Biden’s voice was strong and clear, and the crowd was far warmer to him as an outgoing president

  • mad_asshatter
    6 months ago

    The debate was a one-off for Biden, and that’s the way the cookies crumble.

    Trump said the Dems were doing post-birth abortions.

    Biden had a raspy voice.

    Who was destroyed by the media?

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      Howard Dean said “yeaaahh!” strangely that one time and that was it for him. It doesn’t take much.

      • mozz
        556 months ago

        Because our media is shit

        Biden really was visibly too old. But they’re also pretty good at ginning up issues literally out of nothing when they want to.

          • @ripcord
            46 months ago

            Pretty sure you’re talking about two different groups of people inside “the media” there.

      • @[email protected]
        296 months ago

        That’s confusing cause and effect. Howard Dean’s speech was supposed to be a concession speech after losing the only early primary/caucus he was trying to win. He poured in all of his resources in the hopes of winning Iowa, underperformed expectations against a backdrop of dropping in the polls for weeks, and coming in third (with no real prospects for New Hampshire or South Carolina) basically made it impossible for him to have the volunteers, money, or press coverage to survive into the next stage of competing in bigger states with primaries clumped up together.

        He showed everyone his plan of winning Iowa or going home, lost Iowa, and then gave some kind of rallying speech as if he had a plan to recover from that loss. He never did, and it wasn’t the scream that killed his campaign. His campaign was dead before the scream happened. It’s just that the scream was a particularly memorable way for a campaign to die.

        • @NewNewAccount
          86 months ago

          Big pet peeve of mine when people attribute his decline to the Dean Scream. The scream was the final nail in the coffin.

        • cabbage
          196 months ago

          There’s a lot of fragile people out there who can’t handle things like rad screams, dijon mustard, or women’s right to self-determination.

        • mozz
          116 months ago

          Back when the internet was fun, there was a flash game where you could play as the different presidential nominees, and Howard Dean’s special move was the “Dean Scream” where he would scream flipping back and forth from left to right, and all the enemies on screen would fall down. Top tier.

      • @stoly
        76 months ago

        Don’t forget that we voted for Bush because people would rather have a beer in their back yard with him than with Kerry.

    • @[email protected]
      956 months ago

      That’s a pretty generous summation of the problems with Biden’s debate performance. It was also hardly a one-off. Every time Biden appears it’s a coin flip for which Biden shows up, which is why he appears so infrequently.

      You are absolutely right about how Trump’s bullshit gets largely ignored by the press though.

      • @stoly
        46 months ago

        Remember that Biden has a stutter. It’s a condition that has no cure and can only be managed.

    • @ikidd
      376 months ago

      It was hardly a one-off. He was setting off alarm bells left and right beforehand, and the debate was his chance to regain some confidence. And he had a bad night then as well. So yah, he has his good days, but it’s pretty apparent that his good days are getting far between.

      This was the right decision, it’s a shame he had to be pretty much forced into it by everyone else that saw it. I blame his handlers, and they should have their asses handed to them for trying to fuck the rest of us by keeping him past his best-before date and giving Trump the presidency.

    • @Ensign_Crab
      346 months ago

      Biden had a raspy voice.

      Biden said we finally beat Medicare.

      • @[email protected]
        136 months ago

        It blows my mind that “Biden just had a raspy voice!!” isn’t banned as misinformation here. Because it literally is, there is no reasonable way to interpret “we beat Medicare” being yelled over and over as the result of a raspy voice. Absolute memory hole shit.

        • @Ensign_Crab
          126 months ago

          My favorite bullshit excuse was when they pretended it was jet lag when he hadn’t been on a plane in two weeks.

              • @givesomefucks
                36 months ago

                made me realize exactly how big the culty echo chamber can be on the left too.

                I don’t know anyone except Republicans who would consider Biden or his supporters “the left”…

                They’re dyed in wool neoliberals that supportered Hillary and Bill before her, and Biden’s been with the Clintons forever, he wrote the 92 “child super predator” crime bill that fucked everything up. There’s not many left, but they’re loud as hell anytime anyone doesn’t say their candidate is the bestest and prettiest candidate ever.

                If you’re not 100% with them. You’re against them as much as if you’re voting trump, and they’ll say anything in the moment that defends their ingroup. Even if it contradicts what they just said

                “Horseshoe theory” is bullshit, but unsurprisingly the most conservative wing of every political party act very similar.

                They don’t want loyalty, they want unquestionable support and zero questions just in general.

