• @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    🎶Got an old truck🎶

    🎶Got some beer🎶

    🎶Got an old dog🎶

    🎶Got a weird sense of nationalism that won’t let me identify with anyone but people who look exactly like me🎶

      • @chiliedogg
        206 months ago

        When I was a preacher I did a sermon around that episode. It’s got a legitimately great message at the end about the perils of trying to make spirituality hip.

        • @QuandaleDingle
          6 months ago

          I’m sure they received the message well! XD

          • @chiliedogg
            36 months ago

            They really, legitimately did. I had many people tell me it was their favorite sermon ever.

            It was one of my better ones, because it focused on what the church was doing well and what it was doing wrong, both from a social and a spiritual standpoint.

            It’s easy for a church to turn into a Chistian Club, where it’s more about seeing your friends every week than anything else. And that’s not all bad. With the decline of the Church we are losing some of the social glue of communities. It’s a place where a bank executive and a bagger from Walmart can be legitimate friends without barriers between each other.

            But the flip side of the Christian Club is they can become isolated and focus so much on the internal community and friendships they’ve built that they stop reaching out into the community at large. And while a lot of people here appreciate the lack of religious folks on every corner, it can prevent the members of the Church from benefitting the community at large.

            In much of the country, the church had the fastest boots on the ground in an emergency for centuries. When now, programs like the United Methodist Committee on Relief can deploy huge resources all over the country with zero paperwork.

            I once saw them buy 20 acres of land to build a evacuation/mid-term housing camp for fire refugees for cash money within hours of a disaster declaration. When the national guard arrived they set up their command station at a site the Methodists had prepped for them - it was incredible to see.

            And they stayed working in that community for the better part of a decade until everyone had a home again.

            But with the move to make Christiandom more hip, cool, and marketable it’s become more inwardly-focused and has been enriching the Osteens of the world while abandoning the call to aid others and playing into the hands of the political right.

            Religion isn’t for everybody. But the church is capable of doing so much good in the world, and an important part of making it great again is to stop trying to market it like a business that’s competing for the attention of the TV station and book deals, but to simply practice the kindness and compassion that we preach.

            • @[email protected]
              86 months ago

              But the church is capable of doing so much good in the world, and an important part of making it great again is to stop trying to market it like a business that’s competing for the attention of the TV station and book deals, but to simply practice the kindness and compassion that we preach.

              Even billionaires pick on a charade of “charity” after exploiting and benefitting off of atrocities they caused after they’re on the top.

              It’s really easy to call yourself a force of good, when you pretend to fix the problems you created to get to the top.

              making it great again

              Like the crusades? Hoarding wealth for the rich? diddling children? forced conversions? missionaries bringing diseases to native people?

              No blooody thanks mate, religion going extinct would be a net positive for the world. There are genuine non-profits who don’t use the fear of god and hell to help people without a need for a sky daddy. They can take your place and your sermons will not be missed.

              • @chiliedogg
                6 months ago

                Where do you go every Sunday morning and Wednesday night plus the occasional breakfast and weekend event to meet with a hundred people from all walks of life in the community and plan events to support the town?

                If you don’t think that a small local church can be a profound force of real, tangible good in a community then you’re incredibly ignorant. The church has been the primary social safety net in small towns in this country for centuries, and right now that net is crumbling because religion is dying and nobody is stepping in to fill that social void with something else.

                Put up or shut up.

                • @[email protected]
                  6 months ago

                  But the good there isnt the church part; its the community anf social ties; being a third space. You could do this about nearly anything else. Hell, for the sake of argument; get a 3d printer and hold a fucking pirate wh40k league, with a book club for the novels and figurine painting workshops, and the audience might be different, but I bet the results would shake out pretty close. Diversify it a little (hold d&d on Monday nights, board games and tacos on Tuesdays) and the results will be even better.

                  The church has been the safety net because religion gets special treatment, and all the other safety nets get aggressively violently cut to shit (see: ‘the black panther party for self defense’ for a prime well documented example, or how ‘food not bombs’ get arrested for terrorism fucking routinely. Watch the biography ‘Judas and the black messiah’ for how that happens.). This is the exact same reason Iran(and a lot of the middle east) is the way it is; when they killed all the socialists and anarchists, the only organized radicals left to fight a government the people could not abide were the islamofascists, because religion got special status.

                  Youre not better than the rest of the athletes; you’re just cutting corners in the foot race. Possibly on an e-bike. If you’re not willing to tear down the institutions that make this so fucking hard, then you’re not really aiming for systemic good; youre aiming to keep your monopoly on conscience, with state enforcers floating you wherever youre going on an easy convenient river of blood. Fuck, this even happens in your holy book doesn’t it? It’s like a whole thing the one time religion doesn’t get special treatment?

                  I know you probably don’t mean to do this, but then; what, may I ask, is the symbol of your faith?

                • @nyctre
                  6 months ago

                  You can have all the good sides of religion without the bad sides if only you try. You don’t need a god to have a community. But you’d rather focus on helping one of the worst organizations in the world survive than build a better one. As for your question: soup kitchens. Book clubs. Swingers clubs. Sports clubs. Etc. There’s literally hundreds of places where that’s true.

