Read more about it here

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    Some people, for some reason, consider their day wasted if they don’t make at least one person they perceive as lower on the totem pole than them suffer. And they consider themselves good guys, helpful guys and pillars of their communities. Which is too fucking sad and infuriating to put into words…

    • @ChonkyOwlbearM
      583 months ago

      I am a doorman for a highrise full of wealthy people. Pretty regularly someone reports a “suspicious” person near the bus stop. Every single time it is just a black person waiting for a bus. No matter how polite and proper they may seem, the wealthy are all scum.

        • The Quuuuuill
          113 months ago

          I’ve leaned away from being polite using the magic words and rituals of interaction they teach us in elementary school. And think about how upset it makes older generations when the young say things like “no problem.” We do things for others because we want to, and when they show appreciation we let then know we did it out of a shared sense of humanity. And the older folks hate that. They prefer “you’re welcome” because

          1. That’s what they grew up with as the ritual
          2. The implied dynamic is “you are welcome to my help” which is very different from “I was happy to help” or “it was the least I could do” or “I did it out of a sense of shared humanity.” They want to have their entitlement to our help affirmed.

          So yeah. Don’t be polite for the sake of being polite. Don’t be rude for the sake of being rude. Be kind for the sake of a shared human experience. And tell people who don’t participate in a revolution of empathy they can fuck right off

          • @I_Fart_Glitter
            33 months ago

            I’ve been thrown the last year or so when I say “thank you” to someone doing their job (server, cashier, etc.) if they are younger Gen Z, they say “Of course!” with a kind of shocked look that makes me question if saying “thank you” was somehow inappropriate on my part and I feel like Grandpa Simpson. I’m 40.

            • The Quuuuuill
              23 months ago

              They’re not used to people your age and older thanking them. For much as the older folks out there demand we say please and thank you, they don’t say it to service workers because they don’t see them as people. I know from my own experience being surrounded by service workers

        • @Mango
          63 months ago

          Because it is. Ever have someone say “thank you” when what they really mean is “I’m done with you, get away from me.”

      • @[email protected]
        43 months ago

        I watched a documentation about police (EU) some months ago. They were called because supposedly there were “foreigners” causing trouble. They arrived and tried to figure out what the deal was but they were very confused. So the “troublemakers” were friendly and cooperative and the old man who called the police wanted the others gone. Police quickly realized who the actual problem was but the guy was having none of it. He even escalated and was even taken into custody if I recall correctly.

        Not sure where the hell I was going with this story but your story reminded me of it. Something about suspicion I guess?

    • @Xanis
      43 months ago

      Well see here’s the kicker. There are words you can find to put into that situation. They don’t have to be good words, complicated, or even particularly useful. The most important thing is to speak out. We tend to be too tolerant and unwilling to place ourselves in the center of attention. Saw it during Covid, see it in most situations. We turn our heads and avert our eyes, subverting the expectation that good people should stand for good reasons.

      I’ll say it plainly: Most of us mean well and speak well. We do nothing though.

      • @x00z
        43 months ago

        “Karen” was a nice one to at least get some of these assholes to understand.

        But yeah, words are strong. Oppressive regimes actually try and avoid or even remove certain words because it allows the people to easily explain something that could hurt the regime.

    • @n0clue
      -73 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • @orrk
        33 months ago

        is the implication that Americans might not be the most moral beings in the world that scary?

        • @n0clue
          03 months ago

          deleted by creator

          • @orrk
            13 months ago

            dude, small towns are filled with some of the most vile and spiteful people I have ever met, literally hold grudges their entire lives, and think themselves better than you because their great great grandad did something in the area, they are exactly the people who would call the cops that fast

            • @n0clue
              -13 months ago

              deleted by creator

              • @orrk
                03 months ago

                counterpoint, how about you get a statement from the police about no one calling? oh wait, turns out police don’t give statements like that AND don’t actually release who called for what (and for good reason)

                but wait, you’re just trying to put up some proof that you know isn’t possible to get because you can’t accept that small towns are where hate lives

                • @n0clue
                  13 months ago

                  deleted by creator

  • @Eheran
    823 months ago

    So it is illegal to sleep on a bench?

    • The Quuuuuill
      1013 months ago

      Yes. Vagrancy and loitering laws criminalize the homeless people in our community

      • @[email protected]
        323 months ago

        I am not a native English and I remember having a really hard time understanding what “loitering” actually means. I thought “it cannot mean just standing around. it is a crime after all. how can ‘just to exist’ be crime?”

