• NickwithaC
    183 hours ago

    Is this centrism or is it just a bad faith argument from a bigot?

    • @[email protected]
      183 hours ago

      The person making the argument could just be naive too.

      I could see myself 25 years ago making such a statement in completely good faith, trying to see both sides and all that. But I was naive to think that both sides were also arguing in good faith.

      But to be fair, that naive messenger would still be repeating an argument that originated in bad faith.

    • @[email protected]
      104 hours ago

      So is anyone rational actually leaving Godot? I saw that Redot, last I checked they were 52 commits behind, and their only 4 commits were changing any references of “Godot” in the code to “Redot”

      • burghler
        73 hours ago

        Personally I don’t think it’s wise to abandon Godot for a fork that will always lag behind and also just seems like a crude protest in retaliation. I think using Godot is fine as it is and unfortunately a con to the engine is we have to deal with silly politics from them being unfortunately in control of the Godot loudspeaker. I had to leave their discord because of the circlejerk they have going on was unbearable.

        I wish we could just have a professional space.

    • @[email protected]
      -396 hours ago

      Maybe assuming you are the only one with reason in a conversation is the problem. You don’t have to agree with someone to understand their point of view or reasoning.

      Its definitely easier to ban or block if all you want is a circle jerk though.

      • Jojo, Lady of the West
        42 hours ago

        I’m with you, but understanding someone’s view sometimes means acknowledging that it is, in fact, irrational. There are reasons some give as to why they think that cis women need protection from trans women, but those reasons are either not rational since the vast majority of evidence is to the contrary, or they are founded on the extreme minority of evidence that confirms them (meaning the search for evidence was conducted irrationally).

        If I try to understand someone’s point of view, restate it to them in a way they accept, and present overwhelming evidence to the contrary, and their response is to say the evidence is irrelevant because it’s possible some of it was biased, that’s irrational.

      • femtech
        335 hours ago

        There is no debating with people that believe in mythology as real life. Who says there is a lake of fire I’ll go to because I’m queer, who vote for someone their religion says is the anti-christ. Blocking is just avoiding stepping in shit.

        • @[email protected]
          104 hours ago

          One could spend the enegry to spin their own beliefs to demostrate their contradictions… but their cognitive dissonance will cause them to just dig deeper to maintain their world view… people have to have an open mind before any rational debates can be made.

          • @rdrunner
            83 hours ago

            Yup, you can’t reason a person out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into

  • @iAvicenna
    447 hours ago

    tolerance is a contract, not a gift.

      • Zement
        65 hours ago

        To avoid bigotry is really hard nower days. I don’t like Israels genocide but don’t think all Jews or even Israelis are monsters. I absolutely hate the Iranian politics of murdering women for getting raped and similar stuff, but I don’t think war is the solution. And suddenly someone jumps out of the woodwork blaming you “for support of genocide”… am I the bigot? I don’t know any more…

  • @[email protected]
    307 hours ago

    An open society that doesn’t want the intolerant to undermine and topple it must be ready to defend itself - by reason and argument if possible, but these may fail because the intolerant reject reason itself. Force should be the last resort, but if all other means prove fruitless, it should be a resort still.

    • @[email protected]
      6 hours ago

      Step 1: label people you don’t like as intolerant

      Step 2: skip diplomacy because of course

      Step 3: use force on intolerant people

      Exactly what makes you any different than this group of “intolerant people” you are talking about?

      • @[email protected]
        31 hour ago

        Step 1: label people you don’t like as intolerant

        Step 2: skip diplomacy because of course

        Looks like you’ve already completed steps 1 and 2…

      • @Seleni
        102 hours ago

        See, this disingenuous argument works better when you just generalize it, because when you get into specifics it looks very different. Example:

        Step 1: label the people that hold the belief that ‘trans people are subhuman trash that need to be excised from society by violence if necessary’ as intolerant

        Step 2: skip diplomacy because they refuse to engage in actual conversation

        Step 3: use force on them because they are actually attacking trans people.

        Although really even parts 2 & 3 are disingenuous, because there are plenty of examples of people trying to engage the intolerant in debate, far beyond what would really be reasonable even. And you’ll also notice that force is rarely, if ever, used against those intolerant folks either, even as they use force, even deadly force.

        Hell, even the law won’t do more than slap their wrists in many cases. I use trans people as an example because until recently, ‘I went on a date with this lady and then found out she was trans, and I was so shocked I killed her’ was an actual legitimate legal defense and several people used it. If we’re being pedantic, that defense is still perfectly acceptable at the national level, as several bills banning it have been introduced, but none have been passed.

        • Jojo, Lady of the West
          22 hours ago

          Step 1: someone says trans people are bad and wrong

          Step 1.5: live in a world providing plenty of evidence to the contrary. (No action required)

          Step 2: attempt diplomacy by saying that statement is probably false and its use will be reacted to with force. (Often a previously stated rule and therefore no action required)

          Step 3: use force.

          The fact is, saying that anyone has “skipped diplomacy” is also disingenuous. The discussions bigots are trying to have aren’t novel, they’ve been had to the extent that they are solved. No one “decided” they are bigots and have to get kicked out, it’s a conclusion.

