• @[email protected]
    2822 months ago

    shouldn’t the federal minimum wage apply to everyone who is doing work in the US? This seems like fraud

      • @Allonzee
        2 months ago

        Outsourcing is the problem.

        The owners take advantage of our commons, tear up our roads, and succeeded because of domestic infrastructure, only to refuse to pay full price for labor and allowing even those wages, in lieu of the taxes they bribe our government to enact loopholes to dodge, to “trickle down” domestically as their always bullshit yay market capitalism talking points lied?

        It’s absolutely clownshoes that outsourcing labor/manufacturing is allowed, not because of domestic shortages for a skill, but to explicitly pay pennies on the dollar for the employees you need and screw the country you don’t want to pay taxes to despite record profits even harder.

        It’s insane. But we let the owner class dictate whatever they want here, and our well bribed government will even sell it for them by calling it “something something freedom” while never mentioning social consequences, accountability, or responsibility. We aren’t so much a country as a piggy bank and cudgel for the global owner class.

      • @[email protected]
        392 months ago

        That the neat thing, you don’t.

        Here, for certain industries (might be all but I don’t have first hand accounts of that), the contractors must make sure that the companies/freelancers they employ pay their taxes, otherwise, they are on the hook for it.

        Do the same. If a company outsource work, they should prove that they pay the same as they would in their region, and if it not, be hit hard by fines and/or jail time.

        But one can only dream I guess

      • @halcyoncmdr
        2 months ago

        Should apply to that as well if they’re interacting with the US market. All the way through subcontractors to the end employee. No hiding behind contracting local companies.

        • polonius-rex
          -142 months ago

          i don’t like outsourcing either, but realistically the machine of capitalism isn’t going to allow you to be rid of it in its entirety

          honestly i don’t even know if getting rid of multinational organisations is on the whole a good thing, and that’s the only way i can see of getting rid of outsourcing

          • @halcyoncmdr
            292 months ago

            Outsourcing entirely being gone isn’t realistic… But there’s a huge difference between moving an entire team of say developers to India and having a worker teleconference in to be a cashier. Anyone directly interacting with a customer or end user in any capacity should be paid the same as a local employee in the location they’re “working”.

            A Telecashier is fucking stupid and ridiculous.

            • @[email protected]
              292 months ago

              Remember when we learned that Amazon’s “just put it in your cart to buy” algorithm was really just a bunch of people in India watching you shop on the store surveillance system? That was, like 3 months ago maybe??

            • polonius-rex
              22 months ago

              yesssssss, but i don’t know how you’d make a legal distinction between those two

              then again i’m not a law talking guy so what do i know

          • @grue
            132 months ago

            but realistically the machine of capitalism isn’t going to allow you to be rid of it in its entirety

            Who said anything about that? We’re just talking about putting tariffs on outsourced labor to correct for negative externalities.

    • @Bonskreeskreeskree
      102 months ago

      This practice is rampant across industries and only getting worse. We must demand an end to it through legislation.

    • @[email protected]
      22 months ago

      We may not agree with it, but this is exactly the same thing as an overseas call center. They’re not physically located in the US and are not subject to any laws here.

    • @shalafi
      -112 months ago

      $3 is loads more than the Philippines minimum wage. I think it’s $8-$10 per day.

      Also, y’all are thinking of what $3 buys in the US. The purchasing power is far different. $3 buys a lot over there.

      I’ll ask my wife when she gets home, but I bet $3 is equivalent to $10-$12 in the US.

      • @halcyoncmdr
        742 months ago

        Also, y’all are thinking of what $3 buys in the US. The purchasing power is far different. $3 buys a lot over there.

        You misunderstand. We aren’t unaware or ignoring the purchasing power difference, that’s obvious, everyone knows currency differs. The issue is and always has been the outsourcing to increase profit in general, regardless of country or purchasing disparity. There is no reason to use a teleconferenced cashier for a retail location other than minimizing employee pay, not just by paying the minimum required here but literally taking a local job and shipping it overseas so you can instead pay what would be a clear poverty wage here, while undoubtedly having record profits like all these companies end up with.

