Former President Donald Trump is losing older voters to Vice President Kamala Harris, a new poll shows.

A survey released by Emerson College on Thursday revealed that the majority of voters over 70 are supporting Harris, 51 percent, over Trump at 48 percent.

Those results show a major breakthrough for Harris, who has been able to surpass Trump’s lead with older voters. Just last month, with President Joe Biden still in the race, 50 percent of voters over 70 supported Trump, while 48 percent of the age group backed Biden.

The over 70 category includes both baby boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964, as well as the silent generation, anyone born between 1925 and 1945.

Don’t get complacent! Vote!

  • NegativeNull
    1856 months ago

    Project2025 wants to make cuts to SocialSecurity and Medicare, two things that Boomers rely on heavily.

      • @Limonene
        136 months ago

        They only want to tax employee benefits above $12,000. The point of it seems to be to limit how much health insurance people get, so it limits their access to healthcare.

        If all employer-provided health insurance was taxed (not just the amount above $12,000) it would be a good thing in the long run, because it would disentangle health insurance from employment.

        • @[email protected]
          316 months ago

          it would disentangle health insurance from employment.

          Not unless there’s a viable alternative… If put into effect today it would just be the equivalent to a giant cut for 15 million people.

          • RubberDuck
            -16 months ago

            No… just the federal marketplace. Like it should be. Then move the shit to single payer and boom done. The federal government negotiates prices like all other civilized countries do

            • @[email protected]
              76 months ago

              No… just the federal marketplace. Like it should be.

              The federal marketplace is not an adequate replacement for all income levels, it’s barely adequate for people who qualify for subsidies.

              The federal government negotiates prices like all other civilized countries do

              A large part of our current problem is that our fed government isn’t negotiating prices like other countries.

              As I said, we can only get rid of employer based benefits if there is an adequate replacement.

      • @TOModera
        6 months ago

        Wait, sorry, I’m an accountant in another country; you guys don’t tax employee benefits? Lucky.

        Based upon the down votes, I am adding an edit: Lucky because it can get nit picky for an accountant, not lucky because your government doesn’t care for you. But I mis spoke and it was off topic, so I accept my comment wasn’t appreciated.

        • @[email protected]
          416 months ago

          We don’t tax them because they are an end run around having universal healthcare paid through taxes. If it was taxed, we might just decide to go single payer through taxes instead and that would cut into insurance provider profits!

          • @TOModera
            126 months ago

            Yikes, thanks for the info. I think I misspoke, I just find the taxing to be nit picky as a process, and my sympathy that your country doesn’t provide Healthcare.

        • @bitjunkie
          36 months ago

          Some of them we do, but the really ubiquitous standard stuff like health/vision/dental and retirement savings are deducted pre-tax.

    • @LEDZeppelin
      306 months ago

      And yet 48% boomers support GOP. Smh

      • @[email protected]
        356 months ago

        Stupid people vote against themselves over culture war issues that don’t affect them. They don’t think. They just get angry.

        • TimeSquirrel
          136 months ago

          Common symptom of chronic lead poisoning. Remember the era the boomers lived in.

          • @[email protected]
            16 months ago

            Not to take away from your entirely valid point, but most people don’t know that most small airplanes still use leaded gasoline and that the EPA found that “Lead emissions from aircraft are an important and urgent public health issue.”

            The lead levels near general aviation airports are a big problem, and airport proximity tends to have a negative effect on property values, which combine to be an equity issue - children born into poorer households are more likely to live right near airports than those in wealthier households, and thus they’re likely to have higher blood lead levels.

            Worse still, while some of these aircraft are important (pilot training, connecting island communities where boats aren’t feasible for large chunks of the year), many of these aircraft are primarily used for hobby flying, meaning that wealthy people who fly as a hobby are poisoning poorer communities with lead (often unknowingly, as they don’t necessarily know that this is a problem).

            The FAA approved an unleaded 100 octane avgas in 2022. Something most people reading this can do is find out who owns their local municipal airport and demand that they convert to only unleaded avgas.

  • @[email protected]
    756 months ago

    Removing social security and or Medicare would quite literally kill a lot of these people. WTF did they think would happen?

    • Ech
      386 months ago

      These people have been voting against their own well-being for decades.

      • @APassenger
        136 months ago

        I think they expect it to gradually sunset and not impact them. Then they can leave “less of a deficit” for their kids.

        I’d rather have the entitlements.

