Hey Trump, it is a sign of weakness if you change course now.
It would be weird if he changed course this late in the game.
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Problem isn’t convincing people that he’s racist. The problem is convincing people that it matters.
I’d argue that a more pressing concern is convincing people that it isn’t a good thing, not that it matters
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I think they’re two different kinds of people though. Some seem to think that racism isn’t a problem anymore and it literally doesn’t matter, and some think that racism was never a problem in the first place and is actually something we should strive for (because something something superior race something)
Repubs fully embracing Donald’s overt bigotry is what finally clued me in to the fact that they are all hateful. They love it. They want him to enrage their opponents.
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I like how they are finally beginning to realize their “super stable 11D chess playing genius” is actually one of the most dumbfuck politicians we’ve ever had. Something we all saw from day one. George Bush Jr. looks like a prodigy next to this guy.
It’s like I never wanted to forgive the GOP for George then they went and pulled a trump. It all makes sense now. W was the creme of the crop when it comes to the GOP. Literally the best thing they had going for them was that shit head.
Eh. GWB killed a million Iraqis out of greed and arrogance, Trump killed a million Americans out of ignorance and laziness, same difference really.
Yes, but at the time GW was a fucking moron and he looks like a fucking genius compared to Dementia Don the racist rapist with 34 felonies.
I could never have imagined someone worse than Regan and The Shoe Dodger combined, but c’est la vie.
I like how they are finally beginning to realize their “super stable 11D chess playing genius” is actually one of the most dumbfuck politicians we’ve ever had.
There were so many moments where I thought that’s what was happening and it didn’t.
He needs to lose and go to jail, and even then he will probably have thousands of followers left.
delicious delusional con tears…
Were fucking Republicans. We freed the slaves. We forced through reconstruction. We were responsible for civil rights. We literally have the historical record to make these arguments to the face of these race obsessed garbage people.
LOL. I so laughed at this line. Some people are unbelievably clueless.
Republicans did that. Conservatives fought it every step of the way.
Republican in name only, or RINO. Republicans back then were the same as Democrats today in terms of policy which I find weird.
I know that. You know that. I’m not sure the dope you were quoting knows that.
They probably do know that, if they know enough to argue that. But they’re also clearly racist for thinking that helping historically oppressed groups is bad and obviously means we want to hurt the advantaged groups (zero-sum at best, but mostly likely projection).
Republicans used to be the urban pro-industrial party, democrats were the party of rural farmers.
Urban industrialists didn’t directly rely on slave labor so they were more open to abolitionists. Rural farmers were heavily dependent on slave labor so they were very pro slavery.
It’s also why the democratic party has always tried to get universal health insurance passed. The party is made up of farmers with law degrees, so the local Doctor, the only other educated man who it was appropriate to socialize with would come around a lot— so they were constantly hearing stories about how their friend had to accept chickens or food as payment instead of money.
Republican in name only, or RINO. Republicans back then were the same as Democrats today in terms of policy which I find weird.
popular consensus is that barry goldwater was a trump like populist presidential candidate that took advantage of american’s very strong disapproval of the civil rights & voting acts and dog-whistled the republican party into adopting its present day policy; do you not see it that way?
DYK, RINO was originally used to deride those who were not progressive enough.
Notice that while they’re posting on /r/conservative they don’t use the word “conservative” in that sentence. Because then they’d have to say:
Were fucking
Republicansconservatives. Wefreedfought for keeping the slaves. Weforced throughfought against reconstruction. We wereresponsible foragainst civil rights. We literallyhave the historical record to make these arguments to the face of these race obsessedare garbage people.They freed the slaves, but fly the Confederate flag because… um… It’s pretty.
It’s just bots arguing with each other over there though.
I bet they also believe Democrats do nothing to help black people in recent times.
Which, to be clear, is true in many ways. Now apply the same logic to Republicans who bleat out “we were the ones who freed the slaves!”.
The best things conservatives have done for black people in recent times is being super wierd and thus keeping themselves out of power
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Nah bruh, your brain is just too liberal to understand why trickle down economics is actually great for the poors
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I haven’t laughed that hard at conservatives in a long time, good times.