        • @[email protected]
          -12 months ago

          We aren’t unaware or ignoring the purchasing power difference, that’s obvious, everyone knows currency differs. The issue is and always has been the outsourcing to increase profit in general, regardless of country or purchasing disparity

          This makes it sound like your problem isn’t someone getting hurt; it’s someone doing well.

        • @aidan
          -22 months ago

          Everyone complains about small businesses being driven out, especially in NYC. Their two biggest costs are rent and labor, so of course they try to minimize both of them.

          • @halcyoncmdr
            12 months ago

            You know what’s cheaper than hiring a cashier and teleconferencing them from the Philippines?

            The owner running the cash register. You know, like nearly every non-chain restaurant in the country.

            • @aidan
              02 months ago

              Owner could be the chef, it you know, might not want to work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week

              • @halcyoncmdr
                12 months ago

                Then don’t open a restaurant if you can’t even afford the minimal staff to run it.

                • @aidan
                  12 months ago

                  They found a way to make it work.

        • @NotMyOldRedditName
          2 months ago

          So, there actually is a reason to do this beyond pay, but clearly pay is the actual reason they do it.

          A restaurant has a set amount of staff. What happens if a few are sick and they have trouble finding someone to fill in?

          A remote agent like this could be from a larger organization being contracted out and you’d never have to worry about not having someone to be available.

          Edit: 1 person could even be managing multiple stores where they queue the person to assist you as it detects you approaching. Less ideal would be ‘someone will be available in 45 seconds’ type queuing.

          • @halcyoncmdr
            222 months ago

            Or they just hire enough staff to run the business in the first place. Something that used to just be how you operated a business. If the business wants to gamble on regularly operating without enough employees to cover multiple sick calls then they need to deal with the results of that decision.

            Pull from other locations to cover, or God forbid, a manager actually covers a shift, or just close the location for a day if they cannot cover it. You know, what every business that operates with employees deals with.

            You’re making excuses and trying to find a justification for a fucking disgraceful, greedy choice by the owner of this business.

            • @NotMyOldRedditName
              2 months ago

              No I’m not, you’re just jumping to conclusions. I clearly said it’s obviously about the pay.

              The actual idea has potential merit like it or not. It doesn’t have to be scummy. It could be a US based corporation that pays US employees the same or more than what they’d get paid to be there in person.

              The employee as I said could be managing more than 1 store, thus be providing more valuable work, and thus earning even more than they’d be earning at the restaurant, or 711, or wherever.

              And they could be doing it from the comfort of their home making for a happier employee.

              It just turns out that the way this has been implemented has been terrible and exploitative.

              Edit: it could even be numerous ipad based kiosks around a mall where you could talk to someone and ask questions about the mall, without having to find and go to the info booth that’s in a single spot (that could also have an actual person there for those that want that). There’d always be someone available since there’d be multiple people for multiple malls all trained on each mall.

      • @[email protected]
        232 months ago

        I mean, yeah probably. That’s not the point. The point is that it’s a race to the bottom for people living in higher cost-of-living places.

      • @[email protected]
        132 months ago

        I really don’t care how much buying power they have over there. A fair days work here in the US should be paid in turn.

        • @shalafi
          02 months ago

          And flood the islands with US currency? Seems that would lead to massive inflation and hurt the people not working “in” the US.

          • @[email protected]
            12 months ago

            So what your saying is they should be paid less because their currency is trash? That’s a logical fallacy.

          • @[email protected]
            22 months ago

            No, you can always advocate for someone to get paid more regardless of your knowledge of conversion rates.

      • @PunnyName
        102 months ago

        Okay. Imagine the purchasing power of someone who made the NYC minimum wage of $16/hr.

        Maybe pay people for their time, not what the exchange rate “might” be.