                  PS. Loved the little typo/Freudian slip where you said that only someone incredibly ignorant could think that a small church could be a profound place for real, tangible good in the community.

  • @deania
    6 months ago

    Positive adjective, rual noun

    Cold beer

    Warm night

    Red pick-up

    and something about hunting or fishing thrown in there and you now have a modern country song

  • @psmgx
    6 months ago

    Beau Burnham has one about this…

  • @[email protected]
    276 months ago

    That strain of nationalism predates 9/11. Sometimes even out of those same outlaw country artists. Johnny Cash did Man in Black, but also Ragged Old Flag.

    • @techt
      86 months ago

      It all started with Okie From Muskogee in response to the Summer of Love

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    6 months ago

    Then there’s Dixon Dallas:

    He’s bouncing off my booty cheeks, I love the way he rides

    I can hardly breathe when he’s pumping deep inside

    I kiss him on his neck and then he kisses on my bussy

    Call him daddy while I holler “Man, that boy so damn good lookin’!”

    • @garretble
      166 months ago

      Every time I make fun of country I’ll sing some made up lyrics like “got a girl in my truck and my truck in my beer” so I definitely laughed when I heard this parody because it’s basically the same thing.

    • @Gabu
      16 months ago

      I knew what channel it’d be before clicking. “What RHCP sounds like to people who don’t like RHCP” is an instant cult classic

  • @TwoBeeSan
    206 months ago

    There’s still some outlaw type country out there. Just have to search more.

    Ford truck month country is a blight tho

  • mommykink
    186 months ago

    Outlaw country still exists and garbage pop country has been a thing since the 60s. Stop listening to the Top 40.

    • @stanleytweedle
      76 months ago

      Cherlene is the queen of outlaw country.

      “Outlaw different country woooooo!”

    • NielsBohron
      6 months ago

      The people that like classic country: Sturgill Simpson, Jason Isbell, early River Shook (fka Sarah Shook)

      For county Rock: Brent Cobb, Wilco, The Old 97’s, recent River Shook

      For more modern country: Kacey Musgraves, Honey Harper, Margo Price…

      And the list goes on.

      • mommykink
        56 months ago

        Geese should get an honorable mention here. Country post-punk is an amazing invention.

        • NielsBohron
          6 months ago

          Country post-punk is an amazing invention.

          heavy breathing intensifies

          …somehow I’d missed that band (and entire subgenre, frankly). Thanks for the tip

          Edit: holy shit, what the fuck did I just listen to? The first few songs off of 3D Country are like Jimi Hendrix singing with The Velvet Underground turning psychedelic folk into grungy soul with lyrics like Zappa trying to emulate Dylan

        • @clickyello
          36 months ago

          holy hell ty for this it’s so good. also gonna throw out Pinegrove for anyone who has ever wondered what would happen if Midwest emo, but country

  • @frickineh
    176 months ago

    Toby Keith is the prime example of that. His early stuff was great. Should’ve Been a Cowboy is one of my all time favorite country songs. And then he got obnoxious and shitty, but man did he make a lot of money off racists.

      • @frickineh
        56 months ago

        Apparently. I’ve never heard it because I quit listening to him way before it came out, but google says yes.

  • @[email protected]
    96 months ago

    Can we start a petition to make the good “country” music be called something else and all of the any other genre, but with a fake accent and nationalism just be country? The name is tainted by decades of shit music and shit people that only care about WHITE MERICA.

    • @[email protected]
      36 months ago

      Other way around for me.

      Theres country, and there sugar (read:twang) colored pop for those who dont want to admit they only listen to pop music.

    • The Quuuuuill
      16 months ago

      The settled on term is “alt country”, though a lot of country fans prefer to other modern mainstream radio country as “bro country” since alt country implies that alt country is a departure from traditional country despite being more of a return to classical roots than an intended presentation of departure from the norm. I often tell people if Johnny Cash or Dolly Parton were starting their careers today they’d definitively be put in the alt country bucket.

      Which also gets me to an important point I wish more people would take into consideration: genre is a constructed element of music, largely stemming less from artistic movements and more from radio formats. The modern day music landscape has much less to do with artistic expression and much more to do with what advertisers thinks will sell tires, cheap beer, and fast food combo meals. Even deconstructed genres like hyperpop stem from the record industries need to assign everything to a specific radio format and artists wanting to put a spotlight on the commercialization of one of humanities oldest endeavors (song / dance).

  • @[email protected]
    86 months ago

    Havin BBQ in the backyard,
    Bombin Iraq in my heart,
    Ate too many beans,
    Now it’s time to fart.

  • @Zehzin
    86 months ago

    Even good country had its nationalists. Marty Robbins made some certified bangers but he was also a nationalist who made a song in support of the Vietnam war.

    • @[email protected]
      16 months ago

      Yeah, that was a bummer. I first heard “Big Iron” via Fallout, but I listened to all of Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs and absolutely loved it.

      Then I heard his songs that were less Old West and more Cold War.