I can’t imagine anyone that has decent prospects would agree to go back to Tesla after getting canned with those kinds of wild swings in decision making.

  • Ghostalmedia
    10 months ago

    Since it’s only been a week, a lot of those people are going to come back. But now they’re coming back with updated resumes and a linked in pro subscription. The good folks will be bailing in the coming months, but they’ll stay and work in a half ass way since it’s better than unemployment and cobra. Musk basically ensured uncontrolled attrition.

    How did this idiot actually manage to ship cars to begin with?

    • mynachmadarch
      14710 months ago

      He had better handlers and PR team back then so more people thought he was just an eccentric billionaire Playboy inventor and were willing to do the dirty work needed to make it happen.

      • @Valmond
        3710 months ago

        All his pedo calling and right wing crazy got online when he fired them.

      • @ripcord
        10 months ago

        I think he was genuinely better back then too.

        Not great - in a ton of ways - but way better.

        Something snapped 4 or so years ago and all his worst parts have been getting progressively worse.

        • @CheesyGordita
          4910 months ago

          I think part of it was he had a really tough time dealing with California covid regulations for his business. It wasn’t something he could buy his way out of or pad someone’s pocket to make go away and they were very serious about it. In the same vein, that’s around the time his daughter came out as trans and you can see how that ended with her changing her name and completely disassociating herself from him. Combine that all with a slow (arguable) but consistent decline in the public’s admiration and opinion of him (which he craves desperately) and he began to crack.

          Started running into things he couldn’t control or pay to go away and couldn’t cope I guess… I dunno

          • @skyspydude1
            2610 months ago

            I can tell you, knowing people who worked with the guy since the original launch of the Model S, he’s always been like this. He’s always been a loud mouthed idiot, and he’s always been insanely unpredictable. The only thing that changed has been his PR team and personal handlers, and how much the news media is willing to focus on how much of a POS the dude is.

          • @3ntranced
            1010 months ago

            It’s why you see hyper-wealthy dissolve everh so often. When you’re used to total control and suddenly things that you cannot change no matter how much money you throw at it, you start to lose it.

        • @jj4211
          2410 months ago

          I mean if you read some of what his first wife wrote, he was pretty much this bad. Though at the time she was saying it the world didn’t want to hear it. He also did the whole retcon Tesla to be founded by him over 15 years ago, in some pretty petty behavior. When x.com failed relative to PayPal, he somehow managed to get them to merge and make him the head of PayPal, and then they kicked him down when we almost tanked PayPal.

          It basically seems that a critical mass of people were covering for him and propping up the brand of his name and image, likely for the sake of their investments. Which should be a fairly familiar story, because 80s Trump had the same things going on, very bad business results glossed over by investors needing to keep the Trump brand strong for the sake of their own money. Both trump and musk successfully tied up some big business fate with their names specifically, forcing investors to play into the conceit.

        • @turmacar
          1810 months ago

          He let the crazy veil slip a bit during the Thai cave rescue drama, but Covid seems to have really pushed him over the edge.

          • @jaybone
            510 months ago

            Yeah I’d say it started more like 8 years ago. When he started going crazy on Twitter.

        • @lemmyhavesome
          210 months ago

          I think what changed was that he started using ketamine.

    • Zorque
      6410 months ago

      He didn’t, he bought in to a company that was already set on doing it.

      • Ghostalmedia
        1610 months ago

        My point being, development of the consumer cars didn’t really kick off instill after Tarpenning and Eberhard left, and I don’t see how this current iteration of Musk would’ve pulled that off. I feel like this iteration of Musk would’ve fucked up Telsa spectacularly.

        When the roadster shipped in 2008, that company could only hand make a few hundred cars a year and they didn’t even know how to make their own chassis, seats, infotainment software, etc. They had powertrain tech, and that’s about it.

        The vast majority of the consumer product development and manufacturing tech was built after the OG founders left.

        • Zorque
          10 months ago

          A company is more than its most visible members. There were likely plenty of competent people in the hierarchy that were there before Musk and were able to continue that trend of competency until Musk decided he needed to control more and more of the intricacies of the company.

