• @RangerJosie
    1408 days ago

    He should have resigned in the last year of his presidency. Had Pence pardon him. Then attended functions for the rest of his life as a “dignified former president”

    But nah. He bought his own hype. Now he has to win or he dies in prison. And it’s every bit his own damn fault. Fully self inflicted.

    • @[email protected]
      618 days ago

      The problem is he didn’t trust pence to follow through. And self pardons were a very big legal grey area. And it didn’t help that people were realizing Biden could kick his ass which brought back trump’s PTSD over Obama’s… existence?

      But also? He will never see a day of prison (might get some jail stays though). Democrats care too much about “decorum” to throw the book at him and his handlers have enough money that he will appeal everything until the day he dies… which might be accelerated depending upon how much he pisses off those handlers.

      • Davel23
        138 days ago

        But it wouldn’t have been a self-pardon if he resigned and had Pence take over. There’s already precedent with Ford’s pardon of Nixon.

          • @[email protected]
            17 days ago

            The problem is he only thinks about himself for EVERYTHING.

            And he also knew he had stacked the courts. Which probably made him feel more confident. And it so far is working out.

            Fuck I hate this country sometimes.

    • Diplomjodler
      378 days ago

      This fucker is driven by nothing but his psychotic narcissism. The very idea of no longer being center of attention is probably his biggest nightmare.

    • @Glytch
      178 days ago

      Does Trump know the word “dignified”?

      • @JigglySackles
        128 days ago

        It’s kind of like Vizzini in that regard. He uses it, but it doesn’t mean what he thinks it means.

        • Em Adespoton
          18 days ago

          I don’t know why I didn’t draw the Vizzini parallel myself before now; it’s not perfect, but does fit a surprisingly large portion of not just who Trump is, but also how he sees himself.

          But he really wants to be seen as Prince Humperdink AND the six fingered man. And Vance is his Igor.

          • @JigglySackles
            08 days ago

            Lol agreed, I was worried someone would take it too literal and want a perfect parallel, so I’m glad you saw through that.

    • @[email protected]
      118 days ago

      A pardon wouldn’t help him. His 34 felonies were at the state level. Pardons are only for federal crimes.

      • Zeppo
        68 days ago

        This is in a hypothetical situation where he didn’t run in 2020, so he wouldn’t have done the election manipulation in Georgia.

            • manucode
              18 days ago

              You could still embed it like this:

              ![You can write anything you want here](https://imgur.com/a/iExEXqx)

              You can write anything you want here

                • manucode
                  28 days ago

                  It works better with Wikimedia.

                  ![Wikimedia Image of the Day](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/26/Jardim_de_Inf%C3%A2ncia_Ernestina_Pessoa_Vit%C3%B3ria_Esp%C3%ADrito_Santo_Tiles_2019-5130.jpg/1599px-Jardim_de_Inf%C3%A2ncia_Ernestina_Pessoa_Vit%C3%B3ria_Esp%C3%ADrito_Santo_Tiles_2019-5130.jpg?20201005154039)

                  Wikimedia Image of the Day

    • @norimee
      78 days ago

      “dignified” … Ha!

    • @ripcord
      38 days ago

      Lol prison - I’ll believe it when I see it.

      • @RangerJosie
        58 days ago

        You and me both. But he doesn’t know that.

        As you might have noticed. The man is a fucking idiot.

    • Zeppo
      38 days ago

      Plenty of suggestions as long as we’re second-guessing his actions. Many of his crimes were related to the 2020 election, and if he hadn’t ran, he wouldn’t have issues in Georgia. We could also just say he could have not taken a bunch of classified documents, but it’s pretty easy to say “just don’t commit crimes”. The main one that he couldn’t avoid at that point was the Stormy Daniels hush money case.

      • partial_accumen
        58 days ago

        The main one that he couldn’t avoid at that point was the Stormy Daniels hush money case.

        If Trump had exited without a fight, my guess is that most of the momentum for that would have died out. Yes it was a crime, but I think most would have just wanted to put Trump in the rear view mirror and forget about him and focus on the future for better or worse.

        • Zeppo
          48 days ago

          Possibly. That would be basically agreeing with his claim that it was politically motivated prosecution, though. Seems to me like he really pissed off some people in New York and they may have done it anyway.

          • partial_accumen
            18 days ago

            Possibly. That would be basically agreeing with his claim that it was politically motivated prosecution, though.

            I disagree with your conclusion.

            As an example, Nixon committed worse crimes than Trump’s New York state crimes, and Nixon was not prosecuted for his crimes. Had authorities pursued conviction of Nixon that would not have been politically motivated.

            • Zeppo
              18 days ago

              I’m not saying I agree with Trump saying that in the first place. But to say he’s prosecuted because he’s running and wouldn’t be if he wasn’t seems like the definition of politically motivated. In any event, he’s being prosecuted because he’s guilty.

