
Jasmine Mooney, a 35-year-old Canadian woman, has been detained in U.S. immigration facilities since March 3 after attempting to enter with an incomplete Trade NAFTA work visa application.

She was initially held at San Ysidro border crossing before being transferred in chains to detention centers in San Diego and Arizona.

Her mother, Alexis Eagles, reports inhumane conditions including overcrowded concrete cells with constant lighting and inadequate facilities.

Business partner BJ McCaslin called the situation a “nightmare” while Global Affairs Canada confirmed they’re aware but unable to intervene in U.S. immigration matters.

    • AreaSIX
      42 minutes ago

      “Axis of evil” was a phrase coined by W in order to justify his highly illegal “war on terror”, and we’re still paying the price for that. Just adopting a propaganda concept this stupid as a viable way to categorize nations is not a good move.

    • @[email protected]
      34 minutes ago

      i believe all states are evil, to be honest!

      some are just actively persuing evil stuff more than others

      but given half a chance, capitalists in any country would turn to fascism

  • @[email protected]
    623 hours ago

    I do not find it a coincidence that its been happening specifically to young women. Yet to see 6’2 Canadian male hockey player get grabbed.

    • @Maggoty
      1245 minutes ago

      I guarantee you they do not care. This is far more likely to be media bias. If they’re detaining her for an incomplete visa instead of just turning her around then they’re detaining people every day, no matter their nationality or body build. It sounds cool to think they’d be afraid of a large guy but the US police are sadly just more likely to kill them with guns.

      • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
        3 hours ago

        Yeah, same happens with kidnapping and murder victims. There’s a reason it’s called Missing White Woman Syndrome. The media is extremely biased towards covering attractive young white women who have gone missing, while virtually every other demographic gets ignored. Asian and Latina women are often covered disproportionately as well, but not to the extent that missing white women are covered. Black women get almost no coverage, and the same goes for men of basically every race and age.

        • @Doctor_Satan
          635 minutes ago

          I remember many years ago, there were two little girls that went missing about the same time. One was white, the other black. The little white girl just got lost and was found pretty quickly, and her story dominated the news for weeks. Meanwhile, the little black girl (I think it was in West Virginia) had been kidnapped by a sadistic couple who abused and tortured her until one night she chewed through her bindings, escaped, and trekked through the forest for days before finding help. She barely got a “missing girl found” blurb on the news. The fact that she barely got any news coverage actually became a bigger story later on than her actual kidnapping did at the time. It was infuriating.

          Don’t even get me started on the missing and murdered indigenous women (MMIW) phenomenon that not only gets next to zero media coverage, but also a severe lack of law enforcement attention.

        • @[email protected]
          62 hours ago

          There’s a good TV series called Alaska daily, which has this phenomenon play a big part of the storyline

      • @[email protected]
        3 hours ago

        Sure but I also remember trumps first term where thousands of specifically migrant women in US custody were unaccounted for for months. Im not in the habbit of giving people with track records of human trafficking benefits of doubt.

      • @[email protected]
        2 hours ago

        maybe! americans DO hate women really really passionately. there was a famous canadian author who wrote a book about it.

  • @[email protected]
    1655 hours ago

    It’s starting to seem like Canada should issue a travel advisory against going to the USA.

    In some ways I hope it doesn’t come to that. In others … I mean, I’d win a friendly bet if it happened, so there’s that.

    • @Maggoty
      543 minutes ago

      Honestly yeah, if a paperwork fuck up can get you detained for more than 24 hours there’s something seriously wrong and travelling there is dangerous for the border police alone.

    • @wiccan2
      344 minutes ago

      Not just Canada, there’s similar stories for a lot of nationalities, every country should be putting out warnings.

      The US has lost it’s mind.

      Couple the immigration issues with the fact that planes keep falling out of the sky in their air space due to air traffic control being gutted and even flying to Canada starts becoming dangerous too.

      I’ll be avoiding the whole of North America for the foreseeable future, it’s just not safe.

    • @[email protected]
      122 hours ago

      There already is a travel advisory in Canada. It’s more personal though.

      If I tell my friend I’m going to the states they’ll stage an intervention.

      “You’re desire to travel to the US hurts me in the following ways…”

    • TheHiddenCatboy
      625 hours ago

      If I were in charge, that’s exactly what I would do. “US ICE agents are detaining Canadian citizens at the border. Until and unless US agents stop detaining Canadians at the border and return those they have detained, we are advising Canadian citizens to not travel to the USA.” Post it right next to all other Canadian travel advisories.

      • Tuukka R
        142 hours ago

        And do what Lithuania did at the Belarusian border: There are signs telling pretty much the analogue to what you’re suggesting. On the roadside while approaching the border. As physical signs.

