• @UncleGrandPa
    11 hour ago

    They are not planning or even care if they get the most votes… They’re going to scam it. Most likely with a Contingent Election… Which is why they are screwing with the electoral system… To allo them to trigger a Contingent election… And simply have the House… Choose one

    Guess who controls the house?

    • @UnderpantsWeevilOP
      111 minutes ago

      Guess who controls the house?

      That’s a toss up. And if the Dems lose the House again, they likely lost the presidency as well.

  • Nightwatch Admin
    2719 hours ago

    Haha Sleepy Dom, Dementia Don. He is so old, they have to carry him around. He has the best diaper, let me tell you. So good, the best, no one may change it. Reeky Don, big smell, everybody talks about the smell!

    • @kmartburrito
      1619 hours ago

      Nobody poops like me, let me tell you, the load is yuge, biggest loads in history. Accordion hands throughout

  • @SelfProgrammed
    951 day ago

    He’s giving up on the voters. He thinks he can win by other means.

    • @UnderpantsWeevilOP
      871 day ago

      He might just be running out of juice. Win or lose, Trump used to love those rallies. He was doing rallies even after the campaign ended because he just ate up all that attention and acclaim. If he’s not doing them anymore, its not because he’s got some insidious backup plan. It’s because he doesn’t feel like they’re fun anymore.

    • @Deadeyegai
      381 day ago

      And batshit crazy weird. Let’s not forget that

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        1023 hours ago

        Oh, I don’t think anyone has forgotten that TRUMP IS WEIRD. To me, it seems quite obvious that TRUMP IS WEIRD. I think anyone would agree if you told them that TRUMP IS WEIRD. It would probably break his little ego to see millions of people online typing in all caps that TRUMP IS WEIRD repeatedly.

        • @[email protected]
          212 hours ago

          Weird is an understatement. Isn’t it fair to say at this point that he’s probably a child molester? I mean, there were tons of photos with him and epstein, he wanted to release all the secret government documents except for the epstein files, there’s tons of photos with and p diddy and he’s made really weird comments about his daughter. Seems like he’s an official guest of the diddy party.

  • @MrNesser
    531 day ago

    Aren’t the cities making Trump pay up front for rallies now after what happened last time?

    • @UnderpantsWeevilOP
      271 day ago

      I know a few arenas have demanded large deposits. No idea if that’s normal behavior for said arenas.

      I’m sure there’s a certain amount of dark money donating, wherein Trump gets to host a rally at a site owned by a political ally and put it on a tab he never intends to pay back. The ally gets to write the expense off as a loss and claim a tax credit. And everyone gets what they want.

      But staff stiffing venues and vendors for the bills is also common enough in professional politics that they’re already known as bad business partners. Bigger outfits know to demand cash upfront regardless of who they’re working with.

  • @grue
    1822 hours ago

    Where are the 2020 bars?

    (Yeah I know it was Covid and thus not comparable; I want to see anyway. Put an asterisk next to it if it makes you feel better.)

  • Rentlar
    1024 hours ago

    All the Lie-agra in the world can’t get this sad man’s crowd sizes up any more.

  • @acosmichippo
    1 day ago

    wait, he really did ~24 rallies from November 1-8 2016? would also like to see 2020 included in here.

    • @samus12345
      1423 hours ago

      He probably did rallies after the election because he’s just that much of an egomaniac.

  • ElcaineVolta
    101 day ago

    entirely appropriate that the bar graph colors are orange and blood red

  • @Asidonhopo
    91 day ago

    He’s saving his energy for what he expects will be a win, he’s got a lot of powerful supporters and they’ll be using every trick in the book in the coming weeks. I’m to the point where any good news about Harris or mockery of Trump is infuriating as it puts Harris voters in a more confident position and will lead to lower turnout as they think she’s got a better than 50-50 chance, at best. Her campaign and her supporters need to be pulling out all the stops and pushing as hard as possible to the finish line rather than basking in their illusory lead.

    • andyburke
      523 hours ago

      Are you planning to stay home if she gets a big enough lead?


      WILL YOU PEOPLE PLEASE STOP SPOUTING THIS BULLSHIT? If the polls are good, great, then we can make it a landslide. Stop treating Harris supporters like idiots.

      • @Asidonhopo
        317 hours ago

        Do you have any evidence at all that it could be a landslide? Your point of view suppresses the Harris vote, people stayed home in the 2016 election sure that Hilary was a surefire winner and then turned around and called her unpopular and unelectable. I can only assume you are intentionally sabotaging Harris’ chances with your feel-good highfiving.

        Harris has refused so far to support more popular Bernie-style politics and acts all smug about how well she did in that debate, and Democrats cluck their tounges at all the scandals and untruths that Republicans are going through - Republicans don’t care, think its funny and will stand by Trump to the ballot box and likely beyond.

        The election, if we’re lucky, will be won by Harris if you excuse the expression, by a cunt hair considering how election deniers have been packing the voting officer volunteer rolls and if you aren’t filled with cold dread at Kamala being literally left off the ballot in Montana and Georgia requiring hand counting of all the ballots before the day after the election, I don’t know what to tell you.

        Don’t fall prey to the wine-drunk good vibes of gala event liberals who believe they won’t really suffer much if Trump wins, and would rather have the short term reassuance now that we’re fine and nothing more needs to be done than put more effort into actually making that landslide happen. All of America is in deep water without a life jacket here.

      • @[email protected]
        321 hours ago

        I play a game, before I open the comment section on any good news piece on the Harris campaign I try to guess how many “doesn’t matter, vote” comments there will be. Usually about half.

  • sunzu2
    724 hours ago

    Gereatric Nepo babies are hitting physical limits… The old parasite ain’t got it.