• @FlowVoid
    1586 months ago

    The Harris and Trump teams don’t agree about whether mikes should be cut when their opponent is speaking.

    You might think Team Harris wants the mikes cut. But actually, they want the mikes kept on throughout the debate. Team Trump wants them cut, because they are afraid Trump won’t be able to control himself and end up looking bad. Which I think is hilarious.

    • Ech
      786 months ago

      Just fyi, it’s “mic” when talking about microphones.

        • @then_three_more
          416 months ago

          The USA has a male circumcision rate of over 80%, so likelihood is that Mike is already cut.

            • @then_three_more
              156 months ago

              You know I was going to put that first but couldn’t getting the spelling close enough for predictive text to pick up and didn’t want to randomly say “genital mutilation” to my phone while sat on the bus.

              • @Viking_Hippie
                96 months ago

                didn’t want to randomly say “genital mutilation” to my phone while sat on the bus.

                Yeah, you want to be precise when talking about destroying naughty bits on mass transit.

                As a bonus, my phone has VERY bad ideas for events 😂

          • @netvor
            6 months ago

            I mean U.S. presidential debates don’t need to be posh intellectual philosophy clubs, but cutting Mikes on the stage, that would be a bit too far.

            (Also if your data is accurate they would probably run out of uncut Mikes really fast.)

            • @then_three_more
              26 months ago

              Looks like around 8,000 Michael’s were born in 2023, so probably about another 4,000 so far this year. I’ll not sure at what age American’s start mutilating their children’s penises though, so I guess some of those might already be done.

        • Em Adespoton
          266 months ago

          They did… Mike’s not the VP candidate this time around. I was trying to figure out what he was going to be doing at the debate….

    • @[email protected]
      426 months ago

      Hot take: Harris’ team wants open hot mics because there’s a nonzero chance of catching Trump uttering the hard-R

      • @idiomaddict
        186 months ago

        I don’t think he’d lose a single voter, to be honest.

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          It was never about making him lose voters, his rabies-frothing brain dead fan base will never break. It was about making him look like the massive corrupt openly racist piece of shit that he is, so that everyone else with a brain will be motivated to actually get out and vote AGAINST him.

          • @[email protected]
            136 months ago

            I think you’re underestimating the growing disillusionment of MAGA voters. He lost, when he said he had it in the bag. He then flubbed a coup, which in the end only resulted in hundreds of MAGAts going to jail, with hardly a word of thanks or encouragement from him. Many of them have found themselves alienated from their families and wondering what it was for, because after eight years of Trump they haven’t seen a single thing from him that he promised them.

            The white supremacist douche brigades support him because he’s all they’ve got, but everyone else is more wobbly than they have ever been. They fear “the libs”, but with four years of Biden now and none of their fears realized in that time, the bite has gone out of even that particular dog.

            Now is the time when we should be reaching out to them, encouraging them to come back into the fold of mainstream America. Let them realize that they’ve slipped to the fringes and are in danger of truly being left out.

    • @[email protected]
      136 months ago

      You might think Team Harris wants the mikes cut. But actually, they want the mikes kept on throughout the debate. Team Trump wants them cut, because they are afraid Trump won’t be able to control himself and end up looking bad. Which I think is hilarious.

      I hope they know what they’re doing . Trump voters don’t expect Trump to present logical arguments and back them up. They expect him to shout nonsense, talk over his opponent, and then declare victory at the end because that’s what their idea of “tough” is.

      So I hope the Harris camp has thought this strategy all the way through. A debate “win” isn’t determined by who presented the most logical arguments or the most coherent vision. The winner is determined by who gets a bump in the polls and ultimately gains voters afterwards, and potential Trump supporters aren’t looking the same things as Democrats.

      • @FlowVoid
        6 months ago

        Harris isn’t using the debate to win over Trump supporters. That ship has sailed. She is using the debate to win over swing voters and motivate her own supporters.

        Polls show swing voters don’t like it when Trump interrupts people, and it can motivate (ie enrage) her own supporters.

        • @[email protected]
          56 months ago

          Polls show swing voters don’t like it when Trump interrupts people, and it can motivate (ie enrage) her own supporters.

          I hope this is true, but there are definitely many swing voters who consider Trump’s bullshit to be how tough people behave , and it makes them more likely to vote for him. If that weren’t the case I doubt he would have been elected.

          • @FlowVoid
            26 months ago

            I suspect ultimately Harris will agree to mute mics and just use Trump’s reluctance to ridicule him.