        • @Maggoty
          342 minutes ago

          If you guys do that take pictures and send them to America so we can put them in political ads.

    • @Treczoks
      113 hours ago

      Not just Canada…

      • @[email protected]
        81 hour ago

        Yeah, their client state Israel, as well as Russia and presumably its client state, Belarus

      • @Maggoty
        41 minutes ago

        We never had allies, we barely knew those countries, they might have gotten coffee for us at some point?


      • @lepinkainen
        62 hours ago

        Even its Canadian girl friend left it

    • @[email protected]
      2 hours ago

      americans do not have allies, they have minions and masters. you should have started that shame a long time ago.

    • @[email protected]
      6 hours ago

      That and threatening to eliminate our country altogether. We’re not really feeling the “allies” thing these days. I fairly often visit the USA, but I’m rethinking that now, along with many other Canadians. And I’m taking my money out of the USA too, wherever possible.

      • Ænima
        2 hours ago

        Many of us would rather fight for Canada than against. Don’t fret the threats. Likely a lot of people, even some who voted for tRump, would be done defending this administration and maybe we’d see that well armed militia we keep hearing about!

        • @[email protected]
          63 hours ago

          I am a foreigner and I won’t anymore. Used to go to Florida during autumn vacation. Now we’ll just go to Italy or Spain. No Jetlag and the Flights are cheaper as well

        • @[email protected]
          63 hours ago

          I wouldn’t visit them after, it’s obvious most Americans are okay and happy to sit down and accept this.

          • @frostysauce
            238 minutes ago

            Most Americans don’t KNOW about this shit. Most of us get their news from Fox and they’re not saying anything negative about the administration. Except for sometimes having a token liberal on a talk show get shouted down by the five hosts.

    • @lennybird
      43 hours ago

      Putin’s bidding to fracture the deepest alliances of the West under utterly bullshit pretended.

    • The Quuuuuill
      695 hours ago

      no amount of conformity will ever make you safe under fascism. the noose will always tighten to meet the fascists’ needs for torture. once the old enemy is eliminated a new hegemony will be homogenized and the torture will continue either at the same pace or accelerated.

      it’s not really about skin tone, accent, visa access, sexual identity, gender identity, or even political stance. it’s about that the fascists must other, and they will other you any way that thy can.

    • @[email protected]
      154 hours ago

      Yep, just like how conservatives wanted to ignore aids since they thought it would only kill gays and drug users. They fail to see how their cruelty will come back around on themselves.

      • @AbidanYre
        444 minutes ago

        Or when Jared didn’t want to respond to COVID because it was mainly hitting blue cities.

    • @[email protected]
      215 hours ago

      White-Canadians now have the rare experience to feel what it is like to be brown in America.

  • Laser
    114 hours ago

    Fuck murica! If you choose to travel there at this point, Buy the ticket…take the ride!

  • @[email protected]
    145 hours ago

    Fuck it, i’m saying it: Fuck you Americans, all of you. This isn’t only happening “because Trump” it’s happening because you’re all fucking letting it happen. Go occupy another sidewalk that oligarchs never walk on, feel good about yourself, do anything except go after the ones responsible for this. The proof is the reality that it’s happening, while you “2nd ammendment is why we allow kids to be shot to pieces in school” yet when it comes to step up you do nothing but whine. Seriously, fuck you, you’re a blight on humanity at the moment and you’re doing less than enough to prove to the world (and Canadians now) otherwise. People have been shouting about the oncoming train that’s been coming for decades, and you all refuse to see or hear, let alone act. Pathetic culture, pathetic people, you don’t belong in our future as you currently are.

    • djsoren19
      652 minutes ago

      Unless you’ve managed to destroy economic liberalism in your own country, it’s happening to you too. That train is going to hit you awfully soon.

      • @[email protected]
        250 minutes ago

        I know, thanks to American capitalism and their almighty sacred petrodollar preventing any socialist revolution elsewhere. Look up CIA, School of the Americas, and USAID to know more.

        • @[email protected]
          57 minutes ago

          You’ve been reading for hours too. Please enlighten us and keep making toilet jokes to distract from going out to protests. I swear this is r/worldnews all over again.

          • @[email protected]
            353 minutes ago

            Comical to mention ‘going out to protest’ when you’ve been chronically raging on lemmy all day. I’m sure the 40 people that read your novel have been impacted so much and it changed their lives. Keep it up my boy!

