No-one said he doesn’t let the homies hit his ass, he’s just saying if he had a pussy they could hit that too
If he bends over the donuts will fall off
Thats why it’s wider at the front
Not if the tip is pierced
The real life pro tip is always in the comments.
What about missionary, though?
I guess you’d get donut sugar in your belly button? But if your already heading down the road of fucking donuts, that might not be a concern.
Probably get ants though.
Probably get ants though.
You have saved me from all kinds of trouble with your sensible warnings. I did not think this through well enough.
If I might trouble you further, o wise one, how about up against the shed wall, each in a pair of welly boots, standing in a paddling pool half full of water?
Wellys?! You sick degenerate fuck. Safe sex with the homies starts and ends with Crocs.
Oh, you’re right. Crocs are much, much easier to wash.
See, everyone should plan their sexcapades on lemmy, you get very high quality advice.
Oh, wait, wait, I just thought of something. BRB.
I love this community
I’m conflicted (and addicted)…
Voodoo Donuts in Portland used to have a contest for stacking donuts on your peen.
The brojob is always available too!
Kind of you to offer. When can you get round?
Oh shit, that was meant to be a dm.
Never mind. Own it. Own it.
Yeah, I’ve got nothing to be ashamed of… No, no, that’s not always true, post-nut clarity and all that.
Er, we all have needs, and sometimes… No, no, that’s a bit entitled.
A mouth’s a mouth, and what two consenting adults get up to in their garden shed is of no concern to anyone. Yeah.
Just as long as its out of view of the window so Mrs Stephenson next door doesn’t get a bit of a surprise when she weeds the rose bed.
I think either women are over estimating the size of donut holes or they are not getting satisfaction in pillow fun time.
and the length of dicks
How many donuts could You stack on before You are unable to reach the asshole? Just wondering.
Depends on the thickness of the donut and the butt cheeks. So probably less than one.
Are you boasting about your phat ass, or is it just such a mighty bubble butt that it would pop anything else that got near it?
On reflection, I think I’m posting too much in this thread.
I’m not sure what it means. I’ll talk it over with my shrink on Tuesday.
LOL. Also, it wouldn’t be my ass since I’m the donut stacker.
Ah. Uhhh. Um, can I interest you in, like, a LOT more doughnuts?
Don’t waste donuts
It’s okay, I’ll eat your dick doughnuts. Does it come with cream?
I mean, it depends, dude, it depends.
My uncle joked to us kids that this was how the Baker popped out the donut hole