• @undergroundoverground
    48 hours ago

    OK, now hear me out first

    Reddit is the halo of social media.

    The wildness you used to get up to on the multilayer was on a new level. There was nothing like that before. On one level you were fighting back the orange hordes from the front pages, the next level you were fighting wealth hording dragons and ripping them off by playing them at their own game. On the last level they let you have freedom on, they were gearing up to try and kill a god. I mean, I don’t know how far antiwork would have gone in the end but it seemed to have been estimated far enough that action had to be taken and the threat neutralised. We might well not have killed that particular God but I reckon we could’ve given them a bloody nose all the same.

    Then they parted ways with the people who actually made the game good and what you ended up with is a shite, soulless over corporatised shell of what it was before, thats little more than the skins from a game you used to enjoy transposed into one that you don’t.

    • @Jumi
      68 hours ago

      You can put almost every AAA title in there at this point

  • @[email protected]
    39 hours ago

    No twitter is not darksoul cause darksoul can make you suffer but unlike twitter this suffering give you pleasure

    • @DanForever
      49 hours ago

      Your wife leaving you means you’re the npc

  • @[email protected]
    15 hours ago

    Reddit is Bloodborne

    Okay this might be the comment that makes Ted Kaczinsky’s manifesto take on new meaning and inspiration for me

  • @Valmond
    17 hours ago

    X-Twitter is candy crush

  • JackbyDev
    1416 hours ago

    Social media I like is popular difficult game 😏

    Social media I dislike is popular easy game 🤬

  • @[email protected]
    3620 hours ago

    Twitter is actually 1982’s classic erotic Atari 2600 game "Beat 'em and eat 'em.

    There’s Vladimir Putin at the top of the building, firing his pixellated ejaculate over the side and the player controls both Elon Musk and Donald Trump, running left and right with their mouths open to collect it.

    article on videogamegeek wikipaedia article

      • @[email protected]
        29 hours ago

        Hahaha. Oops. That one was automatic/accidental, but I’m not going to change it :)

        As mentioned above/below, perhaps it should have been wikipædia :)

      • @frunch
        317 hours ago

        I was also delighted by the little bonus “a” in that spelling! I’ve been trying to remember to use the æ symbol in those cases though i don’t get to use it nearly as fræquently as I’d like… At least not properlæ 😉

  • @gmtom
    1918 hours ago

    Twitter is one of those shitty asset flip survival horrors.

    He just paid an exhorberent amount of money for other other people’s work, gave it some basic connecting code and slapped his branding on it and ended up with a product worth less that the sum total of the assets bought to make it.

    Oh and you’re constantly trying to avoid Elon and his right wing ghouls, but it just constantly spawns them in front of you and winning is basically impossible.

  • @iAvicenna
    211 hours ago

    twitter is more like prime now a days