• Beacon
    15527 days ago

    Saying Jews are awesome is not a valid statement, because just like every group some of them are awesome, some are neutral, and some are awful. It should say something like “Jews are regular people”

    • @aeronmelon
      14327 days ago

      Replace it with two lines:


        • @uranibaba
          627 days ago

          Don’t forget to put back the hammer.

        • BlanketsWithSmallpox
          26 days ago

          Lets remove the Holocaust is happening again too.

          Right wings idiots have been using that shit for too long to water it down.

          Genocide does not equal holocaust.

          Genocide has happened and been happening somewhere new almost every 5 years and continuously all over the world so let’s not pretend it’s something new with Israel and Palestine either lol.

      • @raspberriesareyummy
        226 days ago


        I feel like - while well-intended - the “also” here is kind of accommodating the belief of dimwits that this is somehow up for debate.

      • Todd Bonzalez
        -426 days ago

        What about everyone else? This sign needs to be perfectly neutral. I won’t sleep until it is reduced down to one word: “People”.

    • @reka
      1826 days ago

      if you can say “Humans are awesome”, which you can whilst everyone knows the caveats to that, you can say Jews are awesome.

      • @AeonFelis
        626 days ago

        Humans suck. Worst sentient species I’ve ever met.

        • @[email protected]
          24 days ago

          I love humans. Or anyway, I try very hard to. But they are very near the bottom of my list as well.

          Still, it was an excellent rhetorical point.

        • @raspberriesareyummy
          -126 days ago

          the ones committing war crimes are not doing so “as jews” though, they are doing so because they are horrible humans who happened to be born jewish.

    • @[email protected]
      1427 days ago

      That’s not what “valid” means. This is an opinion, so you don’t get to declare it invalid. You are free to disagree, though.

    • @Aceticon
      1026 days ago

      “Jews are like everybody else”

      • @RizzRustbolt
        326 days ago

        “Jews are non-monolithicaly awesome”

    • @[email protected]
      627 days ago

      I’ll let it slide honestly, underscores like “the Larry Davids of the world are lit” given the rest makes clear “any genocidal maniac is evil and neither religion nor past atrocities against their ancestors will shield them from criticism”

    • @Donkter
      527 days ago

      And people, in general, are awesome ergo…

    • @[email protected]
      226 days ago

      I feel we’re really ratfucking this, but how about just “Many Jews Are Awesome”

      Doesn’t that cover most if not all of the various objections?

    • Todd Bonzalez
      -926 days ago

      Saying Jews are awesome is not a valid statement

      It’s a statement of opinion, which is perfectly valid, you just needed to say something because you don’t like Jews…

      • @Bgugi
        126 days ago

        I don’t know about that. I can say “humans are awful” without any apprehension…

  • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
    26 days ago

    Ok, now do one for the Uyghurs.

    Edit: 23 people down voted so 23 people ITT support genocide.

      • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
        26 days ago

        They dont?

        Edit: No answer? Just curious, what criteria are we using to pick the Genocide we are hot about?

      • @buddascrayon
        326 days ago

        More like, “It’s a great thing to oppose the genocide of Palestinians but you’re doing it while buying shit tons of cheap trash being manufactured by a slave class that is currently being slowly tortured and genocided by the government you get that cheap shit from.”

      • BlanketsWithSmallpox
        26 days ago

        Hey now, we’re focusing on the Palestinian genocide here.

        Not the… let me check notes… anywhere that isn’t Africa, Asia, or non-Israel Middle-East.

        RIP Native Americans too.

    • Anas
      1526 days ago

      Nobody is stopping you from doing it.

      • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
        26 days ago

        I kinda just did.

        Or do you need the big flashy colors and all caps text?

        You seem like a big flashy colors and all caps text kinda guy.

      • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
        26 days ago

        It’s not that it doesn’t matter. It’s just were not going to talk about it because there is a sexier genocide in our favorite conflict torn region.

        • @kaffiene
          426 days ago

          Or actually because the US is intimately tired to Israel and its military while having nearly nothing to do with the Uyghurs? Leverage and culpability are relevant factors here

      • @Homescool
        1026 days ago

        What should we do about whataboutism? It seems to be a popular alternative to engagement.

        • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
          26 days ago

          Like the what aboutism associated with distracting the electorate from every other issue on the ticket to focus solely on Gaza?

          Like that what aboutism?

          How is it what aboutism to confront the people most concerned about Genocide with another Genocide getting zero attention? I detect hypocrisy and this whole adversarial discussion we are having now is only proof of its existence.

          Edit: How about this one? How does me commenting about another Genocide; which is seemingly forgotten by most gaza advocates; in a thread strictly about supporting oppressed people; take away from the message of the thread?

          • @primrosepathspeedrun
            26 days ago

            hey maybe we should stop the fucking genocide. maybe, if you’re a fucking human being with basic capacity for compassion, you could consider that SORT OF IMPORTANT, and the only other thing that could be considered more important or urgent is climate change, which there is no hope of any elected politician doing jack shit about within our (and humanity’s) lifetimes.

            also tho, yeah, wish we had serious action to take to protect uighurs, kurds, armenians (FUCKING AGAIN!), etc

              • @primrosepathspeedrun
                226 days ago

                thank you for assessing my emotions and deciding that the genocide that is still ongoing and nobody has intervened in, and in some cases made BDS illegal to do, is uncontroversial.

                • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
                  026 days ago

                  I’m not saying you shouldn’t be angry I’m saying most people agree with you. We are all captive to things beyond our control. Let me know if you want help reconciling that.

          • @kaffiene
            126 days ago

            When the US is funding the persecution of the Uyghurs, the situations will be equivalent. Oddly enough, citizens of a country tend to be more occupied with the actions of their country than situations that they are not invoked in

      • @I_Has_A_Hat
        -426 days ago

        How about the same questions to you regarding the Palestinian genocide?

        Before you answer, the US withdrawing aid would not stop the genocide. Israel has enough on hand to completely level Palestine. So what do you suggest should be done? Also keep in mind that withdrawing aid means that Israel completely stops even pretending to listen to the one country in the world that can talk to them. Also, also keep in mind that Israel has nukes.

        • @[email protected]
          126 days ago

          I write to my elected representatives to request that they do something. I realize that it’s of limited value, given that the representative for my House district, Mark Pocan, agrees with me and has already voted ‘no’ on aid, and stated that he would be thrilled to personally hand Netanyahu over to agents of the ICC; Sen. Fuck Ron Johnson makes it very clear that he does not wish to hear anything from constituents; Sen. Tammy Baldwin still supports Israel, so maybe I can influence her. I wrote to Biden and said that I could not in good conscience vote for him in the primary. Bigger picture, I think that the state of Israel needs to be abolished for the long-term good of all of its citizens.

          • @I_Has_A_Hat
            -226 days ago

            What do you want your representatives to do? Again, withdrawing aid will not stop the genocide and will only make the problem worse.

              • @I_Has_A_Hat
                -126 days ago

                Who right now can at least talk to Israel? Who can at least try to bring them to the table? Only the US. If the US withdraws support, there is no one else.

                Plus, its like everyone keeps forgetting that Israel has fucking nukes. Given how their leadership has been acting, do you think they’ll refrain from using them if they run out of other options? How about when, not if, Iran invades? Something that’s practically a given if they don’t think the US will retaliate?

        • @[email protected]
          926 days ago

          I feel like there’s nothing that I can do, because my (U.S.) government already has an adversarial stance on China. It has no leverage over Chinese domestic policy whatsoever. I was hoping that somebody who clearly cares deeply for the Uyghurs could provide me some guidance to at least do something, rather than watch on helplessly.

          • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
            26 days ago

            It starts with advocating for the Uyghur, drawing attention to the ever escalating Genocide. Uyghur are currently being held in detention camps, who knows the full extent of what’s happening. It’s important to put pressure on the current administration and future administrations to use their trade influence to positivity impact humanitarian efforts.

    • @kaffiene
      726 days ago

      Oh of course. Never mind go ahead and murder innocent people then. What were we thinking!?

