The Republican-led U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill on Thursday that would force President Joe Biden to send weapons to Israel, seeking to rebuke the Democrat for delaying bomb shipments as he urges Israel to do more to protect civilians during its war with Hamas.

The Israel Security Assistance Support Act was approved 224 to 187, largely along party lines. Sixteen Democrats joined most Republicans in voting yes, and three Republicans joined most Democrats in opposing the measure.

The act is not expected to become law, but its passage underscored the deep U.S. election-year divide over Israel policy as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government seeks to wipe out militants who attacked Israel on Oct. 7, killing around 1,200 people and seizing 253 hostages, according to Israeli tallies.

    • @[email protected]
      751 month ago

      The Republicans voted to pass a bill in the House to send the weapons. It will almost certainly fail in the Senate but, even if it doesn’t, Biden would have to sign it into law. I don’t see Biden signing a bill to override himself, and there is no way that Congress would get the required 2/3 in each chamber to override. This bill was just a performative stunt.

      • @xantoxis
        601 month ago

        Sure but the point is, after months of pithy quips about how the Democrats will support genocide of the Palestinians and the Republicans will support genocide of everyone including the Palestinians;

        here we see that even on this specific issue, the parties have differences. So make the right choice.

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          Did I say otherwise?

          This isn’t wrong, but this argument gets made over and over and over again in every political thread on almost every topic, whether or not it fits the flow of the conversation. People don’t want to be preached at and it’s going to be self defeating.

          EDIT: Tone deaf establishment apologists are going to lose again and still not understand why. “Republicans suck more” is far less compelling than some people think, no matter how true. Winning elections and winning arguments are different things.

      • @[email protected]OP
        1 month ago

        It says exactly that in the 3rd paragraph of the summary.

        The act is not expected to become law …

      • @[email protected]
        31 month ago

        Why would he have to sign it into law? He could veto it. Might even be just the excuse he needs to stop supporting a genocide. As if just supporting the genocide wasn’t enough, now he can say he’s not supporting the Republicans too.

        • @[email protected]
          21 month ago

          That’s what I meant. For it to take effect he would have to sign it into law. There is no reason for him to do that.

    • Optional
      371 month ago

      Watch as all the totally-not-parroting-russian-propaganda crowd remain eerily silent.

    • @[email protected]
      81 month ago

      Feels like they should be adding critical contextual information like this to the titles. I know the headline writers hate the idea of people just reading the headline to get informed (because clicks are needed for ads), but people do get informed that way. It’s a very different story if “Congress rebukes Biden on Israel” than “Republicans rebuke Biden on Israel”, and I expect “US House” translates into an average reader’s mind much more as “Congress” than “Republicans”.

      • @Clent
        -81 month ago

        Which is why we need tests before voting. The average American is too ill informed to be trusted with voting.

        The Republicans have brought in all sorts of other hurdlers for voting but oddly nothing that would test the intelligence of their electorates.

        • @[email protected]
          1 month ago

          I can’t imagine how such tests would be fair and not abused. It might make for a more effective electorate if there weren’t so many poorly informed votes in the mix, but making that happen is almost certain to lead to abuse and very unlikely to produce the desired result.

          • @[email protected]
            21 month ago

            making that happen is almost certain to lead to abuse and very unlikely to produce the desired result.

            Lead to abuse agreed, but why do you think it’s very unlikely to produce the desired result?

            • @[email protected]
              31 month ago

              Two reasons:

              1. Because it will lead to abuse and thus not try to measure political knowledge.
              2. Because a reasonably accessible test can’t really measure political knowledge. Even defining “politically knowledgeable” is hard. Do you need to watch Trump rally speeches to be politically knowledgeable? Do you need to know the three branches of government? Are we a democracy? Do we have free and fair elections? Can you be a single-issue voter, or do you need to prove you know all the other stuff?
              • @[email protected]
                11 month ago

                Fair enough, I think I agree anyway, but the idea of an unbiased test that filters out ignorant people is appealing.

                Frankly, democracy in it’s current form is struggling, so it seems like we need to make some serious adjustments.