        • @[email protected]
          -22 months ago

          If I’m paying NYC minimum wages, I’m getting someone from NYC, in NYC.

          Sorry lady from the Phillipines. You’re out of a job because they put in this new “outsourcing must be at local wage rates” law.

          • sunzu
            2 months ago

            Do you think anybody in NYC would cry over this?

            I am not sure why anyone in NYC would care about

            Sorry lady from the Phillipines. You’re out of a job because they put in this new “outsourcing must be at local wage rates” law.

            Lol what is your angle here

            • @aidan
              -12 months ago

              Why are people from NYC more deserving of a job than her?

              • sunzu
                2 months ago

                NYC more deserving

                That ain’t how this works. If somebody is has some sort of special skill that is needed or there is a shortage, fine.

                But using foreign labor to lower wages locally, is just a bad policy for the state and for the workers, only people benefiting is the rent seeker.

                Why would anyone who works for money shill for the benefit of the rent seeker?

                • @halcyoncmdr
                  22 months ago

                  Why would anyone who works for money shill for the benefit of the rent seeker?

                  Have you seen nearly Facebook America? They regularly vote against their own interests. Wouldn’t surprise me at all that the same people are the ones barely making ends meet, are advocating against unions, being pro corporate business, and laughing all the way to bankruptcy and homelessness day by day because it makes them feel superior to just one person.

                • @aidan
                  02 months ago

                  only people benefiting is the rent seeker.

                  I know this isn’t what you meant. But you know de-localizing jobs would probably have the effect of lowering rents.

                  only people benefiting is the rent seeker.

                  And the people who are now employed, and their local community that they spend that money in.

                  Again why is someone in NYC more deserving of it than someone else?

      • @Einridi
        22 months ago

        Depends on the region, lowest is about 350 php or 6 usd per day. Most of the call centers are in the big cities however where wages are a bit higher and they well enough to be thought of as a decent job.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    I would just unplug the camera and computer. Every day. Even if I wasn’t buying anything.

    Fuck this business.

    • @Etterra
      362 months ago

      Be sure to wear gloves.

        • @NatakuNox
          542 months ago

          Because a person 8000 miles away can’t wipe down anything so the place has to be dirty

          • @hamid
            2 months ago

            deleted by creator

            • @NatakuNox
              82 months ago

              Ya because they totally won’t cut corners to save a buck

              • @hamid
                2 months ago

                deleted by creator

        • @Passerby6497
          162 months ago

          Because you don’t want to leave fingerprints behind when you unplug something on camera.

            • @Passerby6497
              2 months ago

              Actually, it could be. That could be considered vandalism (you’re intentionally making unauthorized modifications to equipment to prevent it from working as expected) which is illegal.

              But this is New York, so who knows if they would even enforce that.

                • @Passerby6497
                  22 months ago

                  Oh, I guess if you can just plug it back in, that just invalidates the downtime that was caused or data being lost.

                  Being able to undo vandalism doesn’t make it suddenly not vandalism.

              • @frog_brawler
                12 months ago

                No, at worst, it would be criminal mischief. Criminal mischief with $0 in property damage…

                • @[email protected]
                  02 months ago

                  So people can just unplug cables at data centers because it’s “$0 property damage criminal mischief”?

                  Come on, their lawyers would (successfully) argue that they experienced loss of revenue for any amount of time their remote cashier system was not connected and operational…

          • @frog_brawler
            2 months ago

            You’re significantly overestimating the police response to a non-vandalism.

            Edit: In nyc, they don’t even finger print for an actual vandalism…

          • @[email protected]
            -22 months ago

            They use fingerprints for murder cases, not camera unplugging cases.

            Also, this lady now has a job and you’re talking about ruining her job.

            • @frog_brawler
              32 months ago

              I want to upvote the first half of this and downvote the second half.

    • Khrux
      12 months ago

      I’d presume they have a few cashiers from the Philippines but at least one person managing the store.