          The difference isnt what he was doing before to make things run smoothly so much as what he wasn’t… that being getting in the way. He was a glorified PR guy. Which he was great at. Running a tech and manufacturing company? Not so much.

    • @[email protected]
      2010 months ago

      but they’ll stay and work in a half ass way since it’s better than unemployment and cobra.

      Yep. Or they’ll stay and do no work at all and count on it taking a long while for anyone to even notice.

      it certainly isn’t competent management they’re working for.

    • HubertManne
      2010 months ago

      I mean he was not so incompetent at one point. not sure what year exactly it was but he lost it at some point.

      • @[email protected]
        6210 months ago

        I read in another thread that a lot of people agreed Elon lost it when he called that diver of the rescue team for kids trapped in a cave in Thailand a pedo. I mean wtf. If I remember correctly he never apologized and defended his insult. That’s completely unacceptable.

        • @ElusiveClarity
          7010 months ago

          That definitely opened my eyes. Also, a lot of rich people lost their minds during COVID because they were briefly treated like the rest of us.

        • @[email protected]
          1710 months ago

          Yeah. That’s when we noticed it publicly. I was pretty online at that time period and Elon was well regarded before that. There were the his family wealth issues and the whole ousting Tesla founders and calling himself one or whatever that whole thing was.but they seemed like an alright side effect of genuis at the time…

        • HubertManne
          1010 months ago

          Certainly sometime before that and the purchase of X but at one point with tesla, spaceX, and solar/battery stuff he seemed to be going somewhere. even the boring company. It was around or post hyperloop. I think he needed an excuse for the boring company and then I dunno somehow lost it with it being impractical.

          • @machinin
            1010 months ago

            The solar/battery stuff was just him saving an almost bankrupt company his cousins had. SpaceX and Tesla had both invested in the company, and he would have lost the money and like faced regulatory scrutiny had it went under.

            Hyperloop was his effort to disrupt California’s high-speed rail plans.

          • @cley_faye
            710 months ago

            Hyperloop? The failed project he pushed just to make sure other possible projects that would just work would not be done? Yeah, he was better back then… not.

        • @jj4211
          910 months ago

          Not only did he never apologize, he paid for investigation in the hopes that the diver randomly turned out to be a pedo and vindicating him. Then when that failed, he tried to play it off as “of that’s just a common south African generic insult, no one takes it literally”, with no one banking him up on that one.

        • @Passerby6497
          10 months ago

          Pedo Guy Musk let us know it’s just a South African phrase that’s common.

        • @NotMyOldRedditName
          10 months ago

          That’s just Elon being petty and he was attacked first.

          It was his trans daughter coming out and disowning him when shit started spiraling into the right wing must save the world from wokeness.

          There’s a big difference in being petty or vindictive or an asshole and this anti wokeness stuff which is going to cause great harm to society.

          He always had the asshole/ petty thing going if you followed him before.

          • @NotMyOldRedditName
            210 months ago

            Also, I bet if we ever saw those 2 reconcile their relationship, we’d see a change in his public persona.

            I’m not holding my breath on that one though.

        • @dogslayeggs
          3110 months ago

          Nah, I have been in meetings with him before. While he was an asshole that I hated due to the way he treated my customer, he was really smart and spoke very lucidly and concisely. He had a vision and was doing everything he could to achieve it.

          Nowadays it’s like he has no coherent vision and is just doing whatever wild shit comes to his head. I think when he went from “barely a billionaire who spent it all and nearly went bankrupt” to “holy shit printing billions” then all guardrails came off and he let himself go free.

          • @[email protected]
            2410 months ago

            He got rich enough everyone said yes and or smiles. He lost the ability to have people be critical of him and never found someone to aid him.

            • @jj4211
              610 months ago

              That’s a good point. Back in the day if he was leading a big brand to a cliff, others intervened and kicked him out and had the side effect of saving his reputation. Notably, it’s probable his leadership would have destroyed PayPal, but others took the reigns away from him. So when Tesla pretty much made his name, folks simply noted his early leadership at PayPal and retconned attributing him with the crazy success, despite PayPal originally outcompeting the online payment company he was a part of, getting the leadership briefly nearly tanking it, and getting kicked out allowing it to flourish.

