We’ll just all assume that every person who gets this would make themselves early twenties with flawless skin, perfect organs, appendages and functionality, and no excess weight.

My question is, would you change yourself from your genetic baseline, and if so, how?

  • Tiefling IRL
    842 months ago

    I’m trans so yes, I’ve been trying to do that for over a decade

  • @skeezix
    792 months ago

    I’d get a new bum. Mine’s cracked.

    • Rhynoplaz
      272 months ago

      That’s nothing, mine has a hole that goes all the way through!

      • bizarrolandOP
        392 months ago

        If you really think about it, people are just donuts with anxiety

        • @Lost_My_Mind
          102 months ago

          We are NOT having the “how many holes does a straw have?” arguement again!

          • bizarrolandOP
            42 months ago

            Why not?

            I thought we all agreed that a straw was a tube with one hole all the way through it, and that one hole has two openings.

  • Mister Neon
    522 months ago

    Do I have to have a biological body? I don’t want to be carbon based anymore.

    • @[email protected]
      212 months ago

      From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel.


      • Mister Neon
        22 months ago

        That quote gets thrown around at me alot. Which is weird since I paint Orks.

    • bizarrolandOP
      92 months ago

      I mean I’ve heard that arsenic-based life forms are plausible but I think you have to live in a methane Rich environment to survive so you would basically like collapse into a puddle of toxic goo

      • Mister Neon
        122 months ago

        I was hoping for something more mechanical or digital. If I’m going through all the hassle of getting a new body then I don’t want to bother with the habits of the old one ( eating, sleeping, etc).

          • Mister Neon
            162 months ago

            I was thinking a bit more industrial.

            • @Lost_My_Mind
              32 months ago

              But bender drinks, and sleeps…I think he eats? Maybe? I know he doesn’t have taste buds though. They did a whole episode on him cooking with lsd.

              • Mister Neon
                62 months ago

                Drinking is for fuel and they’ve demonstrated that the robots can have alternate fuel sources. A Bender body is perfect because I can claim a major victory against entropy while not going crazy by sacrificing my human stimulus (like Metalo from Superman). I want to be unfettered from Earthly needs while still being able to party.

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        62 months ago

        TIL Alex Mack probably smelled like a fart.

    • @MTK
      42 months ago

      Good news! You are now water based! Nothing changed, enjoy your wish!

      • Mister Neon
        32 months ago

        Awww c’mon this ain’t monkey paw.

  • @[email protected]
    392 months ago

    I would absolutely:

    • Get rid of anxiety (assuming there’s some genetic component to this - seems like all the women in my family have it)
    • Change my eye color from hazel (mixed green & brown) to full green
    • Add about 5 inches of height (I’m only 5’0")
    • Add gills to my sides that deploy at will when under water, but otherwise are hidden
    • Fix that annoying “it went down the wrong pipe” design flaw
    • Add a nictitating membrane to help fix my dry eyes
    • Wings? Maybe!
    • @[email protected]
      62 months ago

      Definitely wings. First thing I thought of. Unfortunately that would require a massive redesign. Firstly, you’d need hollow bones, as well as a very low body fat percentage. Decent chance boobs and butt don’t grow hardly at all. Secondly, you’d need extremely strong chest muscles, which also still have to be light. And in order to provide enough energy for that, you’d need a larger and stronger heart with wider blood vessels. You’d also need to most likely quintuple your daily calorie intake. Possibly more depending on how often/when/ where you are flying. You would also want lungs with more surface area to absorb oxygen better, even at low altitudes. Especially at higher altitudes. That would likely mean a stronger diaphram. Stronger leg muscles for takeoff/landing. Better eyes for scoping out landing points and avoiding hazards. Most birds don’t fly at night, so you may consider something akin to a cats eyes, or go the bat route with echolocation. And you’re going to need a neutral remapping unless you just plan to replace your arms with the wings. Fortunately, outside of a higher energy cost, that last one might happen automatically, our brains are very plastic.

  • @thorbot
    372 months ago

    I’d completely change everything and end up being a perpetually horny sex doll

      • bizarrolandOP
        62 months ago

        It’s not worth it my dude. Having a big ass dick is such a hassle.

        • Lemminary
          102 months ago

          Don’t worry, I’ll hold it for you and make things easier. I wouldn’t want to make it any harder than it has to be.

        • @thorbot
          52 months ago

          I’ve never seen an ass dick, is it pretty different from a regular dick?

  • @[email protected]
    222 months ago

    No more garbage genetics please. EDS, pots, ADHD, probably autism (on the waiting list for testing), chronic stomach troubles, depression, anxiety, hormone imbalances, PCOS, chronic pain, inflammation, weak loose skin. All that can go fuck right off forever and die. Once my body actually worked, and looked like it wasn’t cursed from the get go, I think I might actually like it. Mostly. Might like an androgynous unit for daily living and a feminine one for sexy times. Both thoroughly muscular of course. Gotta get that muscle tone. If we went for non human stuff on top of that, wings. Huge fuck off dragon wings. None of that Superman flying shit, I wanna FEEL the flight. Hell, I’d probably actually be able to enjoy doing any physical activity if my fucking body wasn’t so, so breakable. Really I just wish I wasn’t in so much pain.

