• @Alexstarfire
      71 hour ago

      I’m going to argue that it’s very unlikely any of those people are friends or colleagues. It didn’t ask if you recommend Windows on social media or forums.

      • Eager Eagle
        112 hours ago

        it does work though, on windows i can see ads and intrusive crap all the time. Linux distros don’t bother you at all, it’s like linux is not even trying at this point.

        • @EvolvedTurtle
          119 minutes ago

          This makes me want to make a Linux addon just for ads

          Like make it entirely transparent Download this is you miss having ads lol

  • @[email protected]
    263 hours ago

    I met a vegan who uses vim and arch linux. I’m that guy. I use vim and arch linux, and I’m a vegan.

  • @[email protected]
    235 hours ago

    well duh. windows is the default everyone uses, no one needs to recommend it.

    linux on the other hand is an obscure choice that may be better for that use case and may not be known.

  • @Iheartcheese
    85 hours ago

    You people are coordinated in your recommendations. You are more efficient than the KGB

  • @[email protected]
    658 hours ago

    Windows 11 has changed this, many many people now warn other people about not using Windows 11 because it is such shit. Doesn’t matter what you run, just don’t run Windows 11.

    • @HStone32
      437 hours ago

      windows 11 isn’ all bad. It made my mother ask me to install linux on her computer.

      • @[email protected]
        11 hour ago

        That happened with Windows 8 and Vista as well. There was a running joke that every other Windows release was garbage when I was growing up.

        And the joke works with 8 and 10 both being shitty, because they skipped 9, which would have been the good one.

        They really should have gone with Windows Nine, to bring the naming scheme in line with Xbox One while also avoiding the startswith.('Windows 9') issue

      • @[email protected]
        148 hours ago

        Even the people I know that are otherwise relatively tech savvy don’t do this.

        Not to say it’s a good operating system, though.

    • @[email protected]
      6 hours ago

      No… I’ve literally only seen this on Lemmy. I’ve never once encountered anyone in real life that does this.

      Edit: and to add, people really don’t like this. I love Linux, but hate this community at this point. It’s disingenuous and I see blatant lies all the time about where I’m going to see ads in windows. I’ve yet to see any ads at all so far.

    • @tee9000
      07 hours ago

      Hey, whats so bad about w11?

      • @michaelmrose
        5 hours ago

        Obsoleting a lot of relatively recent fast hardware means people are either faced with a fuck off or complicated work arounds. Then there is forcing people to log in with their MS email account which they may not have or want or again forcing people into complicated work arounds. The implicit privacy issues of recall if it was rolled out as planned.

        Ads in the windows UI both exiting and planned. The fact that they have discussed the idea of making Windows a monthly/annual fee.

        Then the carry overs from 10 The fact that the start menu search is less useful than any linux DE or windows XP Re-enabling crap that people disabled on purpose Certain kinds of links opening in Edge even if people use chrome

        • @tee9000
          25 hours ago

          Wait i have w11 in my laptop… i dont have a windows account sign in. Is that a forthcoming change?

          Ads are fucked, thats fucked.

          But it mainly seems like microsoft policy, not necessarily w11 itself is the issue?

          I ignorantly think a monthly subscription would never happen and we’d see mass linux adoption.

          I have a dual boot in my near term plans for my desktop. I would pull that trigger immediately if ads or subscriptions materialized.

          • J'Pol
            54 hours ago

            iirc it is during install now. You have to do things that are way beyond the average user’s knowledge or ability to enable a local account.

          • @michaelmrose
            44 hours ago

            Ads are…already a thing. Shit like putting candy crush which allows you to spend real money to pay to win. Search suggestions in the start menu. The app store is an attempt at an Apple style money grab except the money grab only exists on the apple side because its the only way to get apps on the machine and MS never got much out its store in comparison.

            Ads and subscriptions would already have happened if they had succeeded in using secure boot to lock machines out of alternative OS

  • @barsquid
    207 hours ago

    If we claim we are recommending distros do we escape on a technicality?

        • @[email protected]
          11 hour ago

          I wouldn’t say the OS is Linux any more than the OS of an Apple computer is XNU. Linux is just the kernel. Similarly the other OS isn’t “Windows NT kernel,” but Windows 10 or Windows 11.

        • @rain_worl
          11 hour ago

          unironically: most distros are actually mostly gnu, just with a linux kernel. bit annoyed when people just call it “linux”

  • Diplomjodler
    6410 hours ago

    I would always start all conversations with my friends with “Hey Windows peasants!” If I had any friends. These two things have nothing whatsoever to do with each other.

  • @PunchingWood
    499 hours ago

    I swear Linux users are borderline jehovah’s witnesses going door to door

    • @renzev
      33 hours ago

      Imagine using linux in 2024, TempleOS all the way

  • @[email protected]
    89 hours ago

    After the latest bullshit from Microsoft I would make absolutely sure to recommend literally anything but Windows to everyone that talks to me.

    • @renzev
      33 hours ago

      After the latest bullshit from Microsoft

      I like how your comment works regardless of whether you consider “latest” to be the past year or the past decade lol.

  • EherNicht
    910 hours ago

    If you are cross-posting please mark it as such. My poor communist in c/memes.

    • The Picard ManeuverOP
      68 hours ago

      I must have missed it if this had just been posted in another community.

  • @fluckx
    28 hours ago

    Missed opportunity due complain about recall, bloatware, spyware and ads in an OS people pay for.