• OhStopYellingAtMe
        767 months ago

        Does anyone really take Rogan seriously enough to follow his endorsement? Enough people to make a dent?

        • @MeatStiq
          727 months ago

          At one point the dude had 90,000,000 listeners. That’s about 1/3rd of the country.

          Granted, they’re not all US based.

        • @RattlerSix
          597 months ago

          These are the people that are deeply concerned about the sexuality of M&Ms, they take every-fucking-thing seriously

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            These are the people that are deeply concerned about the sexuality of M&Ms

            That’s…kinda weird.

            Like, yeah, the green one is canonically trans. And sure, some people refer to their HRT as “Fem&M’s”, but most people don’t obsess over it like they do.

        • Phenomephrene
          297 months ago

          Honestly, Joe Rogan can get people to believe some pretty weird stuff. For example, I believe the inside of his skull may just be packed with meat. Like, an actual pulsing node of meat. I know it sounds crazy, but if it were to be true for anyone it’d be him.

          • @thesohoriots
            77 months ago

            Imagine that, sentient meat. I wonder what would happen if you gave a Hickory Farms summer sausage some DMT. Can sausages do DMT? Jamie, pull that up.

          • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
            37 months ago

            unrelated, you should read the short story “they’re made out of meat” by Terry Bisson.

            it’s about aliens trying to figure out humans.

        • LustyArgonian
          97 months ago

          Eh maybe. To many conservative men, he’s savvy enough to make them feel edgy while still having ideas and thoughts that are mentally accessible to them. Basically, he’s saying Trump is old news, and most people looking at Trump can see he is old news.

    • @[email protected]
      237 months ago

      I wonder what finally pushed him to do this. Was it leaving a bear cub in Central Park that clinched it?

  • Hegar
    1727 months ago

    “He’s the only one who makes sense to me”

    Ahahaha! Oh wait, you’re serious, let me laugh even harder.

    • vvvvan
      97 months ago

      It’s a very telling sign of having brain worms, when the official candidate of brain worms that polls at 4% is “the only one who makes sense”. Joe should probably have his brain scanned, and stop eating raw meat he shot himself… but the worms won’t let him.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        Not a fan of Joe, but not once in his career did he “get hit in the head for a living”.

        Unless you count him doing scoring points by landing a kick here and there at a handful of Tae Kwon Do tournaments when he was in his 20s or whatever (and you shouldn’t, because I don’t think they were allowed to strike the head, and he wasn’t doing it for a living).

        Joe was/is an expert in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, a 100% grappling martial art, and anyone who would ever strike an opponent in the head, would no question be eliminated from the competition, and likely barred from ever participating again.

        Due to this intimate knowledge of BJJ, Joe’s job at the UFC was color commentary. He didn’t actually fight anyone. That’s not like meant as a dig, it’s just the truth.

        As someone who used to watch MMA back in the golden years (PRIDE NEVER DIE! Early 00s PrideFC is like nothing that has ever come before, or since. And nothing will ever match that shit again imo. Shogun’s 2005 tournament run? Fucking madness), Joe was a fantastic commentator. Shit, he wasn’t even a bad podcast host back then.

        Dunno if he smoked too much DMT with Eddie Bravo or something, but it’s a bummer to see such a previously (actually) curious and open minded man go down this path… Especially given how many young, impressionable listeners he has.

    • @flavonol
      77 months ago

      I seem to recall Joe Rogan calling himself dumb with some regularity. I stopped listening to him years ago; has that changed?

    • @[email protected]
      47 months ago

      At this point Trump is the establishment choice for dyed in the wool assholes of whom there are many.

    • @suction
      47 months ago

      To be fair he’s the world leading expert on Man-to-Man Anal.

    • @Gigasser
      27 months ago

      Rogan probably endorsed him because of his antivax beliefs.

      • @LotrOrc
        97 months ago

        I think you missed this users sarcasm

        • @tamiya_tt02
          27 months ago

          I was being contrarian to his mention of Rogan being contrarian. I should’ve added the “/s” to it. Oh well.

