• @Kiwi_fella
    1511 hours ago

    You see one apartment building. A property developer sees room for 100 apartment buildings.

  • @AgentGrimstone
    411 hours ago

    What nature? I have to drive 2 hours to see nature. Bring on the houses.

  • @riodoro1
    1816 hours ago

    I just moved from an apartment to a house.

    If the apartment had the same floor space and the city actually accommodated my hobbies (I need a large garage to work on cars and finish fixing a boat) then I would’ve gladly stayed.

    However. Apartments above 60m² are rare and expensive, and all garages/industrial sites are unfavorable because you can put another bloc or supermarket in there. The cities became living hubs for corporate workers whose entire lives can be crammed into a 40 meter apartment and their only entertainment is a depression rectangle or a gaming console.

  • @[email protected]
    516 hours ago

    When we lived in an apartment someone set off the fire alarm several times a week, sometimes at 3am which is a shitty way and time to awaken. Never want to live in one again

  • @theherk
    316 hours ago

    Can we get a version with all treehouses?

  • Sol 6 VI StatCmd
    391 day ago

    in both scenarios developers eventually buy up the entire island and fill it with either

  • @dubious
    -711 hours ago

    the simplest solution is to stop having so many babies. population reduction is critical to quality of life.

  • @[email protected]
    171 day ago

    If the apartments are no shoe boxes and have lavishly big (garden) balconies I’m all in. The space should be around 100-120 qm each with flexible drywall placement for individual footprints.

    I love living in a walkable city but I envy a friend of mine a little bit, who exits his apartment into a market center with cafes, shops, supermarkets, barber, doctors etc.

  • @Tinks
    421 day ago

    So um, why are the houses and nature mutually exclusive? I live in a suburban detached single family home, and my whole neighborhood is filled with trees, wildlife and even a tree lined creek that separates the back yards on my street from the back yards on the opposite side. You can’t even see my actual yard from google maps because it’s nearly entirely covered by tree canopy (at 6pm in summer my yard is 100% shaded). We have all sorts of wildlife including deer, foxes, owls, frogs, mallards, rabbits, squirrels, etc.

    While I agree that we do need more housing options of all sorts, I don’t for a second agree that nature and suburban housing are mutually exclusive. We just need to stop tearing down all the trees when we build, and plan better.

  • @[email protected]
    121 day ago

    A lot of people in this thread are mistaking the map for the territory. Like yes, obviously neither the development on the right, or the left would actually happen in real life, because why are these people even on the island? What do they eat? What do they drink? Where do they work? The sole statement of the graphic is that dense developments have a reduced impact on nature compared to sparse developments. Discussing the logistics would exceed what can be conveyed by such a format.

  • @Bosht
    201 day ago

    Logic here is broken because we don’t make these decisions anyway. A developer will instead put 30 apartment buildings while chopping down anything that gets in the way, then charge more for rent than you’d be charged for the mortgage on the house. There’s also the fact that this picture assumes every family on the left pic doesn’t give a fuck about free scaping, preserving trees, or planting new ones? Idk, whole thing is jacked.

    • @[email protected]
      220 hours ago

      There’s a principle in economic analysis called “Ceteri paribus”, “other things equal”. So, if you’re renting in the image on the right, you’re also renting on the image on the left.

    • @[email protected]
      282 days ago

      Having renting be the default for apartments is part of the problem. It is very normal where I live that a developer build an apartment building and the sells the apartments to individuals who own the living space and co-own and maintain the shared spaces. The developer takes the winnings and never interferes with the building again.

      • @KellysNokia
        2 days ago

        But then you have to deal with the politics of running the complex.

        It’s like having an HOA but even more impactful on your daily life since you have to walk through the common area and such - at least with a standalone home you own the land and are directly connected to a public street.

        • @kinsnik
          52 days ago

          Having lived both in buildings where my family owned one apartment, and houses where there was an HOA, i can tell you that the politics of the apartment building was not even close to how insne an HOA is. it was mostly taking about the budget, prioritizing repairs, and security

          • @[email protected]
            112 days ago

            If you buy into a poorly managed building though you are screwed. Many buildings don’t keep enough cash on hand for unexpected bills because they want to keep the fees low for residents. Then an elevator breaks, sewage backs up, someone floods their apartment, and all of a sudden there’s a $20,000 bill that everyone has to pony up money for.