              • @[email protected]
                36 months ago

                Speaking personally, I was scared to death of a Trump presidency again, and there was nothing I could do about it other than support the guy that was twilighting on national TV. I felt there was no other option in June. It was awful.

      • @[email protected]
        66 months ago

        I was intrigued to find out last night what he meant to say.

        “We finally beat Big Pharma.”

        • @Ensign_Crab
          46 months ago

          That’s a big brag for “we lowered prices on a handful of drugs… for Medicare recipients only.”

          • @[email protected]
            36 months ago

            Apparently universal healthcare (AKA Medicare for All, single-payer) is some kind of glass ceiling for Democrats. You have to reject it in order to get nominated. Hillary reversed her position on it; so did Harris.

          • @[email protected]
            26 months ago

            I might not be steeped enough in politics to immediately be able to parse the sentence with the word swap. I do like to think I’m usually pretty good at finishing somebody else’s sandwiches but drew a blank with that line.

    • @givesomefucks
      266 months ago

      The debate was a one-off for Biden


      Biden had a raspy voice.

      I really thought we were past the gaslighting that the only thing wrong with Biden was a sore throat. But here we are…

        • @[email protected]
          -26 months ago

          Awesome to hear they let AOC speak though.

          OMG! They allowed her to speak! Wow.

          Pathetic how happy the left gets over these crumbs being thrown to us.

    • @[email protected]
      126 months ago

      He was also getting hammered on Gaza. Over 650,000 Democrats voted “uncommitted” in the primary.

  • @[email protected]
    1216 months ago

    It’s one event with a month of prep time and a teleprompter. Biden hasn’t lost all faculties, but he can’t be this “on” every day for the next 3 months while also being president. This is carefully curated to his strengths, making him look good, which is great, but it’s no sign he could be president in 4 years.

    • @MajinBlayze
      286 months ago

      And it’s not like he delivered flawlessly, he still has at least one part where he seemed to get lost, and the crowd covered for him.

      Did have real mixed feelings about the “Thank You Joe” chant. It was kind of wholesome in a way, but I imagine it feels bad to have been pushed out like he was.

      • @MrPoopbutt
        176 months ago

        I hope he recognizes that he needed to do it. Even in 2020, “making” him run (I put making in quotes because you can’t make a person run for office) felt like elder abuse. That is even more true now.

        • @chuckleslord
          96 months ago

          They needed him to run to stop a Bernie nomination. So… he kind of was “made to”, in that he also agreed that Bernie shouldn’t get the nomination.

          • @[email protected]
            66 months ago

            And I’m in agreement with Biden, I think. I love Bernie and think he would have made a great president, but with how close 2020 was for Biden, I doubt he would have won the election. In fact I think part of why Kamala’s doing well is for the same reason that Biden did well in 2020: Trump wanted to run against Bernie in 2020, and he wanted to run against Biden in 2024. Trump struggles when things don’t go the way he expects them to, and I remember in 2020 a lot of trump’s arguments were about how Biden was too far left, almost like he wanted to be making those arguments about Bernie instead

            • @kofe
              146 months ago

              Polls showed Bernie had the largest lead in a head to head against Trump in 2016 and 2020 iirc. He’s the most popular politician in the US.

            • @[email protected]
              56 months ago

              I remember in 2020 a lot of trump’s arguments were about how Biden was too far left, almost like he wanted to be making those arguments about Bernie instead

              That’s boilerplate conservative talking points. He would’ve said that regardless of who he was running against.

          • @FlowVoid
            26 months ago

            Sanders is older than Biden. So if running Biden was elder abuse…

        • @MajinBlayze
          26 months ago

          I think it’d be hard to look at the current state of things and think he made a mistake. At least he seems willing enough to get along.

          I’ve no shortage of criticism for the man and his actions, but this one I can applaud.

        • bean
          16 months ago

          Part of me might think maybe he is a little bit relieved. It’s tiring on even a younger man. Now he can just focus on the rest of the year and he gets a much needed vacation and family time

    • LeadersAtWork
      56 months ago


      Though something no one is mentioning is if he felt like he had to stay on to do the right thing, and made a very difficult decision to step down, part of this energy may be a relief we’ve all felt at one point or another.

      I just can’t shake the feeling that Biden never really wanted the job. He took it because he was convinced he was needed to oust Trump.

      • @stoly
        96 months ago

        He first ran in the 1970s, he’s definitely wanted to be a president for a long time. I do wonder, though, if Trump was what really pushed him to go.

        • @someguy3
          6 months ago

          And then doesn’t try again until 2020? And only after witnessing a lineup that he thought couldn’t win against Trump? Don’t think that lines up.