    • @P00ptart
      17 months ago

      Smart with a capital 5.

  • @Marthirial
    1057 months ago

    Bear carcass dumping in Central Park to own the libs sealed it for Rogan.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      The whole thing read to me like a Seinfeld episode - Kramer accidentally kills a whale off the coast of New York, and with the show having made dozens of Kennedy references, hearing of a Kennedy dumping a bear in Central Park would fit right in.

      So this doesn’t feel even like an own to anyone, more like a parody, a comedy. And in the context of it actually happening 1. in the setting of probably the most famous one, 2. with a character from the exact family they’ve referenced many times over and 3. with the same type of bizarre things happening to wildlife one of which has been one of the most famous episodes.

      To me, as a lib, it feels like the best Seinfeld/Curb Your Enthusiasm episode that’s never been written.

      Edit: Now that I think about it, the story even came out because he told it to Roseanne Barr, writer of most popular sitcom just prior to Seinfeld, notwithstanding her interminable slide, with her just staring at him incredulously throughout, the whole thing feeling like a Curb Your Enthusiasm scene. Honestly, at this point Larry David is definitely thinking to himself that he could never have written anything this Larry David.

      Edit 2: I completely forgot that his, Larry David’s, wife in Curb Your Enthusiasm is RFK Jr.'s actual wife. At this point I’m about 80% sure that multiple Seinfeld and/or Curb episodes were actually just Kennedy misadventures in disguise.

  • @[email protected]
    1027 months ago

    I guess we’re going to start seeing evidence that Joe Rogan is trans now from the people that “can always tell.”

    • @[email protected]
      27 months ago

      Off topic but when watching the Monarch show I found it pretty fucking hilarious when Kurt Russell’s character was like “let them right? Really? That’s all we could come up with?”

  • @shai_hulud
    637 months ago

    “MAGA turns on Joe Rogan”.

    Fucking ewwww

    • @nomous
      177 months ago

      Astronaut looking at earth, other astronaut behind him with a gun.

    • @mean_bean279
      137 months ago

      No, but don’t you understand that the media and elites are trying to control us and constantly interjecting their political opinion into everything. 😡

      Even though the only party that has voted in Hollywood elites and the ultra wealthy is…. A mystery.

  • @[email protected]
    517 months ago

    Joe Rogan endorsing RFK JR is the most inevitable thing to ever happen. Why is MAGA even surprised? If you’ve ever listened to even one of Rogan’s podcasts, RFK JR is very much like Rogan.

    Hopefully this helps Harris.

    • @LittleBorat3
      107 months ago

      Joe Rogan does a brilliant move by accident lol

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      57 months ago

      Joe Rogan endorsing RFK JR is the most inevitable thing to ever happen.

      I would have said RFK Jr is the safe, neutral, “I’m not really into politics” pick. But the latest headlines around him are such a clown show, he almost feels like the New Trump. If every new media cycle is fixated on “The crazy thing RFK Jr just did!” it sucks oxygen out of the room for the conservatives who feed on controversy.

    • @ynthrepic
      47 months ago

      It all depends who RFK takes votes from and in which states. RFK has some appeal to classical liberals who dabble in science denial, and I think they’ve long been part of Trump’s base bizarrely - so yeah, more votes for RFK is less votes for Trump now in most cases.

  • @razorwiregoatlick
    447 months ago

    It must be very humbling for Rogan to realize his whole world is controlled by Trump and he is nothing but a bootlicker. He though he was his own man and he is learning that is not true.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      277 months ago

      It must be very humbling for Rogan to realize his whole world is controlled by Trump

      Its not. Rogan’s a rat fleeing a sinking ship. In another month there will be more rats (Nick Fuentes has bailed, some of the AM Radio shills are taking a few careful steps back, and you can already see GOP fundraising emails have completely abandoned using JD Vance’s image). And - baring a Biden/Harris style shake-up and realignment with national media - I am willing to bet we’re going to see a route of media support by election day.

