• Margot Robbie
    1986 months ago

    Nice try, Academy Award winning director Quentin Tarantino, but I’m not falling for that one again.

      • @AngryCommieKender
        86 months ago

        Given that it’s Tarantino, I’m torn between if he means the actual N-word, or just the word No. He seems like the type that would call No, “the N-word.”

    • @EdibleFriend
      396 months ago

      I like how he just stopped even trying to pretend with death proof. I mean all his movies have some really weird shit in them but like 35% of that fucking movie was feet

      • @Jerkface
        246 months ago

        That reminds me; I need to go back and watch Death Proof again.

      • @Donkter
        56 months ago

        It’s never been hidden. Have you seen dusk till dawn? That shits egregious.

        • @EdibleFriend
          6 months ago

          Oh yeah, that one was absolutely horrible too. AND THEN HE JOKED ABOUT DOING THAT TO HER ON SNL! I just mean how MUCH was in Death Proof. The movie literally opens with a like 3 minute long close up on feet lol

  • @numberfour002
    1856 months ago

    In case it hasn’t already been shared …

    You wake up.

    You’re still a lizard sunning on a red rock. It was all a dream.

    The concept of selling “feet pics” to pay back “student loans” is already losing its meaning as you open and lick your own eyeballs to moisten them.

    Time to eat a bug.

  • @ummthatguy
    1106 months ago

    That do anything for ya? How much do you think I could charge?

    • @kadu
      436 months ago

      There are actually several sub-categories for feet: there are some attracted to the arches, the toes, wrinkly or not soles, stinky, not stinky, always with socks, half-covered with socks, thigh highs, clean soles, dirty soles, feet up, nail polish, no nail polish.

  • @[email protected]
    1066 months ago

    It’s the oldest profession for a reason. Everyone is selling their body just one gender can do it more directly more easily and with the Internet doesn’t even have to do it with people interacting with their physical body anymore.

    When times are rough, some fucker will still be horny.

    • @[email protected]
      306 months ago

      Indeed, lots of men sell their bodies. They call them the trades because you trade your physical wellbeing for money.

      • @[email protected]
        76 months ago

        LOL I like that. That’s a pretty good slogan for a lot of the trades and yeah is often selling yourself just a little at a time.

        God, I mean look up death clocks. Our lives certainly seem to be worth quite a lot. If you can sell your time quickly you cash out even faster.

    • @[email protected]
      -266 months ago

      “can do it more directly more easily”.

      Jep, I guess it’s easy to work the most dangerous job you can have. That’s why especially people in wealthy countries do it. Because it’s direct easy money…

      • @[email protected]
        86 months ago

        I think they were referring to selling pictures of themselves. I didn’t really get the joke of OPs image at first, but from the context of the comments it’s about selling feet pics lol

    • @Skullgrid
      -516 months ago

      it’s not the oldest profession, if you’re willing to exchange something for a resource, the actual first job is obtaining that resource.

      • @raef
        6 months ago

        Well, I think they weren’t counting gathering/hunting for self-sustenance. It’s like how other primates trade food for sex. Or the chimps that turned to prostitution as soon as they were introduced to symbolic money

      • @Grabthar
        176 months ago

        And the first resource was…

          • @Grabthar
            216 months ago

            Pretty sure you weren’t born with food.

              • littleblue✨
                6 months ago

                They’re certainly reasoning like a cabbage.

            • @Skullgrid
              -66 months ago

              That’s why it’s someone’s job to get it.

              • @Grabthar
                146 months ago

                But you are using the human resource of labour to gather it. We use our bodies to produce all goods and services. I take your point, I just don’t think most people consider basic survival tasks to be a profession. A profession is probably best considered to be the first abstraction layer that allows you to do an activity other than those basic tasks to survive.

      • Robust Mirror
        96 months ago

        I’d argue the earliest humans probably traded sex for protection via having a partner, which isn’t a resource or really a job anymore than “husband” would be considered a job.

