Worf deserves a traditional klingon cleavage window.
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The Klingon Empire: Where every woman is a Power Woman.
Coincidence? I think not…
Settle down Mr. Kropp…
Imagine dropping some of your gagh in there or spilling some blood wine into that funnel … and we all know that Klingons are pretty messy eaters too.
In klingonese boob window when translated literally is “flavor saver”.
I just cupped my mouth and nose when I imagined what that might smell like … especially after a day of living on a hot sweaty Bird of Prey warship.
Like warm targ ass drenched in gagh…
Imagine working in a Klingon laundry room
Perhaps it is a good day to die.
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Sooo much extra effort lol. This is what I do when I’m on meetings and am not actively speaking/presenting.
Just ignore the left shoulder that’s just kind of out there; it’s just padding…like the pecs in the uniforms.
I honestly think that’s a better look. Maybe that uniform would have stuck around longer with the Troy neckline.
This is one of many reasons why we have to leave this planet and explore other worlds
Somebody edit this image with a Kirk face or something
This is one of the many reasons we shouldn’t be allowed to leave.
My personal take is that when a new species/planet joins the Federation they get to design a new uniform for Star Fleet. The Betazeds picked the miniskirts from TOS.
That would actually be fun headcanon.
Who do you think made the monster maroons?
The lost era uniforms are when Starfleet decided they were mature grown ups now. They adopted the Enterprise’s insignia across the fleet and stop letting ships/captains have any say over the uniforms. By the time we get to TNG they’ve relaxed it a bit again.
No idea, I’m not a super-fan.
I will say that I like those uniforms the best of all the iterations. Maybe because Wrath of Khan is my favorite movie?
Favorite movie is Wrath of Khan
Headcanons the Betazed being responsible for TOS uniforms
I think you’re a bigger fan than you realize.
A friend once told me this. If you call someone a ‘fanboy’ and they chuckle and nod, they are just a fan. If you call them a ‘fanboy’ and they go into a two hour diatribe on how their devotion is perfectly justified and rational, then you’ve got a ‘fanboy.’
I seriously doubt they’re in the Federation. Especially during that time.
I was joking. Maybe it was a Tholian spy that thought the uniforms would hamper Kirk
Now that is headcanon I can get behind.
Tholian: “Hehehe, make the inside white so you easily see them bleeeeed!”
Data looks jacked
“Data is jacked”, there, ftfy:-)
“Data has jacks.” Even in the far future, RS-232 still works!
They’re not jacks, they’re Data ports.
And they are jacked with fully functioning jacks?
I’ll be in my bunk.
Jean-Luc Peccard
Now I see what Jadzia saw.