Thanks to this I went browsing through that sub. These people are openly blatantly calling for torture of detainees in Guantanamo.
I haven’t visited that sub in years, mostly because it made me feel dumber.
But those comments are in weird contrast to what I used to see. I wonder if the veil is finally falling…that’d be wild.
It’s kinda funny watching them notice who Trump is for the first time while still being upset he might not win. There’s some comments that are effectively, “enough of the meaningless bullshit, just talk about policy and he’ll do better!” as if Trump ever had any attractive policies.
I believe last I heard they were trying to distance themselves from their policies because they realized in hindsight that they shouldn’t say them out loud.
They’ve been doing this for an entire year now. All winter and spring the meta was “we will all stay home if Desantis doesn’t get the nomination.” They all cringed pretty hard when Trump did his NFT scam.
But at the end of the day they are all intellectually dishonest cowards, so in the end they always just do the only thing they know - lick the boot.
It’s weird to see a contingent of vaguely relatively normal opinions over there, but of course they get decried as “librul brigading” by most of the cult/bots
that was very pleasurable to read; thanks for sharing.
You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, they’re making ads look like comments now???
Well that was certainly eye opening, and not in a good way. Begs the question of how the party has ever been able to unite such a diverse group of delusional and hateful people with out the whole group completely thunder-doming themselves.
They have a uniting principle:
“We deserve to rule, being the heirs of privilege. The world is not fair, and we will keep it that way so that we can be on top.”
Reactionaries see the democratization of rights as an assault on them; to them, rights are zero-sum. If someone else (especially a group they’ve coded as “evil”) gets a right recognized, they see it as a personal affront.
One can see this streak throughout history for the reactionary right: freeing the slaves, ending Jim Crow, women’s suffrage, same-sex marriage, etc.
I don’t think it’s even about ruling, it’s about needing to feel superior to . . . someone. Decades ago there was a wonderful article titled something like “Who Are You Better Than?”. It talked about how people who know they are not, and never will be, members of the ruling class desperately need groups of people they can comfortably point to as being “beneath them”. As long as they aren’t at the bottom they can feel good about themselves.
In the book The Reactionary Mind, the author argues that conservatives either need to be either able to strongly identify with the movement leader or to reserve a portion of that power for themselves as a paterfamilias or an owner of capital.
The majority of Trump voters couldn’t tell you what you mean by “capital,” let alone have any.
Not realizing that by being the kind of person who needs someone “beneath them,” they’re beneath all decent people.
It’s about class structure and who gets to rule.
Thanks for putting me on to this thread, what a great sight
It’s a fun place to visit when you want to see bots, mouthbreathers, and room temperature IQ’s.
Can you tell us more detail so I don’t have to go there?
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Well I read it. I like how the one guy says “they baited him with dei, now everyone is talking about it”. Dude the right won’t shut up about dei, so naturally they asked about it. But sure, it’s bait. And only now everyone is talking about it. The delusion is unreal.
What’s r/conservative?
Ah well, hand people an opportunity, and they’ll kick you for it.A conservative minded community on Reddit
But what’s reddit, and why would anyone go there?
'Tis a silly place.
Ah yes, that rings a bell. 😀
It’s a silly place people go to, but without having any fun, if I remember correctly. 😜
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It’s a place where they claim to be conservative while taking credit for all the good policies conservatives have fought against tooth and nail for the last 150 years.
Sometimes people swing strikes in tee-ball too. I guess you just can’t expect everyone to take the easy lobs and run with them.
Reddit conservative sub
Best part about all this:
I know who the racists are in my community when they plop a Trump sign in their yard.
Also the worst part, because there are so damn many of them.
1 would be too many, but they’re still the minority. they can only win if Dem turnout is low.
I dunno, I see them trying to steal the election if it isn’t a landslide. If it’s a landslide, then Johnson and SCROTUS won’t have any ground to stand on. But if it’s even remotely close, then they’ll try to steal.
A minority in the sense that 49% is a minority, sure.