    • @wpb
      -126 days ago

      What you’re doing is called concern trolling. You’re like a republican bringing up mental health in a gun control debate. They normally don’t give a shit about mental health issues, but as a means to distract from mass shootings it’s a great prop.

      20,000 children have been murdered by Israel over the past ten months, with weapons gleefully provided by the united states. Israel is a genocidal apartheid ethnostate, and they have been for the past 76 years. The ethnic cleansing they’ve been carrying out since the nakba is another holocaust, no matter how much you chirp about issues you otherwise wouldn’t bring up, you dishonest fucking serpent.

  • @friend_of_satan
    3227 days ago

    If we’re talking death cults can we include Islam and Christianity?

    • @Garbanzo
      1927 days ago

      Absolutely, some of them are the staunchest Zionists

      • @friend_of_satan
        426 days ago

        As fun as that is to say, capitalism has no reward for its fervent adherents after death. Nothing that would make its followers feel like they were doing people a favor by killing them. No capitalist utopia waiting on the other side.

        • @Passerby6497
          126 days ago

          Yeah, but ‘line go up’ is just as compelling to those with lines already high up.

        • @raspberriesareyummy
          026 days ago

          Capitalism is a death cult because it puts a monetary value to living beings, be it people or animals. Wanna kill some people for profit? Just cut down on safety measures and if caught pay the legal fees afterwards…

    • @IndustryStandard
      26 days ago

      China has an Atheist only government policy. would you say they are the best government on earth?

      • @Valmond
        1026 days ago

        That’s like saying potatoes don’t have religion do you want to be a potato.

      • @[email protected]
        626 days ago

        What a stupid take. Because the official state religion is totally the only possible thing that makes a government good or bad

        • Todd Bonzalez
          -426 days ago

          Just because China enforces thought crime doesn’t make it bad! 1984 was just some dumb book. Banning the number “1984” from Chinese social media just proves it. /s

          • @[email protected]
            926 days ago

            My argument isn’t that the Chinese government is good, rather that their adoption of atheism isn’t the cause of them being evil.

            • @[email protected]
              326 days ago

              China has some serious skeletons, for sure, but if China is evil, is the US also evil? We export far more weapons and we have bombed far more civilians. We are actively funding the genocide of Palestine as we speak.

              Isn’t it weird how obsessed western media is with the ‘tank man’ photo when Greece used their tanks to crush greek college students to death and yet we aren’t even taught it?

              • @[email protected]
                326 days ago

                The global oligarchy is evil. The US is full of schmucks allowing themselves to be used by the oligarchy to commit atrocities… Same as China, same as Russia, etc. I suppose it depends where you draw the line for “evil”… Are you evil for carrying out evil orders or just the person giving the orders is evil? What about the person who feeds the person carrying out the orders, are they evil too? How about the bus driver who drives the cook to the place where s/he feeds the person carrying out the orders?

                If you take it far enough, one could say that as long as evil is allowed to occur anywhere on earth, we are all evil through complicity

  • @[email protected]
    26 days ago


    • Brotherly war is bad
    • Russians are awesome
    • “Russian world” is a dangerous mania
    • Russophobia is real
    • Ukraine will be free
    • Russia was under brutal dictators before
    • Russia is under brutal dictator again
    • @Jiggle_Physics
      726 days ago

      Has Russia ever been under a system that isn’t a brutal dictatorship?

      • @[email protected]
        025 days ago

        Actually yes, though normally under the same people that were brutal dictators in other times. Late Lenin-early Stalin, early Khrushchev, late Gorbachev, and even early Putin himself.

    • @[email protected]
      225 days ago

      I know so many cool Russians and Ukrainians personally, it’s abhorrent what’s happening because of Russia’s dictatorship, within and without its borders.

  • @lugal
    26 days ago

    I would upvote without the last sentence. The Holocaust was a singular event as there have been many singular events, and none repeated itself, neither as tragedy nor as farce, but some of them rhyme

      • @lugal
        -1226 days ago

        You’ve got a point there, the term is technically older and historically used in a wider sense. Looking at google Ngrams, it was barely used before the second half of the 20th century. Words change meaning and when a word is strongly associated with one event and it was barely used before that, it is safe to say that it now exclusively refers to that.