      Nobody wants to be associated with the stink of loser-dom in the GOP. And Trump’s increasingly looking like a dead fish.

      Meanwhile, Rogan’s going to keep churning out his muscle man carny act well into 2028, long after Trump is in the rear view mirror.

  • @SupraMario
    407 months ago

    The continued infighting from the red team is hilarious

    • @[email protected]
      47 months ago

      Yeah it’s cathartic and all, but these people will lash out hard if/when he loses. I think we need to be taking this very seriously.

      • @SupraMario
        47 months ago

        Meh, I’m armed to the teeth, I’m not worried. This is one of the reasons I heavily support the 2nd…no cop or military is coming to protect me. They’ll come with a toe tag at best.

  • @[email protected]
    377 months ago

    Rogan playing 4D hopscotch with this endorsement.

    Or something, idk. What a fucking knuckle dragger.

  • @[email protected]
    337 months ago

    Bizarre. I thought RFK Jr was being bank rolled by a repub to split the vote on the dem side. Last poll has him at 6% in Michigan. Remember, split votes gave MI to Trump in 2016, assuming the Stein and Harambe votes would’ve been Hillary instead.

    RFK is a conspiracy nut too. Strange guy. I’ve never listened to Rogan. But if this splits the vote the other way, great.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      To be fair, if my uncle and dad were murdered by the CIA I’d be a conspiracy nut too. Although Republicans will probably regret elevating him now, as he seems to be peeling more people off Trump than democrats.

      • @almar_quigley
        357 months ago

        He’s not peeling any democrats off. Only libertarians and conservative conspiracy theorists. Aka Rogan fans. The idea that dems would just vote for a Kennedy is exactly the kind of strategy I expect from trump and his ilk.

        • @[email protected]
          77 months ago

          I thought the idea was that his policies on the environment and affordable home ownership look good to liberal voters at first glance.

          • @almar_quigley
            127 months ago

            If anyone gets passed the brain worms and the crazy conspiracies then maybe he’s earned it. But I doubt there’s any statistical chance he’s going to negatively impact the dem ticket.

          • @TexasDrunk
            7 months ago

            And his name.

            ETA: That’s the thought process, not how I feel. Last year there were literally conservatives saying “the left will vote for a Kennedy”

        • @Wrench
          37 months ago

          I agree for the most part, but he’s also influential to dudebros, who could also be convinced to vote blue for drug legalization.

          • @almar_quigley
            67 months ago

            The problem being those dude bros are too caught up in toxic masculinity and inceldom to ever be able to vote for a dem.

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      assuming the Stein and Harambe votes would’ve been Hillary instead.

      Ah, yes, because Stein and Harambe had very similar platforms to Hillary.

      • @[email protected]
        07 months ago

        Maybe, maybe not. Had a couple friends who were Tulsi fans when she was running that went full bore irate at the two part system after Hillary was selected. Bernie people as well. Felt the DNC forced Hillary down our throats and then went and voted Stein out of spite. Or didn’t vote. Moderates who didn’t want either didn’t vote.

        I don’t think it had anything to do with platform, more spite than anything.

  • @DxKOP
    7 months ago

    I wanted to post this in [email protected] but that community appears to have been shut down a few months ago.

    But anyway, I say good. Let them fight!

  • @CharlesDarwin
    237 months ago

    I know it’s Rogan, but seriously? Brain worm guy?

      • @DogWater
        67 months ago

        It’s a match made in heaven in Joe’s eyes. Rfk Jr says what joro thinks but sounds smarter when he says it. It’s still bullshit. But it sounds smarter so Joe likes it. Specifically the anti vaccine stuff

    • @[email protected]
      67 months ago

      RFK is just as crazy as Trump but with a slightly more sensible policy. That’s not saying much, but he’s useful as a spoiler candidate. I feel like he’s gonna take more from Trump than Harris.