          • AreaSIX
            26 months ago

            He ran in 88 and 2008, ran as a vice president 2008 and 2012, skipped 2016 and ran again 2020 and 2024. I’d say it lines up, Biden always wanted to be president, and his only regret seems to be that he was persuaded not to run in 2016.

    • @[email protected]
      46 months ago

      Well he isn’t running to be president anymore, now is he?

      This was a beautiful way to accentuate that transition, handing over the baton to a younger generation and having faith in that difficult decision.

  • Optional
    1046 months ago

    “I’ve got a lot to do. I intend to get it done. It’s been the honour of my lifetime to serve as your president. I love the job, but I love my country more.”

    Attaboy, Joe. Good man.

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    I think the biggest difference is that it is far easier to recite a static speach he has practiced 100 times than it is to dynamically adapt to a live debate.

    • @_stranger_
      266 months ago

      I think the difference is that he was recovering from a bad cold during the debate.

        • @PlasticExistence
          86 months ago

          That joke was based on Nixon losing a live, televised debate to JFK and looking physically terrible during it because he had a cold.

      • @[email protected]
        46 months ago

        That cold must’ve hung on a long time, because people said he was just as bad at other events and meetups he went to. People were hoping it was just a bad night, but apparently it wasn’t.

        It’s obvious the guy’s highly motivated, and I’ve seen younger men overwork themselves into an early grave. It’s no big shock that his mind isn’t as sharp as it once was. Also, I’m sure having a stutter just makes that even worse.

        • @Pacattack57
          26 months ago

          They were both bad presidents. Nixon was just outwardly corrupt. JFK was not only a coke head, but also sort of an idiot that allowed the CIA to commit war crimes under his watch in Latin America.

    • @stoly
      106 months ago

      They DO NOT practice these speeches, there’s no time. Rather, they become like actors and are able to just go, pretty much like how news presenters do.

      • @mlg
        16 months ago

        Yeah from a telepromter…

        Not that I can really complain since they all use it now, but still. All you gotta do is read while the camera makes it look like you’re looking at the Audience.

        • @FlowVoid
          56 months ago

          If it’s so easy, then why are so many people terrible at it?

    • @pjwestin
      16 months ago

      Yeah, the fact that this sounded a lot like one of his anti-Trump stump speeches, coupled with the fact that he barely mentioned Kamala, makes me think he’s been rehearsing this one since before July 21st.

  • @dhork
    656 months ago

    Well, yeah, it was a rehearsed speech, read off a teleprompter, with a sympathetic crowd. Much different than a debate, where you have to speak off the cuff, within a time limit, and the crowd (if there is one) pledges to be non-partisan.

    And, maybe Biden took Trump’s advice and hopped himself up on pills. I wouldn’t blame him for it, personally.

    • @givesomefucks
      -406 months ago


      It’s fucking shameful people want to act like Biden is still mentally capable.

      His admin hid his mental decline for years and tried to shove him thru against voters wishes, because they might not get their jobs in the admin if Biden isn’t president.

      • @HoustonHenry
        436 months ago

        At least he didn’t offer to do away with voting, call POWs and veterans names, be the adulterer in all 3 marriages, and generally doent understand democracy (much less democratic processes). When you measure the two against eachother, I’d think you might start actually giving a fuck

        • @lennybird
          226 months ago

          Yeah and just look at the type of people Biden’s administration has compared to the complete clowns in Trump’s administration.

          His broader cabinet is really who is keeping the country going. Similarly with Trump, his cabinet is what did much of the damage to this country.

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          Are we still fighting this battle? Yeah Trump is a POS, we found that out decades ago. His political campaign started with Mexicans are rapists and grab them by the pussy and went downhill from there. We know. We watched 24 hour coverage of it for 8 years

          Can we stop using that to shield other things from criticism? Biden isn’t even the candidate anymore, it’s ok if Biden doesn’t win the election. It’s ok to criticize “the good guys” when they do bad shit.

        • @orclev
          76 months ago

          Biden was always a shit candidate which is why it’s incredibly fortunate that we have a much better one now. Harris isn’t the best possible choice but she’s certainly the best one we’ve actually been given. Trump is almost literally the worst presidential candidate in the history of the US. Trump was the worst president in the history of the US. It might be possible to come up with someone worse than Trump (I’m certainly not going to challenge Republicans to do so they certainly would), but I’m having trouble thinking of one (maybe Elon Musk).