            • @[email protected]
              -148 minutes ago

              I’m disabled, after 14 years of activism, grassroots organizing, and protesting. Been arrested many times sacrificing my safety and liberty for human rights, taken beatings by fascists and beatings by cops. What’s your excuse, toiletboy?

      • @[email protected]
        01 hour ago

        Newton’s Flaming Laser Sword

        (philosophy) A philosophical razor which states that what cannot be settled by experiment is not worth debating.

        Occams Razer can suck it compared to Newtons Flaming Laser Sword.

    • @ThunderWhiskers
      1 hour ago

      You have illustrated just how unhinged you are in the rest of your comments. You don’t seem to understand that we are all trying to live our relatively normal lives while also figuring out what to do about this.

      Here’s a hypothetical: I have two children under 6, my wife works full-time, I work 50 hours a week to keep a roof over my family’s heads and food in their mouths, I also make 2/3 of our household income, we have no real support system to speak of. We’re in Texas, so the allies I have are extremely limited, and do not include any of my family other than my brother, who doesn’t live here. We’re trying to figure out how to get out of here but it’s difficult and frankly I don’t know if we can afford it.

      So you’re suggesting I do what? Go buy a gun for me and the three able bodied liberals I know (also fathers of young children) , kiss my family goodbye, drive for 2 days, get fired, and go do ourselves a good ol domestic terrorism? So you can feel better about the hell that WE not you are living through? And all because I committed the crime of being born in the wrong place and unable to escape? Get fucked.

      • @[email protected]
        -21 hour ago

        You don’t seem to understand that we are all trying to live our relatively normal lives while also figuring out what to do about this.

        This is the problem, and where you immediately lost me. How in the god-loving fuck are you trying to live relatively normal lives in a time like this?! It’s proving my point, ya’ll are fucking brainwashed into submission or something. At least the French burn their cities down over a park or public transportation, meanwhile Americans answer to their collapsing democracy while dragging the world down with them is “Hey we’re just trying to live a normal life.” Do you know how selfish, “I get mine”, savagely individualistic that looks to everywhere else in the world except Americans? I want to shake you!

        • @ThunderWhiskers
          21 hour ago

          What am i, one unaffiliated person, going to do against a tyrannical government? Go commit suicide by cop? You are literally asking me to martyr myself and my family for your feelings.

          • @[email protected]
            159 minutes ago

            I’m asking you to do what you can to stop a situation that’s far worse than the situation you described.

                • @ThunderWhiskers
                  130 minutes ago

                  You can’t just post links to the past like that’s the world we are living in. Let me break it down Barney style for you.

                  If I don’t go to work because I was protesting I will be fired. Hell if the wrong people get wind of it I will be fired (best case scenario, and we’ll just assume I’m not going to come back home to look for work because I’m protesting!)>>> If I am fired my family will run out of money (as in $0, 0 credit) in about 2 months>>> Me and my family starve/are unhoused>>>protest over.

                  We actually have a little money set aside for emergencies so we can last longer than the Majority of Americans 30-60% of which are literally living paycheck to paycheck.

                  We are not in a position to do fucking anything without massive organized movement, and thanks to our geography and 50 years of carefully orchestrated plans to destroy the American middle-class that’s a tall order.

    • @[email protected]
      233 hours ago

      Please stop grandstanding lol. There are grassroot leftist movements that have been organizing, setting up mutual aid networks, etc. for years. Guess who has been suppressing those movements? The State and Corporate media. And, man, they got you convinced that 340 million people in one of the most diverse countries in the world somehow all think the same. Obviously we don’t. If we did, it’d be a hell of a lot easier to organize the masses, wouldn’t it?

      Launching an attack on the most powerful military in the world is going to require more than pea shooters, my guy. I know this is the first time Canadians have felt a legitimate threat on their democracy in like 200 years, unless your First Nations. Let’s be real— I’m in Texas and you’re in Canada. Odds are you are much closer to D.C. than majority of Americans actually are. You severely underestimate how large and spread out this empire actually is— hence why it is crumbling.

      • @EaterOfLentils
        12 minutes ago

        The eye rolling number of non-Americans who think 2A is about overthrowing the government instead of just making it a little less easy and more costly for them to show up at your door and stomp you into the ground.

        The US government is not going to be overthrown by a ragtag civilian militia. It’s not happening. Even if we actually had anything resembling an organized and united civilian militia that could strategize enough to execute a large-scale operation, we would still lose hilariously because we don’t have drones, missiles, helicopters, or tanks.

        Stop demanding that we just start blasting. That’s not going to help. You live in a fantasy world. Your countries have actual military resources. YOU start blasting if you think it will help.

      • @[email protected]
        1 hour ago

        first time Canadians have felt a legitimate threat on their democracy in like 200 years, **unless your First Nations. **

        Big ups for including that.