    • @[email protected]
      642 months ago


      adding that she splits tips with her manager and kitchen staff at the restaurant.

      They don’t even let her keep her entire tips. The whole situation is fucked. Somebody mentioned in the article also brought up a great point…

      “Today, this is a Filipino woman behind a screen, controlling a POS system — but it’s not crazy to believe that probably in the next six to twelve months, this could be an AI avatar doing all the same things,” he said.

      What a shitty future we have.

      • @5too
        192 months ago

        From the article, Sansan Chicken, Sansan Ramen, and Yaso Kitchen, all in NY. (Since nobody has said it yet)

      • @[email protected]
        62 months ago

        Well yeah. When you eat at a restaurant, and tip, generally you’re not intending to tip the solely the cashier.

        Before chanting along with the hate chant just think for a second. When’s the last time you tipped a cashier, with the intention of the tip going to the cashier and none of the rest of the staff?

        • @Gigasser
          22 months ago

          Um…yes I do. If I enjoy the service of one particular waiter, I expect that the tip (at least the majority of it, let’s say around 75-90% if not 100% of it) goes to the waiter who served me. If I’m tipping a cashier, I just give him a few bucks and tell him to pocket it discreetly.

        • sunzu
          12 months ago

          That’s right folks, this is why you don’t tip cashiers or anyone else for that matter unless they get sub min wage rate.

    • fmstrat
      12 months ago

      Was about to say the same. Up vote instead.

  • @Fedizen
    1242 months ago

    this should be straight up illegal.

    • @Wogi
      952 months ago

      It’s not only legal it’s effectively encouraged. Capitalism is a race to the bottom, regardless of consequences.

        • prole
          92 months ago

          They don’t help, sure, but this shit happens anyway in capitalism. It’s an inevitability.

          • @[email protected]
            -112 months ago

            Yeah it sucks how money flows to the people who can use it most under capitalism, without anyone having to force it to happen.

            • prole
              52 months ago

              Is this how you think capitalism works? Yikes.

            • ObliviousEnlightenment
              12 months ago

              Capitalism is not a meritocracy the second someone fies and passes on their money

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          They’re being paid minimum wage. It’s not a great job.

          Edit: And apparently they split their tips with the people working in the restaurant too, so I really feel like this is just exploitation.

          • @aidan
            22 months ago

            The minimum wage in the Phillipines is around $10 a day.

            • @[email protected]
              32 months ago

              If this is right:

              Looks like the absolute max is less than $10, and the absolute minimum is less than six dollars.

              • $5.24 (306 PHP)
              • $9.76 (570 PHP)

              How come agricultural laborers get shafted? An immediate guess is the government trying to keep food costs down.

    • @[email protected]
      82 months ago

      People should just not go there. But it’s america and they probably have 1dollar chicken nuggets or something.

      • @Duamerthrax
        62 months ago

        I would probably just turn around if I saw and understood what I was looking at. Definitely wouldn’t go back a second time.

    • @SeattleRain
      52 months ago

      I think it is illegal. I thought you had to file a W2 for anyone working in the states.

      • @RememberTheApollo_
        262 months ago

        They are not physically in the US, and probably work listed as some sort of overseas contractor. Whatever wages they earn are from their employer who contracts for the restaurant.

        That’s probably how it works.

  • The Pantser
    1082 months ago

    At that point why even have a cashier? Just put a POS and have people swype to enter like a subway.

    • @Lost_My_Mind
      762 months ago

      Because then you can’t show the world that you’re a piece of shit who enjoys exploiting cheap labor.

          • @dohpaz42
            2 months ago

            POS - Point of Sale

            Also POS - Piece of shit

            • @PunnyName
              92 months ago

              Also POS - Also Piece of shit

              FTFY (sorry, just having fun 😊)

              • @dohpaz42
                42 months ago

                Username checks out.

              • @Zachariah
                42 months ago

                POS POS: piece of shit point of sale

      • @shalafi
        52 months ago

        $3 is good pay over there, buys way more than our $3. Bet people are scrambling for those jobs. Good money when the daily min wage is $8-$10.