49% of likely voters? maybe. 49% of people of voting age? fuck no.
No, 49% of people who actually voted. 66% of eligible voters voted in the 2020 election and it had the highest turnout in over 120 years.
32% of eligible American voters voted for Trump in 2020. This “half of America supports Trump” saying needs to die. It’s just not true.
You watch a lot of fox “news” don’t ya?
Shitlibs never change lol, always gotta pretend to be the silent majority while being locked into a roughly equally partisan struggle for fifty years.
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Removed, civility.
Uh huh.
Hey, buddy, what’s the current House Representation?
And while we’re at it, what’s 1% of the current US population?
Authoritarians are always 30-35% of a given population. The only way they get any power is for the rest of the population to fall asleep at the wheel.
That’s what happened in 2016, if you look at what percentage of the “likely voters” actually vote, answer polls, ect., you’re going to end up at around 30% of America vote republican.
In Nazi Germany 33% of the population put him in a position of power, and then they strong armed the rest of the government into copitulating control.
Remember. Its always the weak and stupid motherfuckers who fuck everyone else over so vote so they never have control.
You’re forgetting the other 30% that formed a voting bloc with them because they were scared the socialists might give poor people human rights.
This is why he is so damn dumb, he’s already got the racist vote! So lay off that shit and work on the moderates!
I’m glad Trump thinks he knows everything though so he more than likely wont listen to sound advice.
And the funny thing is, from his point of view (not mine, okay?), shouldn’t Kamala claiming she’s black a plus for his campaign?
“Another black president?! Hell no!”
I’m not sure why he does what he does. I guess he likes to stir shit up for the sake of stirring shit up.
I think it’s more that he needs black voters so he’s trying to tell them that she’s lying to them so she can “steal” their votes.
Typical asshole of course.
Which is even more asinine because - and I’m not going to pretend that racist black people don’t exist - he is trying to apply the same logic that works with his non-black followers. Replace black with white - “Kamala now says she’s white!!!” And you can tell that that’s how he thinks.
He’s got a lot of neurons that aren’t really firing at full capacity.
He thinks ratings are end all be all. Say some stupid shit to stay in the news just like Elon and people eat it up. It brings people to watch the main broadcasts because it’s not “boring”. That’s why I think most media sites would do well to ignore those types for a bit
Yeah, he’s really dumb about these kinds of things.
When he went back on revealing Epstein info because “some people will have their names exposed who didn’t do anything wrong”, he’s being so transparent and so stupid. If he says he’s going to release info, he doesn’t actually have to release info. More than anyone else in the world, Trump should understand that, but he doesn’t.
No, no, you’re doing great! Keep making a big deal about her ethnicity, you’ve almost got all the black voters convinced to stay home!
This is beautiful, lol. Thank you.
Wormtongue using his lies for good for a change.
- Don Trump Jr
I thought you were smarter than that but you’re acting like a dumbass.
The rest of us caught on 8 years ago.
They saw what they wanted to see.
8 years ago, anyone Gen X or older should have known this for decades…
In the '80s Trump always made Spy magazine’s “Top 10 Worst People, Places or Things” list. His only “mitigating factor” at the time was that he wasn’t in politics.
Fun fact: back then Trump offered to pay for the funeral of a child killed by a bear … and then reneged.
I guess Giuliani never heard that story.
I mean, some of us were fortunate enough to not know who he was at all.
That said, I’m a millennial, so what do I know.
Hey that nice guy giving Kevin McAllister directions in Home Alone 2? How bad could he be?
…ugh freaking large hadron collider strikes again!!!
Hey now, most of we millennials at least remember the birther shit
They are begging him to focus on policy.
Oh you sweet summer children, Trump never had any policy. If he tries to focus on it it will just further show he’s all bluster no substance.
Yes, should focus more on P2025 policy and how it will be implemented. That will win over a lot of people.
Don’t forget his infrastructure and healthcare policies. He’ll unveil them any day now. I predict two weeks.
Trump, please do three months of denying Kamala is even American. Make campaigns great again or something. Stay the course.
I mean, when they claimed Obama wasn’t born in America, it worked so well!