      • @CaptPretentious
        4710 months ago

        He’s always been incompetent. He was fired from PayPal for that very reason. He’s used his parents emerald business money to fabricate a career. He’s paid his way into being the engineer he clearly idolized but couldn’t actually earn himself. He bought Tesla, he bought Twitter, the “HyperLoop” was a hundred year old idea called a vac-train. Even the biggest selling point for SpaceX, were just plans NASA had decades ago but the technology didn’t exist at the time to pull it off. I mean the Boring Company… we’ve been successfully digging subway tunnels for a long time… the London Underground opened in 1863. New York had theirs in 1904. Elon in 2018 debuted a claustrophobic tunnel that was less than 2 miles long…

        If it wasn’t for daddy’s money, he would have been a nobody. But he bought his way into some sort of ‘relevance’ and has conned a lot of people who don’t understand science out of a lot of money. His greatest accomplishment is being a great conman.

      • @[email protected]
        4310 months ago

        He fired his PR team a few years ago. That’s been the difference.

        He said plenty of dumb shit prior with people cleaning it up. One of my favorites was probably 10 years ago now. He claimed Model 3 assembly line automation would move so fast they’d have to worry about wind resistance.

        My friends and co-workers still laugh about that one now. It’s such an absurd “business” mentality of go fast = good. So go crazy fast = more good. With a technology that doesn’t exist and kinda doesn’t need to. It makes more sense to increase system capacity (multiple lines) when you’re chasing throughput like that. But what makes even more sense is accurately forecasting your production so you don’t have to slap a full car together in 30 minutes to keep up with demand.

      • MyTurtleSwimsUpsideDown
        1410 months ago

        What I heard when he first started turding Twitter, is that there was a decent team of execs and managers at Tesla that were able to manage him and keep him from mucking things up too much.

        It makes to me that now he’s gotten a taste of being Head Twit, he’s used to there not being a team running interference for him and is just barreling through with all his cockamamie bullshit.

  • @ocassionallyaduck
    14510 months ago

    Go back with a decent pay bump (obviously he needs them) and with a plan to bolt ASAP. Continue your job search while you collect a higher temporary salary.

    Terrible move from Elon as it shows he has no negotiating power.

    • @[email protected]
      3010 months ago

      I’d only do this if I was desperate. The company already showed they are willing to just pull the trigger at the drop of a hat and don’t give a fuck, even if I was still looking I’d be waiting for the other shoe to drop.

      • @ocassionallyaduck
        4010 months ago

        Oh yea, but you’re already mentally out the door. You take extra cash and you just collect “easy money” while you shop around the resume or get you big moving plans finished up.

        • @WhatAmLemmy
          3010 months ago

          You could even take the job and see how hard you can half-ass it (extra points of you do literally no work) before they fire you again.

      • @eronth
        1010 months ago

        I’d go back if the pay bump was enough to cover anxiety about job uncertainty

    • @whereisk
      2610 months ago

      “This is the single greatest talent acquisition opportunity since I founded EnviroSpark. Tesla had been able to scale their charging infrastructure due in no small part to the talented employees on the Supercharger team.”

      Half of them likely already have another job.

      • @postmateDumbass
        010 months ago

        Considering it is only weeks after the government decided the entire EV industry has to use what the former employees created and ran…

        • @ExperiencedWinter
          510 months ago

          What do you mean? The US is switching to NACS which is a standardized plug, Tesla superchargers will not be the only charging network to use it.

  • modifier
    12610 months ago

    (At the time of the layoffs, Electrek reported that Musk got rid of the entire team because its Tinucci did not lay off enough workers on her own.)

    This single anecdote tells you just about everything you need to know about how Elon Musk approaches any kind of interpersonal interaction. His emotional IQ is non-existent.

  • @dhork
    10 months ago

    I can’t imagine anyone that has decent prospects would agree to go back to Tesla after getting canned with those kinds of wild swings in decision making.