    • @[email protected]
      123 hours ago

      Well, if push came to shove, I’d stand with you anyway.

      The common folk of the world need to find solidarity. Because this is gonna spread…

      • @[email protected]
        -13 hours ago

        Amen comrad. The moment protests start happening outside millionaires and billionaires mansions and gated communities is when I wheel my disabled Graves diseased ass back out to protests again. The numbers are on our side.

        • @[email protected]
          43 hours ago

          As Jim Morrison said, “They got the guns, but we got the numbers.”

          It is beyond shameful what my government is doing, though; I don’t fault you for the stance against all Americans. The worst part for me? I’ve seen this coming since I was in high school (over two decades ago). My entire adult life it’s been in the back of my mind. And here we are.

          There’s no easy path forward. That’s for sure.

    • @GrymEdm
      3 hours ago

      As another Canadian: I hate the US government, oligarchs, the loss of separation between church and state, and fascists. The US government has had terrible and negligent policies for much longer than the last 2 months. It’s just now there’s not even attempts to mask it and not nearly enough official resistance to it. America is being gutted beyond recognition as the same entity it was. I can empathize with what is, frankly, a rant from in4apenny even as I downvoted their post.

      However I have many American friends I do NOT hate, and who do not hate me or covet my country. I do NOT agree with the “fuck everyone, you’re all a blight” position. I could write many arguments why, but the most important one is for many decades our countries have been stronger for being allies. If I want Canada to be the greatest nation it can be I have to recognize the contribution of a friendly USA that existed basically uninterrupted until two months ago. I 100% support the “elbows up, fight back hard” movement that is sweeping my nation, but with an eye for historical context of shared success. I hope for a return to that friendship when/if you folks manage to restore sanity. But that restoration is either going to be very messy or not happen at all, so we’ll see if the elbows ever get to come down again.

      • @[email protected]
        29 minutes ago

        If I want Canada to be the greatest nation it can be I have to recognize the contribution of a friendly USA that existed basically uninterrupted until two months ago.

        Like selling our oil 20% below the price for comparable oil on international markets, the continued Americanization of our media and culture, numerous instances of fighting over our arctic sovereignty, the erosion of generic drugs via patent extensions for the benefit of American pharma, pushing for the dismantling of one of our greatest technological accomplishments (Avro Arrow) to favor US products, and numerous cases of American companies using NAFTA to bully the government to allow the destruction of our environment because they aren’t that bad see Lone Pine Resources v. Canada or Ethyl Corporation v. Canada.

        This has always been a shit relationship, it’s just more obvious now.

          • @[email protected]
            -43 hours ago

            Yet Trump/Musk and their regime are doing things their way anyway. Now what? Wait for the democrats to step in? lol

            • @GrymEdm
              2 hours ago

              You are right that Trump/Musk are destroying America. You are wrong that they are unopposed because they certainly are in Canada, in many other parts of the world, and yes, inside the US. Re: the stakes - the USA is not taking over Canada, period. They are causing a lot of economic harm, but telling Americans they’re trash people that need to fuck off en masse does absolutely nothing to repair that damage. No matter what Trump tries to tell you and everyone else, this trade war is not popular among almost anyone. So what we do is keep on telling Trump to go fuck himself along with all those people, just as our nation is doing now.

              If Americans do disappear and stop having a relationship with Canada as you suggest a HUGE number of Canadians are going to suffer. The only way to prevent that is to fight back as much as necessary and then work to restore the engine that keeps all those Canadians and Americans afloat. Basically as Canadians we need to stay the course, punish the US for it’s betrayal, strengthen ties elsewhere, but then also be open to reconciliation. Being toxic and vengeful is not going to help citizens of either country.

              • Tuukka R
                12 hours ago

                This assumes that USA can be repaired. It’s entirely possible that their people have crossed the line of no return, and are no longer able to start behaving in a civilized manner on average before crashing spectarularly.

                If you don’t trust in the US citizens’ ability to repair their country, there’s not much sense in trying to build a nice relationship with them. And I’m not saying USA cannot repair itself. Maybe it can. What I’m saying is that it is plausible that many people do not believe USA has what it takes.