It literally got Trump elected, so yeah in their minds it did.
I mean… That was Obama v McCain iirc. If it got anyone elected, it got Obama elected. Trump’s victory can be attributed to the unmitigated disaster of a candidate that was Hillary Clinton. Who joked to coal miners in their town hall that she’d put them out of work. Hilarious.
Well I mean, the events that followed, culminating in the White House Correspondence Dinner where Obama absolutely roasts the shit out of Trump, are what made him run.
“Trump’s fans beg him to change course.”
Sure, Jan. You wouldn’t BE his fans if he wasn’t exactly the thing he is every single day.
Anyway, is this really the thing that’s a step too far? Is this the worst thing he’s ever done on camera? It isn’t.
It just feels worse this time because you can feel that Kamala Harris is going to beat him.
Anyway, is this really the thing that’s a step too far? Is this the worst thing he’s ever done on camera? It isn’t.
Howard Dean’s political career ended because of a random scream of enthusiasm. Jeb Bush said “Please Clap.”
Remember, we’re talking about what the “final straw” is that broke the camel’s back. The final straw may not necessarily be the heaviest one. Just the last one.
If the game is tied in the 4th quarter and your QB got picked off for the 3rd time in a row, don’t be surprised when even the rest of the team starts telling the coach it may be time to bench him. It’s exactly what just happened to Biden.
Remember, we’re talking about what the “final straw” is that broke the camel’s back.
Nah, though. We’re not.
Howard Dean was squeaky clean when “the scream” happened. He was everyone’s favorite, and it was too early to say for sure at that moment but we felt like he could win the whole shebang. Then he screamed and it came crashing down. It wasn’t a “final straw”. It was the only straw. A straw made of Republican propaganda and enemy action, swallowed by democratic liberals.
As for Jeb Bush, he was underwhelming from the start. Nobody wanted him to be president; probably not even him. “Please clap” was his admission that his campaign wasn’t working at all. Again, not a final straw. In this case there wasn’t even a camel in the room, just Jeb, giving up.
None of these models applies cleanly to Trump. It’s not a “final straw” because there’s a mountain of straw; bales of straw as far as the eye can see. It’s not Howard Dean for the same reason. It’s not Jeb Bush either, because Trump may be faltering but he is literally incapable of throwing in the towel. He doesn’t even contain that, as an option.
So I don’t know why this one is sticking, but I think we’re closer to Jeb Bush territory than Howard Dean. I think everyone but Trump is getting a glimpse of the fact that this is going to be a bloodbath for him.
Dean and Bush may not be the most on-point comparisons, but my main point was to say it isn’t always a big thing that could cause a political career to come crashing down. Sometimes, it’s little, seemingly pointless things that just stick for all the wrong reasons.
Same thing could end up applying here. For all the racism, misogyny, corruption, lies, criminal acts, and Trump doing things literally daily that would have ended anyone elses career, Trump has been all but untouchable. And then someone called him weird. Sure, there was the NABJ interview, but the “weird” thing had already stuck, and if it weren’t for that, it’s very possible that that interview would have just been written off as another example of Trump being Trump. But nope. Now he’s weird.
Of all the things Trump has said and done with impunity, being called weird may be what does the trick. Go figure.
Dean’s yell was not a “last straw.” If I recall, he was doing pretty well at the time actually.
I hate the sports analogy. I understand it because I like sports. It’s apt because your statement resonates. What I hate is that it should be about the people and what needs to happen for a society. It’s not a form of entertainment. It’s life and death for most.
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Howard Dean, as the most progressive candidate got sabotaged similarly to Bernie Sanders, which was later blamed on that scream. KH has dozens of way goofier clips and she’s probably going to win the election.
Do you have a link? I wanna see these goofy clips.
Well there’s this, its old but pretty funny https://fxtwitter.com/ParrotVulcan/status/1813712659268722955?s=19
I don’t know how much more digging around I wanna do in my discord server for random examples. And considering I wanted to delete this post – still not sure why people can still.see my.posts after I delete them. Must be a bug with different instances
not sure why people can still.see my.posts after I delete them. Must be a bug with different instances
Not really a bug, more of a feature. It’s easy to see what was deleted from comments in the fediverse. Maybe it only works in certain clients but it definitely works.