    • circuitfarmer
      66 months ago

      I know there are probably some good reasons not to go there, but I’d really love to see the Harris campaign turn this into a “free speech” argument. The righties have spent a lot of time conditioning their supporters with “free speech” dog whistles.

    • @[email protected]
      -116 months ago

      Team Trump wants them cut, because they are afraid Trump won’t be able to control himself and end up looking bad. Which I think is hilarious.

      thats what team Harris says, doesnt mean its true if you want to be neutral.

      I am sure team Trump woukd say something like we dont want Harris intruptting Trump when its his turn.

      I am pro Harris but I agree with muting mics

      • @barsquid
        86 months ago

        We have ample evidence of Donald not shutting the fuck up. It is true. Neutrality doesn’t mean shoving aside the evidence of objective reality.

      • @Passerby6497
        36 months ago

        I am sure team Trump woukd say something like we dont want Harris intruptting Trump when its his turn.

        Is that argument that Harris will be stealing Trump’s job? Of the two, only one of them is known for their inability to shut the fuck up.

      • @FlowVoid
        36 months ago

        team Trump woukd say something like we dont want Harris intruptting

        Then I have the perfect solution. Mute Harris but keep Trump’s on. What could go wrong?

      • @[email protected]
        26 months ago

        Open mic is like handing Dementia DonOLD a rope that he will no doubt hang himself with. I’m all for it. The fact that his team doesn’t want it makes me want it even more.

  • Optional
    496 months ago

    Hey member that time before debating Hillary when he snorted like twenty lines of coke and spent the whole debate sniffling and grinding his teeth?

  • @vegeta
    376 months ago

    Trump realizing what he is getting into with the debates:

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    Strategically speaking, why does Harris want open mics? I thought Dems pushed for the muted mics to prevent Trump from blabbering past his time? Seems like a situation that would make it hard for Harris to get a word in otherwise, trying to understand the benefit.

    • @FlowVoid
      6 months ago

      Probably because they think when (not if) Trump blabbers while Harris is trying to speak, it will make Trump look bad in front of undecided voters. I think they’re right.

      Team Harris might even try to pull a Chris Christie, who predicted what Rubio would say and watched his prediction come true, eg

      Harris: “As a former prosecutor, I believe in following the rules. But Trump believes rules don’t apply to him. He’s not supposed to interrupt me, but he just did a moment ago. And mark my words: he will do it again soon, because -”

      Trump: “No I won’t!”

      • @slickgoat
        86 months ago

        Hahaha - you must be Nostradamus because that’s exactly how it will go.

    • Diplomjodler
      356 months ago

      He won’t be able to stay focused the entire time. I assume the Dems think that at some point he’ll say something so monumentally stupid that even the media can’t gloss over it any more.

      • @[email protected]
        236 months ago

        But he says monumentally stupid things every hour of every day, it’s hardly a blip any more. Idk, I have my doubts. I know Harris can hold her own but when his lies compound more lies before anyone can make an argument for truth, it becomes impossible to keep up even under the best conditions. It’s not a court room with a judge that’s going to hold anyone in contempt.

        • @cm0002
          96 months ago

          To me or you, but not to MAGA. What if, on the topic of crime, he goes off on a tangent and says something to the effect of “I’ll just repeal the second amendment, no guns no problem!”

          That would be something monumentally stupid for him to say to his MAGA base

          • @Viking_Hippie
            156 months ago

            What if, on the topic of crime, he goes off on a tangent and says something to the effect of “I’ll just repeal the second amendment, no guns no problem!”

            He already did pretty much exactly that and zero fucks were given.

            They have no principles and no values that they put above their god-king the Mango Mussolini.

          • @Thebeardedsinglemalt
            46 months ago

            It would be something stupid, but #1 they likely won’t be watching a debate that’s not on one of their propaganda/outrage channels, and #2 his spin teams would either call it fake or just dog whistle it as “not our second amendment rights wink wink”

      • partial_accumen
        126 months ago

        He won’t be able to stay focused the entire time.

        Have the Trump handlers considered dangling a set of shiny keys above his head during Harris’s answer to distract him?

      • @IphtashuFitz
        36 months ago

        I can see him muttering all sorts of BS while Harris is speaking.

    • @[email protected]
      216 months ago

      Because she’s a former DA with a significant amount of trial experience in pretty high-stakes cases, and Trump is an imbecile. I really do think she’d absolutely take him apart in a debate.