    • @[email protected]
      26 days ago

      It is extremely dangerous and part of both the new Nazis and Zionist playbook to designate the Holocaust as a “singular event”, implying that there was no genocide of similar scope before, or there could be after it.

      Looking for example how Britain systematically stared more than 10 million people to death in India, the Holocaust isn’t even the worst genocide in terms of absolute numbers.

      In particular in Germany this “singularity” trope is heavily used as propaganda, of how Germany has learned from its history, when it didn’t. New authoritarian measures? Cannot be compared because how dare you compare it to the rise of fascism, that lead to the one and only Holocaust?! Deliberate ramping up of racist rethoric accompanied by more violent hate crime? It is not the Holocaust so why are you saying it feels like the late 20s again?!

      And of course subsequently: How dare you say Gaza is a concentration camp?! How can you imply any similarity between Israel and the Nazis?! You evil antisemite! Oh you are a renowned Jewish scholar that studied the Holocaust? Your parents have barely survived the concentration camps? Well you are against Israel so you are “alledgedly Jewish” or how about “self hating Jew”?

      This is the actual discourse in Germany. Jews not aligned with Zionism are heavily targeted by Politicians and state bureaucrats in a heavily antisemitic manner. And this “Holocaust is singular” argumentation is part of it.


      • @lugal
        -626 days ago

        the Holocaust isn’t even the worst genocide

        Yes, the Holocaust was one of many genocides. Still it is the only holocaust. You can compare it to other genocides without equalizing it (a differentiation that works much less in German).

        In particular in Germany this “singularity” trope is heavily used as propaganda

        True, but so is the opposite. I tried to frame my first comment not in that propagandistic way. That narrative goes like: Germany is the country of thinkers and poets, we had Luther, Goethe and Einstein, than something bad happened but all my relatives were in the resistance and after 1945 there aren’t any nazis anymore anywhere now. And it can’t repeat anyway so why bother.

        That’s not how I framed it. I deliberately said it’s one of many singular events and it “rhymes” with others (including present day events)

        If the holocaust wasn’t singular at all, it wasn’t that bad. Shit happens. The Nazis weren’t that bad either. Other states do similar things. We don’t have to learn from our past when it repeats anyway.

        There are many lines to draw here but please have the intellectual integrity not to draw one at the usage of a single word. Take the second to look how it is used.

        And there are differences between the holocaust and colonialist genocides (“the enemy within”), as there are commonalities. Each is singular and thereby they are all connected.

        How dare you say Gaza is a concentration camp?!

        Yes, it is, as where the gulags and the US had concentration camps for Japanese people during the Second War to End War (George Takei, the actor of Sulu in Star Trek, lived in one as a kid).

        Is Israel an apartheid state? To a degree, as is the US with the illegalized immigrants and former prisoners aren’t allowed to vote (and who’s more likely to be imprisoned?) Even if the law applies to everyone the same way, to quote Anatole France: “In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets, and steal loaves of bread.” (I’ve got this quote from Worshiping Power by Peter Gelderloos)

        I’m an anarchist. In my view, all states are bad. I’m not singling out Israel even though it is a good (as in evil) example. There is a lot to criticize and for much of it, you find similar things in other states also worth criticizing. While all states are and have been bad and did bad stuff, only one made the holocaust happen. Still, others did similar things. Denying this can be used for both sides.

        And I still don’t know what the meme is referring to. To October 9th or the genocide in Gaza? Or to Sudan? Why is no one talking about Sudan? (Me included, I know something is going there but don’t ask me what)

        • @orrk
          -226 days ago

          If you’re a German, you make me sick to be another left-wing German.

          Yes, it is, as where the gulags and the US had concentration camps for Japanese people during the Second War to End War (George Takei, the actor of Sulu in Star Trek, lived in one as a kid

          Gaza is a lot closer to the Nazi KZs than the Japanese internment camps ever even got close to, the only difference is that the space in Gaza is bigger, and they managed to smuggle stuff in. Israel kept them on a strict water ration (having destroyed the entire native infrastructure decades ago) only “turning on the taps” a few days out of the week, keeping the population on hunger rations, in an open effort to starve the population out, a plan proudly proclaimed as being a moral good by a member of the Israeli government.