        For example, my wife’s ex took her family and friends to the fanciest restaurant they could find. $120 (including tip) for 16 people.

        Americans are the ones exploited here. McDonalds is pumping money out of the country and taking our jobs.

        • @Lost_My_Mind
          62 months ago

          There’s a movie called Eurotrip. Its about 3 college aged kids taking a road trip through Europe.

          I forget what country they get to, but it’s a run down mostly Indian country. They stay at a hotel, and the bell hop handles their bags. They try to give him a tip, but realize they only have like 17 cents. So he gives him a nickle, and says “Its not much, but maybe having some American money is novel.”

          The bellhop is shocked. Made to look like he’s angry. So the bellhops boss is just walking by. This is after his interaction with the main characters are done. His boss starts yelling at him. And he yells “FUCK YOU! YOU SEE THIS??? I GOT A NICKLE!!! I OPEN MY OWN HOTEL!!!” And the boss is horrified. He says something like “For a nickle, that hotel will be the nicest in (whatever country they were in).”

          Your comment reminds me of that scene.

        • @rekorse
          -22 months ago

          Your take away here is that Americans are the real victims? If we are talking about countries, theres not many that have caused as much suffering and death as America. We just do it for money instead of religion.

          America exploits the rest of the world, full stop.

          • @aidan
            12 months ago

            America exploits the rest of the world, full stop.

            South America, west Africa, some of the Middle East, yea. Rest of the world, not that much. Out of any conquering army, the US installed regimes have been a bit above the Soviets. Japan and West Germany did great, SK had a tyrannical dictator, so was Chiang-Kai Shek- though the US nowhere near installed him. But neither the Kim’s nor Mao were much better. South Vietnam was propped up by the US but created because of the French. Ho Chi Minh may not have been that bad, and his replacements were ok. Pol Pot was very bad though. Lets not talk about the Soviet invasions of Poland, Budapest, and Prague. And even before that how they forced out previous democratic governments. Basically all the Soviet regimes in Europe sucked(Tito may have been ok, but wasn’t Soviet). Not to mention actions in Mongolia and Central Asia.

            If we were to mention British, French, and Spanish empires too. I’d say US world order is a bit above average compared to other world orders- especially in more recent years. Definitely not defending a lot of CIA actions abroad and FBI actions domestically.

            • @rekorse
              22 months ago

              Plus the addition of hindsight bias being applied to what used to be morally grey actions.

              I do wish we would just be more honest as a country.

    • @Lommy
      82 months ago

      The POS is too busy running the company

    • @[email protected]
      -42 months ago

      Sometimes it’s nice if someone gets a job, and sometimes people like to talk to a person while they’re paying.

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        I would rather use a POS terminal than try to talk to someone over zoom with no headphones. If it’s not a human in person who can just say “hmmm the computer is broken here’s your sandwich” then it’s worse.

    • sunzu
      2 months ago

      immigrants are not stealing jobs.

      I know you are being cheeky… But you are using their lingo. It is strategic as it skips the the perp ie the rent seeker looking to underpay for labour.

      You know how fake teevee always got NYC migrant bussing story?

      But we never hear about migrants being bussed into the heartland to work in meat packing or some other hard work.

      Who is paying to bus them anyway?

      Asking for a friend

  • @Bonskreeskreeskree
    2 months ago

    This shit has got to be outlawed. Companies are doing this across the board. Literally skirting labor laws, outsourcing jobs that should be going to us citizens, all to just continue pouring more money into the tops pockets. When will we have all had enough?

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      It’s a simple enough solution in this case. They are performing the work of employees, so for all intents and purposes, they are employees. They are directly interacting with US customers at a physical location within the US. Their place of work is that physical location, even if they are not physically present. They need authorization to work in the US, and the minimum wage laws applicable to that location applies to these workers.