      • @[email protected]
        106 months ago

        A courtroom is a highly controlled environment with everyone operating under oath and tangible consequences for breaking decorum, like I said in my other comment, overall I don’t doubt Harris could hold her own - but it seems like a misstep that will allow trump to soak up all the airtime. I hope I’m wrong!

    • @Dkarma
      216 months ago

      Go watch the "I’m speaking "moment when Harris debated pence.

      Destroyed. She wants this again.

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        Sure that makes sense, but I also believe Pence backed off because he had a shred of self respect.

        What will Harris do with someone who doesn’t yield and instead raises their voice, doubles down, and starts redirecting, asking when she became black?

        Different beasts, guess it will be interesting if nothing.

    • @2piradians
      176 months ago

      To his credit, Biden adhered to the give/take of ideas with Trump. It’s courteous to let the other person speak and I’m sure he thought those watching would clearly see he’s the reasonable person in the debate. Since Trump has no such courtesy, he just ran out the clock with nonsense, making Biden look weak/confused rather than reasonable. So they wanted the mics cut. I think they’re confident in Harris’ ability to put Trump on his ass when he tries with her.

    • Optional
      106 months ago

      They’re pointing out that Trump wants muted mics because he can’t shut up and won’t be able to stop blabbering. The relatively sane people running trumps campaign know that would be a huge problem because he’s already getting press for babbling batshit and a debate in prime time would be the last place they’d want him to go full demented narcissist.

      By making it a news article, Trump sees it and is therefore pitted against his own campaign which he can’t allow, so - it’s win-win and they haven’t even agreed to anything yet.

    • @[email protected]
      86 months ago

      It could be that the Harris people are playing mind games.

      If Donnie wants open mics, demand open mics.

      He’s a toddler, so he’ll switch and demand they be cut off.

      • @Viking_Hippie
        46 months ago

        I know you’re kidding, but that’s the second-worst thing she could do, with not calling him on ANY of his lies the worst.

        No matter how true, yelling the same word every 5 or so seconds is NOT an effective debate strategy.

    • @cabron_offsets
      26 months ago

      Guy’s completely fucked in the head. He’s going to say all sorts of weird stupid shit that will further entrench some fraction of undecideds in the Harris camp. Harris has been very smart to mock him and goad him into fits of verbal diarrhea.

  • @slickgoat
    6 months ago

    As to not having the mics cut as a tactic so that Trump’s bullying idiocy is on full display, I disagree. The idea that his ape-like behaviour is somehow a secret after nine years of his bullshit schtick is somewhat doubtful.

    For comparison purposes, you need Harris’ intelligent and reasoned argument immediately followed by Trump’s bellowing laundry list of personal gripes, off-mark name calling, ridiculous lies and tangential remarks about sharks, electric cars and Hannibal Lector…

    Then, once again, to be sharply contrasted by Harris’ calm and normal description of her politics.

    As fascinating as it to watch this Buffoon yelling and screaming on stage, no one will hear what Harris has to say and there will be plenty watching her for the first time waiting to hear.

    Edit: Turns out that the Harris campaign wants live mics, so what do I know?

  • @Rapidcreek
    106 months ago

    They keep poking him and poking him and poking him. No fair! Kamala fights like a BOY!

    • @[email protected]
      86 months ago

      Where 🫲🫱 did all the boy fights go? I’ve talked about this a while ago, I said “Wow 👐, where did all the boy fights go?” Back then there were boy fights now ☝️ there are no boy fights anymore, can you 🫵 believe this? Crooked Joe Biden turned all 👐 the boys gay so now they don’t fight ✊ no more, meanwhile Mexican boy fights are streaming up the border 🫴

  • @[email protected]
    106 months ago

    She should troll him every chance she can during the debate until he loses his shit and goes the fuck off on a tirade.

    • @beebarfbadger
      16 months ago

      Him going off on a tirade doesn’t take any trolling. That’s his default state, unprovoked, regardless of what his own, actual plans were up until ten seconds ago.

  • @Eiri
    66 months ago

    Honestly surprising. I would’ve thought Harris would have wanted protection from Trump constantly talking over her.

  • @IchNichtenLichten
    16 months ago

    I’m way more concerned that the moderators will completely abdicate their responsibilities again. If Trump lies, which he will, frequently and obviously, they need to call that out.

    • @hohoho
      106 months ago

      I think Kamala will soundly hold her own