        • @Skullgrid
          -56 months ago

          the douchebags constantly spewing “prostitution is the oldest profession” at parties are a riot though, my god, the new ideas they bring to the table, wooo

  • @[email protected]
    706 months ago

    back in the ancient times I deleted my instagram because all comments were indian men asking me for feet pics

  • @The_Tired_Horizon
    486 months ago

    I’ve met three women at my workplace who’ve done OF material (they wanted me to sub to them on their instagram, I neither do Insta nor am I really interested)… None of them were particularly traditionally pretty, but I guess some dudes out there are into it. Feet pics, fart p*rn, asmr… I’m kind of in awe at their ability to make money off this, because a) as a man I cant and b) clearly the job aint paying enough. The moral outrage needs to twist from what she does to what employers pay.

    • @Gabu
      146 months ago

      It’s clearly a recent balance update - women get lower salaries but they can get free cash for a few pictures! /s

        • @Gabu
          106 months ago

          Apparently even a fucking /s isn’t enough for some people to understand sarcasm anymore, holy shit

            • @The_Tired_Horizon
              26 months ago

              jesus thats longwinded when you can just type “/s” in two key strokes.

              • Iapar
                16 months ago

                Isn’t it 3 keystrokes as you have to press a modifier to get the “/” ?

                “-s” should be two as no modifier is needed.

                • @The_Tired_Horizon
                  16 months ago

                  Not on my UK keyboard

                  ///////////////////// all single presses 😅

        • @TropicalDingdong
          6 months ago

          $400 a month if they are posting couples content.

          Shits a grind.

      • @AFaithfulNihilist
        166 months ago

        I don’t know if you’ve ever met any male strippers or other male sex workers, but they make a lot less money.

        • @The_Tired_Horizon
          46 months ago

          I knew a guy that did a few BG porno scenes. He told me he made between £150-200 a scene. It took about 5 hours to shoot the scenes iirc.

          • @AngryCommieKender
            56 months ago

            Sure, and their female counterparts are making 10 times that for the same amount of work.

        • @[email protected]
          -26 months ago

          I am not arguing that a male stripper makes more or less money. I am arguing against the shockingly widespread and completely delusional idea that seems prevalent online that all women can just simply earn money online by posting any pictures and apparently are all just too dumb to do so.

          • @[email protected]
            46 months ago


            You haven’t made any arguments though. In fact around this I see 2 comments from you that are just simple questions. It’s not delusional to say that Women have more immediate access to a larger market share, and men do not.
            Whether that be for social or sexist, or whatever, reasons is not making that untrue but you seem to be immediately taking that as to also equate a different position entirely. One that seems to be based on projection considering the “dumb” you pulled out.

            Be upset over how people are being treated that people feel the need to turn to being sex objects to survive. Not at the people just jealous of thinking they would be better of if they could just be one too.

      • @VinnyDaCat
        6 months ago

        I mean you can, but the market is a lot smaller.

        Aside from that, there’s nothing stopping you besides pride, and going through the efforts to make yourself attractively presentable. Grab some filter apps, and selfie editing apps, and prepare to spam your advertisements everywhere possible. Maybe even network a bit on different socials too. It’s absolutely not zero effort, I’ll say that.

        There’s give and take though. Men have access to a lot of easier to get into fields.

      • @The_Tired_Horizon
        76 months ago

        I’ve never met any men doing it tbh. I only ever hear of women doing it and male customers. I’ve never heard of women customers of male material? Or even gay customers of that sort of thing. I’ll always accept of I’m wrong on that.

        • @AngryCommieKender
          16 months ago

          The gay customers definitely exist. I suspect some guys out there make a living off of women, but by reading. Women are more attuned to audio, in general, than men. We tend to be attuned to visual stimulation.

          • @Cryophilia
            96 months ago

            Women pay for a lot of hentai too.

            I think the whole “women are less visually attuned to sex than men” thing is more social conditioning than people realize.

      • @afraid_of_zombies
        46 months ago

        Not him but I am pretty confident no one will pay to see my naked on earth. Literally all 8 billion of you mother fuckers and not one of you would give me a dollar for a nude from me.

        • @[email protected]
          196 months ago

          Use it to your advantage, make them pay you to keep your clothes on.

          I need more donations or the tie goes!

    • Swordgeek
      96 months ago

      The moral outrage needs to twist from what she does to what employers pay.

      Seriously, this needs to be screamed from the rooftops. We need to stop kink shaming and slut shaming, and start shaming corporations and billionaires.