      • @[email protected]
        164 hours ago

        Well, I’m not homophobic, transphobic, or racist. Seems to be the general group that’s being blocked.

        If someone wants to argue economy with me, I’ll bite. If someone wants to argue about whether or not trans people deserve rights, I will block

      • JackbyDev
        93 hours ago

        Those steps stink, probably because you pulled them out of your ass.

      • @[email protected]
        135 hours ago

        A contest of ideologies is nothing new nor inherently despicable. To declare an opposing ideology an enemy is nothing new nor inherently despicable. That’s how war has always worked, and defending yourself against those seeking to overpower you is nothing wrong. In that respect, both sides are the same, and that is the nature of opposition.

        But I did not skip diplomacy. I did a lot of arguing, online and offline, and still do. I tried reasoning, and still do.

        What makes me different is that I don’t think people should be oppressed for things they can’t control. I don’t think being poor makes you a worse person, nor rich a better one. I don’t think people born in marginalised demographics that are denied the same opportunities to prosper, tautologically lacking the prosperity to improve their lot, should be stuck in that cycle. I don’t think civilians should be bombed by imperialist fascists for their ethnicity.

        More critically, I don’t think a burger flipper working full time should make less than I do. I don’t think people should have to fear for their existence. I think we all - you included - deserve a happy, pleasant life. You shouldn’t have to worry about affording medical care, having a roof over your head or having enough food to survive. Luxuries, we can talk, but bare necessities shouldn’t be an issue.

        This is what separates me from the people spreading bullshit about Haitians, inciting racial violence, privatising healthcare, propping up the oligarchy while bleeding the people for every last ounce of labour they can get away with:

        I would rather have people I hate live comfortably, if it means that all the decent people can live comfortably too, rather than seeking to tear down everyone else for my own benefit.

        I want you to be happy, along with the rest of us.

  • TheYojimbo
    4612 hours ago

    Thanks to you that apple is a Nazi now

    /s just in case

    • @barsquid
      123 hours ago

      Apple: I was a very far left leftist with strong values a d principles but then someone was rude to me on the internet and forced me to become a Nazi.

  • @BluesF
    12 hours ago

    I appreciate this, I really do, but you do have to be careful not to end up like certain leftist Reddit subs where I got banned for the heinous crime of suggesting that voting for Harris might produce better outcomes than voting for Trump. Some level of discussion that goes beyond what the majority (or, lbr, the mods) think has to be allowed or you just have an echo chamber.

    Granted, that isn’t what is happening in the comic. The apologist here is genuinely advocating tolerance of Nazis. This situation is appropriate.

    • @[email protected]
      106 hours ago

      In my experience, most self-identified centrists, at least in the US, are to the right of what anyone reasonable would actually consider center. And I don’t mean that in an “um ackshually the Dems are center right” way either, I mean they’re often just Conservatives who don’t hate gays (but do hate trans people) or something.

    • JackbyDev
      13 hours ago

      I think I got banned for replying “?” to someone saying NATO was bad because I’d literally never heard anyone say that. The context was about the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. I’m glad I’m off Reddit and modlogs are public here.

    • @[email protected]
      65 hours ago

      Most instances are federated with hexbear. There’s no shortage of both sides bad on lemmy.

    • ???
      9 hours ago

      Is that what is going on on Reddit? Meanwhile at least on this instance of Lemmy, you get banned/shouted down for suggesting that voters should maybe hold their Democrat candidates responsible for literally funding a genocide.

      • @TotallynotJessica
        38 hours ago

        That’s punitive justice, and punitive justice is no justice at all. We can only act to improve the future. Past injustice cannot be undone, only healed with considerable energy at best.

        I agree that we should be tougher on candidates and never let them set important issues aside. At the same time, we still have to exist in this shit democracy, no matter how undemocratic it may be. We need to think bigger about replacing the system with something better while hedging our bets for if things fall apart.

        The best justice that’s physically possible is electing Harris and using the Israeli lobby’s strategies against them. Stoking unrelated hatred to tank prominent Dems who opposed them is why they hold so much power in the party. If we can do the same with grassroots organizing, it will weaken them and strengthen us. The independently popular Dem needs to be attacked on the issues that will hurt them most, not what we care about. Think about what will make conservative Dems leave them.

    • @VelvetStorm
      2112 hours ago

      You kind of can, but for the most part, it is better to just not engage unless they are showing themselves to be an open and honest interlocutor.

      • @Masta_Chief
        108 hours ago

        TIL the word “interlocutor”

        “1. a person who takes part in a dialogue or conversation.”

        • @[email protected]
          23 hours ago

          I’ve been trying to find an alternative to interlocutor because I didn’t think it made sense in english. Life is about to get much easier !

    • JackbyDev
      13 hours ago

      I’m voting with my dollar and not listening to theirs.

  • @Aeri
    2915 hours ago

    Woe, Tolerance Paradox be upon ye.

  • @Sam_Bass
    18 hours ago

    equal opportunity yeeters ftw

  • @aeronmelon
    14 hours ago

    The apple fell somewhere completely devoid of apple trees and scientists could not trace it back to the tree of origin.