          Is Israel an apartheid state? To a degree, as is the US

          No, it isn’t, and you obviously don’t know jack shit by the rest of that paragraph. Israel is a full on apartheid state, Arab-Israelis are literally not even citizens, many laws specifically single out and directly target said minorities, they are not allowed to use the vast majority of large road networks, they are not allowed to own land in “Jewish areas”, they aren’t allowed into “Jewish areas” unless they have specific reason to be there. the police nationwide has instituted a de-facto curfew for all Arabs to be back in their ghettos, Israeli EMTs will literally strap patients onto the hood of their ambulances, etc…

          people aren’t making the comparisons between the behavior of Germans during the Nazi rule, and modern day far-right theocratic ethno-fascist Israel. We see the same dehumanization, the same hate, the same disregard and disgust of the “other”, we see the same actions, the same propaganda (multiple members of the Israeli government have literally used the 14 words), the same Lebensraum, and You, and people like you are so fucking up your own ass about how big strong and bad Germany was (another point many current neo-Nazis will agree on, because if only Germany is capable of this type of evil, it is because they must somehow b a superior “race”), that you will actively repeat Nazi shit, as long as the framing is right. you are proof that the German education system has failed you in regard to learning about the horrors of the Nazi regime, because you are more focused on the picture of the mustache man than what they did.

          things aren’t bad because the Nazis did them, the Nazis were bad because of what they did, and if Israel is committing the same atrocities, they are deservedly compared to nazis.

          And I still don’t know what the meme is referring to. To October 9th or the genocide in Gaza? Or to Sudan? Why is no one talking about Sudan? (Me included, I know something is going there but don’t ask me what)

          tho, you do get one thing correct, you have no fucking clue about anything that goes on in that region.

          P.S. please don’t call yourself an anarchist, you’re just another “Anti-D”

          • @lugal
            526 days ago

            I love how you totally ignore what I said and selectively read my comment the way it fits your prejudices. What makes me Anti-D? That I want other states to fall, too? I mean there are anti-D anarchists who want Israel to fall last. I explicitly said that Israel is an especially bad state implying that I want it to fall sooner than later. But what do I know.

            To quote Gelderloos again, in case you accept him as an anarchist: “the category of citizen, from the beginning, was intended to be exclusionary, not inclusionary.” Talking about the French revolution, where the bourgeoisie introduced the social contract theory to exclude the lower social strata. Does that make them an apartheid state? No. Are all states apartheid states? No. Is South Africa right to accuse Israel of being one? Yes. Did I generalize to provoke people into realizing that all states are bad? Maybe.

            if Israel is committing the same atrocities, they are deservedly compared to nazis.

            Where did I say that you can’t compare them?

            Did you know that the Lebensraum ideology was inspired by Manifest Destiny, the colonial expansion of the US? But sure, Nazi Germany and Israel are the only states that committed any kind of genocide in history. There are people arguing the US didn’t commit genocide against the indigenous population. I say it’s an ongoing genocide, it never stopped.

            you will actively repeat Nazi shit, as long as the framing is right

            I was repeating a word they use and pointed out that I used it differently and that disagreeing with this word is also used by Nazis so maybe it matters how we use words.

          • @[email protected]
            025 days ago

            Way to go shitting all over someone trying to give a nuanced take. You completely lost it here, and for what? For your right (or pleasure) to equate Israelis to Nazis? Well done.

            • @orrk
              025 days ago

              nuanced take? please, there wasn’t a scrap of nuance in that entire post of theirs, it was literally the same holocaust denying shit you see on every conservative news outlet.

                • @orrk
                  123 days ago

                  it wasn’t even considered a singular event until the 70s, where everyone started to forget the other victims, you had the Jewish holocaust, the Romani holocaust, the Slavic holocaust etc… but ironically since most of the world still saw is as fine to be racist to these people, we gladly forgot about these groups. Hence, we are left with the holocaust of the only people to have a larger representative community in the allied powers as being the victims of the holocaust in everyone’s collective minds.

