Pronounced “Guuuur-RON-tee” like a Cajun car salesman.
Spelling mistakes getting called out increases engagement. I’m not saying it was done on purpose in this instance, but in general it does make sense that you’ll see more posts with spelling mistakes because they’ll rise to the top. The only winning move is not to play.
What will they do with all this engagement on Lemmy?
Oh definitely, it’s not like Lemmy is overflowing with it and I can’t imagine the author is the one posting here. I’m just saying that if you’re sorting by hot or active you increase the odds of seeing content with these spelling mistakes or silly errors by calling it out, so instead of the presumed effect the corrector wanted, i.e. either getting the author to change it, the poster not bother, or having it seen fewer people, it generally has the opposite effect.
Human flesh is said to smell and taste very similar to pork. At least one culture that partook in cannibalism called human meat “long pig” probably because of that. I’m also fairly sure I’ve heard stories of fire and rescue workers reporting delicious pork-roast smells that turned out absolutely horrifying and put them off pork for a very long time.
It may also be one of the reasons that certain religious texts and cultures forbid the eating of pork. It’s probably more to do with how pork spoils quickly in the climates where those religions originated, as well as the risk of roundworms if it isn’t cooked properly, but it does also stop the butcher from selling you a pork steak that isn’t actually pork, so that’s a bonus.
I was in the basement working on a electronic project sitting in the floor My parents house. Couldn’t find my soldering iron holder so I just had a somewhat deep bowl and set it in upside down
Something surprising was on TV and I looked up, subconsciously I reach down to pick up the soldering iron which was upside down of its normal orientation.
I heard a sizzle. It took a good half second for me to realize it was me.
The lead on the iron was sweet when I touched the burned finger in my mouth, the skin had a decidedly porky flavor to it. Not going to lie it was kind of barbecuey…*
Edit: dictation did me dirty
I was distracted by some other students and grabbed a soldering iron in a metal workshop class when I was young.
The results were predictably uncomfortable and now when Im soldering it is impossible to distract me.
It’s the kind of lesson you don’t ever forget.
“For a long time.”
Implying that the allure of pork cannot be denied.
Been firefighting for about 17 years now. Nothing burned up has ever smelled good.
Thank you for your service 🫡
Thanks. It’s a sweet job. Even if the pay is below what it should be, its still awesome to do.
It’s a noble job. Unlike … you know … What’s your relationship with cops like?
We usually keep a good working relationship with them around here. I’m not friends with any when off duty.
Origin of “long pig”, copied from this Reddit comment:
I think you might be right. In A St. Johnston’s Camping among Cannibals (which the OED quotes in its etymology of the term), he describes how:
The expression “long pig” is not a joke, nor a phrase invented by Europeans, but one frequently used by the Fijians, who looked upon a corpse as ordinary butcher’s meat, and call a human body puaka balava, " long pig," in contradistinction to puaka dina, or " real pig."
Which makes it sound like they were just distinguishing between the length of pigs and people.
Ugh, I bet the smell of burning wood doesn’t help that either. Hickory smoked pig just wouldn’t be the same after smelling a person burning alive in their wood frame home.
but it does also stop the butcher from selling you a pork steak that isn’t actually pork, so that’s a bonus.
or maybe it’s just a translation error haha
But “no one gets harmed” includes me so I better not get addicted or so help me
I once worked with that one person. You know the one, heavy enjoyer of cannabis even on the job. He was THE person. No, let me put it into perspective.
The guy would down a full bottle of cannalean 1k nano THC before work and would come in with a massive 500mg candy in his mouth. This kid would impress old Tommy Chong.
The first thing he’d ever tell you is that he ate human flesh. Apparently, him and a buddy were cooking something and his buddy cut the tip of his finger off on the cutting board. He said that they both stared at it for a long time before my coworker asked, “Can I eat that?” If its true, these guys had to have been blasted.
Shame he was fired for sleeping on the job.
Basically had this conversation, and no, I’m fine hearing second-hand descriptions.
There’s a reason it’s called long pig.
It’s named after a wild African boars, which have a much different taste from the pork you’re used to
Hey extrovert, how about you shut up? Silence is nice. We don’t constantly need to hear you talking.
Nah, I love my extroverts. They do what I repeatedly fail to do, and help pull me into the conversation and actually get some social interaction rather than sulking quietly in a corner.
Extroverts that know how to pull introverts into social interaction are the best and I have often looked up to them.
It sounds like you’re shy, not introverted.