I think it’s great for transparency. Some people may not be as vitriolic if they knew their comments would be immortalized on the internet.
I mean, I guess that’s fine. People are more rude to me more than I am to them; I just can’t always shake the feeling that a post is dumb and pointless
Exactly. If he was polling well they’d be excited af to have him say all the worst things in the world about her.
Remember “Lock her up”? These people are assholes. That’s why they love him.
The irony of an actual criminal leading his rubes in chants of “lock her up” is hilarious.
His supporters can’t comprehend that their face is being eaten, but they just noticed something is off.
The weird thing is sticking. It’s breaking through the self awareness armor. It’s digging heads out of the sand.
Nah. He should keep doubling down. I’m sure that won’t backfire. /s
I think that’s all his mind is capable of.
Well he certainly can’t calculate or comprehend tripling!
I mean, he’s a weird fucking loser
You need to focus on policy.
When has he ever done that? His magnum opus was crooked Hillary and lock her up.
Do they not know that he is mostly about slogans and talking shit?
He’s always focused on policy. This is him focused on policy. His policy is “whatever Trump decides is best for Trump at any given moment,” and he’s so dedicated to it that he got the GOP to write it into their platform.
Why do websites think that “turning off my ad-blocker” or “paying for a subscription” are my only two options?
It’s the internet. The option to x out of there and go read almost the exact same article elsewhere is always a third option.
Demands only work when you have content no one else does.
I especially like how they’ve always loaded the full page in the background behind their popup with their little ultimatum. So they’ve already paid the costs in bandwidth and resources to serve up the page anyway, only for me to just close the tab on them.
On Firefox Mobile, you can install Ublock Origin (at least on Android). You can block JavaScript on a per site basis. Washington Post? NY Times? Some random Podunk page I will never read again?
Fuck you!
Also, notice that all right wing/fascist publications don’t paywall articles. That is part of the problem.
There’s also option Z, step up your paywall evasion. Small sites especially are vulnerable to that.
archive.ph is a very useful website
To be fair, if you’re not paying or seeing ads, they don’t want you there. You’re increasing their hosting costs and they’re getting nothing in return. They’re better off if you go elsewhere.
That dumbfuck can’t back off. He’s unable.
Weirdest part is people being surprised…
They still don’t get how much Joe was holding the party back. Anyone else would have seen these same gains
Sadly being good at governing doesn’t mean being good at running in an election.
I was hoping that people could see trump presidency vs Biden presidency and see the difference, but it looks like that’s not enough.
Having said that, I hope Kamala will be as good or even better than Biden in governing.
I was hoping that people could see trump presidency vs Biden presidency and see the difference, but it looks like that’s not enough.
The masses unfortunately don’t vote off platform, they vote off feelings.
It’s almost impossible for her to be worse than Biden, so you’re good.
I was hoping that people could see trump presidency vs Biden presidency and see the difference, but it looks like that’s not enough.
Correct, there wasn’t enough of a difference between Biden and trump
I did not vote for Biden in 2020 primaries, but he positively surprised me. He actually does an excellent job at governing, but very poor at broadcasting his accomplishments. He managed to pass some progressive bills in such a partisan environment. Managed to unite West, reunite NATO and even expand it by additional 2 members who originally were neutral.
Recovered US from covid pandemic, with lowest inflation in the West. Avoided recession, the US economy has the lowest unemployment.
You’re just repeating GOP disinformation without concrete examples.
He actually is on the road to be ranked as one of the best presidents.
He managed to pass some progressive bills in such a partisan environment.
Congress was able to pass some bills that were a little progressive.
Biden just signed them instead of vetoing, which is something literally every other person with a D by their name would do.
Biden was very vocal about how changing anyone in congress’s mind on literally anything, so he doesn’t get to take credit like some magical.puppet master who made it happen.
And the bounceback after COVID…
How much of that was an executive action Biden made happen?