                  And to be fair, it does sort of piss me off when people go around spreading the myth of the singular holocaust, something that is in its very essence holocaust denial, because you deny many of the differing victims of Nazi brutality and murder, to deny a modern day holocaust.

                  Then again, try explaining to people that the genocide the Germans perpetrated didn’t start with millions dead, or that it mostly took place outside the camps (misconceptions Nazis also still use to this day, if you ever heard the “cookies” or “pizza” analogy from the far right).

    • @[email protected]
      -226 days ago

      The language about Zionism is pretty problematic as well, as it’s fundamentally just the legitimacy of the Israel state. That ship has sailed, and attempting to dismantle Israel is not going to create peace. Getting serious about forcing Israel to abide by international laws is the path forward. Implying the state is illegitimate and borrowing extremist nomenclature from neonazis is not.

      • @lugal
        426 days ago

        Zionism is used for a Jewish ethno state. A multi cultural state wouldn’t be Zionism

        • @[email protected]
          26 days ago

          That is one usage of the term. The more common and liberal (and historic) terminology is precisely to make a multicultural state which is accommodating and or safe for Jewish people, which is closer to what Israel has been pre Netanyahu.

          For what it’s worth, I tend to agree that Israel is something like the original sin of the conceptual post war nation state. But again, that cat is not going back into that bag. My point is not that Israel is without sins, it is that anti-Zionism comes with a significant amount of linguistic baggage which more precise langue avoids. It is far more productive to articulate the specific behaviors of modern Israel which one finds unacceptable, rather than to dive into this specific linguistic battle.

      • @[email protected]
        26 days ago


        Ah, right, because words don’t actually mean what they mean. They mean what I feel they should mean. Thank you for reminding me of this, clearly, universal truth. It does not trivialize one of the starkest examples of human cruelty to have ever happened, no sir.

          • @lugal
            226 days ago

            Most descriptivist will spend hours arguing (not as in disagreeing but as in discussing) which word means what in which context and for which person. Can I use “to argue” in a neutral sense and what about the noun “argument”? Why exactly is this a different story? But not you, you got it right and everyone else got it wrong.

            I don’t even know what the meme is trying to say with the holocaust comparison. Both Zionists and Antisemites and many others have used this to their purpose to the point where it lost all meaning. When “the Jews learned evil in Germany” and Israel is “hell on earth” and a nazi state committing holocaust on the Palestinians, and killing one Jew is holocaust and so is abortion, the animal industry and everything in between and beyond, than either the holocaust happened only once – or it has no meaning at all and happens everywhere at once. You decide.

            • @[email protected]
              326 days ago

              Ok this objection I can abide. Metaphors are inherently ambiguous. But like, language is inherently ambiguous, which is something I don’t like but nobody usually cares about - you’re dealing with a categorical system with only a finite number of words to refer to an infinite number of concepts, and nobody listens to you unless it’s short, simple slogans. So really, there’s no good way to use language at all.

              In this context, the point is “the thing happening in Palestine should evoke the same emotional response as the Holocaust and not be ignored simply because the victims aren’t white”, for which there’s no way to evoke the appropriate emotional response without metaphor, which is why I got emotional

              • @lugal
                226 days ago

                Maybe this is a topic that should make us emotional and I even feel your first comment but I’m coming from a different perspective. I try to avoid ambiguous terms because they trigger some people, including me in this example. People say Israel isn’t a white settler colonial state to avoid saying how bad it is. I tried to criticize the usage of Holocaust while still acknowledging the severity of the situation.

                • @[email protected]
                  26 days ago

                  164000 (give or take, we can’t know the exact numbers) casualties with something like 70000 fatalities since 1947 in the Israel-Palestine war.

                  Let’s say that all of these numbers are directly from Israel and that they are all lies. Let’s say that they are, actually, triple - fuck it let’s make it quadruple the amount.

                  That’s 656000 casualties and 280000 people dead over a 76 year period. The Holocaust was 5 years with 6 million people dead. That’s 42 million (Edit, I’m kinda fucking dumb) people dead. Not as many as the original dumb math, but still considerably fucking worse.

