In case you had any doubts about his fascism.

  • @[email protected]
    438 minutes ago

    I was going to say, “Didn’t this happen when he was in office too?” because I was getting serious deja vu, but then I started reading the article and it turns out that they’re talking about the same incident.

    We already knew this, but it’s good to remind people with all the absurdities that occur every day that this nutjob is still alive.

  • kamenLady.
    174 hours ago

    Trump became angry. “It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a fucking Mexican!” He turned to his chief of staff, Mark Meadows, and issued an order: “Don’t pay it!” Later that day, he was still agitated. “Can you believe it?” he said, according to a witness. “Fucking people, trying to rip me off.”

    Poor Vanessa, everything that happened to her is just horrible

  • @[email protected]
    496 hours ago

    Jesus fucking Christ.

    So, for starters, that’s about as openly fascist as you can get.

    Secondly… Hitler kinda… you know… was famous for firing or otherwise disposing of his generals because they would push back against his insane plans and orders… almost always because they were simply practically infeasible, unlikely to work, countermanded previous orders that were already in progress, caused confusion and logistics disasters…

    …which fucking caused the Nazis to lose.

    A few of them even tried to kill Hitler, recognizing his total incompetence as a raving, drug addled military supreme commander would doom the Nazis, and all of Germany, to obliteration.

    • @[email protected]OP
      356 hours ago

      Per the article, somebody tried telling Trump this:

      According to Baker and Glasser, Kelly explained to Trump that German generals “tried to kill Hitler three times and almost pulled it off.” This correction did not move Trump to reconsider his view: “No, no, no, they were totally loyal to him,” the president responded.

      • @betterdeadthanreddit
        83 hours ago

        Probably went and listened to everybody’s favorite patriotic pro-America song “Born in the U.S.A.” afterward too.

  • @barsquid
    757 hours ago

    Must be hard trying to do your job when the fry cook next to you is praising Hitler’s generals.

    • @BassTurd
      63 hours ago

      That’s demeaning to actual fry cooks. Can we at least put it in quotes? “fry cook”

    • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
      136 hours ago

      I first read that as “genitals” because that’s 100% the kind of shit he says.

      • @[email protected]
        13 hours ago

        I read it as “generals” the first time, but after reading these comments, now I only read “genitals” when I glance at the headline.

      • @barsquid
        45 hours ago

        That’d be Arnold Palmer’s, though. Just a completely toxic workplace all coming from one clown.

    • DrSleepless
      226 hours ago

      I’m over her trying to fix the shake machine and this dude’s going off about Goebbels

  • masterofn001
    546 hours ago

    Never had a doubt.

    Neither did a large portion of his supporters.

    From J6 - 6mwe

    6 million wasn’t enough.

  • @samus12345
    84 hours ago

    Stuff like this is why Godwin’s Law has been dead for a long time now.

  • @WaxiestSteam69
    366 hours ago

    I’m really worried about the future of the country. I live in deep red Louisiana and all of my family and friends are hardcore Trumpers so I can’t discuss any of my concerns. My vote won’t matter so all I can do is hold out hope that Harris/Walz can take the swing states.

      • @[email protected]OP
        156 hours ago

        I’ll be doing that for sure — I’ve got a bunch of highly competitive local races that I care about.

        • @NegativeInf
          136 hours ago

          Voted for Allred in Texas. Because fuck Ted Cruz.

          • neoman4426
            95 hours ago

            Gotta wonder if his name being “Allred” will confuse any MAGAts who otherwise wouldn’t into voting for him. Like “We need to vote all red to help Dear Leader as much as we can. Ah, here it is, Allred”. Like, the number isn’t likely to be high, but seems like something that would have a decent probability of happening a nonzero number of times.

            • @[email protected]
              133 minutes ago

              Considering there was a trans woman who got elected as a county sheriff in New Hampshire a few years ago while running a “defund the police” campaign because she was the only one to run as a Republican candidate and nobody bothered to do their homework before voting for every R on the ballot, I’d say chances are pretty good.

            • @NegativeInf
              34 hours ago

              Something of the opposite for Rafael “Ted” Cruz sounding like a Latino Dem, while Collin Allred sounds like an Irish Republican.

    • @[email protected]OP
      256 hours ago

      Yeah, those of us living outside swing states are basically limited to kicking in money and volunteer time. I’m lucky in that I was able to catch a bus to a swing state this past weekend, and spend a couple days knocking on doors.

  • @xc2215x
    55 hours ago

    He loves dictators so much.