                • @GrymEdm
                  1 hour ago

                  I can definitely see what you’re saying, and you seem to be hoping for the best and planning for the worst. Which is reasonable. I don’t disagree with you but I’d add to the conversation:

                  • There is meaningful resistance even now, weeks into the Trump’s idiocy. Just today in the headlines on Lemmy we have judges blocking his orders, 20 states suing him for overreach, and citizens protesting. I think this resistance is bound to increase (in terms of size and urgency) as people start to see their family suffering/dying because of things like the social security payment collapse some experts are predicting.
                  • American businesses are pushing back to get tariffs delayed or stopped completely and that pressure is only going to increase as economic consequences roll in. Trump can lie all he wants about how great things will be but big money isn’t about to sit around while they become less big money.
                  • Regardless of whether they exist as the USA or something else, there’s about 345 million people south of our border in the US. Many of whom are economically tied to us and us to them. I’m not sure it’s realistic to aim for a zero relationship situation or even a minimal one. It’s a huge market, intertwined with ours, very close to our population centres and we’re going to fall into either a beneficial or hostile relationship with a nation 10x the size of ours. I think we need to strive hard at a good relationship while simultaneously demanding respect.
              • @[email protected]
                -32 hours ago

                “It may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.” ― Henry Kissinger

                • @GrymEdm
                  59 minutes ago

                  If you’re relying on Henry Kissinger for advice I have no common ground to advance the conversation with. Also, that quote addresses none of the points I’ve made about either sovereignty or economics, and isn’t the dunk you appear to think it is.

                  Edit: Just another thought that occurred to me while thinking about how that quote is wrong - it’s not even going to be fatal to have been America’s friend. Canada is going to survive Trump’s aggression, and will also survive the US relationship regardless of how things play out. Moreover, for decades the US-Canada alliance built up both countries immensely. I support Canada building stronger ties to more countries than just the US, but at this point in history far more good has come out of being America’s friend than harm has been done by Trump.

    • @[email protected]
      144 hours ago

      This American gets what you’re saying. I’m trying to figure out what I can do without ending up homeless.

        • @frostysauce
          329 minutes ago

          Dude, straight up fuck you. The moment you voluntarily unhouse yourself for others you can open your mouth again and rejoin the adults in the conversation.

          • @[email protected]
            -127 minutes ago

            I did, from 2011-2015. I went on the road to protest, gave up everything, because I believe in something more important than myself.

            • @EaterOfLentils
              15 minutes ago

              How did you pay for your gas on the road? How did you keep yourself fed? How did you keep from freezing to death? What were you protesting? How did it turn out? Tell us more.

              • @[email protected]
                12 minutes ago

                Considering the warm reception of this thread, I don’t feel anyone here is worth wasting that time on. I’m writing a book about my adventures you can pirate it when it comes out.

        • @[email protected]
          1 hour ago

          Dude, I’ve been working on this at a local level, and being homeless in the US might as well be a fucking death sentence. It paints a target on you at almost every level of society and it’s becoming increasingly impossible to escape. This is almost like shitting on someone for not wanting to get shot or get their family tortured.

          • @[email protected]
            1 hour ago

            These people did it -

            All you’re telling me is you’re either too coward or don’t believe in a better future enough.

            Here’s a bonus:’s_Rebellion – If only these people thought like you, I wonder where we’d be.

            You want to fight for freedom but without any risk? You can’t have your cake and eat it too.

            EDIT - What about these people? Surely they have targets painted on their backs but protest anyway, and they have it much worse than Americans. Americans are cowards.

            • @[email protected]
              41 hour ago

              Look, I get that you’re trying to rabble rouse. I think there’s a lot of folks right now that are holding their breath to see if Trump is going to get distracted by some new stupid bullshit like he normally does.

              • @[email protected]
                -41 hour ago

                The world has been holding their breaths for decades, when will you Americans stop drowning us all? You you you all you, fucking Americans amiright? You have it soooo bad awwwwww, hang on everybody keep waiting for things to get worse, Americans aren’t coming up for air yet! No, i’m not rabble rousing, i’m pissed off at your American baby excuses, I swear I know 10 year olds that have more sense of accountability or responsibility.

                • @[email protected]
                  59 minutes ago

                  idk what to tell you, my guy. The ruling class aggressively shit its pants when these labor wins were piling up, and we’ve had non-stop red scares, counter-intelligence ops, and right-wing propaganda ever since. What you’re proposing, that everyone just get up and start the next great revolution because Trump is saying stuff, is a fairy tale; it’s about as likely as my potted plant turning into an alligator. I’m very confident shit’s going to fall apart quick if Trump does actually try to start a war with Canada, but until then, I don’t think that it feels real enough to most folks to chance getting thrown in a private prison or turned into a predator drone video. When things destabilize, that’s where there will be opportunities, but the only opportunities right now is getting smoked by the cops, getting scooped by the glowies, or doing something completely ineffectual and getting your teeth knocked in by the cops anyway.