            • @kinsnik
              42 days ago

              that is true, we had to change administrators one time and it was not an easy process. my comment was mostly that the blanket statement of “politics in an apartment complex are worse that an HOA” is not true, it depends on the building and the HOA

      • @[email protected]
        21 day ago

        In the US you can be kicked out of your apartment with only 60 days of warning without cause (the owners only have to claim they need it for personal use or some other bs).

        That is part of why people hate renting. 60 days isn’t enough time to find a new place, pack everything up, and move all while working 50 hours a week.

    • @[email protected]
      112 days ago

      Why does renting have to be the automatic assumption? We’re simply talking about two different ways to organize living space, not how it’s financed. Shit, we should take a page out of Finland’s book, and make some actually really good public housing and make it available to everyone.

      • @PagPag
        42 days ago

        Because capitalism.

      • @[email protected]
        17 hours ago

        Cool, call me when that comes to the Detroit area I guess. I’ll probably be dead though cuz it ain’t happening.

      • @systemglitch
        51 day ago

        Sounds like the other hell on earth … an hoa

        • @[email protected]
          31 day ago

          housing co-ops are basically the standard here in sweden and it’s perfectly fine, just because america makes things suck doesn’t mean they have to inherently be bad. Obviously if you execute a concept in the worst way imaginable it’s going to suck, that’s not rocket science.

    • @portuga
      22 days ago

      You lost me at buying a small house

    • @[email protected]
      2 days ago

      Owning sucks too. Shit is always breaking, it’s expensive to fix and nobody else will handle it for you. Just paying for lawncare is bleeding me dry, and I don’t even use the lawn… but the city/police get angry when I don’t cut it.

      • @[email protected]
        316 hours ago

        I have both owned and rented, and there is no comparison. Owning is a million times better. Not having a landlord that can just raise the rent or kick you out whenever they feel like it, plus the freedom to do whatever you want with the place, plus the almost certainty that your house is appreciating and you’re not constantly throwing massive amounts of money in the fucking toilet.

        There is nothing about owning a house that even approaches the cost of renting unless you don’t know how to do even basic DIY shit and you don’t have any friends who can.

        • @[email protected]
          16 hours ago

          almost certainty that your house is appreciating and you’re not constantly throwing massive amounts of money in the fucking toilet.

          Hard disagree, as I have had the exact opposites happen and know many others in the same boat. Both houses I sold were at a loss, after I got sick of things breaking all the time and being too expensive to fix.

          unless you don’t know how to do even basic DIY shit and you don’t have any friends who can.

          Or you are disabled and don’t have anyone to help.

      • JackbyDev
        1 day ago

        Replace your lawn with white dwarf clover. It looks lawn like but doesn’t get super tall. Also it feeds the pollinators.

        Edit: White dwarf clover is what people think of when they think of clover. It’s not something exotic. Do not get crimson clover and especially not red clover lol. Red clover is a perennial and gets very tall.

          • @Sludgeyy
            61 day ago

            You are not thinking about the large picture.

            Renting a tiller and throwing down some clover seeds is cheap compared to a lifetime of lawn people.

            Just like with your first comment. Yes things break and are expensive, but you’re not throwing ~1500 a month out the window renting.

          • JackbyDev
            01 day ago

            Nah, the process you’d want to do is called over seeding. You trim the grass super super short, spread seeds, and that’s it. You can get seeds and a spreader for pretty cheap. It’s not as expensive as something like sod or ripping up your old grass.

            • @[email protected]
              11 day ago

              I would still have to pay someone as like I said I cannot do it myself. Thanks for the suggestion though

              • JackbyDev
                11 day ago

                No worries. I wasn’t trying to make assumptions, just point out that the process is much less involved than you’d guess given what replacing grass usually looks like.

  • @systemglitch
    161 day ago

    First one. I’ve lived in condos and I will do anything to always live in a house now. It’s the literal reason we sold a condo to buy a house.

    Life has been much better ever since.

  • @[email protected]
    41 day ago

    The picture on the left could be even worse. There are areas where people move in and tear all the greenery out of the garden and then either cover everything with paving stones or gravel. Everything around the house! Then there’s also an ugly metal fence or plastic elements in the garden, sometimes you can see fake plants.

    Some humans are so stupid…