    • @[email protected]
      76 months ago

      I’m kind of in awe at their ability to make money off this, because a) as a man I cant and b) clearly the job aint paying enough.

      Why “clearly”? Maybe the job does pay enough, and they just want to make some money with a side hustle. Would you say the same thing if they were, like, selling soap on Etsy?

      • @The_Tired_Horizon
        36 months ago

        If you can support a family of 3 on a cleaner’s wage rate then you’re a better paid cleaner than she… 🤷‍♂️

      • @Delta_V
        6 months ago

        deleted by creator

    • @Dkarma
      -126 months ago

      The funny thing is always wanting more rarely has anything to do with what employers want to pay.

      You think if these ladies were making 6 figures they wouldn’t be doing OF for extra money? Ok…lol

  • @[email protected]
    476 months ago

    Where are all these people at? You want to pay my rent in exchange for pictures of my feet, we can deal.

    • littleblue✨
      136 months ago

      So, are you sitting down? There’s this new thing called “the Internet”. Have you checked there? Shouldn’t be too challenging, I expect — unless you’re related to the cabbage patch kid above.

      • @Gabu
        206 months ago

        Their point, obviously, is that average Joe can’t just post a picture of their feet on instagram and get money for that.

          • @Cryophilia
            56 months ago

            The average Joanne 100% can.

            I dunno how picky you think men are, but they’re not.

            • @[email protected]
              -56 months ago

              Do you think women are all stupid to not simply get rich with feet pics and Onlyfans? I mean, you can’t really think those incel theories of: “women just have to upload some pics and get money, I can’t, unfair! Mimimi” are true, right?

              Than all men can do it too. Just sell pics to gay men.

              • @Cryophilia
                56 months ago

                Do you think women are all stupid to not simply get rich with feet pics and Onlyfans?

                No. I think most women feel personally uncomfortable with having an onlyfans, despite the money in it.

                My point is still true though, most women could make money at it if they wanted to.

                And not all men could do it, not even most men. The market for average or below looking men is a lot smaller than it is for women. There’s just fewer gay men than straight men, for one thing. To make enough money for it to be worth the time investment (before even considering whether you’re comfortable with it) the bar is higher for men than women.

                I do suspect more men could make money at it than they realize. But still, not on the same scale as women.

          • @Gabu
            -56 months ago

            Not sure how that’s a relevant reply…

        • littleblue✨
          6 months ago

          My point is that the “average Joe” can if they get off their average ass and find that niche where their assumedly average parts are worthy of above-average pay. It’s literally the least that’s expected of such an endeavor .🤌🏼

          Yeah, that’s it: downvote so we know simple math hurts your brain. Genius. 🤣🤌🏼

    • @[email protected]
      -76 months ago

      They are no where. It’s a typical misogynists theory that all women can easily make money with Onlyfans and have people paying their rent.

  • The Giant Korean
    476 months ago

    I had a friend who sold her old, highly used sandals. She made pretty good money off of them.

  • @malloc
    416 months ago

    I just sell my shower water.

    • ZeroTemp
      306 months ago

      Bath water is way easier to bottle.

      • @edgemaster72
        186 months ago

        It’s the elusiveness of the shower water that makes it so valuable.

        I mean, I’m guessing that’s why >.>

  • @MissJinx
    376 months ago

    My feet are super cute but the rest of me is trash, so rent for me. to the job i go

    • @[email protected]
      256 months ago

      I’ll need to see some pics to confirm cuteness of feet. After that I’ll take care of your rent

    • @Cryophilia
      136 months ago

      You could just take pictures of feet

      • Justas🇱🇹
        36 months ago

        Yep, I remember a 4chan greentext of a guy on only fans posting feet pics and pretending to be a girl.

      • @MissJinx
        16 months ago

        All the people I see that make money show up naked in the back lol.

  • @[email protected]
    256 months ago

    As long as there’s simps, there will always be ways to rip them off- and there will always be simps.

  • @Yamainwitch
    26 months ago

    This pretty much sums up the current state of my job search.

  • K0W4L5K1
    26 months ago

    From what I see these onlyfans girls are making she could probably buy the house