        Now that I am older I see that it is just an excuse to discriminate.

        • The Quuuuuill
          393 months ago

          Studies show that’s the cheapest solution. The problem is that the people holding the reins of power want to torture us, the proletariat. Governance hasn’t been about what works since Reagan.

        • @Maggoty
          253 months ago

          Oh gosh no. They destroy all of their property and put them in jail for 30 days. Then the next time when they try to protect their property they get sent to prison for at least a year for resisting arrest.

          And that’s if they don’t get shot by someone who’s not homeless, as at least one state has a law that self defence is a legal defence to shooting a homeless person. As in their homelessness is a legal reason to be shot.

          Everyone’s got their eyes on minorities but it’ll be the homeless that America herds into concentration camps first.

          • @[email protected]
            23 months ago

            Something something if currently in the commissioning of a crime lethal force something something? /s

            Don’t matter the crime is made up and victimless

            • @Maggoty
              43 months ago

              Especially if it’s made up and victimless.

          • The Quuuuuill
            293 months ago

            Funnily, it is demonstrably not cheaper. Study after study shows its not cheaper. But its not about what costs the state the least, its about making sure wealth protects you from suffering. If wealth protects you from suffering, it justifies being wealthy so that you can avoid suffering. The result is that the wealthy torture the poor for the sake of torturing the poor. Its supremely fucked up and saying they do it to be cheap lessens exactly how fucked up it is.

            Like. I want to be clear. I’m not replying with all this to be contrarian to your stance. I’m saying it because more people need to see it and be aware of it. Most of the world lives in a society that’s been built through torture. We’ve learned that torture isn’t required for economies to work and for workers to produce what everyone needs to thrive, but the absolute wealthiest people need to maintain the torture otherwise they can’t justify their existence stemming from this torture. It would almost be better if they justified it through sport. But its not even that. They have to keep torturing because if the torture they perform now isn’t justified, it means the torture of the past wasn’t justified

            • @Goodmorningsunshine
              83 months ago

              Funnily, it is demonstrably not cheaper. Study after study shows its not cheaper. But its not about what costs the state the least, its about making sure wealth protects you from suffering.

              Same with healthcare. We pay, what, 4x more for our healthcare system than the next highest country that has universal healthcare? It doesn’t matter. Our system continues to funnel the money upward and punish the poor as well as further entrench them in poverty. America is lovely.

            • queermunist she/her
              63 months ago

              But its not about what costs the state the least, its about making sure wealth protects you from suffering

              Well, it’s also about disciplining the labor force. Poverty must be unbearable so that people are kept desperate for work.

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              But its not about what costs the state the least, its about making sure wealth protects you from suffering.

              Yep. It’s specifically to ensure the fear of homelessness keeps profitable wage workers as profitable as possible.

        • I Cast Fist
          33 months ago

          I wouldn’t call prison a “home”, but the gov’t is happy to fill it with just about anyone that doesn’t have loads of money, especially non-whites.

        • @Madison420
          33 months ago

          Prison or a morgue table eventually it’s fucked up but yeah they’re willing to pay for those two.

    • @hardcoreufo
      353 months ago

      20ish years ago I got roused and told to move along by a cop for sleeping on a bench at a rest area off I95 in the middle of the day. I’d been up all night and stopped because I didn’t feel safe driving anymore. That didn’t matter to him/the law so I got back on the road.

      • The Quuuuuill
        153 months ago

        I had something similar happen in Louisville. I pulled off the road because I was legitimately dangerous to myself and others. Cop told me I had to move on

        • @[email protected]
          93 months ago

          For an example of how it should go: I was a young buck in the earlier 2000’s driving after work going across several states. Got way to tired and pulled over. Few hours later I was woken up by a state trooper questioning me (probably the most disoriented I’ve ever felt waking up without a sedative in my system). Explained my situation and he gave me a business location a mile up the road where it would be safer for me to park and sleep because the police monitored the building at night and he would let them know I was there. For reference, I was not a minority and had a decent car at the time.

      • @[email protected]
        83 months ago

        I was waiting for a bus and was practicing juggling to pass the time. I was told I couldn’t do that by a security guard who thought I was busking. So I put up a sign that said “I’m not busking” and he was quite huffy and stood around giving me stink eye.

      • @x00z
        33 months ago

        And you know what’s the safest thing to do in that situation? A small dose of meth as it’ll keep you awake and focused on the road. (Coffee doesn’t really work because it has a very big comedown that builds up very fast)

    • @dohpaz42
      3 months ago

      Not necessarily, but thanks to SCOTUS, cities can make it illegal all they want now.