          Just because the other option is literally the worst possible option doesn’t mean we have to pretend that the better option is some kind of perfect saint. Everyone needs to go vote for Harris and for literally anyone but Republicans in this upcoming election, but we also aren’t obligated to claim sun shines out of her ass and certainly not act like Biden whose not even running anymore doesn’t have anything wrong with him.

          Our country has turned into a gerontocracy and it’s well past the point we should do something about that. We should be pushing for age limits on all elected positions. We have an age of retirement, we should enforce that on political (and maybe judicial) offices as well.

        • @YaDownWitCPP
          46 months ago

          OMG, but what about Trump!!


        • @Ensign_Crab
          26 months ago

          Biden isn’t running anymore. You no longer need to pretend that anyone who says anything bad about him is a Trump supporter.

        • @givesomefucks
          -96 months ago

          Bruh. If your only standard is “not as bad as republicans are right now”…

          And republicans constantly get worse…

          Dont you understand how trying our standards to them results in everyone’s standards nosediving and the country burning in the wreckage?

          When you measure the two against eachother, I’d think you might start actually giving a fuck

          Start thinking more than 2 weeks ahead, and you might be surprised that you agree we should have higher standards than not trump.

          • theprogressivist
            -46 months ago

            So, holding people to actual standards is a bad thing because Republicans are a lost cause? Is that what you’re really saying?

            • @orclev
              86 months ago

              No, I think he’s arguing for the exact opposite. Just because Republicans are terrible doesn’t mean Democrats are immune to criticism (not that you’d know it from this thread, apparently saying Biden is too old to hold office is the worst thing ever).

              • @Ensign_Crab
                -16 months ago

                No, I think he’s arguing for the exact opposite

                Oh, he knows.

              • @Ensign_Crab
                6 months ago

                I’m glad he’s not running anymore. We stand a chance now. Still wish he would stop enabling genocide. If we live long enough in spite of the pitifully inadequate response to the climate crisis, centrists are gonna look like moral cowards in the documentaries. Yet again.

      • @dhork
        136 months ago

        I honestly don’t think his problem is his mind. His mind is sharp, but his body is betraying him. When he slips up and can’t find the next word, or mixes up some names, I think it’s just his mouth outpacing his brain. When you give him time to finish his thought, he shows he still understands well.

        Note that I’m not trying to minimize this. While I understand where his issues are, I still l think he’s better off quitting and letting new blood take over.

        Contrast this with Trump, who can’t stay on topic even with a teleprompter. His insistence that Harris “started out Indian, then turned Black” can be explained by the idea that he can’t tell the difference between Harris and Nikki Haley. I think Trump is much further gone than Biden is. Neither should be running

        • @givesomefucks
          -26 months ago

          His mind is sharp,

          For his age

          But even if Biden is the sharpest 80 year old on the planet, that doesn’t mean he’s competent to be president.

          Somewhere is the world’s smartest 4 year old, I wouldn’t want him flying a plane.

          Contrast this with Trump,

          Crazy thought:

          There’s more than one person in America not qualified to be president…

          Which is why Biden is no longer the presidential candidate. And trump can’t stop shitting himself in fear from running against anyone besides Biden or Hillary.

          I don’t say I should play QB in the NFL because I’m in better shape than trump is. Biden isn’t capable of being an effective president just because trump is less capable.

          • @dhork
            16 months ago

            You shouldn’t play in the NFL because you are too busy moving goalposts.

            You posted

            It’s fucking shameful people want to act like Biden is still mentally capable.

            Then I posted about how he is mentally still there, but still shouldn’t be President. Now it turns out you agree! Awesome.

            • @givesomefucks
              -46 months ago

              Then I posted about how he is mentally still there, but still shouldn’t be President. Now it turns out you agree! Awesome.

              No. You think he’s “still there” because trump is worse…

              By that logic even people with full blown dementia are “still there” because they’re better than trump.

              It’s a ridiculous bar to set for “still there”. And if our only bar is “better than trump” it essentially means there’s no bar.

              I conceded that if you’re only comparing Biden to other people in their 80s, he doesn’t seem bad either. But that’s because there really aren’t any 80 years who are “still there”. The few who are most capable still, are the ones quickest to admit they’re not the same as they were 40 or even 20 years ago

              Anyone that’s 80 and honestly believes age isn’t effecting them, is no longer “still there”.

              That’s just how the human brain works, which essentially is “not forever”.

  • @[email protected]
    406 months ago

    Biden’s job was to save the party from a Bernie Sanders nomination. The DNC and the corporations couldn’t have that.

    • @stoly
      -126 months ago

      Yep, Hillary had the same job but misogyny won out back then.

