• @[email protected]
      1505 months ago

      Every once in awhile these sort of posts make me introspective, they say almost exactly the same as my opinion about what I think of far right conservatives. Then I remember I’m not the one oppressing people and want to accept everyone as long as they don’t bring intolerance.

      • @[email protected]
        725 months ago

        Something to remember I think is that just because people on both sides of an issue talk the same way about the other side, does not inherently mean that both or neither have a point.

      • @stoly
        55 months ago

        This is one thing that I find very odd: you’ll see posts like this of obvious pieces of shit but the moment you start talking about being intolerant on intolerant people, or of being tired of caring about this sort of thing, you’re suddenly a worse per son than the actual bigot.

    • @A_Random_Idiot
      995 months ago

      I guarantee you within 5 minutes of seeing/talking to his kids, he mentions trump and dives hard into his extreme right politics.

      But its everyone else that has “Trump Derangement Syndrome”, not him and his incessant need to make it the center of his life.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        I mean, he admits to not being there when his kids were growing up. And he spends the time talking about his offspring’s family and their “values.” They have the kids, so they’re obviously willing to keep tolerating him if the kids get to see him enough that they are “the light of his life” or whatever. But he’s still talking about how he doesn’t know if he can stand to have a further relationship with his kid (that he wasn’t around to raise) and their spouse. Because politics.

        So…I don’t think this guy’s probably on the right side of any issue they have.

        • @Supervisor194
          215 months ago

          But he will always love his grandchildren, because surely they won’t ever espouse opinions he doesn’t like… right???

          • @A_Random_Idiot
            145 months ago

            grandchildren are still young enough to be cowed into only saying what grampy wants to hear.

            When they get older he’ll turn against them too.

          • @Daft_ish
            35 months ago

            It’s a weird mix of societal norms that he is pulling from. Just wish these people would find their identity from within and not externally.

    • @Crashumbc
      435 months ago

      That’s how the religious indoctrination at the base of this works. By design you NEVER question the church. And the Conservative GOP leadership has tapped into that reality distortion field. They could literally tell these people to commit murder and they would…

      It’s Nazi level propaganda scary.

      • OsaErisXero
        365 months ago

        They could literally tell these people to commit murder and they would…

        They did and they do.

      • Maeve
        35 months ago

        Can confirm, wrt the boundaries portion. I had to have a discussion with the parent with whom I maintain minimal contact, for reasons. They managed to throw in a wild accusation and went absolutely bat guano, demanding I inform a payee of one of her checks that did not show up in the mail that she would be deducting the stop payment fee from the next check. I said I would not, because there is no legal provision for that, and they sent me a screenshot of their bank’s stop payment notice suggesting she talk with the payee, circled and highlighted in paint, to inform me, and I copied the text to paste it here:

        You’re out of line. Its not my fault they can’t keep up with their mail. Someone has to pay the fees and I’m not paying!

    • @[email protected]
      165 months ago

      It’s crazy. I know I’m part of the problem too. These people need something other than factual rebuttals to bring them back into the fold but I’m le tired. I can’t do it anymore. But that means the system is working as intended and we must strive to dismantle it.

    • @someguy3
      125 months ago

      I’m just starting my deeper learning about narcissism, but I think one trait is literally being unable to admit fault. It’s how their brain works.

  • @randoot
    1045 months ago

    patriarchy : social organization marked by the supremacy of the father in the clan or family, the legal dependence of wives and children, and the reckoning of descent and inheritance in the male line

    “They don’t value patriarchy”. It’s not meant to be a positive thing you idiot.

    • @someguy3
      5 months ago

      They can’t say “Christian values” anymore, so they’ve replaced it with “family values”, and in this case the more brazen “patriarchy” (which probably came from bashing feminism) and various scattering of “values”.

    • @Buddahriffic
      45 months ago

      It’s one of those “if you won’t respect me as an authority, I’m going to treat it like you aren’t respecting me as a person”. It all comes back to authoritarianism and maintaining hierarchies. Conservatives believe someone must be in charge and what that person says goes, and then an extension to that is they want to approve of who is in charge and do not want to follow a woman or minority.

  • Flying Squid
    795 months ago

    “When I retired I tried to rebond with my kids”

    So you were always a bad father.

    • @pigup
      245 months ago

      Exactly. Good parents don’t have to rebond with their kids.

