• FuglyDuck
    1936 months ago

    “please don’t fuck over the american people and shut down the government, in a short sighted gotcha because that would ruin my long-term plans to fuck over the american people.”

    -Bitch McConnell

  • Ghostalmedia
    636 months ago

    Complicating things further, former President Donald Trump has demanded that the House pass the bill as is, and let the government shut down if they can’t get it through.

    This fucking guy again. Cause chaos, then run as the solution to the chaos.

    • Billiam
      96 months ago

      In other words, a consummate Republican.

      The GOP campaigns on problems; the Dems campaign on solutions. Unfortunately, one of those is much easier to message than the other.

    • @danc4498
      96 months ago

      Republicans! Fuck up the government then run on “minimize the government cause it’s so fucked up”.

  • @[email protected]
    626 months ago

    I sincerely hope his plea goes unanswered. I might be mixing up a few empty suits, but wasn’t mitch the guy that played chicken with shutting down the government during the Obama administration and was yhe leading voice in the “the scary brown man can’t disrupt our plans for the court” bullshit that happened during Obama’s time in office.

    Shame we don’t live in a just world.

    • jackeryjoo
      226 months ago

      Mitch is the reason we have a partisan, hack, SCOTUS.

      • @[email protected]
        56 months ago

        There’s plenty of blame to go around for that one. Trump and The Heritage Foundation also played key roles.

        • jackeryjoo
          76 months ago

          For sure. It’s not exclusive to Mitch.

          But Mitch was the architect.

          He’s the reason the far right got 4 SCOTUS picks, instead of the 2 they should have if they played “fair”.

          Mitch also was the architect for filling all the judicial vacancies in the federal courts with other far right partisan judges.

          He’s also the architect for the current state of the GOP, and was responsible for most of the Government shutdowns in the last 20 years. Him lamenting this potential shutdown is laughable, to put it mildly.

          He’s been doing this since at least 2010 when the GOP shifted their strategy away from advancing their democratic platform, and instead winning by fuckery like gerrymandering, blocking all bills in the Senate (as he was the majority leader for around a decade) that might advance the Democrat roadmap/agenda, and then immediately turning around and blaming democrats for the bill his party just blocked.

          Mitch is the reason why the GOP is kept in line today.

          His departure from politics, forced or otherwise, will have a huge impact on the GOP. There isn’t another person in their group that can hold all the different groups together and keep them focused on making democrats appear to look bad, like Mitch.

          As much as I hate the guy (and boy, do I), he’s a masterful politician. I mean that as the damning insult it’s meant to be.

  • The Pantser
    526 months ago

    Seen here accusing Nancy Pelosi of stealing his precious.

  • NutWrench
    336 months ago

    “The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs, trying to turn itself over but it can’t. Not without your help. But you’re not helping.”

    Damn right, I’m not helping.

    • @shalafi
      36 months ago

      “How does that make you feel about… Trump?”

  • @Sludgehammer
    316 months ago

    Even a turtle realizes when something can threaten its existence.

  • @werefreeatlast
    6 months ago

    Also, why doesn’t most of McConnell just blow as dust in the wind yet? How do I get whatever he got instead of cremation? That guy is mummy old as heck.

      • @barsquid
        96 months ago

        That happens because he missed a meal of children’s blood. He is a deep state pedo vampire drinking children’s blood as part of a pact with Satan. People are saying he smells like sulphur.

      • @Etterra
        56 months ago

        That’s not the only withered piece of his anatomy. Allegedly.

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      McConnell is kept “alive” by the curse on the USA that came about when it was built on top of an Indian burial ground.

  • @Furbag
    126 months ago

    They’d just blame the Democrats anyway. Republicans thrive in dysfunction because they can convince their low info base that nothing bad is ever their fault.

  • Noxy
    116 months ago

    he hasn’t died or wandered off confused yet?

  • @[email protected]
    66 months ago

    Did he improve his connection bandwidth to the aliens for this one?

    Or was he still waiting for multiple minutes before responding?

  • @werefreeatlast
    46 months ago

    😂😆 LOL! Please guys I’m begging 🙏! Don’t 😂😆 LOL! Don’t shut the government! Don’t! LOL… Oh fuck LOL 😅😆. Don’t 😂. Psych! Shit it down now! Let the record show that it was me who said that too… wouldn’t want to republican this bitch real gud and not take ownersh…no, what’s the word!? Department of education!

      • @werefreeatlast
        36 months ago

        Best auto correct ever! LOL Republicans! Assemble! Shit it down! Shit it down now! Now before anyone could benefit from any of the poor services provided by the fed via our tax dollars.

  • @ATDA
    26 months ago

    The shutdown didn’t effect me at all. Since Republicans are so about fuck you got mine… Do it bitches, shut it down. Do it you fucking cowards.

    Or don’t and look like idiots I didn’t give a shit haha.