I mean day one he signed several executive orders. He personally killed the keystone pipeline. I believe he was also personally responsible for us rejoining NATO and the Paris accords. He has done a lot of good work.
The only things I’m aware of that he has done poorly is his handling of Israel, and his inability to be uncivilized. He should’ve called trump and the rest of the Republicans out on their bullshit and publicly shamed them every step along the way.
He personally killed the keystone pipeline. I believe he was also personally responsible for us rejoining NATO and the Paris accords.
he’s also personally blocking through tariffs truly affordable green energy products from entering this country; especially EV’s and solar power using the inflation act; and has ramped up fossil fuel products to the highest levels this country has ever seen in its entire history.
As for your first point, I believe he created a tariff, he did not block imports. And can you provide a source for your second claim? I’ve not heard that statistic before.
Edit: and to be clear, yeah his tariff sucks ass but it might be good long term because it will help shift American production to greener products instead of just offloading that to green products made elsewhere and shipped here dirtily.
Boy you’re still up the b b b Biden bad! stuff huh. He pushed for things from Congress and he got them through when he had the house of reps and Senate. Yes he does get credit.
True. Harris isn’t even a particularly strong candidate. People just want anything except the two old codgers.
Weirdest part is people being surprised…
They still don’t get how much Joe was holding the party back. Anyone else would have seen these same gains
go back 3 weeks ago to see all the people outside lemmy.world trying to make everyone aware that biden was the wrong horse for this race and marvel at how it pissed everyone on lemmy.world off for saying so.
.ml fart sniffing intensifies
I remember. We were all essentially called secret Republicans. Guess all of the people causing Harris’s polling to go up must all be secret Republicans as well because they sure didn’t support Biden as hard.
There is a difference between the emotional masses that go off “energy” and the supposed logical leftists here that think they are the essence of logic and will logically not vote because they are logically waiting for the logical platform and blah blah blah.
emotional masses that go off “energy” and the supposed logical leftists here that think they are the essence of logic
You are calling most of the country bandwagoners and the left most people here self-righteous idiots. Everyone’s at fault but the guy running? Now, it’s time for the other ridiculous candidate to get his.
Most of “the left” on Lemmy has consistently demonstrated that they are self righteous idiots.
I guess some of them are actual propagandists. And some of them are children.
I wouldn’t use any of those words. Most people go off “feel”, that’s not the same as bandwagon. But anyway it was mostly about the supposed logical leftists I see here that don’t understand how to move the overton window.
Who said everyone’s fault? (you seem to be extending that to literally everyone now.) What I had to do a ton of was telling people the way you progress and move the overton window is by voting Dems and making sure they don’t lose. See what happened when Gore lost and when Hillary lost? Now where would things be if they had won? Surprise (not a surprise): further left. Nor was it Bidens “fault”, he’s been a great president and there’s no blaming him like you seem to suggest.
I don’t understand what you mean by “feel” then but I do apologize for putting words in your mouth. I watched some videos on the overton window effect but I could have a misconception of how it works.
Rights for LGBT and abortion have been put out there for a while. I can’t see how Hilary who thought both of these sets of rights as state issues was going to help? How would Hilary move public opinion on these issues to the left? Is it because she would have picked more moderate judges? But at the same time, it seems this overton window idea says the politician is not the one shifting the window (the majority of the time).
You don’t know what feel is? You think Hillary would have appointed judges that overturned Roe (that’s what would have been necessary)? Hillary vs trump and you don’t understand how things would have wound up more progressive over time with Hilary winning, when they went off the cliff to the right when trump won? Yeah I have a hard time thinking this is a good faith discussion.
i got “chinese shill” and “as a black man” most often for sharing how biden has fucked mine and thousands of other lives.
Imagine all these people thinking Trump will read their tweets and take their advice
I mean, the dude is nearly as addicted to social media as Musk so it’s entirely possible he’ll read their tweets. But take their advice? Yeah, no, the guy is a narcissist, he doesn’t need advice from anyone.
so it’s entirely possible he’ll read their tweets.
I don’t think Trump reads.