      • Flying Squid
        275 months ago

        Even mediocre parents. My dad wasn’t that great a parent and we still had a bond until the day he died.

        • @mojofrododojo
          65 months ago

          My dad was the contrasts - when it was great, he was a great man, a great father, and a stellar husband. when it was bad… oof, was it bad. And we still had a relationship. I suspect OP’s example is a real super chud.

    • @stoly
      175 months ago

      Exactly. This person may very well suffer with some degree of narcissism, which would make it impossible to see their own responsibility in the whole thing, hence the projection.

  • Drusas
    615 months ago

    This post reeks of “the missing missing reasons”.

    • @[email protected]
      325 months ago

      Thank you! I had heard that term before and was racking my brain trying to remember it, because it seemed to apply to this situation so well. My mom is like this with my older brother. They’ve been no contact for over 15 years now because my mom said some racist things about my sister-in-law and niece. But when she describes why she doesn’t talk to my brother, that is never mentioned. It’s always vague reasons like “his wife won’t let him talk to me.”

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
      155 months ago

      It’s SO good. Facebook is riddled with these parents.

  • @slaacaa
    485 months ago

    The thing is, if grandpa were to shut up about Trump and the sins of the gays, then his family would actually hang out with him, even if they know he sees the world differently.

  • @LifeOfChance
    385 months ago

    I hate how politics went from having disagreements but still being civil and friendly to if you disagree on something you can’t even be in the same country because “you’re what’s wrong” with it…

    • @[email protected]
      245 months ago

      That’s propaganda for you. It started with debates, but when you’re pushing for something that’s obviously bad to enrich yourself it’s hard to have honest conversations about it so you turn to hate.

      “Let’s not discuss tax rates, it’s the damn communist liberals that just want to destroy America! They don’t care about tax rates, they just want free unicorns and to dress their kids as furries!”

      • @[email protected]
        65 months ago

        I’m interested to hear more about the free unicorns. Is that a policy someone is campaigning on? Is there a signup sheet? Can I take one home today?

  • Echo Dot
    375 months ago

    He’s just got a new kid in the family and he sees it as an opportunity to berate everyone for not having his worldview. Yeah those guys definitely not the problem.

  • @danc4498
    225 months ago

    Narcissistic parents are a real thing that some people need to learn about.

    • @MalachaiConstant
      165 months ago

      I stopped being so open about the fact that I disowned my narcissistic mother, at least among strangers. I got sick of all the arguments from people who would also want nothing to do with her, if they ever had to misfortune to meet her.

      She is a nasty, vindictive, obsessive person who goes out of her way to hurt people. She sees people as tools to manipulate, not as human beings. The only relationships she has ever been able to maintain are with people too afraid of her to leave.

      But sure, tell me again how blood is thicker than water.

      • @danc4498
        45 months ago

        It’s so weird to think anybody would even argue that. They have no idea what you could have been through as a child or even as an adult.

      • Maeve
        25 months ago

        I can relate. “That’s your parent! The Bible says honor your father and mother!”

        Bible aside, I do honor them, in that they suffered abuse without access at the time to professional help, as in turn did I. When I became an adult and realized I was fast having the save nasty personality, I got myself into therapy. Some therapists were pretty awful and one actively did more harm than good (low cost, sliding scale; whole other story), but I kept at it. And when I end up going full no contact, with the parent with whom I’m minimal contact, whether that’s before they pass from this earth or not, I’ may end up back in therapy, abd if not, there will be plenty of shadow work, ongoing, for maybe the rest of my life. And that’s just fine. That parent has money and Medicare part B, so there’s zero reason they can’t choose to get better, but it’s just easier to blame everyone else.

      • @Valmond
        25 months ago

        Yeah ouch. My favourite “a mother always loves her children!” etc.

        Keep going and good luck!

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
      105 months ago

      Agreed. People who don’t understand how you can be estranged from your parents have NO idea how crazy they can be.

    • @stoly
      45 months ago

      It is shocking how people will come into a thread like this and lambast OP. It’s like “Well, so very sorry that you had a good life and never had to deal with this, I guess.”

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
      385 months ago

      I just reviewed a bunch of posts like his and the comments are like this:

        • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
          105 months ago

          Yes all us commies are just lined up to have an abortion so we can be the cool kids.