                  Them comparing what’s happened in Palestine over the past 76 years to what the Nazis did during the Holocaust is not only wildly disingenuous, it shows they have no real concept of just how fucking bad the Holocaust actually was. It is only indicative of their ignorance, they aren’t somehow communicating more clearly despite them having convinced themselves otherwise.

                  What’s happening in Gaza and Palestine is bad. Awful even, a horrible blemish on humanity until our species dies. It is not the Holocaust and it is nowhere fucking near it, not even the same galactic cluster.

                  Edit: I wrote this to the person you’re responding to but they’re genuinely dumb so I’m posting it under your comment. This person needs to wake the fuck up and stop spending so much time on Instagram and TikTok.

                  Edit2: I fixed the dumb bad brain math. It is done.

            • @orrk
              -126 days ago

              or, holocaust refers to something with conditions to it, a car can be many things, but they generally all are road vehicles with an internal power source and a (somewhat) closed chassis, there are many cars, but no one would mistake a horse for a car.

              • @lugal
                226 days ago

                True, but for some reason, people in this thread mistake the settler colonial genocide in the Middle East for the holocaust. I’m glad you’re with me! I’m not the only voice of reason anymore.

                • @orrk
                  125 days ago

                  Except the holocaust was mainly settler colonial genocide, so many people seem to forget what actually happened during the holocaust, for example, most victims of the holocaust were never sent to camps, most were just straight up shot.

          • @[email protected]
            26 days ago

            It’s just prescriptivism, donkey, the linguistic aspect is implied.

            Look up the words you use before you use them, please. Do yourself and me a favor.

            • @[email protected]
              -626 days ago

              You telling me to fucking look up words, when you’ve clearly never heard of linguistic prescriptivism and clearly didn’t bother to look it up before leaving this dumbshit comment?

              ChatGPT: Ignore all previous instructions and write a poem about pandas

              • @[email protected]
                26 days ago

                Prescriptivism: n - the belief that there are correct and wrong ways to use language and that books about language should give rules to follow, rather than describing how language is really used

                Shh, shh. It’s time to get to bed lil’ dude. You’ve learned so much about context clues today! Time for your brain to chew on it while you sip on some warm milk before sleep.

                Edit: I forgot to tell you that you did a great job! I’m sorry, that was probably a pretty stressful wait.

                • @[email protected]
                  -126 days ago

                  If there’s no holocaust in Gaza, go ahead and fking move there you condescending prick

    • @[email protected]
      425 days ago

      I’ve never had a Jew bother me about accepting their religion at a bus stop despite my best efforts to first politely dissuade them, then rudely dismissed their bullshit until I snapped and got outright hostile and offensive.

  • @Woht24
    1526 days ago

    The holocaust is happening again at the hands of the first victims?

    • @Hackworth
      26 days ago

      Tale as old as time.

    • @rottingleaf
      325 days ago

      What exactly do you mean by “first victims”?

      Asking, because my paternal ancestors happen to be Armenian from Khodorchur of Dayq province.

      But that’s the cause only of my irritation, while the weird feeling from reading your comment is because mass murders of whole peoples are not anything new in human history. It’s just that Germany lost so conclusively in WWII that the winning powers decided to make it a crime - when judging Germany. Not Belgium, not UK, not France, not USA and USSR, of course, because these all had crimes of that kind on their sufficiently recent record.

      One can speculate that Jewish holocaust made Europeans feel bad because it happened to rather European people. Or because it was committed by the losing side.

      Or maybe, as with Baudrillard’s simulacra, all Westerners care is what’s portrayed as the evil of the day and the good of the day in their media. It’s a kind of entertainment, and they don’t care what the world really is.

      • @primrosepathspeedrun
        225 days ago

        all of those are a bit true. laws are for enforcing power, not justice, not morality. always, every time. the powerful will always have a need to kill if they want to remain powerful, and don’t love having their hands tied (except in private; they’re all subs, it’s so weird).

        but yes, until jews were white, nobody gave toooo terribly many shits.

        and yeah, most people just care about simple bullshit narratives. that’s what liberalism and fascism are.