Introverts need social interaction too, just less of it.
That’s how it starts out, but decades later you’re not shy anymore, you’re just lazy in starting a conversation and rely on others who have much less inertia.
I also love my extrovees
Yes, but it sounds like you’re extroverted but shy.
People far too often confuse introversion with social anxiety. It’s becoming my biggest pet peeve.
I gotta admit I’m pretty confused with these labels. I thought intro/extro were labels applied to behaviours of people, not some intrinsic want.
E.g. if you have social anxiety or were shy, driving you to stay indoors and not interact no matter how much you wanted to, that’s introverted.
I spent most of my life like that, at peace with my own hobbies, and happy to be left alone, but later in life overcame my social issues and developed a slow rapport with people, that then turned into enjoying others company.
No, it’s an intrinsic want. Extroverts get energized by being around other people, and feel drained when spending time alone. Introverts get drained by being around other people, and need some time alone to recharge. You can be a shy extrovert, someone who wants to be around other people but is shy about it. Or, you can be a class-clown introvert, someone who is the life of the party, but needs to get away and get some energy back after that kind of performance.
Hmm. I guess I iterate between the two a lot then. I’d also be surprised if most people didn’t
Where does it imply that he’s an extrovert?
ok but isn’t telling an extrovert to talk less the same as telling an introvert to talk more??
Yes, and do you know how often introverts are told to talk more? Do you know how rarely extroverts are told to shut up?
It might be rude to tell an individual extrovert to shut up. But, it definitely isn’t rude to remind extroverts as a whole that they don’t need to fill every silence with babbling, and to tell them that it certainly isn’t a duty of theirs that everyone is thankful that they do.
You will be either in my maelstrom of social interaction or you can leave, I’m partially sorry but I’m nowhere near the steering wheel as soon as I’m in a group of people.
Introvert here, don’t listen to merc. I like hearing people talk, especially if it’s a weird subject that I can actually engage with
I never said that introverts don’t like hearing people talk.
Also, yes.
Also, William Seabrook.
In the 1920s, Seabrook traveled to West Africa and came across a tribe who partook in the eating of human meat. Seabrook wrote about his experience of cannibalism in his travel book Jungle Ways; however, he later admitted that the tribe had not allowed him to join in on the ritualistic cannibalism. Instead, he had obtained samples of human flesh by persuading a medical intern at the Sorbonne University to give him a chunk of human meat from the body of a man who had died in an accident.
Seabrook might have eaten human flesh also on another occasion. When his claim of having participating in ritualistic cannibalism turned out wrong (and he hadn’t yet dared reveal the Sorbonne story), he was much mocked for it. According to his autobiography, the wealthy socialite Daisy Fellowes invited him to one of her garden parties, stating “I think you deserve to know what human flesh really tastes like”. During the party, which was attended by about a dozen guests (some of them well-known), a piece of supposedly human flesh was grilled and eaten with much pomp. He comments that, while he never found out “the real truth” behind this meal, it “looked and tasted exactly” like the human flesh he had eaten before.
I thought the phrase “eat the rich” was figurative, but by the way this gentleman describes the flavor and texture, it doesn’t sound too bad.
Catholics been doing if for a couple of millenia
Idk i think that guy was harmed pretty bad
This Jesus guy must have been pretty fat.
aww, he’s just a big ol’ plumpur, leave him be.
want a flesh disc? just checking.
two millenia
mmmm, prions
Ultra-rare, and not spontaneously caused by eating human flesh. You’re more likely to get mad cow disease (also prions) from eating beef.
Aren’t prions located in the brain?
as far as i understand it they can technically just show up, without you having to eat anything. it’s one of those “could kill you from nowhere” things, like false vacuum decay.
but eating human meat, especially brain, will significantly increase the risk, yes
Not limited to human though. BSE (B for bovine, cow) is basically the same, caused by having pulverized animal in their feed.
Btw, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy translates to cow sponge-brain sickness.
False vacuum decay is one of those theoretical things that we have no way of knowing if it could ever even happen. Now gamma ray bursts, they’re out there happening right now and could kill you just as instantly!
They spread everywhere, and cause progressively worse neurological issues as they spread through the brain.
You can make any meat in the lab. Why stop at cow? I want all the tastes.
Imagine celebrities allowing the lab to use their cloned cells to grow “Angelina Jolie’s Cultured Thighs” for public consumption or something.