    • @[email protected]
      52 months ago

      Same, EDS and MCAS here. It’s fairly well controlled nowadays but I’d love not having to adhere to huge life changes and needing to down 30 pills a day.

  • @[email protected]
    212 months ago

    I’d get rid of the daily headaches that started around 12, all the random aches and pains I’ve had since my early 20s, and give myself better dental/oral genes so I didn’t end up with a cavity every damned year.

    But the thing is those are changes I’d make with CRISPR, too, if we knew enough about genes to actually implement them. I’d do it in a heartbeat.

    The aesthetics aren’t that important, tho I wouldn’t mind having thicker hair. My mom got a nose job and told me I have her old nose, and even that I’d keep.

    I’d keep my adhd/autism/personality/appearance stuff, just want the rogue pain/deterioration genes fixed.

  • (⬤ᴥ⬤)
    202 months ago
    1. add tail
    2. make cell cloning perfect
    3. better error correction
    4. add error messages other than “pain here figure it out”
    5. do away with blood types
    6. all colors are now customizable
    • @[email protected]
      22 months ago

      okay but have you considered that a tail would make most chairs incredibly uncomfortable for you? also do you really want to be able to fall on your ass and break your tail?

      I think we lost the tail for a reason.

  • Tywèle [she|her]
    2 months ago

    As I’m trans I would change my body to align it with my gender identity. But I would love to start at an earlier age, I want the whole experience.

  • @[email protected]
    182 months ago

    Never change a running system. Even small changes may have unexpected consequences, if the machine is as complex as our bodies…

        • bizarrolandOP
          22 months ago

          For extra fun show this to your friends who are on very powerful psychogenic chemicals

      • @[email protected]
        42 months ago

        90 millions years of evolution, or you: who knows better?

        It looks funny on pictures, but i bet everything would go south if you would straighten it out or reorganize it.

        If you don’t know the intend why it looks as it currently looks i would not touch it. even if you know why it looks like that and you can somehow compensate those effects, i would not do this on my own body for the first time…

        • bizarrolandOP
          92 months ago

          I think one thing I would change is that the nostrils would use a slightly different air path then the swallowing mechanism, so that if you were to choke on food you could still breathe and get air into your lungs to expel the food.

    • edric
      62 months ago

      I think a minor change to my ACL to fix my knee and bring it back to normal healthy condition is a small enough change to not cause unexpected consequences, since it’s just restoring it to new condition.

      • @[email protected]
        62 months ago

        hm. i did not think about serious illnesses when writing my comment. maybe we can specify this as a “not running system”, but i can understand that my first snarky comment could be perceived as rude when you have problems with your body. i fear i walked right in the privileged trap without realizing it?

    • @cheese_greater
      32 months ago

      How do you “reboot”, medically-induced coma?

      • @[email protected]
        62 months ago

        you can not.

        just think about it: 80 to 100 years uptime, no reboot, no fall back system, not even a cold spare. and you want to change something while its running? madness! maybe if you are very lucky you may be able to replace some of the internal components… but not to upgrade, only if your on the risk to loose the whole system…

  • Captain Aggravated
    172 months ago

    Let’s see here, I think I would implement…

    • better cable management for more efficient routing
    • A settings menu to enable things like “abundant food” mode, set body hair preferences, etc.
    • 3 sets of teeth, make baby teeth last a little longer like my first one fell out when I was about 5 or 6, I’d start replacing them at like age 8, then the middle set would last until about 35 and then you get your last set.
    • Sperm valve with 2FA.
    • There’s probably some upgrades we can make to the eyes.
    • Maybe some kind of heat pump system for urine, so if its very hot you can take a 150 degree piss and save some sweat, or if its very cold you can piss ice water to retain more heat.
    • build caliper functionality into my hands, so I can know the size of something just by holding it.
    • bizarrolandOP
      2 months ago

      I heard they recently developed a meta material that can passively convert approximately 1500 mm wavelengths down to 500 mm wavelengths.

      Incorporated into sunglasses they purport themselves as being non-powered night vision goggles.

      If they could incorporate that into contacts that would be fucking stellar.

      • Captain Aggravated
        22 months ago

        I would settle for exchanging baby teeth a part of puberty. Just that extra few years of wear transferred from the second set to the first set I think would make a load of difference.

  • @[email protected]
    162 months ago

    I would change everything in a heartbeat. You wouldn’t even be able to finish explaining what the button did before I pressed it like 7 times lol

    I absolutely loath who I am, physically and mentally.

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    2 months ago

    Ever since I saw Ghost in the Shell, I’ve wanted a full on robotic body. I’d have a few different ones to suit my mood, too. Assuming I could afford it, anyway. Which since it’s a dystopian nightmare, means I probably wouldn’t be able to get anything other than the shitty tank-like body and only if my insurance covered it. 😮‍💨

    Ever since I knew the weakness of my flesh, it has disgusted me…

    • @ivanafterall
      32 months ago

      Unfortunately, your need for a new body is a pre-existing condition…