        • @[email protected]
          26 months ago

          I’ve been paying the entitlement since age 17. If I don’t get it then I want a full refund check.

      • @[email protected]
        36 months ago

        Most of them still will. But it won’t take much of a shift in that demo to drastically shift the outcome of the election.

        • @stoly
          16 months ago

          It really is a matter of ten years and then we’re left with the youngest boomers who are basically ancient Gen X.

    • Diplomjodler
      176 months ago

      People don’t vote for Trump for rational reasons. They vote for him to have their hate and resentment validated.

    • sar1n
      6 months ago

      Except they are being lied to about medicare and social security NOT being cut

      Edit: i pulled this from r/conservative

      • JustARegularNerd
        106 months ago

        I genuinely had to stop and think if that image was satirical, but nope, it’s real

        • sar1n
          76 months ago

          Right? I was doing the same thing when i first came across it. Definitely not satirical

      • @SlopppyEngineer
        86 months ago

        1 and 2 are already a lie. They can’t deport migrants because their voters need cheap migrant labor to not go out of business, and it would go against point 3, keeping things affordable. And they need the bogeyman. If there is no migrant threat there are no votes.

        But nobody said the people voting for them were rationally thinking about these points.

  • magnetosphere
    576 months ago

    My guess is that many Boomers were slow to realize just how awful he is. Those who were lifelong Republicans just voted R out of habit. They thought the news stories were noise and exaggerations, like so much “news” is nowadays.

    In some cases, they’ll never vote for him, or anyone associated with him, ever again. Trump has done major, long-term damage to the Republican Party by making it all about him, and saying the quiet parts out loud FAR too often. Personally, I’m okay with that.

    • @sharkaccident
      226 months ago

      In some cases, they’ll never vote for him, or anyone associated with him, ever again.

      I was an independent for a long time. Mostly voted D but did my due diligence on local races to see if the R had something of value. After the blind acceptance of R to switch to MAGA I"ll never vote R again. Ever.

    • @Soup
      116 months ago

      Also it’s been nearly 10 years of listening to his garbage. Many of the oldest and worst have died both from the usual suspects and the covid he did very little to stop. Just another reason on the pile of reasons why people are turning on them.

  • @Unlocalhost
    506 months ago

    Make sure he loses your generation too, VOTE!!!

  • nkat2112
    396 months ago

    President Joe Biden still in the race, 50 percent of voters over 70 supported Trump, while 48 percent of the age group backed Biden.

    Even under Biden running, felon Drink Bleach having only a 2% margin on the boomers - his base - could not have been that comforting.

    But, gee, is it ever much better with Harris! Rock on!

    I won’t get complacent. I’ll vote. Have a great day!

    • @ripcord
      36 months ago

      Boomers lean R/Maga but not enough that I’d call that his base.

      His base is more cultural than generational.

      Anecdotally, I know a bunch of boomers and very few are MAGAts. Heck, my uncle still calls himself a “hippie”. He pretty much is (not a flower child, but definitely in other ways).

  • @[email protected]
    306 months ago

    I wonder why. Someone else pointed out plans to cut medicare and social security, but that’s not new for Trump or the GOP; they’ve been fucking those programs up for at least 20 years, and that never bothered boomers and Republican silent gen before. What changed?

    • @I_Has_A_Hat
      6 months ago

      I’ll take a guess that it’s because he’s been repeating himself so often. They’ve tuned out any media not in their bubble, so all the reports of what a shit stain of a person he is are ignored or dismissed. But his own rallies? His own interviews? His own statements? He just keeps bringing out the same tired arguments and complaints that he has for the last 8 years, and he is much lower energy now. And it’s happening often enough that they can’t fully ignore it. He has finally committed the most unforgivable cardinal sin to them, he has become boring.

      • @[email protected]
        136 months ago

        Yeah, you may be right. We’ve had, what, almost a decade of candidate/president Trump now? Even the most successful TV shows in history are pretty much out of gas by this point, there’s just not really anything left to say that hasn’t already been said. Even Fox news shakes up its talking heads every now and then, and it has the advantage of being “news” (massive sarcasm quotes there). Trump isn’t bringing anything new to the table, it’s the same old dog and pony show, and the tricks have gone stale. Makes sense.

        • @WhiskyTangoFoxtrot
          26 months ago

          So I guess now we’re at the point where “Donald Trump” is revealed to have been Armin Tamzarian all along?