      But also, there’s this:

      § 559.45 Behavior in Parks

      Sleeping or protracted lounging on the seats or benches, or loud, boisterous, threatening or abusive, insulting or indecent language, or disorderly conduct or behavior, or any act tending to a breach of the public peace is strictly prohibited. Source

      • FiveMacs
        13 months ago

        That’s when you call constantly for that law being broken. Report literally every instance. At some point, the law will be removed because it’s a surd.

        • @halcyoncmdr
          183 months ago

          No, they’ll just stop responding. Or arrest you for wasting policeresources.

          The police are allowed discretion. They can decide whether they want to enforce laws or not. This is why they for instance can let you off with a warning instead of writing you a ticket for speeding. Or allow a gunman to murder 19 children in an elementary school while they stand outside.

          • The Quuuuuill
            113 months ago

            The police serve and protect capital. Nothing and no one else. Sometimes they’ll act in accordance with the needs of the lower classes, but only when doing so keeps the lower classes from toppling the whole system. And sometimes they don’t even do that, preferring to quash an uprising to avoiding one

              • The Quuuuuill
                53 months ago

                Then maybe we should get rid of the police since they’re so undisciplined. Find a new group of people who won’t be so fucking hostile

  • @wetsoggybread
    763 months ago

    Here’s what to do if you see someone sleeping on a bench or in a park: mind your fucken business, unless some is dying or being actively hurt mind your fucken business

    • @radicalautonomy
      83 months ago

      If you think you saw someone sleeping somewhere illegally, no you didn’t.

    • @Sarmyth
      43 months ago

      I’ve always applied the “should I be allowed to do it?” Reasoning to these circumstances. And yeah, I should be allowed to nap in the park on a nice day if I want.

      Should I bring 6 shopping carts of stuff and block access to public benches for days/weeks at a time? No. But anyone just napping in the park is using the space as intended.

    • @ashok36
      23 months ago

      Considering this is a statue, it’s not impossible for someone to see someone completely still on a bench and think, “Jeez, I think someone went to sleep on that bench and died. I should call someone…”

  • @wabafee
    753 months ago

    “Damnit Jesus go back to heaven already you know it’s illegal to sleep here” Police probably

      • kreekybonez
        353 months ago

        depends on whether or not it was the white jesus, I suppose

        • @MunkyNutts
          113 months ago

          He’ll just turn the other cheek, but he can also respawn, so I think eventually he’ll wear you down.

        • @MehBlah
          103 months ago

          Hispanic jesus would have definitely taken a beating.

          • @P00ptart
            43 months ago

            Korean Jesus would’ve thrown the beating.

        • @[email protected]
          23 months ago

          Pretty sure Jesus chose to be poor, which makes him the wrong kind of white person.

          Looks like he gets the beatings too.

          We don’t talk about Mega-Church Jesus.

  • Deconceptualist
    723 months ago

    For context, Bay Village is one of the wealthiest and whitest Cleveland suburbs.

    • @DerArzt
      273 months ago

      And probably “Christian”. As in those that say their Christian but don’t exhibit Christianity’s ideals.

      • @RedAggroBest
        113 months ago

        The key tradition colonizers spread to the new world was calling yourself a Christian before doing some heinous, very-unchristian shit.

  • @[email protected]
    423 months ago

    Who the fuck calls the police about someone sleeping on a bench? That person must be really rotten inside.

    • @buddascrayon
      143 months ago

      How much you want to bet they tithe regularly to their local church?

    • OhStopYellingAtMe
      43 months ago

      I’ll bet you’re right, and if they live in Bay Village, OH it’s a safe bet to make.

  • @BradleyUffner
    243 months ago

    It does kind of look like they might be dead. Maybe they were concerned about their welfare? I’m just too much of an optimist about people I guess.

    • @[email protected]
      213 months ago

      Usually it’s the ‘no poverty in front of my kids’ type of person that use their kids to justify being inhumane

    • Skeezix
      23 months ago

      Punching down is one of the few ways downtrodden americans feel good about themselves.

      • @orrk
        33 months ago

        Downtrodden? no it’s mainly the well off

  • @AeonFelis
    43 months ago

    Wouldn’t this statue be considered “hostile architecture”?

  • @BilboBargains
    23 months ago

    God is a homeless? We should organise a charity benefit for the big guy.