        • @[email protected]
          223 hours ago

          Staying housed is “getting yours”? Lmao, you’re delusional. And this is coming from a homeless person. I do not begrudge people who do what they can while maintaining shelter in the dead of winter. Frozen corpses can’t protest either, bud.

          • @[email protected]
            -233 hours ago

            You’re acting like this is the Russian Revolution or something, stop making exaggerated excuses and focus on what’s happening in front of you. And as someone who has been homeless, you know as I know, you don’t have as much to lose as others so why are you making excuses?

        • @[email protected]
          154 hours ago

          Wtf, so we are supposed to be homeless with kids in tow? Since when is I get mine the simple fact of having a roof over my head?

            • @[email protected]
              2 hours ago

              First comes fodder, then morals. When will US libs understand that. How does it feel there, up on your high horse, telling the pedestrians to stop wearing leather boots they should be vegans?

              Try calling for solidarity instead of attacking people for wanting what’s due to every human by sole virtue of being human. Food, shelter, those things aren’t wishes of someone trying to deny the same to others.

            • @[email protected]
              72 hours ago

              I understand the community-first perspective. I agree that we survive together or die together. But we also can’t pour from an empty cup. I can’t help others if I’m fighting to survive, forced to spend time hunting down food and water and a warm bed, which also takes time away from protesting and helping others.

    • @Brkdncr
      325 hours ago

      25% tariff on all your comments.

        • @[email protected]
          50 minutes ago

          The more recession, the more bankrupt millionaires, the more billionaires will be able to gobble up, the higher the chances (now former) millionaires realise that they have more in common with burger flippers than with billionaires.

          No way around accelerationist logic when the system is launching itself against a wall and the bureaucrats responsible for system inertia to work against that are running around like headless chicken.

          Tariffs will increase until sanity improves. We (that is, the EU) certainly aren’t going to back down from a trade war.

        • @meco03211
          134 hours ago

          It’s gonna be the best recession. Yuge! So many people are talking about it. They said it couldn’t be done. Now they’re saying trump is the only one who could have pulled this off. We’re gonna recess so far you wouldn’t believe it.

        • @[email protected]
          64 hours ago

          We’re now talking big about 200% tariffs! Soon we’ll keep upping them to 400 and 1000% to make us feel bigly.

          Truly the dumbest timeline.

    • @Modern_medicine_isnt
      134 hours ago

      While this may be true for a lot of Americans, plenty are essentially trapped. Our education system basically ensures that we don’t have the language skills or cultural understanding to get a decent job in most any other country. And the work style that has been drilled into us since birth isn’t welcome in most other countries either.

      Many of us have kids born before this path was clearly the way things are going. I wouldn’t choose to have kids these days in the US unless I had like family outside the country so I knew I had an escape path.

      Those that can leave, have been doing so. The rest are or feel trapped. They simply have too much to lose, and little chance of a decent life if they leave.

      I for example can’t fight back against my government in the most effective ways because I have kids. And they deserve a chance to make their own decisions about polotics. But if I say damage something important, they won’t likely get much of a choice since I won’t be able to support them anymore. And because of our healthcare system, no job means extremely substandard healthcare. So like my autistic son would probably never be able to manage his own life. That is the delema many of us face.

      • @[email protected]
        -24 hours ago

        Considering where things are going, isn’t protecting your kids a reason to not show up to work and show up to protest? What will you say to them if they ask, “Did you do anything to fight back and protect us?” The saddest part is reading/hearing stuff like this, because one day “I have kids to protect” becomes your reasoning to march towards certain death in a battlefield, why wait till it gets to that point? Reminds me of what Aaron Bushnell said, "Many of us like to ask ourselves, what would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide? The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now.”

        • @mx_smith
          124 hours ago

          So let’s play this out you go to a protest instead of you job. Then you get fired from your job, so now you have no health insurance for yourself or your children. The job market is shit right now, since we just had an influx of former government employees, so good luck on finding a new job. Going to work is protecting your children. It’s how the hyper capitalistic society works. I hate it and want out so bad, but it just keeps getting worse. Most Americans retirement is in 401k which is a horrible idea basing your retirement income on the stock market. We are just fucked.

          • @[email protected]
            -114 hours ago

            Then you get fired from your job,

            Sounds like something to protest about.

            so now you have no health insurance for yourself or your children.

            Sounds like something to protest about.

            The job market is shit right now, since we just had an influx of former government employees, so good luck on finding a new job

            Sounds like something to protest about.

            Going to work is protecting your children. It’s how the hyper capitalistic society works.

            If you say so.

            I hate it and want out so bad, but it just keeps getting worse.

            Sounds like something to protest about, if you want out bad enough.