      • @[email protected]
        275 months ago

        Lol I like how this dude reads the very basic textbook definitions of Marxism, and is like “look how this describes how fucking awesome Marxism is!”

        He’s probably been told his whole life that communism is the hatred for all things American, so seeing any other definition makes him think he’s reading a sales pamphlet.

      • @dexa_scantron
        135 months ago

        I went to a Christian University and I’m leftist as hell.

      • @Delusional
        5 months ago

        Right so he is just another god damn lead-brained lunatic.

      • @stoly
        35 months ago

        Can you imagine making your identity be publicly attacking your children over their beliefs?

        • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
          25 months ago

          I found a few like this last night. They have ZERO insight.

          • @stoly
            45 months ago

            Unfortunately the level of narcissism among boomers and older gen x is pretty high. I guess we’ll have to wait to see how millennials do.

          • @[email protected]
            25 months ago

            Don’t feel bad Elmer, when those grandchildren grow up and have their own opinions, they’ll hate you on their own.

        • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
          25 months ago

          I love that they have no idea what anyone who isn’t a conservative troll night think politically and how it might not all be the same.

  • @[email protected]
    185 months ago

    At least at the end he says he loves them all and wants there to be an end to division.

    Too many families (and societies currently) completely break apart out of ego and stubbornness.

    Grandpa is having a big old moan (semi-publicly unfortunately) about differences in values. But he is concluding with love and longing for togetherness, which is exactly what is needed to transcend the beef and intolerance.

    I was expecting to dogpile this but actually I see the redemption in it.

    • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
      365 months ago

      If this person is truly narcissistic as the title states, then the call for unity at the end is simply a method of playing the victim. And I’m inclined to believe the title, since his child has gone no-contact. Because going no-contact is often the only way for children of narcissists to begin improving their own mental health after growing up with a narcissist for a parent.

      If there’s one thing narcissists love, it’s turning things around on their victims. They always want to control the narrative to be the victim. Given that context, the call for unity rings hollow. Because it could easily just be a way for the grandfather to flip the script and paint their child in a bad light. It allows them to go “hey I’ve been trying to reconcile and they have refused.” But what the people reading this post wouldn’t know (especially if they’ve only seen the grandfather’s side) is that the child has been refusing because every time they have tried in the past they have been burned.

    • @stoly
      5 months ago

      I don’t see the redemption. This person was obviously a horrible father always and caused his children to suffer his behavior. Whatever happened with Trump was just the icing on top of the cake and only gave a place for these behaviors to be projected.

    • @[email protected]
      85 months ago

      I’m getting the impression that they “re-bonded” after retiring because their ex cut them out, and the divorce was a result of their ego and stubbornness.

      • @stoly
        55 months ago

        And he had NOTHING going on after retiring.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        because their ex cut them out

        That is being too generous in your assumption. Family courts go above and beyond to try to maintain relationships between parents and children. If this guy wasn’t a part of his children’s lives it’s either because he chose not to be or because he was so abusive that a judge decided that it was in the child’s best interest to keep him away. Short of kidnapping one spouse can’t unilaterally cut the other out of the children’s lives after a divorce.

  • @Illuminostro
    145 months ago

    Typical narcissist. “I’m not the asshole, everyone else is!”

  • MxM111
    5 months ago

    I actually like this post. Yes they are political opponents in their family, but it should not split the families, they should not be enemies, instead through love and calm conversations they can arrive to common ground and change each other mind.

    • Alto
      5 months ago

      Yeah no, you owe bigoted shitheads nothing just because you happen to share DNA with them

      When the disconnect is whether or not people deserve rights just because of things like gender identity, I don’t give a shit about finding common ground. The bigoted shitbags can eat shit and die

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOPM
      635 months ago

      Old gramps is a white supremacist, this isn’t loving harmony.

    • @Jomega
      5 months ago

      Let me draw your attention to a sentence towards the middle of this block of text:

      Things I have known as sinful are bold and brave.

      He’s talking about gay people. This isn’t an argument about taxes or government spending, it’s whether or not people should be considered criminals for being born different. I can’t speak for everyone, but that’s not something I would personally tolerate, especially if I was trying to be a good influence on my hypothetical children. (I probably won’t have children because just taking care of myself is hard enough and I don’t think I’d be good at it, so take that with a grain of salt.)

    • OsaErisXero
      345 months ago

      The dude names himself their enemy in his own post, this is a choice he has made, and he only cares because now his actions are beginning to have consequences. He could choose to not be this way and won’t.