      All that is missing is the lawsuit under existing labor laws, which they will probably lose.

      • sunzu
        112 months ago

        Good luck finding a judge taking such a position

        Judiciary is just a rubber stamp for the corporate needs. Last 40 years of court rulings speak for themselves.

        Courts ain’t saving slaves

      • @gerbler
        62 months ago

        Sounds like something the Department of Labour could legislate… Or could have.

        But the supreme court just ruled that this falls under the courts jurisdiction and there’s a snowflakes chance in hell that a case pushed high and far enough will result in those ghouls will rule in favour of labour interests.

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          Yeah, I don’t think SCOTUS would side with an IRS or Labour Department rule requiring businesses pay minimum wage. But you’re forgetting the “racist” angle: the courts would love nothing more than to support a State Department determination that they are “immigrant workers” and require a work visa.

    • @teamevil
      22 months ago

      Not with this fucking compromised supreme court. Nothing was capitalized on purpose.

  • @[email protected]
    702 months ago

    I would not shop here. If I saw this, I would turn around and walk out. Go somewhere that they value work.

  • Hossenfeffer
    652 months ago

    This feels cyberpunk. Some netrunner will hack the system and give free meals away because fuck the corpos, right?

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      I don’t think you need a netrunner to plug a mouse into the pc behind the monitor and hit “Leave” on the (I assume) Zoom call.

      Even easier, unplug the ethernet cable.

      • Hossenfeffer
        172 months ago

        Whoa, slow down there, Einstein, I don’t understand your hacker jargon!

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        Or turn off the monitor and bounce lol. If you don’t have employees to fix things, systems are hilariously easy to break.

      • @[email protected]
        -12 months ago

        plug a mouse into the pc behind the monitor and hit “Leave” on the (I assume) Zoom call.

        “If someone’s consistently lucky, it ain’t luck”

  • @Twoafros
    532 months ago

    Are there movements in the US or globally to force all business into worker coops? Unions are good but I think this is their ultimate limitation, that employers can just offshore their jobs

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Argentina has somewhat of a history of workers seizing their factories. I think it would be extremely hard in the U.S. due to the well-funded police. Generally, I guess the movement would be “anarcho-syndicalism.”

      Edit: misremembered worker factory takeovers in the past as occurring in Venezuela instead of Argentina.

      • @Twoafros
        12 months ago

        Thanks! First time hearing of this.

      • @Aceticon
        2 months ago

        By that hyper-simplistic “logic” people shouldn’t be forced into prison if they murder someone.

        Clearly some kinds of forcing in some situations are “good”, and if some are good but other not, that means the real discussion is all about “when is forcing right and when is it not?” something that childlike “logic” of yours doesn’t even begin to address.

        • @aidan
          -42 months ago

          Forcing to defend the lives of others, is very different from forcibly taking what belongs to others

          • @[email protected]
            92 months ago

            The meme is right, the claim of belonging is complete bullshit. Your toothbrush and your home belong to you, a business involving multiple people belongs to everyone involved. The idea that it doesn’t is narcissism and evil.

            • @aidan
              -72 months ago

              Your toothbrush and your home belong to you, a business involving multiple people belongs to everyone involved.

              You’re free to believe what you want, I’m personally a Lockean property rights enjoyer.

                • @aidan
                  12 months ago

                  I think stealing the labor of others is evil

              • @[email protected]
                12 months ago

                Funny bc thats in agreement with what I just said. Unless you think your home and toothbrush are not yours bc you didn’t make them.

                • @aidan
                  02 months ago

                  It disagrees with the second statement not the first

          • J Lou
            12 months ago

            It rightfully belongs to the workers. The firm is basically a vehicle for appropriating the positive and negative product of production. The just basis of property is getting the positive and negative fruits of your labor (i.e. the labor theory of property). In a capitalist employer-employee relationship, the employer gets solely holds the whole product while workers are denied their claim to it despite it being a result of their labor.