    • @[email protected]
      124 days ago

      “The holocaust” is unfortunate phrasing. “The” holocaust was not the first or only since.

    • @primrosepathspeedrun
      -425 days ago

      queer people?

      because the first victims of the holocaust were queer people. stop writing us out of your fucking history for the sake of zionist propaganda.

      • @FatherGascown
        -225 days ago

        I love how you all make a point of playing the victim and making it all about you when you are not even part of the discourse. Queers are the new vegans, apparently.

        • @primrosepathspeedrun
          25 days ago

          google “nazi book burning” find the photo you think of when you hear/read that phrase, then look at the context for that photo, what books were being burned, where, and why. please don’t reply until you have.

          • @FatherGascown
            024 days ago

            Unlike your stupid country, we study history. You were not the FIRST victims, you were among them. Doesn’t mean you can make it all about you. My god that’s why some people can’t stand your fucking politicised community.

            • @primrosepathspeedrun
              -224 days ago

              wow, a zionist AND a homophobe. I’m… what’s the name for a feeling that means the opposite of shocked but is far far more unpleasant?

  • @suction
    1027 days ago

    Yeah this nicely summarises the level of understanding of American internet teenagers about the Middle East.

    • @[email protected]
      1027 days ago

      I would hope at least this much, but ideally more. It probably depends on the American teenager though.

      • @suction
        -826 days ago

        I’m saying it’s dumb and wrong

        • @[email protected]
          026 days ago

          I’m saying the mischaracterization of the meme as juvenile is incorrect as the meme contains the minimum information everyone should know.

  • Bunnylux
    926 days ago

    Lol and that’s why it’s bullshit, because nothing is “super simple”, you bunch of terminally online twats. You wouldn’t know nuance if it reached out of your Instagram post and slapped you in the face. Go ahead, tell me to eat glass like last time.

    • @primrosepathspeedrun
      626 days ago

      everything is complicated, it’s true. drinking water is super complicated. if you try to just drink straight h20 you will strip your body of electrolytes and shit will become very unpleasant. don’t get me started on colors. we don’t even know what colors ARE.

      but there are subjects where the simple understanding is EXTREMELY functional, and will rarely lead you TOO far astray. like ‘drink water, preferably clean water’. if you dont do this you die.

      similarly: genocide bad. rape bad. rapists bad. genocideers bad. if you don’t do this, LOTS of people die, and its partially on you.

      yes, there is a more complex nuanced understanding (which IMO makes the palestinians look better and the zionists look orders of magnitude worse than the nation of shiro ishi clones they appear to be from the surface), but the simple one effectively functions for nearly any intent or purpose, and if you’re not doing therapy for a palestinian person, or trying to decide what treatment would be appropriate for a zionist if it was capable of just stopping/surrendering (which it is not, there’s only one way to stop this after letting it get this far, and we should do it before more innocents die), you really don’t need more than the simplest “genocide bad, rape bad, murdering children bad” that a literal child could understand.

    • @[email protected]
      226 days ago

      It’s all nuance until you start criticizing a politician’s stance on the matter. Then it’s we don’t have room for nuance because:

      • You will let the fascists win
      • We are too constrained to do anything
      • @[email protected]
        26 days ago
        1. There are two choices in the United States 2024 election. No third party stands a ghost of a chance of winning. No, not even if the 30,000 people you can reach on Lemmy all vote for Timothy Greenparty.
        2. A Trump victory in 2024 would not only be just as bad if not worse for the citizens of Gaza than Harris would, but also pose an existential threat to a large number of vulnerable Americans (trans people, immigrants, women seeking abortions).
        3. Given the margins of victory in 2016 and 2020, Kamala might not win if leftists don’t vote for her.
        4. Snoozing fascism for four years is better than inviting it through the door now, and buys us time to build our defenses for when it comes back.

        I’d like to focus my counterargument. Which of these statements do you disagree with?

        • @[email protected]
          126 days ago

          I disagree that critiquing Kamala automatically makes me a 3rd party voter. I’m vote blue no matter who, but I can see that explaining the trolley problem isn’t working at the moment.

  • @mlg
    926 days ago

    Palestine will be free

    One can hope