      When someone tells you who they are, believe them.

      • @[email protected]
        35 months ago

        A few will wake up, I think it’s most likely that this dude will die cursing his “Marxist” kids.

    • @[email protected]
      295 months ago

      I’m sure you mean well but I’m sorry to say this is naive as fuck. Sometimes the only thing to do is cut or limit contact to protect yourself and your own family.

    • @dexa_scantron
      265 months ago

      Cutting off contact isn’t being an enemy. It’s realizing that someone makes your life worse instead of better, and acting accordingly. Sure, if both sides are willing to have calm conversations and work through the issue, they should be able to. But if one side (and this poster sounds like it’s them) digs their heels in and refuses to respect the other, it’s often healthier to cut contact.

    • dream_weasel
      265 months ago

      It’s nice you haven’t had to live this. You don’t arrive in this situation because some mean kid doesn’t like your politics: it’s the result of being unwilling or unable to respect boundaries or civil discussion. Nobody gets cut out of regular family interactions because someone saw how you voted over your shoulder, it’s from being a raging, crusading, evangelizing toolbag.

    • @[email protected]
      255 months ago

      The issue I have with stances like this is that, well, politics are not inconsequential. Its not like being on different sides of a game, where everyone is equally in the right and one side winning or losing changes little. The consequences to political policy are far reaching, nuanced, and can literally be life and death to some, even if the policy seems boring or inconsequential. Some stances therefore are going to seem so heinous to someone with an opposing stance that there really cant simply be an “agree to disagree”, its more a “we work together on this, or we work against eachother”. And if youre working against someone in a matter that can be life and death, that someone is almost definitionally your enemy, regardless of genetic similarity. Humans only have so much capacity in their lives for close relationships with other people. If you cant stand someone, it therefore makes sense to use that capacity to maintain ties with someone you do get along with. Being born around a certain person is not an obligation to stay with them.

      • MxM111
        -255 months ago

        I did not say “agree to disagree”. Quite the contrary. Read my post again. Serious issues can be calmly discussed and families not need to be broken.

        • Alto
          5 months ago

          I’m sorry but when the “serious issues” are whether or not some of my best friends have a right to exist, there will be no calm discussions.

        • @[email protected]
          155 months ago

          Congrats on not being raised by a narcissist.

          Calm discussions are for people that share a reality.

        • Lemminary
          145 months ago

          Oh, I thought you were being sarcastic. Jesus Christ, how detached can one be. 😅

    • @[email protected]
      145 months ago

      People that post stuff like that aren’t looking for redemption or a relationship revival. It’s performative bullshit so they can get 100 emojis from other loser boomers who over share on Facebook.

      “My family has more family now. I’d like to find a way to bridge the gap and see if we can’t start something small that grows someday. It broke and I wish it wasn’t.”

      That’s what it actually looks like.

    • @someguy3
      135 months ago

      It’s quite obvious that the poster did/said some pretty bad stuff. Now he wants to wash his hands of it, when it’s obvious that he caused the split.

    • Maeve
      115 months ago

      I’m old, my parents ancient and that’s has never worked. Ever. It does lead to more aggressive attacks. I’m NC with one and minimal with the other.

    • Rhynoplaz
      105 months ago

      Oh no! Is anyone going to tell them?

    • Flying Squid
      95 months ago

      Parents are under an obligation to their children. To love and care for them and make sure they get to adulthood as safely and healthily as they can. Children are expected to do what those parents say until they turn 18 whether they love those parents or not.

      You do not have to love your parents and you shouldn’t be expected to if your parents did not fulfill their obligation.

      I say this as a very loving parent. I will always love my daughter. If she doesn’t love me, I will be devastated. But I will not say she has to love me.

      • MxM111
        -55 months ago

        Let’s say In this example, the parent fulfills their obligations. But they have a different political views.

        • Flying Squid
          45 months ago

          Let’s say they do. What difference do you think that makes?

          • MxM111
            -55 months ago

            I simply point to the fact that you have answered wrong question.

            • Flying Squid
              5 months ago

              You didn’t point to that “fact” at all.

              What, according to you, is the “right” question?

              Also, why do you get to decide which questions people ask about the things you say are right or wrong?

              Edit: Also, I didn’t ask a question in the first place.