      • @[email protected]
        142 months ago

        Forcing is absolutely good. We force companies to do all kinds of things, in terms of corporate governance (publicly traded companies must have their finances audited, for example), ownership (banks used to be prevented from buying stock so that they would not avoid calling in bad debt), and how they do business (collusion between big tech to keep salaries down for example).

      • sunzu
        2 months ago

        Yeah because private Enterprise will be guided by the invisible hand to do the right thing

  • @SeattleRain
    522 months ago

    “It’s stealing time!”

    • every semi competent criminal
  • @RagingRobot
    492 months ago

    Having no actual person guarding your business is a recipe for theft. If this catches on it will be so much easier to steal from places. I’m ok with this

    • @Catma
      332 months ago

      You shouldnt ever try to protect the cash register at your place of work. They give 0 fucks about you and will have a job posting up before your body is cold.

      • sunzu
        142 months ago

        Fact but it does not negate that physically present employees deters some crime.

        High traffic grocery stores who put in self check outs are staffing several guards now and put in some clown fences and gates…

        But hey guy who put in self check and guy fired cashiers both got bonus…

        Guy hiring security and putting fences also got bonus. These clowns will pay anyone any amount of money as long they don’t pay the worker for the actual job.

      • @[email protected]
        112 months ago

        I remember working in a store and a guy walked through the scanner at the door and it went off, the other employee looked at me and was like “that guy stole something, hey?” And I was just like “yep” and we went back to whatever we were doing lol

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          This is the way. Ive seen the “security” do the same shit, they don’t get paid enough to throw down over a can of doritos either lol

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          the scanner at the door and it went off

          Every time in my life I’ve ever seen a door scanner go off, it’s been a false positive.

          I’m not saying that they can’t give good results too, just saying that I’m surprised that store’s employees didn’t just unplug them after the third time it happened.

      • @[email protected]
        32 months ago

        Can confirm, if they give any appearance of being human, even for years on end, it’s a lie, they are complete psychopaths and will throw you into the fire not even to save themselves, just to feel slightly less insecure.

      • @[email protected]
        32 months ago

        Retail jobs will tell you this too as they want as little liability as possible.

        Plus the registers only usually have a couple hundred bucks max at one time.

    • @Maggoty
      82 months ago

      The recommended course of action in a robbery is to follow instructions and hand over anything they ask for. If they grab product and walk out of the store, don’t try to stop them. This is actually less of an insurance liability than having an actual person there.

      • @RagingRobot
        52 months ago

        Yes but in general people are less likely to steal if there is a person standing in front of them watching. I’m not even talking about robbery just people stealing a candy bar or whatever. If it’s just sitting out with no one around people will take it.

        • @Maggoty
          22 months ago

          I’m sure there’s a technical difference but I really don’t care about it.

    • @Phegan
      72 months ago

      A 17 year old kid paid minimum wage who gives zero fucks about the company isn’t a huge deterrent either. As long as you don’t put them in risk steal from corpos all the time

    • Match!!
      112 months ago

      … and walk into the back to make your own food?

    • @boatsnhos931
      62 months ago

      Way better than yelling at them about no onions on my sandwich

        • @boatsnhos931
          22 months ago

          Depends on whether they put the order in correctly or the kitchen staff didn’t follow it, doesn’t it Jim bob?

    • @macrocephalic
      32 months ago

      I’d be tempted to do it just for the chaos factor.

  • @cybervseas
    452 months ago

    Japanese Fried Chicken? JFC

    Looks like this is “Japang”. Terrible reviews online and described as actually a “ghost kitchen”.

    • @[email protected]
      252 months ago

      Ghost kitchens for those who don’t know are basically “restaurants” for online takeout orders. They don’t do in person service.

      • NoIWontPickAName
        152 months ago

        It’s more they use spray existing kitchens to do so.

        The Denny’s around here is a ghost for like 3 different places

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          Yes sorry you are correct, forgot that critical piece. They often service multiple “places”