      • @TheFonz
        56 months ago

        He’s starting to sound like a broken record. A bitter, angry, broken one. At first his brand of populism was very fresh and charming to the right. But like the other right wing populist counterparts in Europe, I think Trump too is getting tiresome to listen to. It’s been ten years of the same shtick and not much to show for it.

  • @lennybird
    246 months ago

    It’s remarkable how much the Demographic landscape has shifted since like 2012. Boomers are no longer the biggest generation; that was probably accelerated quite a bit by coronavirus.

    Ultimately, with more diversity and the death of boomers the Democratic path to victory — despite the electoral college — requires only that Democrats energize their own core base and pull over some Independents with contagious enthusiasm. No compromise needed with the likes of far-right Republican extremism. Their platform is largely irrelevant and deeply unpopular.

    • @Feathercrown
      126 months ago

      I think the newer generations growing up with this utter garbage platform of the GOP will really hurt their electability in a few years to the next few decades as the younger generations reach voting age

      • @lennybird
        6 months ago

        Definitely! You may recall that Republicans performed an “Autopsy report” following their 2012 losses and concluded that they would need to moderate their platform and appeal to minorities in greater numbers. But instead, the party went the exact opposite way and hitched a ride with right-wing extremism under Trump. In the short-term they road high off enthusiasm of bigots and the ignorant… But that can only be sustained for so long. Now they’ve forked themselves between catering to racist sexist bigots versus moving back to the center. The problem is the more they shift in one direction, the more the other group abandons them.

        Ultimately Democrats adopted any noteworthy substantive policy that Republicans once had, so it’s a dying party lashing out like a rat in a corner.

        And if it wasn’t for the Electoral College, the Citizens United decision, and Gerrymandering, the party would’ve been relegated to History next to the Whigs long ago.

        • @ripcord
          6 months ago

          Right. Republicans also had/have not just thr road high, but really SUPER effective propaganda and funding/bribery machines in place, and just killing it on the gerrymandering and voter suppression fronts. And with things like the senate and electoral college numbers leaning their favor.

          (Democrats of course do to some extent too, but it’s like comparing a 1930s Chicago mob to some neighborhood teenage gang)

          That stuff is just continuing to get worse. And needs addressed.

          I’m expecting the “dirty tricks” of 2020 to pale on comparison to 2024.

  • @[email protected]
    206 months ago

    Apparently between project 2025 and having a eyeliner wearing couch fucker as a running mate is enough to sway some voters. Good news, now don’t believe the hype and VOTE!!!

    Volunteer to give rides to those that wouldn’t be able to vote without it.

  • @I_Has_A_Hat
    186 months ago

    It’s like one of them finally stood up and shouted “My God, the Emperor has no clothes!”

  • @TokenBoomer
    56 months ago

    They finally figured out he’s crazier than they are.

  • Nougat
    56 months ago

    Technically, everyone is losing baby boomers and the silent generation.

  • HubertManne
    36 months ago

    silent generation. how many of them are left? I think you would have to be over 82 but let me check…meh. according to wikipedia currently the youngest would be born in 45. I think that has varied and might have been anchored to the even sounding 5 year point. Anyway we are talking octogenarians and older. I mean I know folks are living longer but what percentage of the population is that? ill check…gah can’t even find. Lots of how 65+ is growing but that group is mostly boomer who are the largest generation born for the US. Then of those 80+ how many can vote (not have the right to but have the capacity). I guess they did not want to just say boomers and saying boomer at older but 65+ is used a lot maybe they should just use that.

    • @[email protected]
      36 months ago

      Age 79 and up. They make up almost 5% of the US population. Source (Btw, 0.13% of the population is in the generation before the Silent Generation!

      However, the 5% goes up to about 6% of the voting population. (Math: Using the source above, we can take out 12.76% for all of Gen Alpha. We can probably drop Gen Z to 15% total under the premise that if the same number of people were born every year, ~70-75% of them would be too young.)

      6% still sounds fairly small, but that is over 16 million people.

      Yes, there’s physical and mental decline at that point, but most of them still probably have the facilities to vote. Fuck, the current sitting president is in the Silent Generation and yeah, obviously there are questions about his capacity to continue for another 4 years, but he’s definitely capable enough to vote. There’s also mail-in voting that’s heavily used by these demographic groups.

      • HubertManne
        26 months ago

        holy crap, that is much more than I thought and I totally did not even think about you have to minus out everyone under 18 and then if you think voter turnout im thinking 10% might be possible as far as effect. Thanks.