              • @Cryophilia
                -11 month ago

                Civics test, not political test.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 month ago

                  How does a civics test prove competency to vote. And do you bar someone from voting for not knowing what the three branches of government are? What’s the correct answer to “are we a democracy”? Is there a reason a single-issue voter shouldn’t be able to vote if they don’t know things irrelevant to their single issue?

          • @Clent
            11 month ago

            My proposal was sardonic. The right has tried to revive anti-voter measures but none that would reduce the ability of their halfwit supporters to cast their ballots.

        • Optional
          21 month ago

          Yeah they had those in the South in the 50’s and 60’s. It, uh, wasn’t a good thing.

          • @Clent
            01 month ago

            Yes. That’s the joke. They can’t do it now because their constituents are morons.

            • @[email protected]
              11 month ago

              Their constituents were morons back in the day too, they just made either separate tests or tests that for cultural reasons were easier for the “right people” to pass. Lots of them would have failed the literacy tests too, so they made alternate options that only white people would qualify for.

    • @Xanis
      31 month ago

      Better say that louder. I can’t hear you over the general white noise all the blindly and mindlessly pointing fingers make.

    • @[email protected]
      21 month ago

      And that’s exactly why we can’t vote for genocide Joe. Don’t forget to sit out this election or vote third party - that’s the only way to have a meaningful impact and improve the lives of Palestinians! /s

  • ChihuahuaOfDoom
    511 month ago

    America and bombing brown people, name a more iconic duo.

  • ThrowawayOnLemmy
    501 month ago

    So we can definitely say Republicans support genocide harder than Democrats, right? Like this whole debate is over, right? Right?

    • FuglyDuck
      261 month ago

      Was that ever a serious debate?

      Yes. Republicans are worse.

      Doesn’t make Biden “good”. This isn’t a hallmark whodunnit.

      • @njm1314
        1 month ago

        I was told once on here that Trump would be better for the Palestinians because if Trump was in office the Democrats would fight it harder. Which is the dumbest logic I’ve ever heard in my life.

        • FuglyDuck
          -11 month ago

          . . . yeah. that is pretty dumb.

      • Optional
        21 month ago

        The serious debate is defeating trump. I think that’s the only, actual, debate.

        Constantly shitting on Biden and discouraging participation is not helpful. And it is constant.

        • FuglyDuck
          11 month ago

          So at what point does Biden cross a line for you?

          At what point is lessor of two evils evil enough to say “maybe we find someone else,”?

          I would have thought genocide, but whatever. Guess we get to be the bad guys.

          • Optional
            31 month ago

            What point? When there’s more than six months between now and the collapse of democracy in America.

            How - how? - do you expect to find and run somebody else? Alien invasion, okay. Time-skip-wormhole-dealy, I could see that. But in real life? Not bloody likely.

        • @Cryophilia
          21 month ago

          It’s the narrative here too. “both sides just as bad”

          • @[email protected]
            1 month ago

            There was an article a day or two ago about Biden approving a $1 billion arm package to Israel. He also condemned the university protests. He’s also been defending Israel at the UN. This is barely anything.

            Criticizing Biden doesn’t mean Trump doesn’t suck. It just means people expect better of Biden. If Mussolini and Hitler were on the ballot you couldn’t expect people to be excited for Mussolini.

            • @Cryophilia
              11 month ago

              Comparing Trump and Biden to Hitler and mussolini. Yeah, that’s a both sides moment

    • @[email protected]
      91 month ago

      So then there is no excuse for Biden to take a harder stance against Israel since it’s a partisan issue right?

      • @Cryophilia
        31 month ago

        That doesn’t even make any sense. You think Democrats oppose things solely because the Republicans support them? That’s childish and stupid. Republicans do that, because they’re childish and stupid. Democrats do not.

    • @arin
      71 month ago

      Why only 2 choices? We need a proper left party and not corporate fake Democrat

      • @[email protected]
        71 month ago

        I feel like we’ve had this particular conversation several times lately in the public sphere. There can only be two parties in the presidential race. You’ll have to co-opt one of them from within to effect change.