      • @[email protected]
        126 months ago

        Misogyny was a small part of it and mostly used as an insult to people that had questions. Kamala hasn’t been accused of any crimes as far as I know. That’s the biggest difference between the two campaigns, aside from the fact that everyone is relieved Biden is leaving office by choice. Hilary might have even been able to win this election, but I definitely would rather have Kamala over Hillary.

        • @stoly
          -56 months ago

          And people apparently preferred trump over her but even people who hate her have to admit that she’d have been bettEr.

          • @emmy67
            96 months ago

            It would be hard to have been worse than Trump. But that’s hardly an endorsement when a literal rock would have done better.

            • Queen HawlSera
              46 months ago

              I literally believe Hillary was the only person who could lose to Trump

              • @emmy67
                26 months ago

                I honestly agree. The moment she won the primary i knew it was lost.

                • Queen HawlSera
                  16 months ago

                  The problem was, with Hillary’s “It’s my turn!” nonsense, she managed to come across as more egotistical than Trump…

                  Hell, compare the slogans “I’m With Her” and “Make America Great Again”, it doesn’t matter that the latter is a racist dogwhistle it still sounds to the common man like a rallying cry to empower the nation whereas the former just sounds like a call for obedience to Queen Clinton.

                  She really needed to at least pretend to be relatable, but she didn’t, Trump got his Supreme Court picks, and now anyone with a uterus is in danger of dying in Texas because doctors are rightfully worried they’ll go to jail if they try to provide medical care.

  • Roflmasterbigpimp
    226 months ago

    “I love the job, but I love my country more.”

    That’s a strong sentence. I hope he can now just enjoy the rest of his life.

  • @just_another_person
    226 months ago

    I watched the whole speech. He still had the same issues. The pauses, stutters, stammering over sentences, and these were in the teleprompter. The difference is these were prepared remarks that were rehearsed, and he was speaking loudly for an audience. I wouldn’t say he was “unrecognizable” from the debate, just a different situation. I woukd have voted for him, but I’m glad he stepped aside. It was time.

    • @MegaUltraChicken
      126 months ago

      pauses, stutters, stammering over sentences

      The dude has had a lifelong stutter. Has no one heard Joe Biden talk in the last several decades? He paused and stuttered when he was in the Senate too.

      • @just_another_person
        86 months ago

        He doesn’t usually have those pauses when he’s reading from teleprompter though, or at least it’s less noticable. His off the cuff pauses and stutters seem more natural when they happen. When he’s reading from a teleprompter and still having the same issues, it reads as if he’s having issues comprehending the words that are coming out of his mouth as he saying and expressing them, which is understandably not illustrating confidence for some people.

    • @[email protected]
      46 months ago

      He was giving what was essentially a 2020 campaign speech and appeared to be referencing 2017 events, so it makes sense he had a better grip with it.

  • @NatakuNox
    156 months ago

    It’s because he can focus on doing one job. Asking an 80.year old man to run the country on the campaign trail was laughable at best.

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    That’s because it didn’t take place at 8pm. Even people 20 years younger than Biden almost can’t stay up later than 8pm.

    • @Bernie_Sandals
      236 months ago

      Biden did not appear until 10.26pm Chicago time – which was 11.26pm in New York and Washington.

      It was actually after 10pm when he spoke at the DNC.

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        Keeping someone that old awake that late is just blatant elder abuse. 10:26pm surely isn’t prime time hours for the president to be giving a speech. That’s insulting

        • Queen HawlSera
          26 months ago

          Bro I was watching a movie with my grandmother (MST3K: Laser Blast) at around 11:15 pm, get out of here with that shit.

        • @ngwoo
          16 months ago

          Nobody made him be there.

    • @Etterra
      16 months ago

      Im sure having the enormous weight of having to juggle to get rejected helps.

    • @ngwoo
      26 months ago

      He started really weak but he still sounded pretty good for someone in his 80s.

  • @A_Random_Idiot
    86 months ago

    The debate wasnt fucking disasterous, god damn what is this fucking collective hallucination about the debate.

    You know why he was better this time? Cause he hadnt spent the past 3 days traveling around the world and as a result wasnt jetlagged to fuck, and wasnt sick this time to boot.

    And he still did 10,000 times better at the debate than Trump did.

  • @Rapidcreek
    06 months ago

    The DNC’s late-running convention programming reopened the wounds for some of President Biden’s allies, Axios reports.

    Said one: “This is awful. He literally set up a campaign and handed it over to them — do they have to cut him out of prime time?”