    I can $ertainly think of a $cenario where I might con$ent to let bygone$ be bygone$ and go back to work for that a$$hole

    • @Z3k3
      10 months ago

      Indeed know a guy who got played 9ff by big blue. He was the only one who could do his job so he has screwed them as a contractor for 500 a day 100% working from home and a loooooong termination clauses

      Edit sorry this is in the UK not us

      • @dhork
        4010 months ago

        500 a day is $62.50/hr, that’s not very good for contracting, especially if they don’t take taxes and healthcare out. Any sort of key contractor like that ought to be worth at least $250/hr

        • @dogslayeggs
          1510 months ago

          Seriously, that’s really low rates. Healthcare and all that overhead is usually at least double of the actual salary.

          • @chronicledmonocle
            1910 months ago

            They’re in the UK. They don’t have our stupid healthcare system.

          • @[email protected]
            810 months ago

            I charge $90(CDN), pay myself around $40. Solo contractor with occasional support staff.

            Need to up my rate, it’s a bit low for what I do, even though I’m no genius or expert specialist.

      • edric
        1510 months ago

        He should re-brand as a “consultant” and charge double that.

    • @foggy
      2710 months ago

      I need a 1yr salary sign-on bonus before I clock in. I also need full pay for 120 months after any form of departure from the company.

      You know, since I can’t trust the stability of the relationship.

      • @AbidanYre
        1410 months ago

        Also, this new salary is going to be 8x what I was being paid previously.

        • @foggy
          910 months ago

          Oh naturally.

          I was just ironing out what I wouldn’t be doing any work for.

          I’d get that shit notarized and then quit. Take a 10 year vacation to academia or something. Get published. 🤷‍♂️

  • @[email protected]
    6510 months ago

    It’s crazy how the US gov basically handed him a monopoly on EV charging infrastructure, something Rockefeller could have only dreamed of, and the guy throws it away less than two weeks later in some ketamine fuelled stupor. Then has to backtrack at the cost of reputation, confidence, and sentiment. Truly another great stable genius.

    • @Fedizen
      6210 months ago

      he’s the ‘ceo’ of like 6 companies. Its clear he’s spending all his time giving neonazis handjobs on xitter

      • FalseMyrmidon
        910 months ago

        Should just start referring to them as part time jobs. How much work can they be if he’s supposedly doing multiple at once?

  • Avid Amoeba
    4910 months ago

    Just when you thought this couldn’t get any more stupid.

  • dinckel
    4310 months ago

    A delusional billionaire toying with people’s lives. More at 11

  • Jaysyn
    4210 months ago

    The singular reason #Muskrat isn’t living under a bridge & eating bath salts is that he was born rich.

  • @dustyData
    3810 months ago

    On actually developed countries there are laws that force employers to wait a year before they re-hire laid off employees. They can re-hire early but they have to pay a lot of money to the employee and an additional labor tariff in taxes. Precisely to avoid this kind of fuckery.

  • @cedarmesa
    3310 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • @[email protected]
      610 months ago

      But he just gave them all the power. He needs them. They can demand higher wages, better conditions, etc.

      • @Potatos_are_not_friends
        510 months ago

        Nah. They now know he can fire them again.

        If they’re smart, they’ll “work” for him while preparing to jump ship.

  • @credo
    2910 months ago

    Wrong button, oops. Lol #420

  • @shyguyblue
    1710 months ago

    I’d go back, put my feet on the desk and collect a little walkin around money, basically daring them to fire me again…

    • Optional
      -510 months ago

      I’d go back and introduce enough backdoors to make them utterly incapable of staying in business. Steal all the documents. Then steal things. Then talk my way into being fired. Then start popping off the backdoors one at a time. Post all the documents for free. Something something shorting the stock.

      • @ripcord
        1010 months ago

        So, jailtime then.

          • Optional
            110 months ago

            Good ol’ Nole. That guy’s always up to no good.

      • @demonsword
        110 months ago

        if you need to work for someone else, you’re not rich enough to flaunt laws that way and avoid jail

    • @Etterra
      310 months ago

      I suspect that somebody’s smart, with a lot of money and not a lot of scruples (not that it’s a factor here, I just hate rich people) is going to scoop them all up and either try to replace the standard, or if Elon is lucky, license it and leave the standard alone. Elon’s not that smart though so he probably wouldn’t agree to it.