    • @[email protected]
      51 month ago

      40 is definitely higher than 10 but if its a failing score then you still deserve criticism. the debate was never about republicans. It’s asinine to claim that criticism of Biden and democrats is automatically “Both sides are the same” material

      • @Cryophilia
        01 month ago

        The “debate” is just dumb people egged on by foreign actors chanting “genocide joe genocide joe” which is such a Trumpian phrase it should be extremely obvious it originated from the Kremlin.

        • @[email protected]
          01 month ago

          Ya that’s the only reason people wouldn’t like Biden’s full throated support for a conservative apartheid ethnostate murder of tens of thousands of civilians, women and children, included, and even American aide workers.

          It’s like the Democrat version of the conspiracy theory that Biden stole the election. It requires a very active refusal to see the other side nor even believe they exist.

            • @[email protected]
              1 month ago

              Lol I could say the same thing. Stop blaming foreign actors that you’ve made up and start pushing Biden to be better. Maybe he’ll change by the election, I bet he would with enough pressure, and you could have him beat Trump without having to contort yourself into supporting a genocide while still somehow thinking you’re morally superior.

    • @[email protected]
      21 month ago

      I’m not even entirely sure the Republicans would be terribly bothered by that characterization.

    • @[email protected]
      01 month ago

      Mmmmm… Supporting genocide is sort of like being pregnant… You either are or you aren’t. There’s no acceptable level of supporting genocide. Or apartheid… Or pretty much anything Israel has done to the Palestinian people in the last 75ish years

      • @Cryophilia
        21 month ago

        That’s not even close to true. More people will die under a GOP administration. That’s not equal.

  • SeaJ
    291 month ago

    I’m sure all IG posts will now totally have comments about how Republicans want to force support of genocide. /s

    • @SkyezOpen
      01 month ago

      Something something complicit in genocide something don’t vote something suka blyat.

    • @[email protected]
      -31 month ago

      Biden should invoke Leahy law yesterday to force a stop of arms to Israel. Republicans are powerless to force him to do this. You are projecting.

      • SeaJ
        11 month ago

        He at least has delayed funding. Republicans want to fast track it and force it. No protection needed.

        • @[email protected]
          -11 month ago

          Biden can stop it at any time.

          Biden is legally required to stop it. That is what Leahy law is for.

    • FenrirIII
      81 month ago

      Nothing happens immediately. The news presents these deals as if they’re getting shipped tomorrow, when in actuality they take years to fulfill. The media loves to click-bait about Biden and Israel.

      • @IndustryStandard
        101 month ago

        Now I am even more confused. Does this mean that weapons shipments to Israel are currently still blocked by Biden?

  • @mightyfoolish
    131 month ago

    Here you go Biden. You’re big chance to show that you don’t use the Republicans to pass stuff you don’t want to take credit for. Do your best to block it… If you want to.

  • @[email protected]
    121 month ago

    [The bill] would force President Joe Biden to send weapons to Israel.

    The act is not expected to become law.

    Now why would it not become the law? The house passed it so does it maybe have to go through the Senate first and then … I think there’s another step. Something like the target of the bill would have to sign it into law himself thereby compelling himself to resume sending weapons (which he never stopped doing, btw). Yeah, I can see no reason why this performative bull shit won’t become law.

  • @TallonMetroid
    61 month ago

    Incidentally, Greene was one of the 3 who voted no.

    • @III
      11 month ago

      Don’t forget her fears of Jewish space lasers. If there is one thing you can rely on her for, it is consistency in her racism.

      • @[email protected]
        11 month ago

        A lot of antisemitic people love that Israel exists because it gives them an excuse to get rid of all the Jews in their own country. I guess she’s not one of those ones.

  • @robocall
    61 month ago

    this is a performance. It’s easy to vote in favor of stuff that has no chance of advancing in the senate.

    • @Wrench
      111 month ago

      The dems are not unified against Israel. Not by a long shot.

  • @[email protected]
    -21 month ago

    Good. This will make it harder for Kremlin propaganda to use this as a way to attack Biden and get their asset into the White House again.