Sounds like a Margaret Atwood novel haha
I’ll have the rump roast
Everybody eating ass these days smh
But that’s an actual thing I heard about some time ago, but not googling because you know, just no.
That’s what I always thought would be the first thing to happen when lab grown meat becomes commonplace.
deleted by creator
Same is true for unseasoned grains, potatos and many vegetables.
A steak doesn’t need seasoning to taste amazing
But the taste from steak comes from the caramelized butter and fats. I find raw unseasoned steak, as in not cooked at all (yes it’s safe), quite tasteless especially if it’s very lean.
Shrimp need no seasoning.
Just a lil lemon juice
This sounds like vegan talking points, but honestly I do love my seasonings.
There may be lots of reasons to stop eating meat, but ‘lacks taste’ is not one of them. Are you from the UK?
Nah that’s not true.
Does the “gurantee” include prions…? 🤨
(If you can guarantee no prions — don’t really care about the no one harmed bit, as long as I don’t know them or they’re on my shitlist —, and it’s cooked in some way I enjoy — no fancy gourmet spherified vapour shit, thanks — then yeah, definitely, I’m no vegan or anywhere close, but I’d rather eat human than some other animal who can’t consent or have done anything to deserve being murdered and eaten.)
Prions seem to accumulate in the brain and spinal cord. Stay away from those and you’re probably good!
Well that renders a good chunk of the population perfectly safe to eat then!
it says was harmed, not that noone will be harmed
I think I’ll pass, then, thanks.
Said this on another comment: eating human meat does not increase your chance of prions. If you eat another human with prions disease, then you get it. But if you don’t eat prion-infected meat, you don’t get prions.
We eat deer, which also get prions. We also eat cow, which also get prions (mad cow disease, which also infects humans). We avoid getting prions with regulation of those markets. We could do exactly the same in this scenario.
We could do exactly the same in this scenario.
At least we know we can build our cannibal dystopia in a way that’s safe for the cannibals.
eating human meat does not increase your chance of prions
Tell that to victims of kuru.
We eat deer
No, I most definitely don’t.
which also get prions
I don’t think “get” is the right word. We gave them prions when we put them together with sheep with scrapie to see if it could be transmitted to deer. Which it could. And by “we” I mean humans, but specifically the USA, because of course it was the USA. Probably trying to make biological weapons. Well, congratulations, I guess, fantastic success there.
We avoid getting prions with regulation of those markets
No we don’t. Capitalism ensures that we get regular outbreaks of human transmitted mad cow disease (which at some point would start spreading from human to human and kill us all, if CWD didn’t get us first), and the deer stuff is completely unregulated (and will become even worse with that raving orange lunatic in the white house).
It’s a matter of time (probably less than five years, given the collapsing state of the USA) before it starts spreading to humans and becomes an unstoppable pandemic that’ll kill us all.
The only reasonable course of action would be to nuke all affect areas until every square centimeter of the ground turns to glass, but we aren’t going to do that, because we care more about short term profit and optics than about the inevitable extinction of the human race.
Did you read anything about kuru beforehand? It’s contracted by ritual eating in general rites. They also have no means of diagnosing prion infection in a corpse, which is why people would eat brain tissue with prions. It didn’t spontaneously form in those victims, it was in the corpse. Overall, it could be avoided by just not eating infected meat, hence why Papua New Guinea did not collapse from kuru - it was rare to get it, and once the mode of transmission was known, it was much easier to avoid.
Chronic wasting disease was first observed in deer in the 1960s, and there is nothing actually confirming it’s exact origin. it was first noted in deer herds being researched in Colorado, and as far as I am reading, it did not jump from sheep to deer.
We do actually regulate mad cow disease, going as far as culling entire herds of livestock and disposing of the meat. Outbreaks happen, yes, but we are keeping that spread down. This is also in meat that we sell at an insane scale, one which would not be replicatable with human meat without slavery.
With human donated meat, it’s very unlikely you would get prions. Again, you are way more likely to get it from cow meat and deer meat.
Vegan gelatin has entered the chat:
When “eating somebody out” suddenly gets a new meaning.
Fun fact, extroverts can be socially awkward too (and it makes them sad)
I love discissing out of pocket hypotheticals, so this is right up my alley.
Another one: If you could have only one modern tool in the post-apocalypse, what it would be?
Does ‘a large bottle of sleeping pills’ count as a tool?
What are the limits of the tool? And what are the conditions of the post-apocalypse? The easy choice is an e-reader full of instructions and blueprints that would allow the rebuilding of modern technology.