            Most Americans retirement is in 401k which is a horrible idea basing your retirement income on the stock market.

            Sounds like something to protest about.

            How did workers get weekends?

            • @[email protected]
              4 hours ago

              And while they’re out there protesting for weeks, months, years, how are they going to feed their kids and keep them from freezing? Being unable to provide shelter and basic necessities to your children is a good way to lose them…

              Lemme guess, they should protest about that? I guess now that they have nothing left to lose…

              Jfc, you really don’t understand why someone might prioritize stability for their family over torching the lives of everyone they love? Try some empathy, man.

              • @[email protected]
                -113 hours ago

                Perhaps after those week, months, years you might have the intelligence to realize it’s not working and to try something else, or adapt, or work harder. Did you ever think of that?

                • @ThunderWhiskers
                  343 minutes ago

                  They would be dead or in prison. Did you ever think of that?

                • @mx_smith
                  33 hours ago

                  Perhaps we should ask the Hong Kong citizens how to protest, they seem pretty successful, oh wait…

            • @mx_smith
              134 hours ago

              You really think a protest is going to work? I wouldn’t be surprised if we read about the military shooting protesters in the near future. It almost happened in his first term

              • Tuukka R
                02 hours ago

                Ukraine, back then under Putin’s rule, was shooting protesters in 2014. The people stood firm. A hundred people got shot, the other 42 million avoided slavery.

              • @[email protected]
                -53 hours ago

                True, but it’s a start. Will only get worse if you wait longer though, if you wanted prevent this reality you could’ve done more. Can’t change that now, no use feeling guilty about it, can only decide what you do now for the future you want. That’s why i’m begging you Americans to do more.

    • @[email protected]
      3 hours ago

      Re: Retorts to this in this thread-

      But there is a peculiar behavior among most Caucasians. As soon as I become critical of Europe and its impact on other cultures, they become defensive. They begin to defend themselves. But I am not attacking them personally; I’m attacking Europe. In personalizing my observations on Europe they are personalizing European culture, identifying themselves with it. By defending themselves in this context, they are ultimately defending the death culture. This is a confusion which must be overcome, and it must be overcome in a hurry. None of us has energy to waste in such false struggles.

      Caucasians have a more positive vision to offer humanity than European culture. I believe this. But in order to attain this vision it is necessary for Caucasians to step outside European culture — alongside the rest of humanity — to see Europe for what it is and what it does.

      note: “Europe” here refers to imported European culture in America

      • @[email protected]
        22 hours ago

        note: “Europe” here refers to imported European culture in America

        Yeah I was already wondering it’s not like actual Europeans get defensive about our influence. There’s nothing European about WASP(ish) culture, they’re about as European as chuds with Greek statute avatars are Greek: It’s a fetish, a signifier to dangle around in front of one set of people to consider themselves superior, and then hide when they’re facing the Old Continent proper, then it’s “Europoor”, “we pay for your healthcare”, whatnot. It’s a culture which refuses to recognise itself, and thus is forced to define itself in opposition to others, for doing otherwise would imply acknowledging that the cultural highlight of the year, what everyone is talking about for days and weeks on end, what unifies them as a people, are the ads during superbowl. When pressed, then, you point their mind, deliberately or not, to address the question “are you actually European”, and of course they’ll get defensive you’re attacking the charade surrounding the core of their identity. If I were pressed to describe that kind of culture in a single sentence I would choose a single word: Alienation.

      • @[email protected]
        95 hours ago

        That was the brits. People always say it was Canada, but it wasn’t. The guys in charge of that raid were in Canada for less then a year, and died later on in the same year they burned the WH - the leaders had spent most of their time on campaigns in EU / northern africa. The troops were all trained in the uk. Canada wasn’t even a ‘country’ for decades after that event – there’s no way we had our own trained army/generals involved. Hell, the (great?) granddaughter of one of the two generals who did it, is Olivia Wilde – from her scottish roots (Cockburn). So not even the guys kids/descendants were Canadian – they became US people in Hollywood.

        Lotta Canadians like to take credit for it though, but realistically it wasn’t us.

        • nickwitha_k (he/him)
          44 hours ago

          I’d say that you Canadians do deserve some credit. Yes, it was the Brit’s regulars that did the burning of government buildings (no longer distracted by that Napoleon fellow, they were able to use their veteran forces, rather than people from the W bench). However, Canadian militia made it possible by guarding the North.

      • @[email protected]
        45 hours ago

        I’d rather the Americans did it rather than making others do their work for them as usual.

      • @[email protected]
        05 hours ago

        What does that have to do with Americans not taking enough action? I’m not an American.