              • partial_accumen
                8 days ago

                When someone in good faith says “This prosecution against me is politically motivated.” They are communicating the idea that the charges were manufactured without any underlying crime or possibly the underlying crime is minuscule, but the charges are overblown. Neither of those is the case with Trump.

                If you’re just using the dictionary definitions of the words, “politically”, “motivated”, and “prosecuted” then yes it meets that, but then so does a whole bunch of other absurd stuff you don’t mean when using the same logic. By that logic a home burglar is the victim of “politically motivate prosecution” because our legal policy is that burglary is a crime and that the burglar is being prosecuted because of it.

                • @[email protected]
                  17 days ago

                  That’s not a good parallel, it’s the politically ‘motivated’ part he’s referring to. If someone is being prosecuted because they’re running for office, and you have a legitimate argument that if they had chosen not to run for office the charges would have been dropped, it’s legitimate to say it’s politically motivated.

                  On the other hand, if your crime was literally campaign finance crimes and voter manipulation, there’s a reasonable argument that ‘politically motivated’ isn’t necessarily a bad thing here. If you did a political crime, and seem likely to continue to be politically motivated to commit more crimes, it kind of makes sense that prosecuting you with a tiny bit of political intent isn’t totally unreasonable.

      • @RangerJosie
        48 days ago

        Isn’t “just don’t commit crimes” a common justification for police murder and deflection when prison reform is brought up?

        • Zeppo
          8 days ago

          I guess. Not stealing a bunch of classified documents and refusing to give them back is a great way to not be prosecuted for stealing classified documents though.

          Anyway what I meant by “pretty easy to say” is that it’s not really a satisfying or useful suggestion.

      • @[email protected]
        8 days ago

        hadn’t ran

        It’s “hadn’t run” in English.

        Sorry about your highway shooting, glad if no one’s been killed.

  • Zeppo
    1148 days ago

    I hope so. Biden is old, but his problems with mental acuity were dramatically exaggerated by the media and conservatives. When people asked him questions, he would actually answer them. Meanwhile republicans were “omg he doesn’t even know what room he’s in bro” and that was sort of ridiculous. But then, you have Trump seems not just loopy but insane and deranged, and unlike Biden, he’s always been an idiot. However Trump he gets a pass from these same people. The press has never paid nearly enough attention to how incoherent he is. It gets frustrating because it has to be on purpose.

    • Diplomjodler
      518 days ago

      Of course it’s on purpose. Most of the media are owned by oligarchs that support Trump because all they care about is their next tax cut.

      • Zeppo
        8 days ago

        Right. The “liberal media” BS has been of the Republican’s most successful tactics. Corporate media is not left-wing - it’s absurd, but that’s what conservatives push and many people fully believe it. Almost all media outlets in the US support conservatives in subtle ways, but people have been trained to think that right/centrist corporate media is rabidly biased towards the left.

        • @[email protected]
          118 days ago

          Thanks to years of cutting and gutting education they’ve made a base for themselves that can’t think for themselves and just follow the orders given to them by fox “news”.

        • @aesthelete
          48 days ago

          Manufacturing consent documented this at great length in the late 80s, and there’s absolutely no way it hasn’t gotten worse since then.

      • @[email protected]
        08 days ago

        Yes, but many of the journalists are normal peopke on the left and write. If they are constantly being stifled, they should still be reporting on that or quitting. There is meant to be done integrity in the profession.

        Its been gone for many years. Now its just content farms.

    • @auzy
      128 days ago

      A lot of Biden was also focused around a brainfart he had during the debate… I just spent days at an expo, and I had plenty where I lost my chain of thought due to being tired.

      And a photo where it looks like he’s speaking to nobody… But they cropped the parachuter out.

      Whereas, Trump constantly makes major mistakes for things he should know. And it is in general incoherent rambling. I’m a total introvert and even I don’t fuck up the way Trump does (ie, completely mixing up people and names constantly).

    • @[email protected]
      98 days ago

      Because he’s always been an idiot he set the right expectations, let that be a lesson for any of you getting into politics

      • Zeppo
        118 days ago

        It worked for GW Bush, too… come off as sorta dense and dopey, then people will act pleasantly surprised when you exceed expectations vs. be critical for falling short of them.

    • @xantoxis
      258 days ago

      Did he actually do that? He said he was going to, but Leon Musk is famously a big fucking liar.

      • @thesporkeffect
        178 days ago

        I understand it was advertising credits for twitter specifically. So not really ‘money’

      • @[email protected]
        58 days ago

        I saw he said he was writing a $45 million check a month for 4 months. Dunno if he followed through.

    • @aesthelete
      8 days ago

      you don’t even mispronounce one word

      Mispronouncing words often happens with people that read words many times before hearing them spoken.

      It also happens more when you actually use large words instead of speaking like a first grader.

