3,888! = oh god
EDIT: 3.256124839 E+12270, and now you know
Early super man had literally every power, including super math and super sewing. They had to cut out all that shit cause Superman was never in danger and had no weaknesses, although in these days, superhero comics were still being written as if they were detective pulp novels, so super man wasn’t flying around having epic battles with doomsday or metallo
Goes to counter
Tells correct answer
You tell her Superbro
Being telepathic is Un-American!
I want this scene in the next Superman movie
This brought back early internet memories of superdickery
I miss that site so much.
More proof that Superman is kinda a dick.
How dare he just Supermansplain that to her in public like that, no superclass at all.
Fixed it
Wow, Superman is a shithead “well actually” reply guy.
Judging by the era implied by the art style, it comes from a time when mansplaining wasn’t just accepted, it was expected.
I’d call him out on “Super-count” even being a thing.
He can do super math at one point, too.
It’s so super, it’s 10x normal math.Is this all he ever does?
He also flies sometimes.
What fucking nerd knows the weight of a bean
He’s holding a bean in his other hand. Presumably, he doubles as a scale.
A nerd with a kitchen scale?
Hands up, who here would have been able to recall the weight of a bean from memory?
I’m not sure why he couldn’t have immediately taken a bean off of a scale before that panel. I hope your memory isn’t that poor.
Did he?
I bet he doesn’t even know the weights of any other legumes. What a super-poser
20 × 16 × 10 = 32000 is definitely in the supershenanigans domain
How exactly did Lois rise to the job of chief journalist at a national newspaper anyway?
Right? He could just be making shit up and we just believe it because he’s Superman!
That’s some super-shit
You let a million things go every day, Supe… why couldn’t this be one of them?
I’ll say it again, you’re a super idiot, Lois.