        • @[email protected]
          14 hours ago

          I know you’re not American. But hot damn you sure are obsessed over us.

          Why don’t you spend some time in posts about your own country for a few minutes?

          • @[email protected]
            53 hours ago

            “Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt.”

            Imagine criticizing the person forced into bed with the elephant for speaking up when the elephant behaves poorly.

            • @[email protected]
              3 hours ago

              It’s the American mindset, they hide behind their excuses like a domestic abuser.

          • @[email protected]
            54 hours ago

            Because my country isn’t facing a constitutional crisis of globally impactful magnitudes, in fact, American ineptitude is affecting our country. But clearly you Americans are quick to blame people from other countries for your own problems.

            Why don’t you spend some time gathering a crowd outside billionaires mansions or gated communities?

                • @[email protected]
                  133 minutes ago

                  No, that’s calling you out for trolling US posts 24/7. That has nothing to do with blaming my counties problems on anyone else.

                  Your reply makes no sense, but trolls gonna troll I guess.

      • @[email protected]
        -55 hours ago

        So do your witty remarks on Lemmy, that’ll really show the billionaires! Now go back to work, obedient American.

          • @[email protected]
            05 hours ago

            When my kids ask me “What did you do to help?” I’ll have a long list of real-world attempts for them spanning over 14 years. I can at least comfortably say that I’ve tried. What will you say to your kids?

            • @GrymEdm
              2 hours ago

              I hope your claimed real-world efforts are more meaningful than what I’m seeing from you in this post, because blanket insults posted online do not count. I get that you’re disgusted and angry, but you are not being constructive and there are better ways to tell people you are angry. If you are sick of being constructive and/or acknowledging the benefits of Canada-USA friendship I understand, but you should probably take a break from news/social media.

              I am another Canadian btw.

  • @[email protected]
    105 hours ago

    I wonder how much this has to do with entering from Mexico as a non-mexican. Can they just reject her and turn her back towards Mexico or do they have to deport her to Canada?

    Beyond that is typical overcrowding in American prisons, standard prison transport (handcuffs/chains), and under staffing slowing the process.

    It really sucks and she shouldn’t have to deal with it; but I’m not all that surprised about the conditions or slow processing unfortunately.

    Shit time to be visiting America for any reason.

    • @[email protected]
      5 hours ago

      Can they just reject her and turn her back towards Mexico or do they have to deport her to Canada?

      It seems the USA’s preference is to keep people in inhumane prisons indefinitely without charge, at great expense to US taxpayers. Just turning them around at the border is not considered cruel enough.

      • @[email protected]
        125 hours ago

        No, we have private prisons for that. Keeping them there makes prison stockholders money.

    • gonzo-rand19
      215 hours ago

      They can send her back to Mexico, yes. They chose to detain her, just like the German woman that made the news a short while back.

  • @[email protected]
    -33 hours ago

    This news website is owned by Postmedia, which is American. Sharing this info makes Canadian not want to go into the USA anymore. So I’m thinking this is possibly wanted by the current American Administration? But why would they not want Canadians to visit the USA anymore? Could this be an effort to reinforce an hostile image of Canadians? I guess it would be much easier to convince bordering States that Canada is hostile if they stopped seeing so many nice Canadians every day? I don’t know I’m just rambling here.

    • @[email protected]
      82 hours ago

      I appreciate your rambling, but I think you might appreciate some time off of the internet.

    • @[email protected]
      113 hours ago

      You should be suspicious of American-owned media, but it’s not the case they they are running state-issued propaganda at all times.

      Rather, the media is following the interests of its owners: American oligarchs. One of their primary interests is “get more money” and any headline that draws eyeballs serves that end.

  • Conduit3012
    5 hours ago

    Meh. Just another entitled white lady that thinks she can do whatever she wants because of privilege.

    Maybe finish the travel application you started before attempting the travel you were applying for permission to do.

    No sympathy for the stupid.

    • @[email protected]
      21 hour ago

      Nah, this is a completely nutso response, regardless of who she is. She’s not stupid, our government and our border policies are.

    • @turmacar
      4 hours ago

      Maybe instead of spending hundreds of man-hours and resources to detain someone indefinitely with no charges they could ask her to fill out the form fully instead of arresting her.

      “You forgot to fill out these boxes, back of the line.” would surely be more ‘efficient’ if that were the point wouldn’t it?

    • @CarnivorousCouch
      254 hours ago

      Callous reaction to what is a clear overstep on behalf of US CBP. Denying entry would have been a more efficient move than detainment, unless the cruelty is the point.

      • @Guns0rWeD13
        128 minutes ago

        unless the cruelty is the point.

        it is. guns.