonition
We don’t even avoid driving behind logging trucks on the very road that scene was filmed.
This lesser known movie came out 43 years ago
Just watch the first two scenes haha.
(Then watch the rest of the movie because Susan Tyrrell rules)
Susan Tyrrell rules
Forbidden Zone is one of my all-time favorite movies.
Haha hell yes, what a bonkers film
Richard Elfman put out a computer colorized version a few years ago- but he made it look like a 1930s Technicolor movie in terms of the color scheme, so it’s one of the only colorized movies I’ve ever seen that actually improved upon the original. He also put out an even newer edition where he digitally replaced the head of the blackface guy at the beginning with a clown. I haven’t seen that version. If he just updated the head and not the voice, though, why bother?
I’ve never seen any of the Final Destination movies, but the seeing trailer was still enough to make me stay away from the log trucks.
As a schlocky horror series, they’re honestly not bad.
2 is the best one. Just watch that and you’ll get the general idea of all of them.
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That’s how, to this day, I have anxiety performing CPR, even for certification (which is done on a dummy) and pull out the industrial grade draino whenever a drain is even suspected of being clogged.
Watching The Thing and The Blob before you’re 10, not the best for your mental health.
If Draino works for you, great. But in case anyone is reading this and has an experience like mine where Draino never seems to fix clogs for long, especially in showers/bathtubs: try Green Gobbler. It’s non-caustic, so easier on your pipes, and it breaks down clogs using enzymes to break up organic material. In my experience it’s much more effective than Draino.
Draino is NOT for clearing airways!
I must be forgetting a scene…
I think someone in the earlier movies loses their wedding ring down the drain and reaches in to grab it and is relieved of their forearm in a rather gruesome scene. It was like the 2 seconds I saw of the movie as a kid and it instilled a healthy fear of garbage disposals every since.
I’ve never even seen those movies, but replacing the garbage disposal with a normal P-trap was one of the first things I did when I bought my house. I’m not even particularly scared of them; I just think they’re kinda gross.
Why are they gross?
It just seems like the rubber flaps at the top are often kinda grimy.
Yeah they pop out and you clean them…
I came upon a wreck in the back country of northern Arkansas one day where one of these trucks had lost control (probably lost brakes) going down a mountain and had ran off the road and into a bunch of trees. The trees stopped the truck from going off the drop but all of the logs it was carrying went forward and through the cab.
Wait until you see somebody with their foot out the window after you’ve seen Death Proof.
So many horrific stories of people who basically kick themselves in the face and turn their legs backwards because they had their feet on the dashboard.
I just watched this with my wife this past October. Her first time seeing it, and yet she still knew “final destination says don’t drive behind log trucks”
We didn’t get to any of the other movies, or she probably wouldn’t want to go to theme parks and she’d never tan in a tanning bed again (I’m okay with this one)
Oh yeah, I’ve seen enough stuff fall off trucks that I’m convinced it’s good to do anyway. Also yeah, tanning beds are one of the more insane things that we’ve come up with as a species.
I always put extra space between me and anyone hauling things.
I once had to dodge patio furniture boxes on a highway because someone didn’t strap everything down correctly. Didn’t even realize they were shedding their cargo, it took several miles for people to get them to stop.
I always let these trucks get way ahead, or I speed ahead if they’re going a little slower. I’ve actually seen one tip over, granted that was on a mountain road meant for passenger vehicles only, but still, I was close enough to be thankful we used a rest stop. Scary shit when you could actually get hit by a giant trunk.
I’ve seen enough stuff fall off trucks that I’m convinced it’s good to do anyway.
There are so many mouth breathers driving trucks and throwing stuff in the back without any idea how to properly secure loads that a long commute some days in my town is like Spy Hunter on hard mode. Mattresses, ladders, dollies, random furniture.
The funniest part for me is I’ve never seen this movie.
However I did see an entire minivan disappear under logs while sitting in traffic on the freeway.
A log truck got rear ended by a pickup and the chains snapped causing the logs to roll. There was a minivan in the lane next to the truck and it just disappeared.
I’ve been afraid of anything bigger than a normal pickup ever since.
I’ve never seen it, but being behind trucks carrying that or big aluminum pipes or (around here) giant limestone boulders… I keep my distance.
I feel bad vibes when driving over a bridge under construction because of Final Destination 5
everyone in the left lane knows that you don’t cross continous lines