    • @SkyezOpen
      8 days ago

      That’s me trying to explain destiny lore. It’s not pretty or coherent, but I’m pretty sure it’s still more understandable than trump.

  • @[email protected]
    698 days ago

    Relevant quote:

    “Boeing had a little hard time, so they are going to save — Leon’s going to send up a rocket,” Trump said. “He looks forward to it. That’s all he thinks about is things like that.”.

    Not remembering names and making shit up. As usual.

    • @Lifecoach5000
      108 days ago

      Oh gosh. I now want to know what all the Leon Musks of the world are going through.

    • @weegee90
      48 days ago

      Given that reality must warp to fit what Trump says, the campaign must now find Leon and task him to send a rocket to space.

  • @DaddleDew
    428 days ago

    He has been insecure about his intelligence his entire life.

    • @CitizenKong
      8 days ago

      Well, he has every reason to. According to all accounts but his own, he really is breathtakingly stupid.

      • @DaddleDew
        8 days ago

        I don’t think he really is that stupid (or at least used to be, IDK how much of his intellect he has left given the decline we’ve been seeing lately). What he is, is extremely intellectually lazy. He believes that he can make good decisions by “instinct”, without ever taking some time to think about it, do some research or consulting experts. He believes that this is what being intelligent is. He just says and does whatever feels good at the time, thinking that being “so smart” means he doesn’t need to do any work at all to make good decisions. And whenever whatever he said was inevitably revealed as false or stupid, only then he will actually make an intellectual effort to bullshit and manipulate his way out of it. And this ability to perform the mental gymnastics to keep himself in denial over his incompetence is something that he has become outstandingly good at. His followers are just people who buy into those mental gymnastics.

        • @[email protected]
          17 days ago

          Do you have any hints at what would make you consider him not stupid, historically? Being confident and narcissistic, and even talented at bullshit doesn’t make you smart. And recognizing weaknesses in the system isn’t really smart, even if it is perceptive, when those weaknesses are really just strong arm tactics that happen to be available to him through brazenness, inheritance, litigation, cruelty and others recognizing him as a convenient money laundering option.

    • TTH4P
      98 days ago

      But he tapped his head and said “MIT” tho, so legit smarts!

      • @[email protected]
        48 days ago

        I’m speaking with myself, number one, because I have a very good brain and I’ve said a lot of things… I know what I’m doing and I listen to a lot of people, I talk to a lot of people and at the appropriate time I’ll tell you who the people are. But I speak to a lot of people. My primary consultant is myself, and I have, you know, I have a good instinct for this stuff.

  • @[email protected]
    418 days ago

    I’m gonna call him Leon now. I bet it pisses him off more than any of the other insulting nicknames we’ve come up with for him.

    • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
      118 days ago

      Honestly? I hope he keeps running, then has a massive public dementia breakdown like a week before the election. I think Kamala can beat Trump, so keep him in the race until it’s too late for repubs to shoehorn anyone else in.

      • @chaogomu
        48 days ago

        For this year at least, it’s too late to replace Trump on the ticket. Unless they replace Trump with Vance. That would comply with the rules. Sort of. Trump’s name would still be on the ticket. But Vance would take lead, and would pick a running mate.

        There are two major factors that would keep this from becoming a reality. First is Trump will never step aside in favor of someone else.

        Second is that Vance has negative charisma.

  • @betahack
    248 days ago

    probably called him Felon Musk

  • IninewCrow
    238 days ago

    He doesn’t have a problem with mental acuity…

    … he was always an idiot.

    He didn’t change, he’s always been like this

    • @ripcord
      368 days ago

      No, he’s much worse than he used to be.

      Which was already bad.

    • peopleproblems
      278 days ago

      No, there has definitely been a drop in his coherence.

      He used to be an idiot you could understand, now he’s just spewing words together than sound like partial thoughts

      • @shalafi
        8 days ago

        I don’t know why people like OP post “He’s always been (stupid/senile/deranged/whatever)!” Does it make them feel smart to say,“I’ve always known better and you’re an idiot if you think this is new!”

        Trump is clearly past some kind of tipping point here. He’s gone downhill so far and fast that, were he a relative, we would have been plotting elder care a year or two back, no longer fit to live alone and keep house.

      • @[email protected]
        17 days ago

        There’s obviously been a drop in his coherence, but it’s not like he was smart and now he’s dumb… He’s always babbled bullshit at a 5th grade level at best, he’s just had enough money and undeserved confidence behind him that he could mostly muddle through an interview just sounding smarmy and punchable… Now he’s also dealing with dementia to the point where he literally can’t remember what he started bullshitting about.

  • @[email protected]
    98 days ago

    But… Elon’s a man (technically). Not a woman, camera, or TV. How did Trump pass that in-depth cognitive test!?

  • @expatriado
    58 days ago

    at least he is aware of something